U - M A N C H ES TE R H E R A LD . Wednesday, May 28, 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS 8th taxes change MHS nine makes r n APARTMENTS STORE AND I t T I LAWN AND MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS IqJCARS (RIOTORCYCLEG/ l a y FOB BENT OFFICE SPACE FURNITURE LilJ GARDEN L ^ FOR SALE FOB SALE I^ M forsale [ r io p e d s but not leaders state tournament 474 Main Street, 1st floor 3 18 Inch Black 8, Decker Olde German sfelnt, blue Used sliding glass patio 1974 Plymouth Duster. 83 Suzuki RM125 recent room apartment. Heated, electric mower with gross LIndenwIrten; Karltkube doors, thermal, $15 each. Runs well, needs body rebuilt. $600 or best offer. ... page 4 ... page 9 no appliances, security. catcher. Good condition ' Resident Schloss, (2) $99 Call 646-2300. work. 90,000 miles, $600 or 742-6470._________________ S450 per month call 64^ King - Sized bed. Firm used 2 years $60.00. 646- 643-6526. best offer. 649-1063. 2426 weekdays 9-S. Wilson business offices You can be a good sales­ and support services. Fur­ mattress. Two twin box 61640 Old wooden trunk with springs. Frame. Excellent metal hlnges-23 Inches Olds Clera Brougham man ... lust use a Quick- Manchester 1 bedroom, nished offices, secretarial Underwood Touch Mas­ selling ad In Classified to service, reception, tele­ condition. - WIN be sold 20 Evergreen shrubs. Up­ ter typewriter $25. Call deep, 34 inches long, 19 1984-Only 14,000 miles, first floor, stoye & refrig­ with 2 complete sets of right yews 15" to 18" high. Inches wide. Good stor- $7500. Call 643-8602. fTnd cosh buyers! 643-2711. erator, no pets, lease & phone ansvyerlng, word 649-7793. procesing and copier fa­ sheets, 1 bedspread. All $40. 643-6801. oge $25.00. 649-7625.0 security. $400 per month. for $220, or best offer. 1978 Dodge Challenger. 646-1379 cilities. Level H Watkins Marx battery operated Center, 935 Main St., Man­ 643-8082, evenings 8i wee­ Not all the news Is on the child's racing car. Bat­ Drapes fully lined 84 Runs well, good body (MISCELLANEOUS chester. 647-0073. kends. Keep trylngl. front pogel There's lots of tery charger Included. $35 Inches by 166 Inches floral condition, $1100. Dan 647- Manchester-3 room, 1 $60 647-9902.0 9557 evenings, evenings (automotive bedroom apartment- newsy Information In the 646-5121. Manchester - Downtown King size bed and box Classified section. 643- 643-1100 days. stoye, refrigerator, no spring set with miscel­ Picnic Table, with two Front bumper for 1904 pets, references, security, retail or office space, 1750 2711. Braided rug multi color. square feet. 668-1447. laneous linen. $99.00, 872- separate benches. Hand 1977 Chevy Vega Wagon, Ford Van. Silver, $50. Also $340 plus utilities. 649-4003- 2276.0 5x8 $80. Call 646-1427. made of scaffold planks. good running conditon. silver rear sfep bumper. 643-8449. Manchester office or re­ RECREATIONAL $75 649-9718. $300. 647-9079. 742-8363.0 MmulmttvManchester — A City of Village Charm HrraW Bunk beds, complete, 2 cases SImllac with Iron, 2 Bedroom flat, heat and tail space. Could be busl- L a y EQUIPMENT ness/opartment $85.00, 646-1760.O $25. Air conditioner, Sa­ Takava Dirt Bike. Good Firebird 1982,6 cylinder, 4 Bucket seat with swivel hot water, carpeted, all nyo 12,000 BTU's $300 condition, new $160, sel­ speed, Am /Fm stereo base fits ford vans. Rec- appliances, air condition. combination. Frank Spl- leckl, 643-2171. Kitchen set-FormIca ta­ Raleigh 5 speed ladies tirm. Coll 647-8989. ling now for $80. 6464)687.o cassette, sun roof, power llner with folding arms, Call 649-5240. ble and four chairs. Very bicycle good condition. steering, power brakes, $85. 649-9982.0 $35.00 Call 649-3997.0 25 Cents 1200 Square feet, newly good condition $80.00. Kerosun Heater-used 4 General Electric Motor-1 excellent condition. 24 Locust Street. 7 room Please call 643-0897. HP, brand new. Asking $5,600. Call 643-6802. Four Firestone P215 75R15 apartment $600 monthly remodeled. 1 mile from Golf Cart-Set of twelve times, well built, like new UCONN. 429-6421. ' Omnl-85. Good size $85.00 $40. 649-7350.O Radial tires. 10.000 miles. plus utilities. Security, no Laveseat. 5' x 3’ x 2', clubs and ball retrelver. Oldsmobile Toranado $75.00. 643-9041 weekdays $45.00.0 643-1433, keep trylng.Q appliances Call 646-2426 Office for rent.-700 sq. ft.. brown plaid cloth with 2 For sale-Sears dehumldl- 1979, 68,000 mlles/loaded, after 3; 00pm. Weekends Plan changes weekdays 9-5. matching cushions. Ex­ fler. Used very little. clean. Asking $4,500. Call anytime.o Ideal location, no food. Foam Cushion uphol­ Index rises: cellent condition. $99. 649- Good for damp bosement 646-3633 or 742-6394. Near Mini Moll. Call 649- stered chair. $25. Two Bolton Notch-NIcely fur­ 0969. 