JffTEjV^STATE CIPHER ARRANGED BY H. K. PRATT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/interstatecipherOOprat PREFACE The following Code has been arranged for general use of the Fruit Shippers and Jobbers of these United States. The names of the Jobbers and Fruit Ship- pers who use this Code are indexed in the hack of the book. Additional names and corrections will be sent you from time to time. We would kindly ask you to put on your letterhead, "We Use the Inter-State Cipher," so as to encourage its general use. While no guarantee or special recommend is made of the parties using this Code, I am glad to say they are considered among the best Ship- pers and Jobbers in this country. Address H. K. PRATT Price, $2.00 Minneapolis Numerals and Prices In Dollars and Cents. It is understood where prices are implied the following figures are in dollars and cents, pointing off two places to the left for cents, otherwise they stand for numerals. Aback i/8 Abject 5Vi Abacot Vi Abjure 514 Abacus % Ablaze 5% Abaft 14 Ablen 6 Abandon % Ablist 614 :; Abanet t Ablude 6V2 Abase % Abluent 6% Abash 1 Abnet 7 Abashing 1*4 Aboard 7%. Abbassi I1/2 Abolish 71/2 Abate 1% Abomis 7% Abatis.. 2 Aborigin 8 Abaum 2M Abound 8V4 Abbe 2Y2 Above 8V2 Abbess 2% Abridge 8% Abbott 3 Abroad 9 Abdals 3V4 Abrogate 9Vi Abdest 3V2 Abrook 9V2 Abduct 3% Abrupt 9 a 4 Abear 4 Abscess 10 Abele 4V4 Abscind IOV2 Abet 4V2 Abscond 11 :; 1 Abhor 4 , Absence II 2 Abide o Absolve 12 Numerals and J 'rices. Absorb l'Jij Acquist 52 Abstain 13 Acraze 53 .'.',. Absterge 1 Acrisy 54 Abstract 14 Acrita 55 Absurd 14' L. Acrogen 56 Abuse 15 Acrotar 57 1 Abusive 15 -.. Actibe 5fi Abuttal 16 Actions 59 <>i Abysm 1 -_. Actors 60 Abyss 17 Actress 61 1 Acacia 1 7 2 Actuate 62 Acaden 18 Aculei 63 Acarus 1 8} g Aculon 64 Acater 19 Acumen 65 Accede 19V& Adact 66 Accend 20 Adage 67 Accident 21 Adam 68 Acclaim.... 22 Adamic 69 Accoil 2:? Adapis 70 Accompt 24 Adapted 71 Accord 25 Ad arce 72 Accost 26 Adaunt 73 Account 2 7 Addice 74 Accoy 28 Addicted 75 Accume 29 Addle 76 Accure 30 Addoom 77 Accursed 31 Adduce 78 Accusal 32 Adeb 79 Accus ter 33 Adenoid 80 Acentric 34 Adenos 81 Acerb 35 Adept 82 Aceric 36 Adfinem S3 Acerose 37 Adhere 84 Acerr a 3 S Adhibit 8§ Acestis 39 Adhil 86 Acetose 4-0 Adit 87 Acetum 4-1 Adject 88 Ache 42 Adjoin 89 Achean 43 Adjudge 90 Achiote 44 Adjust 91 Achor 45 Adjute 92 Acifora 40 Admiral 93 Acimose 47 Admire 94 Acolyte 4s Admit 95 Aconite. 4'.) Admoye 96 Acorn 50 Adnata 97 Acoustic 51 A dnoun 98 Numerals and Prices. Adoncin 99 Aguise 140 Adonic tOO Agul 147 Adonis 101 Ahigh 14-8 Adopts 102 Ailing ....149 Adorn 103 Aimed 150 Adown 104 Aimer 151 Adroit 105 Aiming 152 Adulate 106 Aira 153 Adult 107 Airling 154 Adust . 108 Aisle 155 Ad vanct d 109 Aizoon 156 Ad vene 110 Albi 157 Advent Ill Albino 158 Adverb 112 Albion 159 Adverse 113 Albite*. 160 Adytum 114 Albora 161 Affront 115 Albugo 162 Affuse 116 Album 163 Afire 117 Alcade 164 Afloat Us Alcaic 165 Afoul 11'.) Alcedo 166 Afresh 120 Alchemy 167 Africa 121 Alco.....". 