UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday March 2, 2021 Volume 67 Number 29 www.upenn.edu/almanac New Center for Soft and Huey Copeland: BFC Presidential Associate Professor of History of Art Living Matter Huey Copeland has joined Penn as the art of the last two hundred years, Dr. Copeland Deans Steven J. Fluharty of the School of BFC Presidential Associate Professor of His- is the author of Bound to Appear: Art, Slavery, Arts and Sciences and Vijay Kumar of the School tory of Art. Previ- and the Site of Blackness in Multicultural Amer- of Engineering and ously, Dr. Copeland ica and more than forty scholarly articles and Applied Science an- was the Arthur An- book chapters. He currently holds editorial po- nounced the opening dersen Teaching and sitions with Artforum, October, and Art Histo- of a new Center for Research Professor ry. Dr. Copeland’s numerous fellowships and Soft and Living Mat- and associate profes- awards include the prestigious Andrew W. Mel- ter that will be a joint sor of art history at lon Professorship at the Center for Advanced endeavor between the Northwestern Uni- Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA) at the Na- two Schools. The cen- versity. A leading tional Gallery of Art, a Cohen Fellowship from ter will be led by Di- historian of modern the W. E. B. DuBois Research Institute at Har- rector Andrea J. Liu, and contemporary art vard, an American Council of Learned Societ- Hepburn Professor of of the US, Europe, ies fellowship, the David Driskell Prize from the Physics, and Associ- and the African dias- High Museum, the Absolut Art Writing Award, ate Director Douglas pora, with a special and fellowships from the Georgia O’Keeffe J. Durian, professor focus on Black cul- Huey Copeland Museum and the Andy Warhol Foundation. of physics. Andrea Liu tural production and The BFC Presidential Professorship was es- Soft matter re- the Black presence in American and European tablished anonymously in 2019. search concerns col- lective phenomena Nicole McCoy: New DPS Commanding that emerge in sys- Officer of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion tems with many in- University of Pennsylvania Police Depart- our community associations in West Philadel- teracting compo- ment Captain Nicole McCoy has been named phia, but now as the commanding officer, I at- nents, where quantum the Commanding Officer of Diversity, Equity, tend all of the com- mechanics does not and Inclusion in the Division of Public Safety munity meetings for play an explicit role. (DPS), effective January 1. The new position is the University City Some of the biggest dedicated to working with the campus and Phil- associations,” said challenges in the sci- adelphia communities on issues of diversity. Ms. McCoy. “Even ences—to under- Vice President for Public Safety and Super- though they’re just stand systems that are far from equilibri- intendent of Penn Police Maureen S. Rush said outside of our bound- Douglas Durian one reason the position was created was because aries, it’s still impor- um, possess complex the Division of Public Safety listened to the con- tant that they have structures, and/or are designed either by humans cerns of students, faculty, and members of the someone that they or evolutionary processes to have special prop- West Philadelphia community. can reach out to and erties—are confronted in their purest forms in “We need to be sure that we have a represen- discuss prime issues. soft matter. These challenges also arise in under- tative, a person who is going to take the whole So I’m a liaison be- standing the physical phenomena of life, leading mission of Penn Police Department and the Di- tween them and the Photograph by Eric Sucar to a natural intertwining of the fields of soft and vision of Public Safety and make sure that mes- Philadelphia Police Nicole McCoy living matter, and underlie areas of engineering sage is amplified and explained throughout to Department. I meet with them monthly.” ranging from nanomaterials, biomaterials, and the different sectors,” she said. “We make great In the University, Ms. McCoy communi- bioengineering to energy applications, robotics, efforts and succeed in hiring a diverse work- cates with the cultural resource centers, such and data science. force that reflects the diversity of the commu- as Makuu: The Black Cultural Center, as well The center brings together more than 60 fac- nity we serve.” as the African-American Resource Center, and ulty from across more than 10 departments in Ms. McCoy, a former lieutenant, applied for the Office of Social Equity and Community. Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and the Perel- the rank of captain last year as DPS was creating “It will be a big part of my job to interact man School of Medicine. the new position. Ms. Rush said she immediate- with the students so they know we’re here for “Penn was among the first universities to in- ly knew Ms. McCoy was the right fit for the job. them, and especially for the minority popula- vest in soft and living matter research and has Ms. McCoy, who has worked at Penn since tion,” said Ms. McCoy, who is African Ameri- been at the forefront of the field for over a de- 2002, is a member of the 457th class of officers can. “It’s important for them to see that there’s cade,” said Dean Fluharty. Dean Kumar added, to graduate from the Northwestern University somebody who looks like them in the position “The center will foster a strong, cohesive, highly Center for Public Safety’s School of Police Staff of authority. This is a position that, if you want collaborative community in soft and living mat- and Command. As one of the most challeng- future change with equality and inclusion, it ter across Arts and Sciences and Engineering and ing law enforcement management programs in starts by having a seat at the table. It starts with will help make Penn the most exciting, visible the nation, the Center provides comprehensive minorities joining the department.” university in the world in the field.” training for senior law enforcement leadership. Ms. McCoy said being able to talk to people Ms. McCoy was one of only 49 graduates in her and share the “wonderful things” that UPPD of- class. fers people excites her most about the new role. INSIDE 2 Trustees Meeting Coverage; Senate Meeting; In her new role, Ms. McCoy said her job is to “To help you feel seen—that’s what makes Statement on Anti-Asian Violence; MLK Recordings make sure the community knows about UPPD’s me feel so good,” she said. “To be able to talk 3 Deaths; ABCS Course Development Grants work and its contributions to the community. to people. When you have a random conversa- 4 Honors & Other Things “I have, in the past few years, worked with tion with someone in the 7-Eleven or CVS about 6 CultureFest!; Performance and Staff Development Program; Speaking Out; FY2020 Annual Report 7 Update; CrimeStats; SCUE White Paper 2020 (continued on page 2) 8 100 Years of Women’s Sports at Penn ALMANAC March 2, 2021 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 Winter Trustees Meeting Coverage At the University of Pennsylvania Trustees’ $11 million in room and board, offset by $27 mil- SENATE From the Senate Chair Winter (virtual) Stated Meeting of the Execu- lion in travel and entertainment expense savings. tive Committee on Friday, February 26, Chair Total revenue of $804 million was $59 million As detailed in Almanac on February David L. Cohen read the memorial resolution below the prior year and expenses of $846 mil- 16, the Faculty Senate will hold a special for former Trustee Lawrence Nussdorf, W’68, lion were $47 million below the prior year. Capi- virtual meeting open to all Standing Fac- and expressed condolences to his wife, Melanie, tal expenditures totaled $90 million for the pe- ulty on March 17, 3 p.m. ET to consider CW’71, and their sons (Almanac November 24, riod. For the Health System, the change in net changes to the Rules of the Faculty Senate. 2020). Resolutions to elect Lynn Jerath to the In- assets from operations was $185 million inclu- Voting on the Rules will be completed by vestment Board and to amend the bylaws of Penn sive of $100 million in U.S. HHS CARES Act 3:15 p.m. ET. To register, click here. Medicine regarding gender-neutral terminology funding. Excluding that funding, operating in- These revisions to the Rules of the were approved. During Vice Chair Scott Bok’s come was $260 million above budget and $52 Faculty Senate are recommendations de- report, a resolution to amend the statutes of the million below the prior year. Capital expendi- veloped by a committee of current and Trustees to revise term limits was approved. tures were approximately $113 million. former Chairs of the Faculty Senate that President Amy Gutmann reported that around PSOM Dean and EVP of the Health System have been reviewed by the Faculty Sen- 3,000 undergraduate students moved back to Larry Jameson said Pfizer’s new mRNA vaccine ate Executive Committee prior to sub- campus this spring. Almost 56,000 applications is based on technology developed at Penn, as is mission to the Faculty Senate. The re- were received for the class of 2025, the largest the new Moderna vaccine. Ann Reese, chair of visions propose to reform the Senate’s applicant pool in Penn’s history. She said Whit- the Audit & Compliance committee, presented a processes for making committee nomi- ney Soule has been named Vice Provost and resolution that PricewaterhouseCoopers be ap- nations and appointments, to restructure Dean of Admissions, effective July 1 (Almanac pointed as independent accountants to audit the the Senate Committees, and to make oth- February 23, 2021) and Carl June, the Richard financial statements of Penn for Fiscal Year 2021, er clarifying and logistical adjustments.
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