ﺎﺋ ا ﭘﺎران ر و [ ] ISSN 2222-2375 10- ، و: 18 ، ن 2018 ع ع א א ي ي و אدو ، ، א ، אدو و، א، ، ن. وא . و [ [ ] ISSN 2222-2375 א: א ي : א ل و אو ل: ن، و: 17 ، ن 2018 ع ع : א : (א : 0300-3571976 ) ) : ، و אدو ، ، א ، אدو و، א، ، ن. אي : [email protected] ن : Ext:2024 021-99215371 ، : 0301-3852943 : ، א. 200 200 : All rights reserved. KAROONJHAR Bi-annual [Research Journal] ISSN 2222-2375 Edited by: Dr. Inayat Hussain Laghari Sub-Editors: Dr.Kamal Jamro & Seema Abro Year: 10th, Issue:17, June 2018 Published by: Department of Sindhi, Fedral Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, Abdul Haq Campus, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Composers: Rafique Bughio Layout: Fahim Solangi (Contact: 0300-3571976) Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 021-99215371 Ext: 2024 , Cell No. 0301-3852943 Printed by: Zaki Printers, Karachi. Prince: 200/= א ﭘو ا اﺎف وא ، و אدو ﭘو ا ﺎ ا ، ، א ، א. ار ﺑر و א א ي א א א א، א א אي و، אد ، ، א د ، א ، ن 382340 ، א و א א ق א و و אوא، א 3330 ، אو و و، א 1 ، و، ، א ، א. כ، 13850 א ي و ي ، و אدو ، 1505 ، 4900 אن א، ، א ، א. ، א ﺎن ﺎ א و א D-127 ، ووאכ و، د، 110095 א. ،، א ، א . و א א אدل و D-178 ، כ:3 ، ي ن، א. وאي ، . و א א و א ب אو ، ي ، 404 ، ، א ون و، و. ، א. א ن א א، א א B-13 ، א ، א ، ، و، א. Editorial Board’s Policies Review Process: All manuscripts are reviewed by an editor and members of the editorial boad or qualified outside reviewers. Decision will be made as rapidly as possible, and the journal strives to return reviewer’s com- ments to authors within two weeks. Articles: The papers must be typed for Sindhi (in MB Bhitai Sattar Font, Size 13) Urdu (in Noori Nastaleeq font, Size 14) and English (in Times New Roman font, Size 12) with double spaced on A-4 size paper. The title should be brief phrase describing the contents of the paper. The tile pages should include the author’s full names and affiliations. All manu- scripts to be send in hard copy along with the text in CD to mailing ad- dress of Department of Sindhi and also through email to [email protected] Abstract: The abstract should be informative and completely self- explanatory , briefly present the topic and state the scope of work. The abstract should be 100 to 200 words in length. Tables and Figures: Table should be kept to a minimum and be designed to be as simple as possible. Figure legends should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet. Graphics should be prepared using applications capable of generating high resolution GIF, TIFF, JPEG or Power Point before pasting in Microsoft Word manuscript file. Tables should be pre- pared