168 Aga m i s t 1 2 2 Alcohol 169 Agape 123 Alcoran 170 Agast 12+ Alcove 171 Agate 1 2 5 Alcyonic 172 Agaze 126 Alder 173 Aged 127 Aldine 174 Agenda 128 Aleatorv 175 Agile 129 Aleft...." 176 Agio 130 Alegar 177 Aglet 131 Alegge ) 78 Agmina 132 Alehoof. 17'J Agnail..: 133 Alembic 180 Agnate 13-1 Alembroth 181 Agnelo 1,"..") Aleppine 182 Agnome 1 36 Alert 183 Agnus 137 Alette 184 Agog 138 Aleution 1 85 Agonism 1 39 Aleutic 186 Agonist 140 Alexiteric 1 87 Agony 141« Alfet 188 Agoutv 142 Alga 189 Agrestic 143 Algarot 190 Agrom 144 Algates : 191 Ague 145 Algebra 102 Numerals and Prices. Algerian 193 Al li gate 240 Algid 194 Allision 241 Algidity 195 Allocate 242 Algifie." 196 Allodial 243 Algol 197 Allodium 244 Algology 198 Allonge 245 Algorism 1 99 Alio 246 Algose 200 Allopathy 247 Alhenna 201 Allophanc 24S Alias 202 Alpha 249 Alibi 203 Alphabet 250 Alicant 204 Alphenic 251 Alidade 205 Alphonsin 252 Alien 206 Alphos ;>53 Alienism 207 Alpigene 254 Alienor 208 Alpia 255 Aliforn 209 Alquier 256 Alimental 210 Alsician 257 Alimony 211 Alsegno 258 Alioth..'. 212 Altaic 259 Aliped 213 Altar 260 Aliquant 21 1 Alteritv 261 Aliquot 215 Alternal 262 Alitruuk 216 Althea 263 Alizarine 21 7 Altin 264 Alkahest 218 Altitude 265 Alkali 219 Alto 266 Alkaloid 220 Altruistic 267 Alkanet 221 Aludel 268 Alkermes 222 Alum 269 Allah 223 Alumina 270 Allamort 224 Alumish 271 Allantoic 225 Alveary 272 Allatrate 220 Alveolar 273 Allecret 227 Alveus 274 Allertide 228 Al vine 275 A Hedge 229 Amacratic 276 Allegiance 230 Am a dine 277 Allegoric 231 Amalga m 278 Allegorv 232 Amandola 279 Allegretto 233 Amaranth 280 Allemand 234 Amateur 281 Allcrion 235 Amative 282 Alleviate 236 Amatorial 283 Alley 237 Amaze 284 Alliance 238 Amazon 285 Al 1 iciencv 239 Ambages 286 Numerals and Prices. Ambassador 287 Ampliance 334 Amber 288 Amputate 335 Ambient 289 Ampyx 336 Ambiguous 290 Amuck 337 Ambiloquv 291 Amulet 338 Ambit 292 Amurcous 339 Ambition 293 Amyloid 340 Ambitude 294 Anabas 341 Amble 295 Anacardic 342 Amblygon 296 Anachoret 343 Ambon 297 Anaconda 344 Ambreate 298 Anadem 345 Ambrosia 299 Anadro m 346 Ambulance 300 Anaglyph 347 Ambule 301 Anagogue 34S Ambuscade 302 Anagram 349 Ambush 303 Anagraph 350 Ambustion 304 Anagres 351 Amebeam 305 Analectic 352 Ameer 306 Analogal 353 Amel 307 Analogue 354 Amen 30S Analusis 355 Amenage 309 Analyst 356 Amenity 310 Analyze 357 Ameth vst 311 Anamese 358 Amharic 312 Ananas Arnica] 313 Anatest 360 Amice 314 Anarch 361 Amidogen 315 Anasarca 362 Amilot 316 Anastaltic 363 Amman 317 Anastomose 364 Ammiral 31S Anastomotic 365 Ammite 319 Anastrophe 366 Ammodyte 320 Anatase 367 Armonia 321 .anathema 36S Amnesty 322 Anathematize 369 Amnion 323 Anatifer 370 Amolition 324 Anatiferous 371 Amoret 325 Anatocism 372 Amorosa 326 Anatomic 373 Amorphism 327 An at omical 374 Amort 328 Anatomist 375 Amount 329 Anatomize 376 Ampelite 330 Anntomy 377 Am phi 331 Anatron ' '' Amphibial 332 Anatropnl i Amphide 333 Anbury 3S0 1 Numerals and Prices. Ancestor 381 Annals 4-28 Ancestral 382 Anneal 4-20 Ancestress 383 Annelid 4-30 Anchor 384 Annexion 431 Anchorage 385 Annona 4-32 Anchored 386 Annotate 4-33 Anchoress 387 Annual 434 Anchorite 388 A n n u a ry 4 3 5 Anchovy 389 Annuent 436 Anchusine 390 Annular 4-37 Anchylose 391 Annulose 438 Anchylosis 302 Anora 439 Ancient 393 Anode 440 Ancientry 394 Anodon 441 Ancipital 395 Anod vne 1-42 Anci pitous 396 Anoil". 