ifternoon, May 31, 1951 THE WAYNESYTLLE MOUNTAIN jPAGE THEEE Crabtree-lro- n Again Dull SYMBOLIC OF U. CH UNITY Children's Reading Promoted Bible School Starts Versatile Athlete Year Ends; Many At Ratcliffe Cove - EAST LANSING. Mich. (API Club At Library p Don Quayle..1 husky Michigan Students Honored Monday, June 4 State athlete, deserves the "versa- Opens June First tile" label. Qujiyle won freshman Tuesday night's graduation event The Ratcliffe Cove Baptist Vaca- numerals in basketball; handled a ended very successful vear at "Tribe Laws" for the Cherokee tion Bible School is scheduled to klrknff assignments for the 1950 Crabtree-lro- n Duff. According to Indian Reading Club of the Hay- start June 4 and run through football team; and Is a star pitcher "Crabtree-Hi-Life- ". the stnH.t wood County Library have just June 9. Preparation Day will be on the Sparta a baseball team. t publicaiton, students were out- bt-e- issued by Miss Margaret this Friday. June 1. i standing in many phases county The of school Johnston, librarian. 'Principal of the school will be Fred SanforO. Miss Betty Mash-bur- n,. work. club will begin activities June I, Mrs. Robert Caldwell. On her staff Mrs. Clarence Ford, Mrs. A band was organized earlv in and continue till the first of are Mrs. Neal Webb. Mrs. Roy Hascue Dyer and Mrs. Hugh Fran- year the with Mrs. Philip Chae Mcidows, Mrs. Brysun Cagle, Mrs. cis. '; directing it. There are around Any school boy or girl may Join, twenty-fou- r members, and a recent but is not a member until he has concert by the band proved that read two books. He then receives a small school can have a band to name tag, and his name is plac o be proud of. There was evidence of ed on the Scroll of Tribe Members outstanding work among the indi- To become an Indian Chief, a o JOnilS-LlAirVILL- S vidual members and their direc- child must read ten seleced books, tor, v -- U 11 one of them about Indians. '4 rT it Q In the athletic Held, Coach Fred Powwows for the older children L-i- Safford went all-o- ut younger) for a success- and Story Hours for the PARRIS ISLAND, S. C Marine ful season. planned throughout the sum The record shows 20 are Pfc. Joseph E, Mack, whose 'wife' ROOFING Francis games played toe L Ctrl including the tourna. mer. The first Story Hour will lives on Route One, was promoted ment games, with 20 held June 7, in the Children's appreciate the wins. The to his present rank when he com- tan one will be held each basketball teams, composed of M Room, and his basic training re- arica the most won-- pleted here L. Beasley, J. C. Caldwell, Frank Thursday at 10 o'clock after that. cently. SIDING in the world unless Chambers, Frank Lowe. Fer- The Story Hour Is intended only from it as long Joe The Waynesville Marine won the ivay guson, Paul Smart, Roy Pope, Dan for children In the 3rd grade and Sgt. Carl Francis medal of rifle marksman during 1c Davis, McLean Pope, DeWitt under. ' is talking about. In the qualification firing of the .30 M and Harrison older group INSULATION visit-oitinen- James, Caldwell en- Powwows for the .be Army he has t- caliber rifle. tered the Asheville Tournament will also be held in the Children's except; Aus-- 0f Private First Class Mack entered Champions where they won the Room, with announcements to be the Marine Corps February 20, trophy and M. L. Beasley and made by the Mountaineer, Station . i n 1951. After leave he will Vis jmvea nere aues-- L Frank Chambers made WHCC, in the Library and on the at Let Us Help You With years in Pacific be assigned to a regular Marine the team- - They won Cullo-whe- Bookmobile. the e unit. irly a year of it in the tournament. They came away Fourth-grader- s and up must turn Building Eagerly waiting Your Problems tint from the Canton Gold Medal Tour-name- in a reading card, signed by one of Sim were his wife, the with the sportsmanship CELEBRATING THE J.OOOlh BIRTHDAY ot Paris, Yolande Betbeze, their parents, for every book read Thelma Muse, and award, and M. L. Beasley making Miss America, pours water from New York's Hudson River Into the The younger group will not need Parkway Section second team. Cul- Seine River In France. The blending of the waters' symbolized the last- book cards, nor wltl they have to las the first family Ret minating the successful season was ing friendship existing between the two great cities. (International) read an Indian book, but their par- 1 ' iree. July 1950. The the trip to the State High School - t - ... ents must