LABOR SUNDAY MESSAGE— 1935 XJl-XJL-XX. XX..XX. XX U 'lX U XX XX XX XX U Y] G/h e WITNESS CHICAGO, ILL., A U G U ST 15, 1935 Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 931 Tribune Building, New York City. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS OF THE CHURCH ST. |OHN BAPTIST ¡U fa Oknm tl wlmiUigiral SCHOOL FOR GIRLS SAINT MARY’S HALL i^em m arg In the Country near Morristown. Under Protestant Episcopal. 69th year. Junior anO the Care of the Sisters of St. John Baptist Senior High School. Accredited college prep­ Three - year undergraduate (Episcopal). aration and comprehensive general courses. College Preparatory and General Courses. course of prescribed and elective Junior College. Beautiful new buildings, Music and Art. modernly equipped. Gymnasium and out-of- study. Ample grounds. Outdoor Life. door sports. Catalog. Miss Katharine Caley, Fourth-year course for gradu­ For Catalog Address A. B., Box W, Faribault, Minn. The Sister Superior, Mendham, New Jersey ates, offering larger opportunity for specialization. TRINITY SCHOOL Provision for more advanced Onekama, Michigan. A country boarding CHATHAM HALL work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. school for boys nine to sixteen. Semi-military. Fee $55 per month covers cost of uniform A Church School in and Th.D. and all expenses. Also Summer Camp. Southern Virginia Tutorial system of instruction. Pupils may for Girls ADDRESS enter any time. Write for catalogue to Rev. F. L. Carrington, rector. Rev. Edmund' J. Lee, D.D. THE DEAN Rector 1 Chelsea Square New York City ST. AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE Chatham Virginia Raleigh, North Carolina For Catalogue Address the Dean An approved Church College for Negro Youth offering courses leading to degrees of B.A., AINT JAMES SCHOOL and B College Preparatory (last two years of High School); also Training Schools for Washington County, Maryland Episcopal Theological School Nurses and for Women Church and Welfare Workers. Diocesan School for Boys CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS For catalog and Information The Mother of Church Schools Affiliation with Harvard University offers Address (The Registrar) on the English Plan unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as Dr. Adrian H. Onderdonk philosophy, psychology, history, Headmaster sociology, etc. For Catalogue Address the Dean Berkeley Divinity School CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL New Haven, Connecticut DIVINITY SCHOOL IN Affiliated with Yale University New York City PHILADELPHIA Address DEAN W. P. LADD A boarding school for the forty boys of 86 Sachem Street the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. Careful musical training and daily Undergraduate and Graduate Courses singing at the cathedral services. Small Privileges at University of Pennsylvania classes mean individual attention and high standards. The School has its own building Address: and playgrounds in the Close. Ftee—$250.00 DEAN BARTLETT, 42nd and Locust Streets SHATTUCK per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice test and scholarship examination. Address The » » S C H O O L Precentor. Cathedral Choir School, Cathedra] m m Heights, New York City. The Protestant Episcopal A church school for boys, with high stand­ ing in sound scholarship and development of Theological Seminary in Virginia manly character and Christian citizenship. College preparatory. Military system. 18 For Catalogue and other information buildings. All sports. 74th year. address the Dean Episcopal Schools for Girls Address the Rector, Under the Diocese of Virginia REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS. D.D. Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. St. Catherine's School, HALL Richmond, Virginia. KEMPER Kenosha,Wisc^ St. Anne's School, A Church School for Gil Is! withI a 65*4ve ad modern plan of education. Charlottesville, Virginia. An Honor Christian School with the highest ^College preparatory and general courses. academic rating. Upper School prepare:- lo r High scholastic record, strong faculty. Pre­ Both schools offer College Preparatory university or business. ROTC. Every modern pares for colleges East and West. General equipment. Junior School from six years. courses include : Domestic Science, Music, and General courses. For catalogues H ousem otherSeparate building. Catalogue, Sculpture, Painting, Costume Design, Interior Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union. Virginia. Decoration, Emphasis on Current Events in please address the Headmistress of relation to History. each school. WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGE Development of leisure interest by full athletic program as well as Dramatics, Choir, FOR WOMEN Studio, Music, Shop, etc. Geneva, New York Junior School— Grades 3 to 8. Progressive Co-ordinate with Hobart College. Four year methods. Liberal Arts Course leading to the degrees For catalog address The SISTERS