1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 149 I desire to yield to the gentleman from lllinois; but I supposed I the late war and the war with 1\iexico, passed March 2, 1889--to was under an obligation to the gentleman from Tennessee, and so the Committee on :Military Affairs. offered to surrender it back to him. By Mr. AITKEN: A bill (H. R. 8123) to amend section 279 of But whatever the parliamentary status may be, that, I think, chapter 11, title 3, of the Postal Laws and Regulations-to the under the circumstances ought to control. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The SPEAKER. The parliamentary situation is this, as the By Mr. TAWNEY: A bill (H. R. 8124) to provide for the settle­ Chair understands it: At the conclusion of the remarks of the ment of controversies between ce1·tain railway companies and their gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. MAHoN] the Chair recognized employees, and for other purposes-to the Committee on the Judi­ the gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. PATTERSON], in charge of ciary. the measure, to make some proposition changing the rule of de­ By Mr McCREARY of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 8126) to au­ bate on the pending bill. The Chair understood that objection thorize the appointment of a currency commission, and for other was made to the proposition, whereupon the Chair recognized purposes-to the Committee on Banking and Currency. the gentleman from New Hampshire [Mr. BLAIR] to proceed By :Ur. HATCH: A joint resolution (H. Res. 235) for the pub­ under the rules of the House. lication of the dah·y test made by the Columbia.Jl..-Exposition-to Mr. PATTERSON. My recollection of the parliamentary status the Committee on Agriculture. · is this: I made a proposition; there was a suggestion of an objec- By Mr. COOPER of Indiana: A resolution for printing part of tion made-' , · the annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury-to the Com­ The SPEAKER. There was a positive objection made, as the mittee on Printing. Chair understood it. By Mr. HATCH: A resolution to appoint an additional messen­ Mr. HAUGEN. The gentleman asked unanimous consent that ger, to be assigned to the Committee on Agriculture-to the Com­ general debate be closed and I objected. mittee on Accounts. The SPEAKER. -That is the understanding of the Chair. Mr. PATTERSON. During the pendency of that I yielded for PRIVATE BILLS, ETC. a few minutes to the gentleman from New Hampshire, but sup­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills of the following titles posed I w~ld have the opportunity when he concluded to renew were presented and referred as indicated below: a request I had to make to the House. By Mr. HERMANN: A bill (H. R. 8127) to provide increase of The SPEAKER. That is a misapprehension. The gentleman pension to Hosea Brown, of the war of 1812-to the Committee on from Tennessee was not entitled to the floor. Objection was made Pensions. to his request, and the gentleman from New .Hampshire was rec­ By Mr. CURTIS of Kansas: A bill (H. R. 8128) for relief of ognized. JohnS. Friend, of ElDorado, Stat.e of Kansas-to the Committee Mr. BLAIR. Then I reserve ten minutes of the time, and yield on Indian Affah·s. the remainder to th~~entleman from Illinois (1\fr. CANNON]. By :M:r. MARTIN of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 8129) to increase th~ Mr. CANNON of .winois. Now, Mr. Speaker,Iwillaskthegen­ pension of Elias D. Pierce, of Pennville, Ind.-to the Committee tleman from Tennessee, having the time, does he desire to submit on Pensions. a proposition to close general debate now? By Mr. VAN VOORHIS of Ohio: A bill (H. R. 8130) granting Mr. PATTERSON. No. a pension to Charles F. Hamme-to the Committee on Invalid 1rir. CANNON of illinois. Then I will say further that I am in Pensions. , harmony~with him in a desire to see general debate closed and this bill considered under the five-minute rule in the House as in com- PETITIONS, ETC. mittee for amendments; and if I can do anything to bring about u d 1 1 f R 1 xxn f ll that condition, now or hereafter, I will cheerfully do it. But if n er c a use 0 u e 'the 0 owing petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: there is any objection, or if there is objection for the present until By Mr. CANNON of illinois: Petition of Mrs. Cyrena Kinser, the House is fuller than now, why the fact that I have forty f · 1 t f Co tin h · c minutes or over would not stand in the way when he next calls up or a speCia ac 0 ngress gran g er a pensiOn-to the om- mittee on Pensions. the bill if he can perfect his agreement to begin under the five- By 1rfr. BROWN: Papers to accompany the bill (H. R. 8112) to minute debate at that time. I have no desire to talk merely to increase the pension of Sarah J: Paynter, widow of Dr. Christian consume time, and I have no desire for general debate at all if we Paynter, second lieutenantCompanyD, Second Regimen.t Indiana can reach some agreement. 