TITlLHiaOTOI BOAIIUIJIU SCHOOL. Is- HUNT'S CONGRESS. DELAWARE COLLEGE. in Tapwott'i Imifnrtto* and Fortign MERCHANTS' MA0AZ1KE THIETY-SfiCOND 1 Andrew Johnson 7 Meredith P. TV K'Oii lJOV8..Thin luelltutk>n I* situated e Offict, AND COMMERCIAL BEVIKW. G*tUry Faculty of Instruction of this Institution, undei one of thu healthiest parta of tbe city of Wilmington en- ctuuif to ud 2 Albert Q. WatkiM 8 William It* in wwnt consists of the town. Foi' WBT«(ii| hMDfNI WabtilAtd, Jul*, 1888, an 9 O. Harris or(jmit»tiou, following ttreJy beyond the settled portion* of the Great Britain andIreland, and Term commences March 4, 1861, J termtnaUs 8 G. W. Churchwoll leham THKnamed Professorships, to wit: form heaithfulneee o( the location umy be Inferred from from »* fBMMAK HUMT, liDlTOrn ABD PEOPBJBTOK. 4 Joliu H. Savage 10 Fred. P. Stanton of and money to all parte of En* Mirth. 4, 1803. WUluiim A FiofeHonUp Mental Moral Science, the tact that, kinoe the establishment of the School, about ^wuJiUiM and M ale*, f Dt>oemb<sr' 18w. the tweii- ou Dooembei 1661. 5 (>«org« W. Joues 11 Chritlopher H. A of tho Greek and Latin few oaaea of . "oottand, *!* competed The First Bosslon opeuB Monday, 1, 0 Wrn. II. Polk Professorship Languages. twenty eight years, very aerioue tndUpoeiUon ^V."UBdtW * J. T. TAPSCOTT A 00.,80Soutk XrH.Kty-third£23^evmi-aiuiuai volume. The work has A I'l itmin rib']- of and Natural Philoao- bete oueuiTwl <uuoug the pupils, and not a Mingle death street u v . riuo. iU commencement to TU.U. °°- * enlarged July, lhaw, and «ach SENATE. P either hen, or from diseases oontracted while here. volume now contain* iuoi u than htiii hundred |u« no. 1 Richardson Scurry, (U.) 2 Volney E Howard, (U.) of Rhetorie and Bellee-Lettres, The course of instruction Includes, beside* the ordinary SM'LSSiJSi'ii®4 tevo A tew of k_ consists of two Senators from eaoh A^'professorship of and Natural tb* **** arrangement* page*. complete wU th» ..y The Senate UTAH. Professorship Chemistry HUlorj, JSugllsh branches, Natural Philueophy, Chemistry, I'byri lor th!^wli!.CAUg "^P^Uonof emigration. the subscribers beg obtetoed * the publiaher's office, ifffSS street, W the of tber* A Profeseorsblp of Civil Knilnaering, the various branches of Matke th«ir will 1» nootiv and for State. Since admission California, .John M. BemhUul, (U.) A anil oloev, History, Rhetoric, to KvHiin! their friend* and public that every effort York, subetaatiaUy bound, two doilm and Profi*M>or*hlp of Modern ljanguH^«H Drawing. matins, and the Latin, Greek, and French Languages. Par¬ .f4""* * continuation of a half per volume. are States, by sixty-two Ut divided into two sessions or term* the patronage thirty-one represented TIMDIl Th» Collegiate year ticular attention is paid to the higher Mathematics and hithertohlthL no "V".bestowed their ^d The are a few of the Senators. The Senators who held over from 1 John H y Junes F. Strother of twenty-one week* each. The flr»t session oonunenoee their to Mechanics and the latter Uberally upon UouaT following many commendatory let- MilUon, (8. H.) J. tUulKiier application Engineerilic; would earnestly lmprwi on the winds of thoau wishing to taw reoelred by th» editor of the Merchants Magaxine the 4th of last March were forty-one, viz: 2 It. Kidder Meade, (8. K.) 10 (harlu on the fourth Wednesday of Ovtober; and the second on and Surveying are taught practioaliy by Held operations, «wnd for their irietidf in the Old Country, that Mr ^'ll from statesmen; a Tho*. 11. Averwtt, ?S. II.) 11 John Letcher, (U.) the fourth Wednesday of April. Each la followed by a with the use of instruments. Lectures on distinguished and twenty-three Democrats. 12 11. of five week*. appropriate am Capaoott will personally superintend tbe departure Utter from, the Hon. Henry eighteen Whigs 4 Thou. 8. bocock, Is. K.) Kduiondaou, (U) vacation Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, in which all the im¬ of all from whose passage may 1* en Clay. the new three are b I'aulun 13 F. II. McMullen, (U.) are peraons Liverpool, 20th 1849. Of Senators, yet Powell, (a. It.) COU1WM OP INSTRUCTION. are illustrated . A*hla*p, tweuty-oue 14 J. M. II. portant principles by experiments, B"Kod at their office in W York, u£ ... July, to be elected from the States: fl John 8. Caskid, (8. K.) Beale, (U.) VmnMH Claw-.I. Anar regularly delivered before the students. the United htaUb and Canada. Thii Dear Sir. I wiah to expree* to vou the gratification I following II. 15 Ueo. W.Thompson, (U.) Livy, begun; Xenophon's as Agent* throughout derived on the number of the 7 Thomas Hayly, (U-) basis; begun; History, begun. As the oluect ig to make the instruction thorough tb*r f«*ii in * gufilcieiit guaranty for pianiptuct*' receiving July Hitichante' California.Legislature Demooratio. M A. Jl. Jlolladay, (8. It.) Algebra, and as uo expense has Jweu spared in jibaureU, he and Commercial Iteview, from viewing your II. Llvy, finished; Homer"* Odynaey, begun; Algebra, practical ynsible, l'4U>*,)UKer» "iu quickly and' Magazinein the and from Connecticut.Legislature to bo choson in VK11M0NT. finished; Geometry, begun; History, continued. providing suitable apparatus, it Is beliajM that, in this ^fn]f»carefully dispatched.i800|U?tj'. »EThe subatribers are agent* for the portrait beginning, reading your address 1852. 