SCHEDULE OF DECISION NOTICES ISSUED BY THE HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES JUNE 2010 Application Applicant Proposed Development Planning Decision Decision Date SW/10/0427 Mr & Mrs Dobson Alterations and rear extension to form new stair LBC APPROVED 01.06.10 (C15855) enclosure (renewal of consent granted on 6 April 2000 with conditions under Ref: SW/00/0172 Case 15855 with minor alterations – Akhurst Cottage, Shepherds Hill, Selling SW/10/0433 Mrs Georgina Beaney Variation of condition (5) of planning permission APPROVED with 01.06.10 (C23301) SW/08/0917 to allow the storage of a 3.5 tonne conditions commercial vehicle on the site – Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane, Upchurch SW/10/0492 Miss M Green Proposed change of use of former Woolworths Store (A1 NO OBJECTION 01.06.10 (C02813) Use Class) – 38-42 High Street, Sheerness SW/10/0497 Mr Jamie Newnham Single storey rear extension and two storey side APPROVED with a 01.06.10 (C23903) extension – 33 Hilton Close, Faversham condition SW/10/0428 The occupation of an annexe as an independent CERTIFICATE OF 02.06.10 (C04521) dwelling house – The Annexe, Hillcrest Road, Stalisfield LAWFULNESS OF EXISTING USE OR DEVELOPMENT SW/10/0441 Mr Michael Parks To replace the existing single glazed, dark-stained APPROVED with 02.06.10 (C02491) timber casement windows with white PVCU double- conditions glazed casement windows to incorporate fanlights as well as side-hung openers – 1-14 Tylden House, Frobisher Close, Milton Regis SW/10/0442 Mr I Betts Replacement of existing windows and doors at both front REFUSED 02.06.10 (C23982) and rear of property – 15 Roman Road, Faversham - 1 - Application Applicant Proposed Development Planning Decision Decision Date SW/10/0078 PQW Trading Ltd Demolition of existing industrial buildings and APPROVED with 02.06.10 (C23045) construction of 78 new residential dwellings including conditions affordable housing, extending to 2-3 storeys, together with associated car parking, landscaping and infrastructure works – Faversham Foundry, Seager Road, Faversham SW/10/0536 Mr & Mrs R Perrott New ground floor side extension and garage alteration to REFUSED 03.06.10 (C22837) create elderly annex bedroom and sitting room. Doors to garage relocated to side elevation including frontage drive parking – 9 Curlew Avenue, Lower Halstow SW/10/0539 Mr W Cotter Erection of a garden gazebo in the front garden of Pond APPROVED with 03.06.10 (C04389) Cottage – Pond Cottage, Green Lane, Rodmersham no conditions SW/10/0217 Dr Alastair Gould & Kate Rebuilding of existing chimney – 67 The Street, LBC APPROVED 03.06.10 (C13975) Dewar Boughton with conditions SW/10/0494 Timber outbuilding (proposed) – Pendle Cottage, Oad CERTIFICATE OF 03.06.10 (C11066) Street, Borden LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED USE OR DEVELOPMENT TC/10/0033 Mr Wimlett Removal of Willow Tree to side of property (the tree in NO OBJECTION 04.06.10 (C03240) question is actually a Sycamore, not a Willow) – Whitehall Cottage, Brogdale Road, Faversham SW/10/0395 Ms J Speed Change of use of tract of land adjacent new residential APPROVED with 04.06.10 (C00212) development from agricultural to residential use – conditions Agricultural Lane, r/o The Old Stables, Gas Lane, Boughton - 2 - Application Applicant Proposed Development Planning Decision Decision Date SW/10/0469 Mr R Welling Demolition of existing conservatory and single storey to APPROVED with 04.06.10 (C15950) rear. Erection of two storey extension to rear - Jouville, conditions 45 Scocles Road, Minster SW/10/0479 Mr F Fitzpatrick Change of use from MOT centre and car repairs to APPROVED with 04.06.10 (C05427) mixed use for MOT, car repairs and car sales – conditions Staplehurst Road Garage, 160A Staplehurst Road, Sittingbourne SW/10/0484 Mr Ian Gent Erection of two new agricultural buildings – Holly Hill APPROVED with 04.06.10 (C22203) Farm, Dawes Road, Dunkirk conditions SW/10/0364 Mr Kevin Andrews Installation of a conservation style rooflight on the west REFUSED 04.06.10 (C05890) kiln – Oast House, Perry Court Farm, London Road, Faversham SW/10/0365 Mr Kevin Andrews For installation of a conservation style rooflight on the LBC REFUSED 04.06.10 (C05890) west kiln – Oast House, Perry Court Farm, London Road, Faversham SW/10/0325 Mr Robert Clark Approval of Reserved Matters to approve access; APPROVED 07.06.10 (C23282) appearance; landscaping; scale and layout for the pursuant to outline construction of 45 two, three and four bed dwellings planning pursuant to planning permission SW/04/1059 – Parcel permission 14 (Phase 2), Thistle Hill, Minster SW/10/0470 Ideal Conservatories & Replacement building for fire damaged Dutch barn and APPROVED with 07.06.10 (C04829) Windows Ltd for B2/B8 use together with a work at home office unit conditions replacing an existing pole barn at same location – Wallend