Roach, S . H. 1988 . Reproductive periods of Phidippus species (Araneae, Salticidae) in South Carolina . J. Arachnol ., 16 :95-101 . REPRODUCTIVE PERIODS OF PHIDIPPUS SPECIES (ARANEAE, SALTICIDAE) IN SOUTH CAROLINA ' Steven H . Roach Cotton Production Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 213 1 Florence, South Carolina 29503 US A ABSTRACT Observations were made on the reproductive periods of nine species of Phidippus occurring in South Carolina . Phidippus audax (Hentz) oviposited from May through the following early spring , while most other species had much shorter and seasonally defined oviposition periods . The reproductive periods noted in these studies were similar to published reports from other regions where these species occur . INTRODUCTIO N The occurrence of Phidippus spp. in South Carolina has been reported b y Roach and Edwards (1984) and Gaddy and Morse (1985) . Many of these specie s occur in the same habitats and are often difficult to separate taxonomically . The use of genetic product analyses to identify and to study the phylogeneti c relationships of many of the species that occur in the southeastern United State s was reported by Terranova and Roach (1987a, 1987b) . Because the immatures o f several species may compete for habitat and prey concurrently, it is important t o know the seasonal phenology of each species . Most studies of Phidippus spp. reproduction cycles in the literature are limited to observations on the egg sacs o f individuals or a limited number of species in a geographical region . These studie s were reviewed by Edwards (1980) who also reported his observations on th e reproductive cycles and egg masses of Phidippus spp. occurring in Florida . In this report, I present a summary of seven years of observations on the reproductiv e periods of nine of the eleven Phidippus spp . occurring in South Carolina and compare these periods to those reported from other parts of each species range. METHODS During the course of collecting salticids for other studies (Roach 1983 ; Roach & Edwards 1984; Terranova & Roach 1987a,b), numerous specimens o f Phidippus spp. were captured and held for observation . Collection method s In cooperation with the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station . This article reports th e results of research only . Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the USDA . 96 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOG Y varied according to habitat being sampled, but were primarily by sweep-ne t sampling and visual searching . Spiders thus collected were placed in clear plasti c containers (8 X 8 or 8 X 4 cm) and held in a programmed environmental cabine t at 27 ± 2°C, RH 50 ± 10%, and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D). Spiders were fe d Heliothis spp. larvae approximately the same size as the spider every 2 to 3 day s until the natural death of the spiders . Observations on egg sac productio n included in this report are from gravid females collected in the wild. RESULTS The most commonly collected species of Phidippus in field habitats in Sout h Carolina is P. audax (Hentz). This species began egg sac formation and oviposition in early May, and continued through most of the year (Table 1) . Multiple egg sacs by P. audax were common, with an average of 2 .75 per female . Table 2 shows the number of eggs per sac and the relative periods of thei r occurrence. In these observations, the mean number of eggs per sac (60) wa s about equal for all except possibly the sixth, even though the range (15-164) of eggs per sac was quite variable . Phidippus clarus Keyserling was most frequently collected from old field habitats and lakeshore areas, and generally shared the same habitats as P. audax. However, the seasonal reproductive cycle of P. claris was more restricted than P. audax (Table 1) . P. clarus females oviposted during August and September an d spiderlings dispersed from September through January. Another species that occupied habitats similar to P. clarus and P. audax was P. princeps (Peckham & Peckham) . However, it was only found in old field habitats , particularly in wooded areas, and on young pines in reforested areas . This species was common, but less generally distributed than P. clarus over the areas sampled . Only two gravid females were observed in this study . During the period fro m February to April, one produced a single egg sac and the other produced two eg g sacs. The average number of eggs per sac (32) was considerably less than that o f the previous two species . Phidippus mystaceus (Hentz) has been collected only from the western foothills of South