1 t M · to th Co ·tt p · With that statement, as there is objection now, I will ask the v 0 un eers, eXIcan war- e mnn ee on enswns. entleman from Tennessee if it is his sense to have the debate pro- By Mr. LACEY: Petition and memorial to accompany House g bill 2134-to the Committee on Pensions. ceed at this hour, or is the gentleman willing to have an adjom·n- . ment? It is about twenty minutes to 5 o'clock-- Mr. PATTERSON. I desire to give notice to the House, befm::.e malting the motion to adjourn, that on next Tuesday, at 3 o'clock, SENATE. I will move the previous question on the final passage of this bill, MONDAY, J)ecmnber 10, 1894•. the substitute, and amendments. Ahd with that understanding I now move that the House adjourn. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Mr. CANNON of illinois. I yield to the gentleman to make The Vice-President being absent, the President pro tempore the motion, Teserving my time. (IsHAM G. HARRIS, a Senator from the State of Tennessee) took The SPEAKER. Certainly, the Chair understands the gentle­ the chair. man is entitled to the floor. JOSEPH C. S. BLACKBURN, a Senator from the State of Kentucky, - JosEPH M. CAREY, a Senator from the State of Wyoming, and ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. DAVID B. HILL, a Senator from the State of New York, appeared Mr. PEARSON, from the Committee on Em·olled Bills, reported in their seats to:day. that they had examined and found truly enrolled the bill (H. R. The J o"'lrnal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read and 4453) providing for the dedication of the Chickamauga and Chat­ approved. ~ tanooga National Park; when the Speaker signed the same. PROPOSED FINANCIAL LEGISLATION.· LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Mr. MORRILL. Mr. President, I had proposed to address the Pending the motion to adjourn, leave of absence was granted as Senate for about half an hour on Wednesday morning. I find follows: that it will be more convenient for myself and perhaps for the To Mr. BLACK of illinois, two days dming this month. Senate to do so to-morrow, Tuesday morning, immediately after To J\1r. FUNK, indefinitely, on accotmt of sickness in his family. the morning business is over. , To Mr. LUCAS, for to-day~ on account of sickness. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The change of notice will be And then.the motion of Mr. PATTERSON was agreed to; and ac­ noted. cordingly (at 4 o'clock and 40 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. T. 0. CHANGE OF REFERENCE. TowLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed a Under clause 2 of Rule XXTI, the following change of reference bill (H. R. 7854) to prevent the free use of timber on the public wasmade: - . lands and to revoke all permits heretofore granted in certain A bill (H. R. 1314) for the relief of MathewS. l1.'iest, with an Stat.es, and for other purposes; in which it requested the concur­ amendment of the Senate thereto-Committee on Military Affairs rence of the Senate. discharged, and referred to the Committee on War Claims. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. The message alsd announced that the Speaker of the House had · PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. signed the following em·olled bills; and they were thereupon Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills and resolutions of the follow- signBd by the President pro tempore: ing titles wereintroduced, and severally referred as follows: _ _A bill (S. 447) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue By Mr. RYAN: A bill: (H. R. 8122) to further amend section 9 a duplicate of a certain land warrant to Emma A. Ripley; of the act for the relief of certain volunteer and regular soldiers of A bill (S. 679) to provide, for the location and satisfaction of 150 c-oNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEl\ffiER 10, outstanding military land warrants and, certificates of location A con~·ren~ resolution instructin~ our Senators and requesting our Repre­ sentatives m C~ngress to ta.k~ ~uc.n steps... b¥ memorial or otherwise, as will under section 3 of the act of J una 2, 1858; and be ID:Ost expedient f~r expediting a preliminary survey, with plans, speci­ A bill (H.
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