p E i r m i m RS- ims Good m(aorning M issiiles r(o ck IBaghid ad a g h d a d \ Today’s forecast;ist: Partly cloudy withth iisolated thunder- . x storms and northwi»tst \winds 10-20 mph. U.S.t retaliate:es for plot aggainst Bush, Clinton tellills nation Highs in thc 80s. Lows.ws in the 50s. W k i m i i _________ P afl0 A 2 ~ - •TheTl Associated Press--------- acknowledged-thc-Ltt-U.S..ini!iiiiles. had struck iton's resolve - A2V2 Iraqi govemmeniI bibuildings, but would not al-RashId Ho^l WASHINGTON — U.S, fonforces launched — - .1 say whether the intelntelligence .service was hit. ^k l j Tomahawk missiles againstst IIraqi inielli- ’•We lhanank God it was unsuccessful,ful," he He said some misslissiles fell in residential isponse neighborhoods, 'j gcgenee headquarters in Bnghd;■hdad based on suid. "A firmfir and commensunite resp ••compelling evidence" o fa. pitplol to assassi- was essentitItial to protect our sovereigntyIty," he "There were nunlumerous civilian casual- A much diflerenent Snake nanale fomier President Bush,, PrPresideni Clin- said. tics.” Hamdoun sAsiid, giving no number, unting the wounded and Idaho author Cort1 CConley is showing tonto said Saturday nighl. Ile calleded the plot against Bush I'parpadieu- ••We're still count S ite olo f U.S. clips of his extensive■'fi; I:historical film col- Clinton, speaking to the natioation in a hastily lariy loathshsome and cowardly" bccau:ause il dead." ilf War Hamdoun said U.U.S. govemmeni had not Icction that brings aliviliive the state’s rivers arrangedar address from ihe Oval)val Oftlcc. said was again'nst the leader of the Gulf m issii'site attack the planned attack againsl Bush■ush was “dircct- coalition, contacted Iraq to0 ddiscuss thc informaiion in their pre-dam licydaj/day. ih A km, j PageBI , eded and pursued" by Iraqi intelliielligenee. Iraqi U,^l,N. Ambassador Nizar Hamimidoun ■ fPlease s e e IRAQ/A2 H p » W w r ''S It smelled gamcjicy, but still... ^ Columnist Steve CnCnimp is still ticked SheUsV. hilit t the regattta IbG linnton: off after his wife threwrew out his bait buck- ct - even though hee ddid leave it next to -■ the deviled eggs. Page Bl U.S.shif^ P ■ Coughlup off Somjlalia ■ health jplan The Associated Press Preparing for chchange T The Associated Press Cassia Couniy Supctjpcrintendcnt Korman MOGADISHU. Somalia — Somali gun- Hurst is preparing lo0 Icleave ofilce af^cr 36 Some hospitals are puttiilutting oiT expansion men fired four roeket-propelleifiled grenades at years with the district.ict. ni plans. Insurers arc holdingding their collective 1 the first attack P ageB 3 aian American fuel tanker in th nion health care plan idishu’s port in breath. And, as the Clinion on foreign iships at Mogadis encounters delay afterer idelay, thc once several monlhs, miliiary officfficials said Sal- broad-based support forir rereform is showing urday. signs of fraying. Damage was minimal andid tthere were no ifraid-PreaidcnL.Clin------------ underscored-ihe------ ., -. -lO-lhink- people arc-afniii ------------------------ ---------------------casualliesrCl bul-lhc-uttaek-untl :lin’l get their act to- volatile silualioifin thc cityy ninine days afier ton and Mrs. Clinton clm't streak on fhe linline V gether." said Robert Blendiendori, a liealth poli- thc Uniled Nations launched:d a manhunt for -------- - ..Mcts-pilchcr.Anilioiiliony YoungJrkb_lP_____ ?! cy_expj^n al the Harvardird School_^f Public avoid winning a dubJubious honor in to- “" warlor'd'Mohamcd Farrah Aidi\idid. M M icty they'afe'losiirg........ le from Muslim Health, "’rfiere’s anxiety day’s giinie. Lcaficis purported to be f oflhe issue,"' oul the city conlrol of management ofl Page Dl fundamentalists^ were handed c / rising doubts aboul icans would be . H |H .Recent,surveys show ris Saturday claiming America the administration's abiliibility lo reforin the killed-if U.N. forces capturctured Aidid and W f lH - k health care system. Ann AABC-Washinglon Aces wild tried him for ambushes Junejne 5 that killed E m j tl Post poll released last weekwei found 45 per- • ntry Club served up a 2 ' Blue Lakes Country 24 Pakistani peacekeepers. cent expect “subslantial:al rprogress." That's iiolc-in*one for the1C fourthf consecutive There was no indicationn SSaturday's al- HjjHM down 2 0 percenlage poinislints from the 65 per- real, which was day Saturday. t;tack was linked to the threa cent who said in April tliey believed lhat the P age Dl -Signeds by a group callcd Voi-^oice of Muslim mprove the cost and 1,5O0' members. administration could impr _______________________ EBrotherhood that claimcd 1,5 availability of heallh care.ire. Local Somalis said the staistatement camc |S^C ters arc beginning to ng the name as a Fvcn strong supporters from. Aidid supporters using I complain. Helene Kramer,mer. executive direc- front. ration of Lee