HI VOWME XXI NUMBER10 COWMBUS1 OHIO DEX:FMBER1984 HAPPY~O LIDAYS! THE ORWRANKINGS FOR 1984 The Ohio Racewalker is proud to announce :.ts annual world and U.S. rankinRS for both men and womenat theprimary distances. As usual, the whole world has been impi.tiently awaiting the momentous announcement of these prestigious rankings. Of course, those honored receive absolutely no reward and may never even hear of their eelection--only a few hep individuals read the ORW,but how much glory is their in race walking anyway. This marks the 14th consecutive year the ORWhas ranked the wor'.d •s top male walkers at 20 and 50 kilometers, the 12th time we have ranked U.S men at the sameutwo distances, and the seventh year for rankin g women, both world and .S, at 5 and 10 kilometers. (Actually, we have not ranked U. s . womenat 5 Kmthis year, because there was just too littl e action, at least repcrted to us, to justify rankings.) The rankings ar e based on the athletes• record over the season and represent a consensus of opinion between your editor and absolutely nobody else -- they are subjective and arbitrary. Criteria used are times, record in major competition, head-to­ head competition, and personal bias. The rankings at each distance are fol.lowed by lists of the top times for the yaar. 1984WOBLn 20 KMRANKINc:3 1. Ernesto Canto, Mexico 5. Ralf Kowalsky, Ger. Dem, Rep. 1:26:13 ~2) Guadaljara 4/1 1:22 1)6 !1)Naumbur g 5/1 1:18:4ot 1) Bergen 5/5 l :25fOJ J~ Copenhagen 5/12 1:23:13 1) Olympics 8/J 1125 _56 2 Stockholm 5/26 2. Ronald Weigel , German Dem. Rep. 1120:35 l Berlin 7/20 1:21:13 !ll Potsdam 3/24 6.Sergei Protsisin, USSR 1 :20: 59 1 Copenhagen 5/12 1:24:17 (3) Sov. Champ. 6/8 1:24:JO 1 Stockholm 5/26 1:21:57 (l) Moscow8 /1 6 1:22 :16 1 GDRChamp, 6/2 1 19:56 l Berlin 7l27 7. Ni kolai Polozov, USSR 1:23:22 (1) Armaviv 4/22 J. Raul Gonzales, Mexico 1:23153 (1) Sov, Champ. 6/9 1:25 :15 ~1) Guadalajara 4/1 1:26:15 (2) Pihtipcdas 6/2) l:21 :49t 4) Bergen 5/5 1:22=4o (J) Moscow8/16 1:23:20 2) Olympics 8/J 8. Anatoiliy Solomin, USSR 4, Maurizio Damilano, Italy DNF Bergen, 5/5 1 :20:09 (1) It. Champ. 5/13 1:23:57 (2) Sov. Champ. 6/9 1:23·)6 ( 1:22:21 (2) Moscow 8/16 · 3) Olympics 8/J PAGE2 DECEMBER1984 PAGE) The Ohio Racewa.llcer (USPS )06 -050) is published monthly in Columbus, Ohio . 1984 WORLD .50'KM RANKINC:S Subscription rate is $5,00 per year ($7 .00 for First CJass Mail, $10 .00 for Overseas Air Mail.) E>iitor and Publisher: John E, (Jack) Mortland, l. Ronald Weigel , GDR G. Sandro Bellucci . Italy Address all correspondenoe regarding both editorial and subscription J :4Ji2.5 ( 1) Na.urnburg,5/1 3:44,02 (2) It . Champ. J/18 matters to: Ohio Raoewa.lker, Jl84 Summit St. , Columbus, Ohio 43202, J :)8:Jl ( 1) Berli n 7120 3 :53.45 (J) 01.YJ!lpics 8/11 Second Class Postage pa.id at Columbus, Ohio. RJSTMASTER:Send address 2 . Hartwig Cauder , CDR changes to the Ohio Racewalker , Jl84 Summit St., Columbus , Ohio 43202. 7 , Valeri Suntso v, USSR 3 :45 37 (2) Naumburg 5/1 J :48 :18 (.5) Naumburg 5/1 J ' .54:24 (1) Stock holm 6/26 3 47 :44 (2) Sov. Champ. 6/9 9, Erling Andersen, Norway 10 . Rei.ma Salonen, Finland 3 =41 124 (2) Berlin 7/20 l120:J7t(2) Bergen 5/5 1:23 104 (1) Russe 4/15 8. Martin Bermudez, Mexico 1 1:25:54 (8) Olympics 8/3 1:25 15 (1) Pihtipadas 6/2) 3, Raul Gonzales , Mexico 3:58 :32 ( J ) Cahp. 4/8 1:2 5:42 (1) Valer 9/1 5 l :-24:40 (5) Moscow 8/16 3:50 :54 (1) Chapult epec 4/8 3 148 :03 (4) Naumburg 5/1 3 :46 :Jl (J) Naumburg 5/1 DQ Olympics 8/11 Note: t .. track race , !!IF= did not finish, DQ:.disqualified 3 :47 126 (1) Olympics 8/11 9 . Pavo 1 Szli.kora, Czech. Cant o , second behind Czech Josef Pribllinec last year, is an obvious choice 4. Andrei P~rlov , USSR with his world reco rd on the track and win in the 01,ympics. , ,Weigel has 3 :49 :38 (6) Naumburg 5/1 J :47 :4o (l) Sov. Champ. 6/9 3:45 :53 (2) Moscow 8/18 an outstanding se ason, going undefeated, winning two international races , J :43 06 (1) Moscow 8/18 and posting the second fastest time, It ' s unfortunate he was not able to 10 .. Reiaa. Salonen , Finland compete in ~s Angeles . .