P e s t i c i d e S a f e t y F a c t S h e e t Respiratory Protective Devices for Pesticides or many toxic chemicals, the PPE is required for mixing and loading Mine Safety and Health Administration respiratory (breathing) system than for the application. In any case, if a (MSHA). The NIOSH/MSHA approval is the quickest and most direct label states that a specific respirator is to numbers begin with the letters TC (tested Froute of entry into the circulatory be worn, then not wearing that type of and certified). Most labels also indicate system. From the blood capillaries respirator is illegal. which TC cartridge provides the best of the lungs, these toxic substances protection for that product. are rapidly transported throughout Before wearing a respirator, it is recom- the body. Although the respiratory mended that you have a medical evalu- system does provide some filtration, ation. Breathing through a respirator is Types of Respirators small particles (less than 10 microns in extra work for your body. Respirators can diameter) can pass freely to the lungs. be hazardous to people with heart and Respiratory protective devices can be Additionally, if the person is exposed lung problems. Some people are claus- categorized into two classes: air purifying to a large concentration of particles, trophobic or simply find that wearing a and air supplied. An air-supplied respira- the body’s ability to filter any size respirator is uncomfortable. Discovering tor provides clean air for breathing from particle is reduced. any personal limitations before a pesticide an independent compressed air supply. application is better than finding one For example, the type of respirators fire- The key to preventing respiratory during an application. fighters and scuba divers use are air sup- hazards associated with a pesticide ap- plied. Since most pesticide contaminants plication is to wear a respirator. Respi- Respiratory protective devices vary in can be removed from the atmosphere rators protect applicators from inhaling design, use, and protective capability. In by air-purifying devices, we will look at airborne chemicals or dusts that may selecting a respiratory protective device, these in greatest detail. They are the most cause temporary or permanent harm- the user must first consider the degree commonly used in industry. ful health effects, including death. of hazard associated with breathing the toxic substance and then understand the Air-purifying devices include nuisance While the primary reason to wear a specific uses and limitations of the avail- dust masks, particulate air filters, gas respirator is to protect your health, a able equipment. Select a respirator that is masks (also referred to as canister filter secondary reason is that some pesti- designed for the intended use and always respirators), chemical cartridge respira- cide product labels specify that a respi- follow the manufacturer’s instructions tors, and powered air-purifying respira- rator be worn. Applicators are familiar concerning the use and maintenance of tors. They can be used only in atmo- with the phrase “the label is the law.” that particular respirator. Different res- spheres containing sufficient oxygen to You are legally required to follow all pirators may be needed for application of sustain life. In other words, they do not personal protective equipment (PPE) different chemicals or groups of chemi- supply an independent source of air; they instructions on the label. The labeling cals. Only select equipment approved by only filter the existing air. A characteristic often lists different PPE requirements the National Institute of Occupational of most air-purifying respirators is that for different activities. Usually, more Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the they have negative pressure—the user’s College of Agricultural Sciences ● Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension Pesticide Education respiratory system (lungs) must pull the air through the filter. A leak in the mask from a poor fit to the applicator’s face or from a crack in the mask will allow con- taminated air to bypass the filter, making the respirator ineffective. Therefore, a good seal and properly maintained equip- ment are essential. Nuisance dust masks only provide relief from large dust particles and irritants and should only be used when dusts are not Particulate air filter. Gas mask. hazardous to your health. Nuisance dust masks are not considered protective de- to 8 hours and will filter out 99 percent of Cartridge respirators are available either vices. They offer minimal protection due the particles larger than 0.3 micrometers as half-masks, covering only the nose and to their poor sealing ability. This type of (Table 1). mouth, or as full-facepiece respirators for mask is not NIOSH approved since it will both respiratory and eye protection. Some not protect you from hazardous dusts, Gas masks are usually full-facepiece respirators offer a combination of both a gases, or vapors of pesticides. respirators with one filtering canister. The chemical cartridge and a