Vol. 2 1 No. 23, July 18, 1956 P.O. Box 296, Los Altos,Cal By Bert & Cordner Ne lson., Tr a cl{ & Fi e ld Nows $6 per year (24 issues) NEWS u.s. Bud Held 249-1 in San DiegoITl-comers meet; Backus 43-11 in 56# ~Baltimore, July 8; Fendler, 6-7 3/4 fourth try, & Maijala, 214-4 at Pasadena All-Comers July 14. Decathl on, , Ji.AU & Final Olympic Trials, Crawfordsville, July 13 & 14: 1, RaI'erJohnson, 7754 {hurt leg first day);2, Milt Campbell, 7555, personal best and fourth on all-time list; 3, Bob Richards 7054; 4-, Bob 10-wson 688.5; 5, Sam J~druns., 68 84; 6, Charl es Pratt, 6795; 7, J ames Podoley, 6513; 8, Aubrey. Lewis, 6425; 9, Ken Kelly, 6225; 10, perry Moore, 6197; 11, Jim Klein, 61 96; 12, Bill Black, 5661. · Americas Pu erto Rican marks include; 4707, Rodriguez; 1:52.8., Rivera; 14.4, Lebron; de Jes us 52 . 1 & 52 a2 ( beat i.pari cio, Colombia, 52 .4); Cruz 13-5½; Oliv er 23 0-7 ½, 232 - 3: 233-0 ¼ {bette rs Central & South American r e cord), 231- 92 ,; Li-L.1t & 3:13 ,>8 i n r e lays. Cuba: F'ortun 10.4; Penaluer 21.3; Torr e s 1 :53.4; I gl es i as 14~4 ; Hernand e z 47-11 HSJ; 41.S. (Oliver also 233-8). i.r gontina ~ Su a:r.e z 29 :4 9 ,9, Lemos 29:50.4 at Buenos 1;.ires, July 7, n ow S$Ao r•e cord. Japan 1r eruji Kogak e , 5.2-9 1/ 8, n at ional r•ecord. Europe: Two world r e cords (6 mil e and 10 1 000), and three European marks (shot, ho p -step-jum p , an d d e ca t h lon~ Se o below. Decathlon Vasiliy Kuzn etsov s e ared 7688 at Moscow July 4 for a new national and Europe an rec or•d ., n.nd bea ben onl y by J ohnson and Mathias. Official Europe an r oc.ord i s 7292 but Kuzrietsov d id 7647 last year. Sprints St e inb ach 10~5 .from Fut t erc r 10 ,,_5 & Gor mar 10 .. 6. Futterer pull ed up la.me in 200, wiJ.l be out at l ea st tw o :mont h s. Babiyuk & Bart ony ev, USSR, l0 -~4 o 10.5 by Ger rnnr ,!' Ste i nba ch, Marin, USSR, Ignatyev 21.1 & 47.0. Pl as kev ev 2 l o3n; Si khar yo v 21~3; Hcllst an, Fin­ land, 46,7; Middle Distances 800 picking up; Moons l:L j.7.2 from Dohrow 1:48.4 & Lawr enz 1:49.2; Ni e l se n 1:48 f r om Her rmann 1:48.5; Boysen 1:48,3 from Reinnn.gel 1:4902; Ivakin, USSR.,. l: !-1-9c9 ; Szontgali l:_50.4 from Iharos 1:52. 1500--Jungwirth 3:1+3, 6 fr om Mu.gosa 3:44.0, Yugoslav record; & Murat, Yugoslavi a , 3:46. 8 ; Ni olson J d-1-4!)2 from Rozs avolgyi 3:44.6 & Tabori 3 :46.4; Ni e l so n 3 :1.+4~2 l'r om Ri cht ze nh a in, GePmany, 3 :41+,4; Valakin, 3:1-1-.5.4, USSR r ecord; Herr mann 3:46; Rozsnyoi 3:46.4 from czeglodi 3:46.6, wi th th.r oe oth er Hungari ans und er 3:~ -9 and th o Big 3 abs ent . Mi l e --R ozs a.volgyi 4: 01 ,,4 f r om Wa 01~n, Swed en, 4: 03o2, & Tabori 4: 03 06 , I haro s 4:0 6 .6; Chrom i k 4: 05~ 6; Boyd 4:06~4 from Johnson 4:07; Long Dis t n.nc o s Sandor Ihar os st ep ped up t o th e 10,000., where ho quite li ke ly wi ll r un at Melb our ne , an d pr omptl y low or ed Zatop ekls world mark to 2 8 :42,,8 at Budo.pea t J ·u.l y 1.5c On the way h e broke six mile mark wi th 27: 43 08• Also: Hicht zo nha in 5:12.,2, German r e cord; Herrmann 7 :59, German r ecord & 5t h on A-T list ; Ih aros 8: 00.14-. 3-mile--Foord, GB, 13:35e2• 5000--Ih aros 13 :50 fro m Chromik 13:51; Ibbotson 13:57.2 from Mugosa 13 :58. 8, Yugoslav record (Mugosa ra n 3 :l+L~24 hours earlier) 10,000--Kuts 29 :01,4 (ll-1-:27 & 14:3 8 .1-1-); Pirie 21:17 ~2; Che1,nyavskiy 29:31.2 from Anufriyov 29 :34.6; Ahl born 29 :L~7 -.L~; To go rsen 29:55.4, Danish r e cord, from Mitzschke, Ger many , 29 :5 8 ~8. SC-Jank e , G-ermany., 8:54-4. Hurdles Kinsella, Irel and, 14o4; Parker, Engln.nd, 14.Jmw from Kin­ sella; Roudnitska, llt.4, equals Fr ench r e cord; Kuzn ot s ov l~ .