• Gonzales and Jl::lmilano get the next two spots 5. Bo Custafsson , Sweden 3.5J :J9 (2) Olympics 8/1 1 3.52 :18 ~7i Naumburg 5/1 off their Olympic finish. • • Kowalsky won··t he annual prestigious race in J i5? :42 l Finn. Champ. 6/2 Naumburg and had one very fast t ime, but could not match Weigel. • . The J .58 :JO 4 Olympics 8711 three Soviets flip-flopped positions in the4" two races again st each other , J 148 :J6 (1) Tserb . 9/ JO but P.rotsisin had the better time and a win~the Alternative Games . •• Anersen was very impress ive in the Bergen race, bea {in g Gonzales among tithers , but The two East Germans beat Olympic Champion Gonzales in Naumburg and then didn ' t do as well in LA, • • Salon en won in the Bu~rian international walked even faster in their national race and earn the top two spots . • • race, had a win over Polozov, and did well in the Alternative Ga.mes. Gonzales' Olympic win clea rly stamps him f or t he number three spot . Weigel and Gonzales hold the same positions as last year . Ga.uder moves up 1984 WORLDLIST - -20 KH from fifth . , .Perlov had. two excellent races to ra nk ahead of the other l:18 :4ot Ernesto Canto, Mexico 1:2)'07 Seggei Avlralo, USSR t wo Olympic medalis ts ..• Suntsov s howed well in Naumberg and then impro ved 1:19:,56 Ronald Weigel , GDR 112) :08 Artur Sumak, USSR his time in his national. .. Btrmu~c.. b,;iat SUnt sov in Naumburg, but is hurt 1 :20 :09 Maurizio Damilano , Italy 1.2) 108 Vyat. Popovitsch , USSR by hi s DQ i n the Olympics , • .Szl.kora did well in t wo intern atio nal races , 1:20:18 AJessandro Pezzatini, It. l:2J :12 Andrei Perlov , USSR Salonen , afte r a sl ow start in Naumburg, did well in LA and then put in a 1 :20 :35 Ralf Kowalsky, GDR l:2Jt1J Nikolai Ma.rveyev, USSR fast lat e s eason time . l :20 1J7t Erling Andersen , Norway 112):lJ Ser~ei Kostyukevits, USSR 1984 WORLDL:ZST - - 50 KM 1:21:17 David Smith, Australia 1:2):16 Andrei Evel , USSR l:21:24t Pa.vol Blazek , Czech . 1:2 J 119 Vlad imir Obuhhov, USSR J :J8 :31 Ronald Weigel , GDR J :55 :16 ttarcel Jobin, Canada 1121149t Raul Gonzales , Mexico l:2J122 Nikolai Baskirts ev, USSR J :41 :24 Hartwig {sauder, GDR 3 :55 :l!l Pavel Karchardin , USSR 1 :21148 Ivan Sankovski , USSR 1:2) :22 Antanas Griga l iunas , USSR J :43:06 Andrei P rlov , USSR J :55:/.JbB'?rnd Bummelt, GDR 1 1 :21 ,57 Serge i Protsisin, USSR l:2 J 126 Anatol iy , Gorskov, USSR 3 :4J :JJ Diet mar Meisch , GDR J '56 16 I.asz lo Sator , Hungary 1:22:0J Ljubomir, Bulgaria 1:2)126 Aleksandr St.artsenko, USSR 3 =43 :53 Pavol Szi kora, Czech, J :56 :J2 Bengt Simonsen , Sweden 1:22:07 Carlo Mattioli, Italy l:2Jt27 Willi Sawall , Aust ra lia 3 :46 :41 Raul Gonzales , Mexico J :56 148 Vya tche sla v FUrsov, USSR 1 ;22 :14t Gerard Lelievre, Franc e 1 :2) 129 Oleg Andreyev, USSR J :t"7 ,44 Va.leriy Snutso v, USSR 3 157! 18 Paolo Crecucci , Italy 1 :22:21 Anatoliy Solomin , USSR l:2J :29 Marat Ako~an, USSR 3_48: 0J Ma.rtin Bermudez, Mexico 3 '57 :18 Walter Scjq,..,oche, WC 1 :22 :J I Yevgeniy Misyulya, USSR 1: 2) :)0 Aleksandr Hmelnit ski, USSR J :48 :)6 Reima Salo nen , Finland 3157:55 Arturo Bravo , Mexico 1 :22 :Jl Al eksa ndr Boryaschinov , l :23 I JO Yevgeniy Saik in, USSR 3 '49 :38 Veniamin Nikolayev, USSR 3 .58 :02 Manuel Alcade, Mexico USSR 1:2)1)0 Aleksa ndr Amelnitski, USSR J ,49 :59 Valeiiy Yar ez, USSR 3 :58 : 16 Ivan Sakovit s , USSR 1,22140 Nikolai Polozov, USSR l :2J .4o Vyatsch es lav Fursov, USSR J 50 :12 Jose Marin, Spa.in 3158 :18 Valeriy Nefedov , USSR 1 :22 :4) Roland Weisse r, GDR 1:2) :41 Sergio Spagnulo, Italy 3 150: 51 Vlad.irnir Duschko, USSR 1 J ;.58:J.5 Serge i Soroka., USSR 1:22 4) Aivars Rumbenieks, USSR 1123 :44 Alfons , Schwarz , WC 3 :51:44 Oleg Andreyev, USSR 3.58=48 Ivo Pitak, Czech . 1:22 15) Hartwig Gauder, CDR +:2J t46 Vitaliy Popovits, USSR 3 :52 :16 Fr ancoi s LaPointe , Canada J :59: 16 Jo sef Hudak, Czech .
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