Farm, Lower Road, Minster SW/10/0533 Mr John Dobson Extension on rear of house replacing bathroom dormer APPROVED with 07.06.10 (C15855) with associated external works – Akhurst Cottage, conditions Shepherds Hill, Selling - 3 - Application Applicant Proposed Development Planning Decision Decision Date SW/10/0549 Mr Derrick Parry To erect a two bay Oak framed garage with doors, with APPROVED with 07.06.10 (C19642) extension to block paved driveway – High View, Deans conditions Hill Road, Bredgar SW/10/0496 Mr Mc McGuire Replacement windows and doors on all elevations – 40 REFUSED 08.06.10 (C23806) Abbey Street, Faversham SW/10/0517 Mr Peter Waite Construction of a detached dwelling – Plot adj 120 APPROVED with 08.06.10 (C12404) Scarborough Drive, Minster conditions SW/10/0376 Mr P Cheesborough Extension to existing car park – Costcutter Supermarket, APPROVED with 08.06.10 (C05916) 276-278 Minster Road, Minster conditions SW/10/0430 Two rear dormer windows – Little Orchard, Chestnut CERTIFICATE OF 08.06.10 (C05609) Wood Lane, Borden LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED USE OR DEVELOPMENT SW/10/0445 Mr & Mrs Massey Garage conversion to form bedroom and bathroom for APPROVED with 08.06.10 (C23985) disabled relative – 17 Saxon Shore, Sittingbourne conditions SW/10/0480 Ms Paula Dos Santos Demolition of existing conservatory, construction of APPROVED with 08.06.10 (C15365) proposed single storey rear extension – 8 Brownings conditions Orchard, Rodmersham SW/10/0487 Mr Dee Quealy Demolition of existing store, constructions of ground floor APPROVED with 08.06.10 (C01996) office with 4 x one bedroom apartments above – 2 Park conditions Road, Sittingbourne TC/10/0042 Mr Martin Rutherford Reduction by 30% and removal of 2 stems to Ash tree NO OBJECTION 08.06.10 (C23994) (front of property) – 3 Pile Cottages, Canterbury Road, Faversham - 4 - Application Applicant Proposed Development Planning Decision Decision Date SW/10/0440 Brick built single storey rear extension – 10 Jacinth CERTIFICATE OF 09.06.10 (C23470) Drive, Sittingbourne LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED USE OR DEVELOPMENT SW/10/0474 Ms Diane Cumberlidge Demolition of existing pole barn and erection for APPROVED with 09.06.10 (C18336) replacement open fronted portal frame barn for B8 use in conditions connection with an agricultural and countryside maintenance contracting operation – 68 Horsham Lane, Upchurch SW/10/0488 Mr Damian Rowe Replacement windows, single storey rear extension, loft APPROVED with 09.06.10 (C06628) conversion with one dormer window to rear, conditions hardstanding to flank of property with new access – 117 Upper Brents, Faversham TC/10/0045 Mr Ben Saul To remove Lime tree, to root grind stump out and to NO OBJECTION 09.06.10 (C10890) replace with a more appropriate smaller nature tree – 3 Station Road, Faversham TC/10/0048 Mr Wayne Ewell To pollard one Robinia Pseudoacacia – 63 Ospringe NO OBJECTION 09.06.10 (C18928) Street, Faversham SW/10/0408 Mr Edward Panton To site twin unit mobile home – St Teresa, Kent View REFUSED 09.06.10 (C03222) Drive, Eastchurch SW/10/0419 Driveway extension – The Old Vicarage, The Street, CERTIFICATE OF 10.06.10 (C12501) Lynsted LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED USE OR DEVELOPMENT - 5 - Application Applicant Proposed Development Planning Decision Decision Date SW/10/0501 Mrs P E Moulder Ground floor flat roof extension at rear of the property for APPROVED with 10.06.10 (C23992) a disabled person (bedroom and shower) – 5 Trinity conditions Road, Sittingbourne SW/10/0504 Mrs Wake Two storey rear extension – Carnalea Residential Home, APPROVED with 10.06.10 (C00097 & 5-9 London Road, Faversham conditions 09127) SW/10/0522 The Boots Company New fascia signs – 82 Preston Street, Faversham ADVERTISEMENT 10.06.10 (C05872) CONSENT REFUSED SW/10/0558 Mr M Spurr Erection of a single storey, timber framed, glazed REFUSED 10.06.10 (C07317) conservatory – Thatch Cottage, The Street, Hartlip SW/10/0560 Mr M Spurr Erection of a single storey, timber framed, glazed LBC REFUSED 10.06.10 (C07317) conservatory – Thatch Cottage, The Street, Hartlip PN/10/0051 Mr S Attwood Prior Notification for the erection of a traditional farm PRIOR APPROVAL 10.06.10 (C23520) building to provide a farm office, laboratory and staff NOT REQUIRED facilities – New Hook Farm, Lower Road, Eastchurch SW/10/0285 Mr John Milham Single storey rear extension, hip to gable loft extension REFUSAL OF 11.06.10 (C23950) with two rooflights to existing roof and demolition of CERTIFICATE OF existing garage (proposed) – 1 Hempstead Lane, LAWFULNESS OF Bapchild PROPOSED USE OR DEVELOPMENT SW/10/0506 Mr Steven Witt Retrospective application for the erection of a shed for APPROVED with 11.06.10 (C05722) storage and hobby room – 35 The Fairway, no conditions Sittingbourne
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