443 Ancle 31)7 Anoint 444 Ancome 398 Anolis 445 Andean 399 Ano mia 446 Andiron 400 Anophytc 447 Andorrese 401 Anopia 44S Aneroid 402 Anorzy 449 Angelic 403 Anothic 450 Angelite t04 Ano tha 451 Angelot 405 Anslight 452 Angelas 406 Antaic 453 Anglican 407 Antagonis t 454 Anglesite 408 Antagony 455 Angling 409 Antalgic 456 Angola 410 Antarctic 457 Angrily 41 Antares 458 A ngsava 412 Anteal 459 Anguish 4-13 Antecede 4(50 r 1 461 A 1 1 u nl a r y 414 Antecour Anile 41 5 Antedate 462 Aniline 416 Antefixes 463 Anility 417 An t elope 464 A nimable 41 cS Antelucar 465 Animal 110 Antenicene 466 Anine 420 Antennal 467 Aninism 4-21 Antepast 46S Animose 4-22 Antepone 460 Anion 423 Autevert 4-70 Anise 42 1- Anthelix 471 Anisette 1-25 A n t h em 472 Ankled 420 Antheral 473 Ann at 427 \nl hered .474 1 Numerals and Prices. Anthorism 4 7f> Apogean 521 Anthrax 4-76 Apograph 5'J'J Antiar 4-77 Apollo 523 Antic 478 Apologue 524 Anticor 4-79 Apophysis 525 Antidote 480 Aporime 526 Antilogy 481 Aporon 527 Antimosk 482 Apostasis 528 Antimonic 4-83 Apostatieal 529 Antipode 4-84 Aporia 530 Antiquatc 485 Apostasy 531 Antique 486 Apostate 532 Antispast 4.S7 Apostle 533 Antistes 488 Apotome 534 Antithetic 489 A po ze m 535 Antler 490 Appall 536 Antrorse 491 Apparel 537 Anubis 492 Appeal 538 Anvil 493 Appease 539 Aoman 494 Appellant 540 Aorist 495 Append 541 Aoristic 496 Appendix 542 Aorta 497 Apperil 543 Apastron 498 Appetite 544 Apathy 499 A ppian 545 Apatite 500 Applaud 546 Apaumee 501 Applause 547 Ape 502 Applicate 548 Apellos 503 Appoint 549 Apepsy 504 Apporter 550 Aperient 505 Appose 551 Apert 506 Appollyon 552 Apex o07 Appologetic 553 A ph a n i t e 508 Appologetically 554 Aphidian 509 Appologist 555 Aphis 510 Apologizer 556 Aphonous 5 1 Appraise 557 A phonic 512 Approach 55s Aphorism 513 A pprobate 559 A ph thong 514 Apron 560 Apiary 515 Apropas 561 Apices 516 Apse 562 Aplom 517 Apsidal 563 Apocope 518 Apsis 564 Apod 519 Aptate 565 Apodal 520 Apterans 566 10 Numerals and Prices. Aptitude 567 Arista 614 Apyrous 568 Aristocrat 615 Aquarian 569 Arkite 616 Aquatic 570 Armanda 617 Aquaint 571 Armed 618 Aquiduct 572 Armenian 619 Aqueous 573 Armigers 620 Aquose 574 Armeil 621 Arab 575 Armistice 622 Arabian 576 Armlet 623 Arabic 577 Armor 624 Arabisn 578 Armozeen 6°5 Arable 579 Army 626 Arace 580 Arnatto 627 Arachis 581 Arnica 628 Arango 582 Arnot 629 Arbalist 583 Aroma 630 Arbiter 584 Aroph 631 Arblast 585 Arpent 632 Arbor 586 Arpine 633 Arboret 587 Arrack 634 Arbuscle 588 Arraign 635 Arbute 589 Arrant 636 Arcade 590 Arrest 637 Arch 591 Arrogance 638 Archaic 592 Arrow (539 Archer 593 Arsen al 640 Archical 594 Arsenic 641 .
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