in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher. Acknowledgment: The acknowledgment of people, grants, funds etc should be brief. References: In the text, a reference identified by means of an author’s name should be followed by the year of the reference in parentheses. Patterns are as following: c$+ي: آوا*، ,`و ، '`ﭼ$^ ( c ،( 1956$+ي )* P *Vﺎر+] `اﭼ* - Y,^رآﺑﺎد: c$+ي ادﺑ* ﺑ)ر اردو: ، ڈا، ’’ ا ا ‘‘ ، ص: 48 ، اد ادت ن، 2003 English: Deuze, M. (2005), “Professional identity and ideology of jour- nalists reconsidered”, Journalism, Vol.6, No.4, 422-464 You can follow the given other patterns in this journal also. Copyright: All the statements of fact and opinion expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not imply and endorsement on part or whole in any form/shape whatsoever by the editors or publishers. ي ﺎ .c`c 1ﺎر#ﮓ \)* \)Zﺎ* O 0 2& *V ا` $ﺎ+Y O," ﺎري 9 .2 ﺎ , c *V`,-اري ﺑﺎدري V) ) ر,% ﺎ ` 15 .c 3ﭽ V O `c) ز ﺎ#) c$^ن ﺎ`ي ا` Yﺎ * `و 31 .c 4$+ي )* *VV `Q] (V "W'ﺎﺋaو c,!ﺎ اﺑ.و 37 .5 ا ` ﭘ,`زادي V* #، “ `ط ” P (V$,^ي Vﺎﺋaو ا` ,` '`ا* 44 .6 و+`ا* ` ﮔ)% #,$* P (V)ر ا` !O ﺎ !% و+` 52 .P 7$)+` ﺒﺎV *c* ﺎ`ي c&ﺎ* V) ) ا` ا'% وcﺎ+) c) `و 58 .8 آﺎ c, V* #ﺎول “ او#^ا&* رP* رو" & ” V) ا\Q` ﮔ'$,) 68 P$,^ي Vﺎﺋaو 78 87 102 115 126 140 150 159 170 180 190 1. A Trans -Cultural Feministic Study OF Romana Jabeen Bukhari/ Tess OF The D’urbervilles And The Dr. Tahira Asgher Holy Woman 2. Subsistence OF Patriarchal Social Or- Muhammad Akbar ders Through Musical Discourse: A F em- Khan /Muhammad inist Critical Study AjmalKhurshid/NaZir Ahmed Malik 3. Mystical Services OF Jeelani Pirs OF Janwari Bashir Ahmed/ Ranipur ProF: Dr. Sahito Imdad Hussain/Tumrani Abdul Jabbar ار وﺎ* اردو +)#,)رc *V *c$+ي ﺒ* ﭘﺎران ار&)ن ( 18 ) !ﺎرو او&ﺎن O ^\ *V ﭘ, `ي ر&,ﺎ آ&,)ن. O,Y ا&ﺎ آ&* V ,ZP %P) \2 ﺎﺋ,$^ &)#^و آ&* ﭘ` V,-&" ان V* را&% رﺎو)ن P0)ن آو اﭼ" P% و+Q` ﭘ`+ﺎ#," اﺎ) ﺌ* )، ﺑﺎوV)د ا#'" ﺌ" V* “ ﺎرو#W'` ” وc O` )ﭙﺒ) ر&,) آ&*. ﮔ'.ي V* اد+ﺐ Z ,` ﺑ,` اY!^ ﺎري V* و))ي c *P$^ن `ز#^ ﺑﺎﺑ` \ﺎن ﺎري ,` ﺎYﺐ V* ﺎ ,` ,` اY!^ ﺎري O ^\ *V aP+ﺐ ﭘ, W* * دﺎ آ&* P% اﷲ Pﺎ*ٰ `Y)م ﮐ* O$V ا`دوس V'% ﺎ ` ﺎﺋ* c$^ن \ﺎ#^ان ﮐ* ﺒ` V!, ﺎ ` ﺎﺋ*. $'$W* \,ﺎل ,` ﺑ,` اY!^ \ﺎن ﺎري V* !* و ادﺑ* \^ c "Qﺎن ﮔ-وﮔ- c$^ن #ﺎ* cﺎن ﺎﺋ , /ﺋﺒ`+`ي “ ,` ﺑ,` اY!^ ﺎري ﭘﺒ2 /ﺋﺒ`+`ي ” ) ,` 0م * ﺎري، P) ﮔ'.ي #'ﺎ+O ﺋ* ا& آ&*، )ﺎﺎ P% &* /ﺋﺒ`+`ي c$+ي V* ')ر و+" /ﺋﺒ`+`+" ﺎن &2 آ&* ,` ﺎYﺐ &" /ﺋﺒ`+`ي ﮐ* ﺎﺋ ` P!ﺎم ﮔ'* Vﺎﮐ) ﺌ*. )ن ﮐ* ا ,^ آ&* P% ,` ﺑﺎﺑ` \ﺎن ﺎري V* ر&$!ﺎﺋ* &* /ﺋﺒ`+`ي ا* وا#ﮕ` ﺎم ﺎ'" ﮐ* , +$^ي ر&$^ي. )ن ﮐ* &* [` Yﺎ آ&* P% )ن ﭘ* ا+ﭻ ي *Va, ﮑ دوران &" /ﺋﺒ`+`ي ﺎن P!ﺎم ﮔ') اQcﺎدو Yﺎ ,) ,` ﺑ,` اY!^ ﺎري ﮐﺎن ﺑ% ر&$!ﺎﺋ* ورP*، ,` ﺑ,` اY!^ ﺎري &2 وي !* ادﺑ* [,O &ﺌ*، c$^ن !