• 5; Retezar 14.6, Hungari an r ecord; Savel, Romani a , 52.0 twice; Ilin, USSR, 52.4 from Kost., 52.7, Swiss record. Jumps Kashkarov 6-9 ¼8., USSR record; Salminen, 6-9 1/8, Finnish record; Nilsson 6-9 3 4 & fiv e tim e s at 6-8 3/4, his b es t start ever ; ... PAGE TWO Degtyarev & Sikin, USSR, 6-8 3/8. PV--Denisenko 14-5¼; Bulatov 14-5¼ three times; Janiszewski & Wany, Poland, 14-5¼; Landstrom 14-5¼; Sillon, 14-2, French record; BJ--Porrassalmi 25-o, Finnish record; HSJ--Leonid Shcherbnkov, 54-0 at Moscow July 4, new Russitl.Il & European record, 2nd best of all-time, and betters accepted world mark; Chen 2nd 52-0 3/4, Tsigankov 51-9 5/8; Rahkruno, 51-9 5/8, Finnish record; Malcherczyk 50-9 7/8, Polish record. Throws--Jiri Skobla, Czechoslovakia, raised his European shot record to 57-7 3/4 at BerJ.in July 1. 11.lso 57-5; Ovsepyan, 56-8 3/8, Russian r ecord; Fyodorov, Russia, 55-1; Palmer 55-6, British record. DT-­ Conolini 182-7 3/4; Matv oyev 173-9; Jonsson, Iceland, 171-4 3/4. HT--nothing new. JT--Si dlo 256-2 J/8; Danielson, 259-4 5/8, 261-8 1/8 & 263 -5, Norwei gian r eco rd; Mncquet,France, 257-5 3/4 from Nikkinen 245-6; Will, 255-8½, Ger man rec ord. Briti sh AAA Championships, London, July 13 & 14, rain: Young 9.9; 880 hea ts, best ti me 1~)1~ 7 by Far rell; Mile, Wood 4:06.8 after 3:12 pace; 3M-Ibbotson 13:32 ~6 from Chataway, same time, last lap .59.4; 6M-Norris 28:13..,6, Sando 28,l i~.-)2 ( }_~th & 5th on all-time list), Foard 28:J0,6, Driver 28:52, Fr ed No11 ris 28 :52 ~8, Knight 28:55.8; (Ririe injured, did not run)., $.P~1Palmor 54 ·-2; DT-Allday 187-6, Anthony 186-lQ 440H•Savel 52.2; HJ-Soeter 6-l+• wnm SPRINTS TN Fionnbar Cn.llanan of iSo!fn:,-wfio-calls himself' one of the ''nuttiest of the nuts'', does a poriodical predictions piece for the Irish times with 3 OlyBp:i.c pl acer s ,, 9 ,ex-mi l e ace Joe Mangan, now helping coach the S-.C" Str iders, wo:: .1 r 0mor;1bers that when he and Cunningham came pa.st t t.0 3/4 mark ::l.n th eir celebrated 4:J.~8 race timer Tom Lennon called out ·the time: ~3;54, J e sus Christ Almighty." ••• the brick of Bakersfield's fast track came from th o rubble of the cityis 1952 ea.rthquake.~cPa.yton Jordan, who sp ent a summer in Greece for the state department, wrote a book on track procedures which was trans­ lated into Greek with 3000 co pie s distributedo Now he's doing a book for Prentice-Hall •• :,,Greg Bell jumped 2.5-5½ in a leap for photographerf. before tho AAU•• ,,in 1i.1~upr act ic e st arts Dillard consistently beat Shankle and Calhoun, someti mes by as much as four fo ct.., •• Thane Baker is from Elkhart, Kansas, home of Gl Gnn Cunningham.~.when Glenn returne from the 36 OG Baker made up his mind to make the Olympics ••• Delany says he had no idea he had brok en four minut es at Compton--''I run only to win and time does not worr y me"~ o l)Pirio claims ho wasn 1 t tired in his 13:36.8 and says he might have run much fa ster if he had known the pace. "I thought it was about 14 minuteso It was Kutst excellent perf'6rmance which pushed me to the r ec ordo '' ••• Czechoslovakia Is Moc walked . 50,000m in l+:20:07 for a world record,.., .Iha.res hopes Pirie and Kuts can meet him in a ,5000 at Budapest i~ugo 19., o .Yolanda Balax of Romania braked the women1 s HJ recor d with 5-8 3/4 July 14.2.Earlene Brown of Compton bettered 11.merican women! s records with 142-10 and 45r.:.o½~.,Jack Davis says he discover ed three flaws in form from L.S.
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