Couniy, is known as a tor of the Jewish Federaiio The wesiem town of Luc i Fla,, was <i spellbindingng sspeaker when she Ups and downsns f d, but there fundamentalist stronghold, 1 lold Hillary Clinton aboulaboi her uninsured backla.sh against The latest safetyy hhazard o f the lazy. nolr been a sirong Islamic bat fight against cancer duringiring a Tanipa publie crazy summer of '93?93? Backyard trampo- foreignf iroops in Mogadishu. forum in February. lines. ThC’pon attack occurrcdd FFriday evening Now. Kramer said shehe iis getting froslral- Page C l „ as thc SS American Osprey:y vwas unloading ed willi delays in the final plan, which was jel fuel. first promised in May.. ClClinion is cxpected Lepers of the’9’90s ‘ One shell punched a holhole in a cargo to release a plan in Scpten:nember based on ree? Only about one in ffive residents of the Ihold, sending a 4-inch-widede :stream .of fuel H H ommcndalions from thehe ttask force headed Magic Valley slill1 srsmokes, and they’re i shooling into thc sea for>r aabout half an ^ ^ 9 by Mrs. Clinton, "Fvcryl:erybody calls me up feeling discriminatedled againsl by a worid 1 hour, said the ship's captain..in. John Withers. MIKE S A l ^ U ^ ^ TW NoM and asks when is it gogoing to happen," U,N, military spokesmarnan Maj. David Kramer said. "You get bil.'bils and picces in the in which they arc: rarapidly becoming a' $ his appreciation as Stockwell said thc fuel hadd totoo high a flash B oatt racingr fan Jeff Longestist of Sun Valley shows h paper that changc all1 ihiIhe time. Everyone during the Idaho Regattatta Saturday after- ------------ P a g e C I--------“ poinfto'bcignitcd'by^nadc1 tadc.T— ----------—— b o atsts roar past the crowd du who wants proper healthalth 'care Is awalnhg' Another hit thc ship n ear';ar the water line noonn In Burley. Action contliitlnues today on the Snahlake River with ellml- this plan with bated breaih;aih," ond a third hil above the: mjmain deck. The natloron heats beginning at 10 a.m. and races followliiwlng from noo n to 6 Tliose in tiie health care business also are fourth did not hit tlie ship,, wlwhich arrived in p.m ..See S Page 0-1 for story?y and more photos. impalicnt. port Friday moming, "Tliere isa lol ofanxiet;xiety over whal is go- hig lo hit the table," saidaid 1Peter Wilson, vice Three miles bf()f crawling - president for regulatoryy afalTairs al the Ameri- on, ‘‘The fundamental A 25 mph speed:d 1limil on Falls Av- ' can Hospital Associalion, talks alibout boombingt anxiety is that nothingg ctcotfws out. The de- enue? Today's editdilorial calls for the Report:t: Sheik J. lays in gelling startedI coicould give one con- Twin Falls City Counouncil to reconsider. The Associated Press Other sourccsCCS confirmed ihal thc FBI cem lhat nothing will get jstarted.'’ Page A6 Details - A3, B55 tapes revealed ihilhat thc sheik had knowledge[‘j Doctors have the jittersllers. Jumes Todd, ex- NEW YORK — Tlie radicidical Muslim cicr- . - of the bombingng plot. But the sources told eculive vicc prcsideni;nl of the American ic whose followers are su:suspected in thc the FBII 1ha'd evidence linking Shcilicik Omar U.S. News & WcWorid Report that U.S. Attor- Medical Associalion, saic World Trade Ccnler bombinjbing was recorded Abdcl-RiiRahman of Jersey City. N.J.,., tto them, ncy General Jam:anet Reno believed thc infor- . are trying to adjust theireir |practices in antici- isufilcicnt to authorize crimi- on an FBI wiretap talking• ababout a bombing Acconjrding to law enforcementU :sources mation was insul "■ pation of the refonn plan.lan. campaign, according to au pipublished report with del:etailed knowledge of thc in'investiga- nal charges, at their current envi- still no vcrdictCt tlcnce from ihe tapes was used "niey arc looking al t tion. FBIBl wiretaps pickcd up thcs vvoice of Instead, eviden ing how best to cope Saturday. .•deral search warrant for the[jy ronment and projecting Jurors spent anothlOthcr day deliberating U.S. News & World Repoepon reported that Abdcl-RiRahman in discussions of thehe alleged to secure a fede: ♦y'rc asking. 'Do I get nent. Agents seized boxes pfof with it." he said. "They’n thc Rondy Weaver,cr, Kevin Harris trial before last week’s arrests5 olof eight men ac- bombinglg campaign, thc magazine rc{reported, sheik’s apartmer ;ystem or wait?’ Tliere cumcnts on Thursday, howev-y. into a managed carc syste without reaching avc1 vcrdict, cused of plotting to blow up the United Na- “Thcrt;rc's thc blind man discussissing the books and docun J. is a free fioaling anxiety:ly co f.’Am I doing the P ao eA J f New York City's plot, in1 cconversations," an FBI agejgent said, cr the coiifiscatecited materials may_ have yieliJ- tions headquarters, two of Ni s e s e e HEALTH/A2 Tntderal-bBlldltfeT^'lt’s dnrtopiT'.
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