* ﭘ)ر&,) “ ﭘ)رب $'$W) ﭘ$+ ” (ﺎ/ !)ن) )ﭙW* ﭘ+رو * ﭼ) آ&*. )ن cﺎن c$^ن P P`+ﺒﺎ c 25ﺎل ر&,) . )ن ﮐ," &!,% ﺎaVي ا#ﺎري $^ي )، ﺎ+^ ا&) ﺋ* cﺒﺐ آ&* P% ﭘﺎ V,-ي وي !* ادﺑ* [,O &ﺌﺎ ، اوP`ي ﮐ,b ) +ﺎ '`ت #% * cﮕ'*. ﺎن ا` ,` '`ا* V) ` ﮔ_ار آ&,ﺎن V$'" &" !ﺎري V* )ﭙﺎﺋ* Y *V)ا* cﺎن \)* Pﺎون ,). ا ﺎ ﺎري ا+*+` ﺎرو#W'` ر+`چ V`# \ﺎ* ﺎرو [ ] ] ا ﺎ ﺎري c$+ي ﺒ)، وﺎ* اردو +)#,)رc* ﺎرﮓ ﺎ SUR SARANG THE SYMBOL OF HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY Abstract Shah Abdul LateeF is a great poet oF Sindhi Language. In his poetry we may witness the each and every universal tem- poral. He is poet oF peace and love, humanity and humbleness. His poetry is consisting over 30 Surs. Sur Sarang is one oF them. In Sur Sarang Shah LateeF has portrayed the picture oF land beFore and aFter rain. Rain is ever considered as the sym- bol oF happiness, joy, blissFul and prosperity. In this research article I have explained the modes oF seasons specially the rainy weather. I have also Focused on the Feelings oF common people described by Shah LateeF in Sur Sarang. )V)ده دو ر V +$c* اT` 0ﺋ"،\ﺎص )ر P* در+ﺎ V* ﭘ(ﺎي +ﺎ ﭘ)). وارن 0ﺋ" ﭘﺎ* ﭘ,ﺌ / ﺑ% ا آ&* ر+ﮕQﺎن )&Qﺎن P% ﭘﺎ* c *V^اﺋ, " ﮐ) ر&* آ&*، ان `ي ﺎ'" V)ن اﮐ,)ن c^اﺋ," ا ﮐ* P,$^+)ن ر&$^+ )ن آ&" "&- %Pc (ﺎﺋ) وا وري وcﺎري V* $^ * `وع ﺌ*. &" ﮔ` * V +$c ^$ *V* '`اي وارن 0ﺋ" ، ا&* Vﺒ &W" +ﺎ V'$ﮓ، $,)ن &W" +ﺎ و ا& وQc,)ن ، ا#ﺎن &W" +ﺎ Y,)ان ، &W" +ﺎ ﺑﺎغ ، و &W" +ﺎ )ﺎ &` `ف ﭘﺎ* V* ﮐ) +ﺎ ﺎر V) $` آ&*. ﺎ'" ﺑ,)c*، `ﺑO ک O,, *V )ﺎ#, آ&* O,V ا&ﺎ آ&* V( *V +$c %P)ده )رZPﺎل ﮐ* ^# ` رﮐ$^ي ﺎ&% ﺎYﺐ c `c (Vﺎر#ﮓ او ) +ﺎد اﭼ*. c` cﺎر#ﮓ O 0 آ&* cﮏ ﺎ#Z(\ *(\ ، *V *Qﺎ* V* )ﺎﺎ P% V-&" , $'" ﭘ)#^و آ&* P% &` `ف \)Zﺎ* V) $` &)#^و آ&*. c`c 9ﺎر#ﮓ \)* \)Zﺎ* O 0 2& *V ﺎرو [ ] ] وو، وو ، وون אن؛ هه ، ووא وאن؛ א، ن ن؛ ي ن، ن، אن؛ ن ن، . ( 1:13 ) “ cﺎر #ﮓ c$`ت زﺑﺎن V) آ&*، V "'$V* $* آ&* )ر V* )* . ان ﮐﺎن 0 وه &2 را* V) ﺑ% #ﺎ) cﺎر#ﮓ آ&* . V,ﺎ c$ﭙ)ر را V* !" ﺎن &2 آ&* . &" را* Vﺎ Y `c,* )م ,$^ا آ&". &* را $ﭙ'`ن V) ﺎ+) و+$^و آ&*. ﺎQc`ن &* &2 0رو را %ﺎﺎ+) و+) آ&*. &$^ي V* ')ر $`ي “ ﺒ^ cﺎﮔ` ” cﺎر#ﮓ $* ,ﮕ'%، ﺑﺎدل ﮐ$) ﭘ %ﺎﺎ+ آ&*. W ( ) ”1'% `) ا ,`ﭘ)ر \ﺎص ) (` ﭘﺎر`) V* #ﺎ* c ﺎن c-ﺑ) &) ا"ﺎن &* ) و+aن #% ,) &) &" ﺎن و+2 ﺎ ,`ﭘ)ر \ﺎ ص ، !` ) `ﭘﺎر ` وV)د #% آ+ﺎ &ﺌﺎ، ان ز ﺎ#* V* ﺎ'% آ&* P% ` ﭘﺎر` * * cﺐ و+a#)ن &)#^+)ن &,)ن ( 1 ) ,`ﭘ)ر \ﺎص ( 2 ) #ﺎرا و+* ( ( 3 c " `ﺐ و+a#" ﺑﺌ`اج +ﺎ در+ﺎ V) ﭘﺎ* ﭘ'ﭽ$^و &) ﺑﺎ* &c 2ﺐ و+aن ` Y %'W *V* ﭘﺎ* ﭘ'ﭽ$^و &)، ﺑﺎ* c&) ` اﺑ` آc`ي &)#^و &)، ﭘ` &ﺎ* )رZPﺎل ا&ﺎ و"* ﺑ,* آ&* V) ,`ﭘ)ر \ﺎص و+aن Y %'W (V ) )-ي ﺑﺎ* c&* و+aن ﭘﺎ* #% &c Wﺒﺐ ﺑ`ﭘ ﺑ,ﺎﺑﺎن و+`ا#* V) +ﮏ +ﺌ* ر&* آ&*، c) '.ي V* `ي (&c Pﺒﺎ&% * و+) آ&* c&) وا+) $*ل ﭘﺎ* V* `ي او QﺎS` ,) آ&* .

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