keep a list of the books To Open June was living Japan Tournament and in the list as in at Durham where the J. C. Caldwell, Joe Ferguson, M. ject, having been a winner last they read turn .A "live-mile preview" of the iere for a year and boy were defeaed by Camp e. soon as ten books are completed. Co.1 L. Beasley and MeClain Pope, fall. Because of his outstanding southernmost section of the Blue Richland Supply o 1 for these come home. As they The teams were outfitted fourth; Softball throw for distance work he was invited to make a trip August is the deadline Ridge Parkway will be open to the their way to Yokohama at the beginning of the season Frank Lowe, fourth, to Raleigh. lists. public June 1, according to a Park ship new Reading homeward bound, with suits. 4-- All Chiefs will receive Officially The above accomplishments are The Junior H gills' basket Service announcement. Phone 4.1 At The Depot received a change a Final Powwow in The Agriculture Department un a minor part of the work that is ball team won their tournament Certificates at noted as Section the road is he was to report to August 3. A spe- der the guidance of instructor B. done in the department all the John Shibor coached the team. probably held on accessible from Highway 27li at hd. He was in the thick Nesbltt came In for its share of time. With class work, field trips, cial program is planned for this Wagon Road Gap, with - h the 25th "Trop- successful work and play. The g "learning by doing," films and a meeting, Division. team composed of Joe Fer- wide variety of books and maga- e of Waynesville High guson, Paul Smart, Thad Medford zines dealing with agriculture, the ipent three years in and Charles Medford won second boys have a full course. M theatre during place in the Nantahala F.F.A. Fed- The boys haven't been getting II. He Another three eration, an organization of all coun- all the honors. At the dress revue Belk - Hudson Brings You lid promptly headed in ties west of Haywood; they won given by the Home Economics de- direction, to the Pad- - fourth place in the District Con- partments of the county, with each . repre- Event test, competing with 29 other coun- high school in thercounty Popular Bargain thirty-da- y leave here, ties in Western North Carolina. sented, the Crabtree-lro-n Duff SP will report to Fort They won 1000 points of a possible girls won eleven of the possible C, MONTH where THE he will be 1200 points. The team winning sec- twenty-fou- r honors. Winners were FIRST OF in a hasp in the United ond place polled 1105 points; third Valarie Henderson, first in school Mat- winner 1001; therefore Crabtree-lro-n' clothes; Doris Kinsland, first; - Duff team was within five lie Sue Medford, second, and Max-In- e I Croup Ladies' Hoy's Short Sleeve Sport I 27 27 llirjseye Urs ' points of tying for third place. In Medford, third in dressy dres- AiTSk Vl the dairy-judgin- g contest, the team ses; Jewel Dee Ferguson, first, was made up of M. L. Beasley, Joe Shirldean lloglen, third in play DIAPERS DRESSES RTHS Caldwell, J. C. Caldwell and Dan clothes; Maltie Sue Medford, first, SHIRTS won place Josephine Presnell, third, in suits; Davis. This team fifth Blue, Tan First Values To $7.95 Nantahala Division. Thad Elizabeth Ann Crawford, third in Solid Colors ood County Hospital in the Doz. f Medford won second place in the evening clothes; Helen Ferguson, Creon or Grey. ((uulliy $2.75 the following births: - .70 Nantahala Division and fourth first, lounging clothes, bymi uraa- NOW Mrs. Edward SteDD of mention In $4 place in the district for individu- shaw won honorable 4 through 1(1 Route l, a daughter, group. Mrs. Glenn Sizes Arc al scoring. Ihe dressy dresa Nylon Is home economics in- Ladies' Pete Noland, a senior, son of Mr. Noland the structor. Irs. Boyd and Mrs. Fred Noland of Clyde, Allen of Can. in- 4-- members have come $1.00 House May 25. Route 1, represented the local The Ladies' Cotton comes to win- BAGS . $1.48 F.F.A. organization at the Nanta- to their own when it speaking contest, ning, too. The senior 4--H boys Mrs. James Mcsser of hala Federation & Pastel Colors aubject won the tournament this year. Mat-ti- e White Asst. a daughter, May 26, coming out second. His BOY'S BOXER DRESSES dairying. Sue Medford, Frances Emma was a phase of Margaret Boyd Fisher and 12-4- 4 Mrs. Alvin Reynolds field day activities spon- Yates, Sizes of In the won 100 day-ol- d pul-ln- ts daughter, F.F.A.
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