Carolina. Two gravid females included in this study were collected wit h egg sacs on 28 February and 23 March in Pickens County, SC by J . Brushwein. Each female produced only one egg sac, one with 76 and the other with 92 eggs (Table 1) . Spiderlings from both egg sacs dispersed during mid April . Collection records from Pickens County indicated this species is found on shrubs, trees, an d on the ground under protective coverings . Phidippus otiosus (Hentz) was collected state-wide and is primarily an arborea l species. This species matured during the fall and produced egg sacs from December to February (Table 1) . Phidippus whitmani Peckham & Peckham was also collected statewide exclusively from woods litter, primarily in older, mixed hardwood areas . Of six females observed, oviposition occurred in July and August, and no femal e produced more than one egg sac (Table 1) . The remaining species included in this report (Table 1) were rarely collecte d and thus observations on these species are limited . Phidippus putnami (Peckham & Peckham) adults were collected from low limbs on the edge of mixed . *—Spiderlings dispersing when found so number may Table 1 .-Oviposition periods, fecundity, and spiderling dispersal of Phidippus species in South Carolina possibly be lower than normal . **—Not counted ; dispersal observed . Spiderling Numbe r Ovipositio n X Egg sac / Range o f X Eggs Range of X Total dispersal period Species observed period female egg sac/female /egg sac eggs/egg sac eggs/female 15-164 192 4 June-3 Mar. P. audax 11 May-Mar. 2.75 1-6 64 .0 83 .3 7-207 150 23 Sept .-25 Jan. P. clarus 6 Aug .-Sept . 1 .7 1-3 21-60 48 9 Mar .-10 July P. princeps 2 Feb .-Apr. 1 .5 1-2 32 .0 76-92 84 14 Apr.-18 Apr . P. mystaceus 2 Feb .-Mar. 1 1 84 .0 101 .0 19-150 135 21 Jan.-13 Feb . P. otiosus 3 Dec.-Feb . 1 .3 1-2 47* 47* Oct. P. putnami 1 Oct. 1 1 47* 138 23 Feb. P..regius 1 Jan . 1 1 138 138 19-62 43.3 5 Sept .-16 Nov . P. whitmani 6 July-Aug. 1 1 43 .3 - NC** April-May P. cardinalis 2 Mar.-Apr . 1 1 NC** Table 2 .-Observations on Phidippus audax egg sacs and the periods of spiderling dispersal in eastern South Carolina. Numbers in parentheses indicate numbe r of egg masses observed . Egg sacs Observation I st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th X Spiderlings per egg sac 71(11) 68(9) 54(5) 68(4) 67(2) 31(1) Range of spiderlings/egg sac 31-164 15-127 31-67 47-97 46-88 3 1 X Date of spiderling dispersal 27 June 6 Aug . 3 Sept . 30 Sept. 23 Oct. 3 Mar. Range of spiderling dispersal dates 4 June-14 July 15 July-27 Aug. 7 Aug.-11 Sept. 26 Sept .-8 Oct . 23 Oct .-15 Nov . Mar. ROACH—REPRODUCTIVE PERIODS OF PHIDIPPUS 99 hardwood areas during late summer and early fall . Only one gravid female wa s collected with an egg sac and the spiderlings were possibly dispersing when found . This female did not produce another egg sac before dying in December . Phidippus regius C . L. Koch was collected only in coastal areas, and again only one gravid female was observed . It was collected in November and produced on e egg sac in February (Table 1) . Phidippus cardinalis (Hentz) was collected only in the foothills area of the state by J. Brushwein. He collected two females with egg sacs in March and April , 1986, but unfortunately did not count the number of eggs per sac . DISCUSSION Phidippus audax occurs widely over most of the United States and severa l reports of seasonal occurrence are available . Gibson (1947), in Tennessee , reported that P. audax overwintered as immatures and adults but did not deposit eggs until July. Kaston (1981) indicated that adults matured in late April to earl y May in Connecticut and laid eggs in June and July, with single female s constructing up to three egg sacs . Snetsinger (1955), in Illinois, reported that P. audax mated in May and June and deposited eggs in June and July. Edwards (1980) indicated a maturation period primarily in May and June for Florida . Taylor & Peck (1975) compared southern Texas and northern Missouri forms o f P. audax, and indicated a spring maturation period with up to six egg sacs pe r female, averaging 41 .7 to 85.5 young per egg sac. They also found that later eg g sacs for each female contained fewer young than earlier deposited egg sacs . These results are similar to those found in the present study except that egg sacs deposited successively did not contain fewer eggs than those produced earlier , with the possible exception of the sixth egg sac. Oviposition, by P. clarus was observed in August-September in South Carolina . Kaston (1981), in Connecticut, reported mating of P.
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