February 27, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1639 pending in the District Court Of The Second Whereas in days following the passing of vidual consultants, or organizations thereof Judicial District Of The State Of Idaho, in Dale Earnhardt, fellow drivers and NASCAR (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legis- and for the County of Latah, testimony has officials repeatedly referred to him as ‘‘the lative Reorganization Act of 1946); and been subpoenaed from Cindy Agidius, an em- greatest driver in the history of the sport’’: (2) not to exceed $4,000, may be expended ployee in the office of Senator Mike Crapo; Now, therefore,be it for the training of the professional staff of Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and Resolved, That the Senate— the committee (under procedures specified 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of (1) Recognizes that the world has too soon by section 202(j) of that Act). 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the lost one of its most beloved sports heroes SEC. 2. REPORTING LEGISLATION. Senate may direct its counsel to represent and one of the greatest drivers in racing his- The committee shall report its findings, employees of the Senate with respect to any tory; and honors him in his devotion to life, together with such recommendations for leg- subpoena, order, or request for testimony re- family, and motor sports; and islation as it deems advisable, to the Senate lating to their official responsibilities; (2) expresses its deep and heartfelt condo- at the earliest practicable date, but not later Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of lences to the family of Dale Earnhardt on than February 28, 2003. the United States and Rule XI of the Stand- their tragic loss. SEC. 3. EXPENSES AND AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS. ing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under f (a) EXPENSES OF THE COMMITTEE.— the control or in the possession of the Senate (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in may, by the judicial or administrative proc- SENATE RESOLUTION 30—AUTHOR- paragraph (2), any expenses of the committee ess, be taken from such control or possession IZING EXPENDITURES BY THE under this resolution shall be paid from the but by permission of the Senate; COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers Whereas, when it appears that evidence approved by the chairman of the committee. under the control or in the possession of the Mr. DOMENICI submitted the fol- (2) VOUCHERS NOT REQUIRED.—Vouchers Senate may promote the administration of lowing resolution; from the Committee shall not be required for— justice, the Senate will take such action as on the Budget; which was referred to (A) the disbursement of salaries of employ- will promote the ends of justice consistently the Committee on Rules and Adminis- ees of the committee who are paid at an an- with the privileges of the Senate: Now, tration. nual rate; therefore, be it (B) the payment of telecommunications ex- Resolved, That Cindy Agidius is authorized S. RES. 30 penses provided by the Office of the Sergeant to testify in the case of State of Idaho v. Resolved, at Arms and Doorkeeper; Fredrick Leroy Leas, Sr., except concerning SECTION 1. COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET. (C) the payment of stationery supplies pur- matters for which a privilege should be as- (a) GENERAL AUTHORITY.—In carrying out chased through the Keeper of Stationery; serted. its powers, duties, and functions under the (D) payments to the Postmaster of the SEC. 2. The Senate Legal Counsel is author- Standing Rules of the Senate, in accordance Senate; ized to represent Cindy Agidius in connec- with its jurisdiction under rule XXV of such (E) the payment of metered charges on tion with the testimony authorized in sec- rules, including holding hearings, reporting copying equipment provided by the Office of tion one of this resolution. such hearings, and making investigations as the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; f authorized by paragraphs 1 and 8 of rule (F) the payment of Senate Recording and XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, Photographic Services; or SENATE RESOLUTION 29—HON- the Committee on the Budget (referred to in (G) for payment of franked and mass mail ORING DALE EARNHARDT AND this resolution as the ‘‘committee’’) is au- costs by the Sergeant at Arms and Door- EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES OF thorized from March 1, 2001, through Feb- keeper, United States Senate. THE UNITED STATES SENATE TO ruary 28, 2003, in its discretion— (b) AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS.—There are au- HIS FAMILY ON HIS DEATH (1) to make expenditures from the contin- thorized such sums as may be necessary for gent fund of the Senate; agency contributions related to the com- Mr. EDWARDS (for himself and Mr. (2) to employ personnel; and pensation of employees of the committee for HELMS) submitted the following resolu- (3) with the prior consent of the Govern- the period March 1, 2001, through September tion; which was referred to the Com- ment department or agency concerned and 30, 2001, for the period October 1, 2001, mittee on Commerce, Science, and the Committee on Rules and Administration, through September 30, 2002, and for the pe- Transportation. to use on a reimbursable, or nonreimburs- riod October 1, 2002, through February 28, able, basis the services of personnel of any 2003, to be paid from the appropriations ac- S. RES. 29 such department or agency. count for ‘‘Expenses of Inquiries and Inves- Whereas the Senate has heard with great (b) EXPENSES FOR PERIOD ENDING SEP- tigations’’ of the Senate. sadness of the death of Dale Earnhardt in a TEMBER 30, 2001.—The expenses of the com- tragic accident; mittee for the period March 1, 2001, through f Whereas Dale Earnhardt, a native of September 30, 2001, under this section shall SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Kannapolis, North Carolina, represents a not exceed $2,880,615, of which amount— TION 17—EXPRESSING THE genuine American success story, rising from (1) not to exceed $20,000, may be expended SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT poverty to become a racing legend and ac- for the procurement of the services of indi- THERE SHOULD CONTINUE TO BE complished businessman; vidual consultants, or organizations thereof Whereas Dale Earnhardt became the first (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legis- PARITY BETWEEN THE ADJUST- driver to follow Rookie of the Year honors in lative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. MENTS IN THE COMPENSATION 1979 with the Winston Cup championship the 72a(i))); and OF MEMBERS OF THE UNI- next year; (2) not to exceed $4,000, may be expended FORMED SERVICES AND THE AD- Whereas Dale Earnhardt is tied only with for the training of the professional staff of JUSTMENTS IN THE COMPENSA- Richard Petty in winning seven Winston Cup the committee (under procedures specified TION OF CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES Series titles during his 26 years in racing; by section 202(j) of that Act). OF THE UNITED STATES Whereas Dale Earnhardt followed in his fa- (c) EXPENSES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 PE- ther’s footsteps as a stock car driver, and RIOD.—The expenses of the committee for the Mr. SARBANES (for himself, Mr. earned the nickname ‘‘The Intimidator’’ for period October 1, 2001, through September 30, WARNER, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. BINGAMAN, his aggressive racing style with which he 2002, under this section shall not exceed Mr. KENNEDY, and Mr. AKAKA) sub- went on to win 76 career races, including the $5,112,126, of which amount— mitted the following concurrent resolu- 1998 Daytona 500; (1) not to exceed $20,000, may be expended tion; which was referred to the Com- Whereas Dale Earnhardt was not only de- for the procurement of the services of indi- mittee on Governmental Affairs. voted to the sport of racing, but to his fam- vidual consultants, or organizations thereof ily as the loving husband of Teresa, and lov- (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legis- S. CON. RES. 17 ing father of Taylor Nicole, Dale Jr., Kelley, lative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. Whereas members of the uniformed serv- and Kerry; 72a(i))); and ices of the United States and civilian em- Whereas Dale Earnhardt’s love for life and (2) not to exceed $4,000, may be expended ployees of the United States make signifi- countless contributions to family and the for the training of the professional staff of cant contributions to the general welfare of State of North Carolina serve as an inspira- the committee (under procedures specified the United States; tion to millions; by section 202(j) of that Act). Whereas increases in the levels of pay of Whereas Dale Earnhardt contributed sig- (d) EXPENSES FOR PERIOD ENDING FEBRUARY members of the uniformed services and of ci- nificantly to the growth and popularity of 28, 2003.—For the period October 1, 2002, vilian employees of the United States have NASCAR in America through his support of through February 28, 2003, expenses of the not kept pace with increases in the overall and dedication to racing; committee under this section shall not ex- levels of pay of workers in the private sector; Whereas fans across the nation mourn the ceed $2,187,120, of which amount— Whereas there is a 32 percent gap between untimely loss of one of NASCAR’s greatest (1) not to exceed $20,000, may be expended the compensation levels of Federal civilian champions; for the procurement of the services of indi- employees and the compensation levels of VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:56 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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