Stmerkan. -- 1 1.... ■■ TV 1 mwmmmum ratoa, §2.00 na ra^a 1 __ wortl) Vol. LA- j WEDNESDAY "*" 7 AUGUST 1914. —— ELLSWORTH, MAINE, AFTERNOON, 5, !”T““:?“0o»DAT THI ILIiBVOHTH 0“«NoPOBTOFFXOB. | v» 31OAi nuumiscmnuB. LOCAL AFFAIRS. after a brief visit with Mrs. Bragdon’s Sbbttf«ment». brother, H. W. Dunn, went to their home in Lamoine. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Exec notice—Margaret E Hudson. John F. Knowlton, of Ellsworth, and Notice of foreclosure—Michael F and Jere- John A. Pres. H. Treas. miah J McCarthy. B. E. Clark, of Bar Harbor, have been Peters, Henry Higgins, M. Gallert, Sec’y. Bankrupt's notice—James Parker’s Sons. named by Chief Justice Savage as masters Exec notice—Sadie Richards. of National For sale—Pigs. chancery in Hancock county for five Bank -Sloop. years. IllieBirrlll To let—Tenement. Public auto—P W Alley. Mrs. Ernest I. Foster, with son and OF Lost—Bank ELLSWORTH book. daughter, of Fairbanks, is the Upiop Trust Copipapy Bar Harbor: Alaska, guest of her husband’s aunt, Mrs. Arthur Bar Harbor Banking A Trust Co. — State- ment. I. Saunders. Mr. Foster is U. S. 2 cent, interest on all deputy per balances of marshal Allows §500 Portland, Mb.: at Fairbanks. OF ELLSWORTH to check. Is Ix»rd A Co—Pianos. Mrs. Margaret Moore, of Salisbury Cove, or over subject YOUR account work- Neal Institute. | who Co. has-been visiting her mother, Mrs. We Twitchell-Champlin invite your attention to the following reasons for you to do for YOU or the other fellow? If can’t Mass: Orlena M. left for a short | ing you call, Boston, Drake, Saturday business at this bank: Bolton A Hicks Co.—Live wanted, visit with her Mrs. Della poultry sister, Flinagan, Because it is a safe us strong institution, and our aim is to make this write to-day—NOW. at Forge Village, Mass. the Peoples Bank. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Owen Duffee has been his Because its officers and directors are among the safest and most Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at visiting brother conservative business men in this 6.55, 7.18, 11.16, 11.68 a. m., 4.21, 6.18 p. m. Hutson at Bar Harbor, being en- community. Its officers have had Sundays, 6.56 a. m., 7.18, 9.11,11.16 a.m., 6.40 tertained while there by William Boyle years of experience in the Banking business. Particulars on p. m. Because Full Request. and this Bank studies the needB of its and Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 7 37 a. family, of New York, and John T. customers, properly takes care of whether m., 12.23, 4.11,6.85, 10.21, 10.87 p. m. Sundays, Conners and of them, their business is large or small. ... I family, Bangor. 6.89 a. m., 4.11, 5.35,10.21, 10.37 p. m. Because systematic savings pay; we receive deposits from |1 up. Mrs. J. W. Tatley left last we6k for Because this Bank iB interested In the development of this SCHEDULE OF MAILS Montreal, to join Mr. Tatley for an ocean county. AT BLLSWORTH POSTOFPICB. trip to southern waters. She left her on us Call whenever you are in town and let us serve you in any In June 23, 1914 children effect here with her parents, Col. C. C. way and at any time. Burrill and wife. Mr. and MAILS RECBIVBD. Mrs. Tatley will return in about three weeks. Stands First in From West—*6.56. *11.16 a m; 4.21, §8.18 p m. Maine From and m. East—12.23, 5-35, 10.87 p Capt. Nehemiah H. Means has sold his Union Trust MAIL CLOSES AT POSTOFFICH farm buildings on the Surry road, to- Company and to Going West—11.55 a m; *3.46, *5 and *9 p m. Comparing surplus profits cap- gether with about twenty-five acres of Going East— 6.30 a m; 8.45 and 5.45 p m. ital, this bank stands FIRST in Maine cultivated land and pasture, to Edwin A. of East who will Registered mail should be at postoffice half WeBcott, Bluehill, move and 48th in the United States there among an hour before mail closes. soon. Capt. Means reserves the wood lot. trust of $100,000 or •Daily, ISunday included. §Daily, except companies capital 6.40. Sunday; Sunday at Fred E. Cooke, with a local cast support- “If the man ever to succeed in busi- more. If about to a bank No mail dispatched to or received from the young expects open account, ing John J. Farrell, will go to Seal Har- east Sundays. bor ness he must be economical. No matter how the advantages of this strong, leading Friday evening of next week to pres- small ent “The Burglar”, which was so success- the sum the or man is must to or WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. boy young receiving, he should bank appeal you. Call write. fully staged