Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) PART A – YOUR DETAILS Are you: An Individual An Organisation Other (please specify) Personal Details* Agent’s Details (if applicable) **Title Messrs Mr **First Name Sam **Last Name Hurley, Mellors, Roper, Curtis and Metson Smith Job Title Associate (if on behalf of an organisation) Organisation Bidwells (if applicable) **Address Telephone Number **Email Address *if an agent is appointed, you may wish to complete only the title and name boxes and, if applicable, the organisation box but please complete the full contact details for the agent. **Name and either email or address required if you wish to be added to the consultation database (see below). Consultation Database (Mailing List) The Councils have a Consultation Database (mailing list) used to keep individuals and organisations informed about Planning Policy Documents across both Council areas. Documents include: the Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents and Neighbourhood Plans, (please note some plans may not be applicable to your area). Chiltern District Council and South Bucks District Council are the Data Controllers for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. Individuals and organisations on the Planning Policy Consultation Database will only be contacted by the Councils in relation to the preparation and production of planning policy documents. The Councils will not publish the names of those individuals on the database but may publish names of statutory bodies and organisations at certain stages of the Local Plan process. Please indicate if you want to be added to the joint consultation database (tick box below). Please note: you do not need to tick this box if you received a letter or email notification from the Councils prior to the start of the consultation, as you are already registered. Page 1 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) PART B – RESPONSE Green Belt Options – Please Provide your Comments The Councils have concluded that land within the Green Belt will need to be released in order to contribute to meeting development needs to 2036. This is despite maximising opportunities on ‘brownfield land’ or sites within the built areas and on previously developed land in the Green Belt. The Councils have identified 15 preferred options for development in the Green Belt after taking account of views expressed in a consultation earlier this year and testing a full range of options. All of these preferred options if suitable for development will be needed to contribute to our development needs. They are ‘preferred’ options at this stage as work is on-going to test their suitability. Further testing following this consultation will establish what infrastructure (e.g. highway improvements, schools, medical facilities etc.) will be needed to support the options moving forward taking into account current pressures and circumstances. We are consulting on these 15 preferred options to: a) Seek views to help determine their suitability for development; b) Help understand views on what type of development should be sought if suitable and what type of requirements (other than infrastructure) should be secured as part of development; c) Enable comments on the draft technical work supporting the selection of the preferred options; and d) Provide the opportunity for alternative options to be put forward. Evidence and background documents are available here: www.chiltern.gov.uk/planning/localplan2014- 2036/evidence and www.southbucks.gov.uk/planning/localplan2014-2036/evidence. When commenting please clearly indicate which preferred option(s) you are commenting on. Please do not provide any personal information you do not want to be made publically available as these comments may be published at a later date. Land south of Britwell Road, Burnham SL1 8DF See separate Representations Report and Master Plan Design Study. Page 2 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) LAND SOUTH OF BRITWELL ROAD, BURNHAM REPRESENTATIONS TO CHILTERN AND SOUTH BUCKS GREEN BELT PREFERRED OPTIONS Page 3 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Planning policy context 3 3.0 Site context 5 4.0 Representations 8 5.0 Conclusion 11 Appendix 1 EXTRACT FROM DRAFT GREEN BELT ASSESSMENT (OCTOBER 2016) Appendix 2 TABLE OF ACCESSIBILITY TO LOCAL SERVICES Page 4 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) Quality Assurance Site name: Surplus land south of Britwell Road, Burnham Client name: Type of report: Representations to Chiltern and South Bucks Green Belt Preferred Options Prepared by: Sam Metson Signed Date 12 December 2016 Reviewed by: Ray Houghton BSc (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI Signed Date 12 December 2016 Page 5 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) 1.0 Introduction 1.1 These representations have been prepared on behalf of the owners of land south of Britwell Road, Burnham (hereafter referred to as “the site”) in response to Chiltern District Council and South Bucks’ District Council’s (hereafter referred to as “the Councils”) Local Plan Green Belt Preferred Options Consultation. The site comprises parcels 4.304 and 4.305 identified in the Councils’ Draft Green Belt Assessment (October 2016 – copied at Appendix 1) and shown in the accompanying Master Plan Design Study. 1.2 The Councils have established that major Green Belt release is required in order to meet objectively assessed housing and other development needs. They are proposing release of 15 strategic sites as their Preferred Options, which are currently subject to consultation. 1.3 Land south of Britwell Road has not been proposed as a Preferred Option for release in the Local Plan consultation, apparently due to concerns about its potential impacts on the Green Belt following publication of the Draft Green Belt Assessment. 1.4 The landowners have commissioned Bidwells to undertake a thorough analysis of the site’s main constraints and develop an initial masterplan for its development. These representations present more detailed proposals for the site and seek to demonstrate how the concerns raised in the Draft Green Belt Assessment can be overcome through an appropriately designed masterplan that responds to the context and constraints of the site. The accompanying Master Plan Design Study puts forward a conceptual proposal for development that would deliver a high quality scheme for around 20 new dwellings alongside publically accessible natural green space without compromising the objectives of the Green Belt. 1.5 The representations demonstrate that the site offers an exceptional opportunity to deliver much needed new housing and accessible green space on vacant scrub land in a highly sustainable location. The landowners urge the Councils to review its Green Belt designation to ensure this opportunity is not ignored at a time when considerable Green Belt release is necessary to address identified development needs. Page 6 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) 2.0 Planning policy context Local planning policy 2.1 The site lies within the Green Belt as designated by South Bucks District Council's adopted Proposals Map (2011). The western and part of the southern boundary of the site adjoins Burnham’s current settlement development boundary. There are no other planning policy designations currently applicable to the site, as illustrated by the Proposals Map extract below. Extract from South Bucks District Council's adopted Proposals Map (2011) showing the current Green Belt boundary on the western boundary of the site 2.2 The spatial strategy of the Council’s adopted Core Strategy (2011) identifies Burnham as one of three Principal Settlements which are currently the main focus for new development in the District. The Local Plan recognises that Burnham has a good range of schools, transport links and health and community facilities and a close relationship with the adjacent regional centre of Slough. 2.3 In conjunction with Chiltern District Council, South Bucks Council is currently taking forward proposals for a new Local Plan to address development needs during the period 2014 to 2036. The evidence base supporting the emerging Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan establishes the need to release substantial areas of Green Belt to address housing and other development needs during the Plan period. 2.4 The Councils are currently consulting on proposals for the release of 15 Green Belt sites across the two districts identified as the Council’s Preferred Options for development. The sites extend to Page 7 of 82 Classification: OFFICIAL PORep2807 (REDACTED) 418ha of land currently designated as Green Belt, of which 293ha is said to be developable. They have been selected following an assessment of all sites put forward by landowners and developers for consideration for release via the Chiltern and South Bucks Draft Green Belt Assessment, which was published in October 2016. 2.5 The Draft Green Belt Assessment suggests that the site (site refs: 4.304 and 4.305) was discounted from consideration for Green Belt release because: ● It would facilitate coalescence of Burnham and Slough ● It would sever the Burnham Grammar School area of Green Belt to the south; and ● A permanent and defensible amended Green Belt boundary could not be identified. 2.6 The landowners’ response to these conclusions are discussed further in section 4. National planning policy 2.7 The National Planning Policy Framework (hereafter referred to as “the Framework”) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England. It is a material consideration of considerable weight in the determination of planning applications and is an essential guide in the preparation of Local Plans. 2.8 Paragraph 80 of the Framework confirms that the Green Belt serves five purposes, which are: 1) To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas: 2) To prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another: 3) To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment: 4) To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns: 5) To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
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