9540 after 3pm. IBOATS/MARINE $75. Call 649-79590 Car stereo with cassette nished 2 room apartment. tires, good treads, excel­ and 50 watt booster. Fits ( e q u ip m e n t 1973 Ford Torino. Run­ All utilities Included, for lent canditlon $10. See Queen Mattress. Goad ning Condition. $99 takes any car. $99,649-9604 after aren’t enough 2 elderly male. Parking anytime. 649-8390.O condition, foam rubber, It. 647-9079.D 8:00pm.o near shops. After 3pm RESORT TV/STEREO/ 16 foot Mad River canoe, firm, clean, $50. Please 649-9093. APPLIANCES paddles Included. Used call 649-7951, For sale-1973 Toyota, runs Tires Radial 225-15 Good good health PROPERTY I four times. Excellent con­ good. Call 647-9322. condition 4/$99 or best for opponents Used Refrigerators, dition. $800. Please call offer. Please keep trying, Coventry Loke. 1 bed­ 133 j CONDOMINIUMS Washers, Ranges — 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- Mahogany twin beds, box 875-4493.0 room waterfront cot­ clean, guaranteed, parts 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for springs, mattresses, bu­ By John F. Kirch FOR RENT tages, suitable for 2 per­ and service. Low prices. Bob. reau, mirror, mople 2-13lnch tires and rims off Herald Reporter sons only. Available June B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 dinette set, refrigerator. TAG SALES 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. 1980 Dotsun $5 each. 2 21st to August 30. $150-$250 for economy Manchester. Ansaldl Main Street, 643-2171. Excellent condition. 643- Air condition, power white Aluminum awnings per week. 742-3022. Town planning officials entered round three of the Wetherall Village. July 4714. Too Sale. Thurs & Friday steering, power brakes, 36 inch and 30 inch, $7 9 MUSICAL fight for a new Comprehensive Plan of Development 1st. 6 room, free standing Panasonic Upright Va­ 9:30-4. Some antiques and new transmission, shocks each. Call 742-0274.O condo. Fireplace, central ( it e m s and rear springs. $2,000 or Wedne.sday night and got battered again. cuum — With attach­ 19" and 25" colored TV collectibles, books, dishes By T. R. Eastham Analysis said in a report air, all appliances, no I ROOMMATES ments, bags 8i extra belt. 7 and other household best offer. 646-8787 or Trailer Canopy. 8 x 12 with For the third time in eight months, townspeople pets. Close to shopping sets. Working condition. 649-3467 after 6pm. tent 7 X 7. $50 643-8095. United Press International It was the largest month-to- WANTED months old. $50. Good Hondo II Electric Guitar, Console and table top $50 items. 78 Buckinaham denounced proposals made in the master plan, which and 1-384. $700 plus utili­ attactive finish, wood month gain since October 1983 condition. Call 646-3245 to $99. 633-1797. Street Monchester. took the town planning staff four years to complete ties. 647-1152. after 5pm. case, leather strap. $275 WASHINGTON - The govern­ when the index also rose by Manchester-Spilt rent 1.5 and about six months to revise. $315 per month plus heat new, $99. phone 643-1374.0 FOR $ALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION ment's broadest gauge of future percent. It was last exceeded by a South Windsor, Bryer- Used refrigerators, Timex Sinclair 1000 per­ BY THE TOWN OF MANCHI$TRR At a public hearing in the Illing Junior High School wood 2 bedroom, 2 bath, and utilities. 1 months sonal computer - still In economic activity advanced a 1.9 percent advance in June of 1983. security. Available June washers, ranges-clean, Small electronic console cafeteria Wednesday night, between 150 and condo, wall to wall, olr cord organ. $50. Call 649- the box. Hooks up to TV. Automotive Notice Is hereby given of o sole ot public auction to be held strong 1.5 percent in Aprii. the The surge caps a strong three 200 1st. 646-8578 days. guaranteed, parts and ser- Saturday, May 31,1986 at 10; 15 a.m., E O T , at the Manchester people found more to complain about, despite the fact conditioning, appliances, vloce. Low prices. B.D. 7406. $65. 643-4859 nights. biggest jump in 2>A years, the months advance and kicks the Police Department Garage, 239 Middle Turnpike East, Man­ that the Planning and Zoning Commission changed washer dryer, tennis, Pearl 8, Sons, 649 Main St. chester, Connecticut, of the unclaimed merchandise os Commerce Department said index up 7.5 percent above the many of the proposals that incurred the wrath of pool. Available June. $675 643-2171. Free upright piano, needs Drapes 150 x 84, off white, (CARS listed below. today. April 1985 level. per month, plus utilities tuning.
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