here two years ago. Satur- a day evening the will be at save of his income.” For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, play presented always portion Northeast Harbor. Aug. 4, 1914. [From observations taken at the power Sidney R. Bonsey spent Sunday with his Hancock station of the Bar Harbor & Union River County Bank, in this Savings Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is parents city, returning to Bangor given in inches for the twenty-four hours Monday. Thursday, July 30, Mr. Bonsey Established 1873. Me. ending at midnight.] Ellsworth, ascended Mt. Kathdin. He says the view Weather Precip- AAA.AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A a Temperature conditions itation well repaid him for the climb. More than 250 lakes and be seen from the 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon ponds may Wed 62— 67— fair sh’w’r,fair .07 summit of the mountain. one of the old landmarks of the west side. | COMING EVENTS. a was later owned Thurs 56— 70— fair fair The young of Nook will Originally tannery, it people Shady ELLSWORTH. Fri 54- 74— fair fair and for J. T. & i give an entertainment at Bayside grange occupied many years by Sat 69— 66— .08 Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 5 and t>, cloudy,fair fair,cloudy hall 20. The G. H. Grant as store and office. Later it Thursday evening. — Sun 60— 76— clear fair Aug. pro- at Hancock hall Unitarian fair under gram will consist of a was occupied by the Burrill Lumber Co., ; Mon 64— 68— fair .12 comedy playlet, of rain,cloudy and the Ellsworth Lumber management Woman’s alliance. Ad- “How the Story Grew,” and musical se- finally by Co., Tues 59- 72— fair fair mission, 10 cents. Luncheon 11*30 to 1.30 Bar Harbor & Trust lections by several of the which bought it of the Grant es- Banking Co., Average temperature for July, 1914, 65 66. young people. each 25 cents. tate. This still owned the day, Average temperature for July, 1913, 67.83. The entertainment will be followed by a company and while not now in active Friday at hall— Bar Harbor, Me. supper and dance. building, evening, Aug. 7, Society business of lumber manufacturing, kept Dance. Rev. T. 8. Ross is in Dover on a short Richard Howarth, wife and sister and many of its papers there. The origin of Monday evening, Aug. 10, at Society hall We solicit a of business Orington Cross and wife, all of Camden, | portion your business. Our trip. the fire is a mystery. The building was —Dance. banking were week-end visitors at the Methodist Miss Gertrude Dorgan is visiting in insured for fl,000. The building was per- made the in Mr. FAMILY REUNIONS. found shows the of our Rockland for a parsonage. They trip statement, below, strength institu- month. haps best known in recent years as the Howarth’s touring car. Mr. Howarth is Saturday, Aug. 15—Salisbury family aft. Mrs. Elizabeth George has gone to meeting-place of the Owl club. This Beech Hill tion. Accounts handled mail. superintendent and largest owner in the pond, Otis. by Augusta for a visit of a tew weeks. group of kindred spirits has met every Seabright woolen mill, Camden. He was Wednesday, Aug. 19 — Gray family at week-day evening for twenty years or more, Congressman John A. Peters arrived much pleased with Ellsworth. West Sedgwick. STATEMENT with few for a of AUG. 3, 1914. home from Washington last week. exceptions, game pitch, The Calendar of the Methodist 13 — society the only stakes being love of the sport. No Thursday, Aug. Butler reunion at RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. The Methodist society is arranging for church had a successful lawn West Franklin. j party other game was tolerated. Ca*h on 93 stock. #50,000 00 except pitch hand aud in bank. 1268,279 Capital their fair the first week in October. last Wednesday afternoon, at the Re»! estate. 4.000 00 Surplus. 150,000 00 The club numbers on its roll of members Wednesday, Aug. 19—Hodgkins family Trait 00 14,624 66 Miss Louise Seeds has to church A sudden of inves: went. 6.500 Undivided profits. gone West grounds. downpour a dozen or classified as old stand- at Blunt’s Lamoine. Boats 959,856 40 more, pond, and Hocks. 186,694 24 Savings deposits. where she will be rain caused a hasty without 755.527 26 Pownal, employed. adjournment members and — Loans on mrtitagesof real estate. 660.879 23 Demand deposits. bys, auxiliary honorary Thursday, Aug. 27 Clark reunion at Loans and discounts. 81 Trust fund. 6,500 00 formality from the lawn to the but 910,663 Frank W.
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