mechanical filter full facepiece protects the eyes, nose, and (prefilter). This combination can provide mouth and provides a better seal than respiratory protection against gases and a half facepiece. The canister will last particulate matter. longer than chemical cartridge respira- tors when continuously exposed to some No single type of cartridge is able to pesticides. A gas mask will not, however, remove all kinds of chemical vapors. provide protection when the air supply A different type of chemical cartridge is low. A special respirator with a self- contained air supply should be worn in these situations. Chemical cartridge respirators provide re- spiratory protection against certain gases and vapors in concentrations not greater Nuisance dust mask. than 0.1 percent by volume, provided Particulate air filters are used for protec- that this concentration does not exceed tion from particulates in the air but not an amount that is immediately danger- for protection from chemical vapors or ous to life and health. More specifically, gases. Although particulate air filters may they are for use only when exposure to be used in some pesticide situations, they light concentrations of chemicals is likely, should never be used when mixing or ap- such as when mixing pesticides outdoors. Chemical cartridge respirator. plying pesticide liquids because splashed or spilled liquids or pesticide vapors can be absorbed by the mask and create an Table 1. Particulate filter series codes. exposure hazard to the user. Code Filter series Filter type designation Minimum efficiency (%) In July 1995, NIOSH established per- N95 95 formance criteria for particulate respira- N Not resistant to oil N99 99 tors. The criteria have three series of filter N100 99.97 types: N (not resistant to oil), R (resistant R95 95 Resistant for up to oil for up to 8 hours), and P (oil proof). R R99 99 to 8 hours The minimum efficiencies of 95, 99, and R100 99.97 99.97 percent indicate how efficient the P95 95 respirator’s filter capability is against P Oil proof P99 99 particles that are at least 0.3 micrometers. P100 99.97 For example, R99 is resistant to oil for up (or canister) must be used for different contaminants. For example, cartridges and canisters that protect against certain organic vapors differ chemically from those that protect against ammonia gases. Be sure that the cartridge or canister is approved for the pesticide you intend to use (check the product label). Cartridge respirators are not recommended for use against chemicals that possess poor warn- ing properties. Thus, the user’s senses (smell, taste, irritation) must be able to Powered air-purifying respirator. detect the substance at a safe level if car- tridge respirators are to be used correctly. Powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) equipped with pesticide filters/cartridges Powered air-purifying respirator. The effective life of a respirator cartridge also are effective in filtering out pesticide or canister depends on the conditions as- particles and vapors. They are available as capability, positive or negative pressure, sociated with its use, such as the type and full-face masks, hoods, or protective hel- and overall protection assessment. concentration of the contaminants, the mets, which are connected to a battery- user’s breathing rate, and the humidity, as powered filtration system by a breathing well as its gas and vapor sorption capac- hose. PAPR have the advantage of being Use and Care of ity. When the chemical cartridge becomes positive pressure. Contaminated air is Respirators saturated, a contaminant can pass through forced through the filter, resulting in pu- the cartridge, usually allowing the user to rified air running through a hose to the Respirators are worn as needed for protec- smell it. At this point, the cartridge must be helmet/headpiece. The entire head area tion when handling certain pesticides. changed immediately. Periodically, the me- is surrounded by filtered air and has the Prior to using a respirator, read and un- chanical prefilter also needs to be changed. additional benefit of cooling the person derstand the manufacturer’s instructions A prefilter should be replaced whenever wearing it. Moreover, because of the posi- with the equipment, on the cartridge, or the respirator user feels that breathing is tive pressure, if there is a leak, filtered air canister and all supplemental information becoming difficult. Dispose of all spent car- will be forced out through the leak and about its proper use and care. Be sure the tridges to avoid their being used inadver- not allow contaminated air to enter. But, filter is approved for protection against tently by another applicator who is unaware as with other air purifying devices, this the pesticide you intend to use. Respira- of their contaminated condition. system does not supply oxygen and must tors labeled only for protection against be worn only when the oxygen supply is particulates must not be used for gases Chemical cartridge respirators cannot not limited.
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