CONSUMER SCRUTINY IS a ALBERTA’s NEWEST cHANCe TO Do BETTER ‘TOWn’ IS ONE oF a KIND 4-H volunteers come up with a unique Seize the opportunity to challenge yourself and way to mark centennial and showcase move forward, says leadership expert » PG 3 its spirit » PG 22 Publications Mail Agreement # 40069240 Volume 13, number 26 D e c ember 19, 2016 The future looks dangerous, says market watcher ottawa opens its wallet: Central banks have created an economic bubble and Ag research back on the when it bursts, demand for everything will screech to a halt front burner again BY JENNIFER BLAIR Top scientists hail the end of decades-long plunge in the number AF Staff / Medicine HAt rrol Anderson’s opinion on of Ag Canada agricultural researchers the global economic down- E turn isn’t one you’ll read in too many newspapers. “i’m going to make a bold state- BY ALEXIS KIENLEN ment: We are at the end of an AF StAFF 80-year capitalistic cycle that has already been prolonged 10 years by ecent hirings at Agriculture central bank manipulation. it has and Agri-Food canada are a to be refreshed, and it will be,” said R sign that the long decline in Anderson, president of ProMarket research capability is over. communications. “that they’re hiring is very posi- “i believe that economics always tive,” said Ron dePauw, who estab- rule. central bankers can do what- lished himself as one of the world’s ever they’re doing to kick the can top wheat breeders with his work at (down the road) but in the end, AAFc’s Swift current station. economics always rule. “if you go back to 1973, there were “there’s no sense in denying over 800 scientists in the research what’s going on in these financial branch and now it’s around 380 to markets right now.” 390, and they’re trying to get back central banks have been trying to 400. it’s very positive that they’re to jumpstart the flagging economy trying to retain capacity.” by printing money and adjusting concern has been mounting in interest rates, Anderson said at recent years that the number of the Farming Smarter conference Ag canada researchers was going in early this month. to plunge further. A 2013 study “Right now, the central bank by the Western Grains Research stimulus bubble is three times Foundation found that 40 per cent larger than the dot-com and the of Ag canada scientists (16 out of U.S. housing bubble combined,” 39) were expected to retire in the he said. “We’ve got a very sleepy next three years, causing a serious market right now. in 2017, we’re knowledge gap in crop research going to see it start to swing across the Prairies. the new hir- because economics are going to ings are, so far, addressing that start to cut into these markets.... problem. dePauw said he heard from one SEE MARKETS } page 8 Ag canada manager that there were about 20 retirements and 22 hires in 2016. And there are still postings across canada that have yet to be filled. “it’s been very positive to see AAFc replacing staff after a fairly long period where the restaffing of scientists was very low,” said Steve Morgan Jones, former director general with AAFc’s Prairie region. But many key or core scientist positions have been replaced over the 18 months, he said. “they’re trying to retain a capac- ity,” added dePauw, noting it’s critical to have a replacement hired before a scientist retires so Reem Aboukhaddour (top) is one of four new Ag Canada scientists hired in Alberta this year. Her focus is research isn’t disrupted. on diseases such as stripe rust, leaf spot, and fusarium head blight. Breanne Tidemann, (above) another new hire, is looking at an area — alternative weed management — that could be a lifesaver as herbicide RESEARCH } page 6 resistance continues its relentless march. PHOTOS: Supplied FusArium ConTrol fighting fiRe with fiRe } PAGE 20 2 news » inSide thiS Week DeCembeR 19, 2016 • albeRTAFaRmeXPRESs.Ca inside » livestock crops columnists THE SECRET (CHEMICAL) NEW TERMINALS CHEAP FEED A Gord Gilmour JUST KEEP COMING RARE BRIGHT SPOT LIFE OF PLANTS WHile We Will be able to gRoW ouR Way out oF latest gRain glut? Paterson and P&H plan to 4 build 77,000-tonne port terminal on Fraser River in Brenda Schoepp Vancouver 19 in praise oF a RemaRkable WesteRn CanaDian iCon 5 SHINING A SPOTLIGHT ON LIFE-SAVING AEDS alan GueBert Defibrillators save lives, but most tweak your feeding regime to put Crops have an astonishing array u.s. FaRmeRs stanD WitH TrumP, of us don’t know where to extra pounds on your cattle, of chemical defences to ward but it may Cost tHem find them or how to use them 22 but remember quality is poor 12 off diseases and pests 17 4 TB testing to continue Here’s a primer on carbon taxes into January staff and cap and trade in Canada As of Dec. 7, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Alberta is emulating B.C. with a carbon tax, Ontario and Quebec favour has confirmed six cases of bovine TB. This number cap and trade, and Saskatchewan opposes carbon pricing includes the cow that was confirmed to have the dis- Climate Change and Emissions ease when it was slaugh- Canadian Canola Growers Fund (which will be used to pay tered in the U.S. All con- assoCiation release for various green initiatives). firmed cases are still from B.C. has had a carbon tax one infected herd located ith the federal govern- since 2008. By law, it is rev- on 18 premises. ment’s announce- enue neutral — this means Approximately 50 prem- W ment in October of a that for every increase in the ises are under quarantine — national carbon pricing policy, carbon tax, other taxes must mostly in Alberta, with no many farmer conversations be lowered by a proportional more than five in Saskatch- have turned to what a carbon amount. It was implemented ewan. More than 26,000 tax is and how it differs from a in 2008 at $10/tonne of GHGs animals are under quaran- cap-and-trade system. and by 2012, the government tine, including those on the The government’s plan had increased the price to $30/ infected premises. Testing requires all provinces and ter- tonne. B.C. also exempted pur- on quarantined farms is ritories to have a price on car- ple gas and purple diesel from expected to be completed bon by 2018. In Western Can- the carbon tax, which benefits by early January. The last ada, two provinces — B.C. and some farmers. round of reactor animals Alberta — have a carbon plan that were humanely slaugh- already in place. Manitoba and What about Manitoba and tered showed no lesions or Saskatchewan will now have to gRaPHiC: CCGA Saskatchewan? other clinical signs of the put their own plans in place by Under the federal directive, the disease. 2018. remaining Prairie provinces Affected producers are But what will these plans must implement a carbon pric- eligible for an advance up be, and what is carbon pricing ing plan by 2018. to $400,000, with the first exactly? And what’s the differ- Manitoba’s government $100,000 being interest free ence between a carbon tax and has said that it will create a under the Advance Pay- a cap-and-trade system? “made-in-Manitoba” plan, ments Program. In addition rather than taking on the fed- to being deprived of income What is carbon pricing? erally mandated pricing. The because they haven’t been Carbon pricing is any method details of this plan — includ- able to sell their calves, that puts a price on carbon ing whether it’s a cap and trade, affected producers are emissions, whether it be a tax, or a hybrid — have yet to facing huge feed bills direct tax or an indirect cap- be released. and many are struggling and-trade system. In most To date, Saskatchewan’s because their feedyards cases, the price is charged for government has opposed the weren’t designed to hold so every one tonne of greenhouse federal plan, arguing that any many animals. Alberta Beef gases (GHGs) emitted into the carbon pricing scheme would Producers is still working atmosphere. hurt the province’s economy to find a feedlot for quar- more than any other province. antined calves, but hasn’t What’s the difference been successful so far, exec- between a carbon tax and What about Ontario and utive director Rich Smith cap and trade? Quebec? said on Dec. 12. A carbon tax is a charge to an Most of the rest of Canada individual or business that uses A carbon tax will be applied to gas, diesel, and natural gas, but large either already has a carbon carbon-based energy, such as emitters will face additional measures. PHOTO: tHINKSTOCk pricing plan or will have one. natural gas, diesel, and gaso- In 2017, Ontario will introduce line. The tax is applied for every a cap-and-trade system. The tonne of GHGs consumed. As that are under the cap can sell Alberta has gone with a hybrid Ontario cap-and-trade system Correction part of the national carbon their unused emissions allow- carbon tax regime. In this sys- aims to reduce emissions by A story in the Dec. 5 edition titled plan, starting in 2018 the Cana- ance as credits. Companies and tem, the government will price 15 per cent of 1990 levels by A new way to pass on the farm that dian government will set a $10/ facilities that do not meet the carbon directly and place a cap the end of 2020, and reduce may let you sleep easier incorrectly tonne tax for any province that cap must purchase these cred- on emissions for specific facili- emissions by 37 per cent of stated that “if a farmer sells $2 mil- does not put their own carbon its either from other companies ties and companies, but also 1990 levels by 2030.
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