Emilio Del Giudice 1940-2014 milio Del Giudice, a prominent Italian quantum physi- his speech was so clear and imaginative and, for the first E cist known to all in the cold fusion field, passed away time, I had the impression to have really understood what unexpectedly on January 31 at the age of 74. He had worked cold fusion phenomenon implies in the comprehension of closely with Martin Fleischmann and Giuliano Preparata. condensed matter. In spite of his elegance and lightness even Del Giudice was born in Naples, Italy on January 1, 1940. when he talked about complex problems in physics, his He received a physics degree in 1961 from the University of descriptions were never sloppy or inaccurate; on the con- Naples; he was an assistant professor in the Faculty of trary, he knew the physics very well because he understood Sciences there from 1963 to 1976. He was at the the real significance of the concept and the implications out- Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for side the mere scientific implications. As an example, he was Theoretical Physics (Cambridge, U.S.) from 1969 to 1972 the only one I have ever known able to calculate the radius and the Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark) from of the hydrogen atom with two decimals without writing 1974 to 1976. any formula but only applying first principles of quantum Since 1976, Del Giudice worked at the Milano branch of mechanics or able to explain how the concept of intrinsic the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics. He was oscillating particles in quantum mechanics compels the first a research associate and became a senior scientist in gauge invariance and coupling with the electromagnetic 1988 until his recent retirement. His main interests were field. quantum field theory and physics of collective and coherent After Nagoya we became good friends, or, I have to say processes, but he also investigated the structure of liquid that he became my teacher. After the years we spent togeth- water. er and working with Giuliano Preparata performing experi- Del Giudice was awarded the Prigogine Medal in 2009; the ments on cold fusion in my laboratory in Frascati and, after award is presented by the University of Siena and the Wessex Giuliano passing away, Emilio led me into the study of bio- Institute of Technology (WIT) in honor of Ilya Prigogine and logical matter physics, his favorite subject since the 1980s is given annually for the best paper presented at a WIT con- when he studied this theme with his teacher and friend ference or submitted to the International Journal of Design and Herbert Fröhlich. Cold fusion has been for him just a case- Nature and Ecodynamics on the topic of ecological systems. study about the collective dynamics inside the condensed His lecture was entitled “The Interplay of Quantum Field matter. His last participation at an ICCF was in 2003 in Theory and Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes as a Cambridge, Massachusetts where he gave a talk titled “Are Conceptual Basis for Biology and Ecosystem Dynamics.” the Nuclear Transmutations Observed at Low Energies Del Giudice authored nearly 100 papers, primarily on Consequences of QED Coherence?” The thesis exposed that potential scattering dual models and electrodynamical nuclear transmutations at low energies are only possible coherence in condensed matter. In 2010, he and Maurizio considering the presence of excitations emerging from Torrealta authored Il Segreto delle Tre Pallottole (The Secret of nuclear reactions (γ-rays from dd fusion). As an example, the Three Bullets), a book about nuclear energy with a focus through the giant resonance mechanism, the electromag- on cold fusion. The book alternately uses fiction and fact to netic field couples with the closed shells present in the highlight perspectives about nuclear energy and the lack of nuclei of the lattice, provoking a violent shake and the con- attention paid to cold fusion. An English version of the book sequent breaking of the nuclei along the minimum energy will be published in October by TrineDay Publishing bounds. The underlying concept was that cold fusion cannot (http://www.trineday.com/). be a localized event. Below some of Emilio Del Giudice’s colleagues and friends Emilio was not interested in cold fusion applications. He share their remembrances. was intimately convinced that human beings don’t need a new unlimited and free source of energy, at least until we Antonella De Ninno learn the correct way to use the energy, looking at the sus- I met Emilio in 1992 in Nagoya, Japan. We were both tainability of the use of the resources, avoiding waste and there for a conference, one in the ICCF series. I was struck by considering the Earth as a gentle home where we are the his humor and his very friendly way of talking with every- guests and not the landlords. He was also very distressed body. I was especially attracted by his neapolitan accent (eas- when he understood all the possible non-civil implications ily distinguishable even when he spoke English) so familiar of low energy nuclear reactions. The thesis of his book Il for me. But I was literary moved when I listened to his talk: Segreto delle Tre Pallottole is that LENR have been known for 10 INFINITE ENERGY • ISSUE 114 • MARCH/APRIL 2014 many years from the military apparatus of the main military Emilio. With him I could smell the pleasure of researching powers and have already been experimented with in several and reasoning. .even that of discovery. But the discovery war theatres. This helps to explain the wave of violent dis- showed the risk of turning immediately into a dogma, and credit launched against cold fusion since 1989 by the aca- he preferred not to miss the theoretical height from which demic and official apparatus. he saw the world and avoided compromising with ratings Emilio never separated his social belief from scientific and reviews. It was the elegance of the skeleton he sought, activity because he was strongly convinced that scientific then the skeletons could be beautiful or ugly, young or old, ideas just reflect the vision of the society and of the rela- but did not change the evidence of their essence: they tionship among individuals. I have learned from him that remained full of water and it was the consistency of water the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics does and its states of coherence that interested him more than not coincide with a mathematical formalism choice but rep- still forms of bodies. resents instead the triumph of individualism in the twenti- After a lot of effort, thanks to his explanations, I could eth century (the reality is in principle un-knowledgeable and vaguely understand what happens in the lattice of palladium subjective) while the quantum fields theory introduces the when isotopes of hydrogen, are so close to each other, fuse epistemological concept of a unitary Universe where the together and tame nuclear fusion at room temperature. fields are the mattress where material bodies move, acted Happy about my enlightening, I asked him why he had upon by non-local and non-causal forces. decided not to deal with that research anymore. He told me The very powerful message of Emilio’s teaching is the re- that in the future he would research only the state of coher- discovery and elaboration of the concept that matter is not ence of water. A nuclear process at low intensity could offer passive but is instead capable of auto-motion and that the more power, but would revive an increase in consumption of isolated body is only an abstraction deriving from un-con- energy, not a decline, and this would have been harmful and fessed social individualism. The reality is instead based on a useless to mankind. unitary concept and on collective behaviors according to the Emilio never refused to explain to me a mysterious teaching of Giordano Bruno and Karl Marx, who Emilio process or a counterintuitive phenomenon. He was so inter- loved to quote. His major aim was to unveil how the psyche ested in seeing the origin and the consequences of it for emerges from matter and he faced this impressive purpose mankind, in a pattern more broad. And that was his way of with the usual grace and restless enthusiasm. He worked considering himself a communist; he kept in mind the inter- with enthusiasm on the structure of liquid water until his ests of everyone, and he really loved everyone. He always last hours. A heart attack stopped his walk inspired by awe. was meticulous and precise as much as generous and affec- We will miss him until we will walk on the same trail. tionate. For example, he could make himself understood by all, even if he explained a complicated process. One time we Francesco Celani stopped to eat at a restaurant full of noisy students near the I first met Emilio Del Giudice around 1993 due to his col- university and Emilio, with his voice calibrated for a lesson laboration with Prof. Giuliano Preparata, who had been my with hundreds of students, explained to me how “matter” professor and became my colleague and friend. Both worked had been born before “time” and that “time,” being a vari- at Milan University (Emilio as a staff member/researcher at able of “matter,” could easily be crossed by the states of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, where I was also coherence of the matter that were in different time situa- employed; Giuliano as one of the most prestigious professors tions. As he explained these steps, the voices of the students of Nuclear Physics) and were involved in research on cold had turned into a religious silence, and when he finished the fusion phenomenologies.
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