1 Altinuin L. Miner 3 James Maxcham III. lloraoe, begun; Homer's Odyssey, finished; Ge¬ respect, the Institution will compare favorably with any racket*,, vis: "Queen of the Weet," to your friend* at the end ofit When we feel under ob¬ April, 2 William UeUxrU 4 Th. Bartlutt, jr., (F. 8.) ometry, five books: History, fluiahed. similar oue in the oountnr. A carefully selected library, pe* L'n^v l^erpool"8hel"ldan," Captain 0.11. Cornish; ligation* to those who hare contributed to our inform*, Tennessee.Legislature Whig. wiaoomni. junior Clahm..I. Tacitus, begun; ThaffromethMis of of more than one thousand volumes, containing works on Oon*UtuUon,"CaptainJ/J£00d£?.u",j John Britton; "Garrick," Captain tion and amusement, we are naturally desirous to posse** SENATORS HOLDING OVER AND ELECT. 1 Charles I)urkee,(F. S.) 3 James D. Doty, (F. 8.) ^aohylun and Electraof Sophocles; AnaJfBoal Geometry, the various branches of .Literature and Science, furnishes *»ottinguer," Captain Ira Burnley; "Koa- all the knowledge of them, of their appearance, of the fea¬ in Italic; Democrat* In roum.those marked F. S. 2 C. Eastinuu Natural Evidences ofChris- reading matter; while a Laboratory, fully supplied ^ . IA?r^k; J. Eld- ture* of their countenance, and of the character and hab¬ Whig* llenj. finished; Calculus; Theology; ample all is for dun, Captain Eldredge; "Liverpool," Captain it* of their which we can You Placed are t'ree^oijers or AlioiitiouisU; U., thorn! elected as with apparatus and tests, contains that necessary .*dge; Siddons," Captain Cobb. mind, acquire. have or instruction in Chemical " the your numerous readers (at lea«t you have me, if I may Union inun; S. K., those 2looted as Southern State .Delegates from the Territories. *'*l"l.Mioirlc; Mental Philosophy; The Aloestus of Eurl- practical Manipulation. of Liverpool packet^ comprising for under men. The school year oouuuenced on the third Second-day ii u ,Uk10*'!'Line "At¬ not speak them) those obligations; and the Rights Tacitus, finished; Natural Philosophy; Mechanics, "American," (new,) "Niagara" number of valuable work now before Term Term RECAPITULATION BY FIGURES. pidq*; (Monday) of the Ninth month, (September,) and is divided lantic,"i ^yiyh«?R°<>0V"Cornelia," «Adriondack," "Sea,"^Kmplre," your me, in some M1CIUQAM. into four quarters ofeleven weeks each, leaving a vacation " 4c. degree, satisfies the desire to which I have alluded. alauama. Expires. Expires. 1860-'51..> , 1848. > II? Moral Philosophy; Plato's Gorglas; The Captive Mortimer Livingston," (new,) I have become * - fcniiliar with the - 1853 Feleh . 1853 of two from about the middle of the Seventh (?ew,) of racket*, com- quite Magazine and Jeremiah demons Alpbeus Whig. Dem. Whig. Dem. of Plautua; Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and months, Tt?.?The St. Gkojujkh Lin# Liverpool lie and have no - - view, hesitation in humble Win. R. - 1855 Lewis Cass 1857 6 month (July). SAMUEL AL80P, thU Patrick," Ac expressing my R.) 2 2 6 . Amf'mTy King(S. Alabama Meteorology. prising MISSOURI. , , . , mar 24. Del. "St'0eorge,:-"8t. opinion that iti* eminently entitled to the public . will not regard ARKANSAS. Arkansas .... 1 1 Bopuomors Class..I. Horace, finished; Xenophons Principal, Wilmington, other fiMUlaaB Packet*. which this limited spa** - and It collect* and in a Wm. K. Sebaslian - 1S53 David R Atchison 1855 Connecticut 1 3 1 3 Memorabilia; Geometry, finished; Rhetoric, begun. admit of enumeration.sufficient In number, however, to support. arranges, good order, lirge . - amount of valuable statistical and other - S. 1857 . Solon Borland 1855 Henry Qeyer . 1 1 II. Cicero de Amicltia and de Senectute; Herodotus, MORE HOME EVIDENCE. a Packet from LiveriH>ol at least every five day*, information! HAMPSUIRB. Delaware despatch highly useftU not only to the merchunt, but to the states CONNECTICUT. Florida .... 1 . 1 . begun; Plane Trigonometry; Spherioal Trigonometry; thus preventing any delay whatever at that |M»rt. * TESTIMONY OF ONE OF OOK LAWYERS.. to the cultivator of the to the - . 3855 John 1*. 1853 'li *hips. sail man, earth, Smith man^ctum . Truman H&Je(F.S.) Indiana .... 2 8 1 9 Rhetoric, continued. the The Loudon line of Packet*, comprising - - Mr. JAS. L. HAMILTON.Dkar Sib: . - 1867 Moses Norris, jr. 1855 Illinois ....1 a 1 0 III. Cioero de Officii*; Herodotus, finished; TI1K Although 8th'18th,10(1 24th of each month.
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