OF ST. HOLDERNESS MARY, Box 25-K, Kenosha, Wisconsin. of A.B. and B.S. In the White Mountains. College Preparatory For catalog and information address and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For FAYE HUNTINGTON KLYVER, Ph.D., Dean boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 ST. FAITH’S SCHOOL acres of woods. New fireproof building. Day and Boarding School at Individual instruction. Home atmosphere. BECKFORD SCHOOL Sara,toga, the Health Centre Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector Woodstock, Virginia of America B ox W Plymouth, N. H. A school for younger boys. Second grade Ages 6-18. Secretarial, Music, French, through Junior High School. In Shenandoah Art, Sports. Regents Examinations. Valley. Limited enrollment. Fifty dollars Tuition, $450 a year. monthly. Apply to REV. F. ALLEN SISCO, Ph.D. Saratoga Springs New York EDMUND BURKE WHELAN, Headmaster Stuart Hall Virginia Episcopal School An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old TRINITY COLLEGE traditions and high standards in the beau­ Lynchburg, Virginia tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ Hartford, Conn. Prepares boys for college and university. tory, general courses, and secretarial Offers a general cultural education, with Splendid environment and excellent corps of courses. Two years beyond high school. special emphasis on the Classics, Modern teachers. High standard in scholarship and Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, the mountains of Virginia. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering For catalogue apply to ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. For information apply, The Dean. Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph. D.D., Rector Carr. A.B., Box A. Staunton. Va. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Managing Editor THE WITNESS Frank E. W ilson W illiam B. Spofford James P. DeW olfe Literary Editor A National Paper of the Episcopal Church Gardiner M. Day Robert P. Kreitler V o L X I X . No. 48 AU G U ST 15, 1935 Five Cents a Copy WITNESS w published weekly by the Episcop&l Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The snpscription price is $2.00 a year; in bundles o f ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act o f March 3, 1879. Labor Sunday Message—1935 Issued by THE FEDERAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES T T O R over five years the people of this land have private and governmental commissions, have been re­ suffered untold hardship. Millions have vainly iterating this same basic fact. The natural resources of sought work. Some 20,000,000 men, women and chil­ the United States of America and the industrial and dren have been thrown upon public relief. Other mil­ agricultural equipment are sufficient to give every man, lions have lived in constant fear of the same fate. In woman and child the material basis for the good life. city, town and country, many American families have Recent governmental estimates and other authoritative been reduced to living standards unprecedented in our studies have indicated that had our plant been used to history. All this has produced strife and bitterness. capacity in 1929 over $4,000 in goods and services Both in our great cities and in rural areas labor unrest, could have been supplied to every American family. strikes and lockouts have grown in number and severi­ Nevertheless, 16,000,000 American families, or nearly ty. In many areas troops have been called out. Armed two-thirds of our people, actually received in that year bands have sought to intimidate those who would pro­ less than $2,000. That was six years ago. Since then test against their conditions of labor. Scores have been inventions and improvements in technological processes killed and hundreds have been injured in these con­ have marched steadily on. The clear truth is that from flicts. But this crisis is not confined to our own land. a purely physical, engineering point of view we could In nearly all countries the outlook is similar. Govern­ now produce enough fully and completely to banish ments have seemed powerless to solve the problems poverty. Yet, in spite of this potential plenty, restrict­ created by modern civilization. And over all there ed production in both industry and agriculture ds the hangs the constant threat of war fought with the rule, while devastating poverty and unemployment ■ devastating weapons created by science. continue. W e have the natural resources; we have the The Churches of America haye not ‘been and cannot machinery; we can produce enough for all. This good be indifferent to this situation. They cannot pass by news must be proclaimed to every worker with hand on the other side and say it is not their concern. The or brain. Founder of their faith declared that He came that men Effective means must be found to eradicate sins of might have life and have it abundantly.
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