MEXICO] km 27 on the roadto Calakmul7 May were Webb (1995). Two SavannahSparrows were Contributors(area compilerin boldface): latemigrants (AM, JM), as wasone seen 8 noted at Churburnfiharbor 23 Mar (BM, IN); DavidBacab, Joseph Brooks, Rafael Chac6n, Mayat R.L.0B, MC, RH). the specieshas become scarce in the subre- MichaelCoker, Bob Curry,Francisco Cutz, Threemale ScarletTanagers were at San gion.Two Dickcissels, a late transient, were at Alex Dzib, EdwinG6ngora, Richard Hoyer, Crisanto24 Apr, feedingon gumbo-limbo Calakmul 6 May (JB, MC, RH), and 7 Ken Kurland, Barbara MacKinnon, Amy fruits(BM); others were seen 1 Mayon Coz.,3 Bobolinkswere seen on Coz.2 May (JB,MC, McAndrews,Alberto M•zquita, Roddgo May alongthe VigfaChico Rd. (2; JB,MC, RH). An Eastern Meadowlark was seen in a Migoya,Jorge Montejo, Jane MoR. L. ey, Ismael RH),and the same day at Uxmal(DB). A sin- pastureat Hopelchen,Camp. 24 Apr,outside Navarro, Waldemar Santamaria,Beverly gleWestern Spindalis was detected on Coz. 10- itsknown distribution (DB). Once more, Shiny Scott,Murray Sullivan, Melgar Tabasco, Luis 13 Apr (RC, BC, BM). A Blue-grayTanager Cowbirdhas shown up at SianKa'an, Q. Roo, Tellez, Guilmer Tun, RichardWilson, Lee Yo- was near San Crisanto 20 Mar (BM); this where3 maleswere observed at in a mangrove der,Pat Yoder. • speciesis commonlyfound nesting in M•rida tree one km n. of BocaPaila 15 Mar (WS). Two as well as in the coastalvillages to the n., Eurasian/AfricanCollared-Doves were report- H•ctorG6mez de Silva,Xola 314-E, 03100 M•xico, D.F., thoughit is not mappedhere by Howelland edcourting 23 Mayat Celest•n(DB). Mexico,([email protected]) CentralAmerica dy Crakein Panamaand a HermitThrush in tralAmerica, so one seen in Nicaraguaflying Honduras.Other Regionalrarities included low overL. Moyua,Matagalpa 9 May (LL,JM, Panama'ssecond Nashville Warbler, Hon- WA, DK) wasnoteworthy. Not previouslyre- duras'third White-ventedEuphonia, El Sal- portedfrom SummitPonds, Panama Canal vador'sthird Roseate Tern and thirdSpotted Area, was a juv. Agami Heron seen 1 Apr Woodcreeper,Costa Rica's second, third, and (FT). Two reportsof GreenIbis comefrom fourth Swallow-tailedGulls, and that coun- Panama.One was seen at thebridge over the try'sthird American Pipit. There are now sev- R. Frijoleson Pipeline Road in SoberaniaN.P. eral records of Swallow-tailed Gull from both 6 Apr (CB),and 2 werenear Chiriqui Grande, Costa Rica and Panama, but until now no Bocasdel Toro 19 Apr (RM, DM, KK). There photographicevidence or specimenevidence are very few verifiedreports for the Canal H. LeeJones ': Oliver Komar hasbeen published, and the specieshas not Area,and it is veryuncommon at the latter yet beenadded to the A.O.U.Check-list for locality.An ad. andimm. KingVulture were '¾iththis spring report, we welcome North American birds. seen6 Mar (KE, CA,JLL) on thePacific slope * ' JeffreyMcCrary as our Nicaraguan of Guatemala at Los TarralesReserve, Su- , re'cords coordinator. For the first TINAMOUSTHROUGH VULTURES chitepequez,where the species is rare. time, we have a countrycoordinator for On Cerro Pirre above Cana in e. Darien, a Nicaragua,and for the first time national rarely encounteredChoco Tinamou was RAPTORS compilershave contributed from all of the heard5 Apr (FT). At IndianCreek Village, PearlKite, still expandingits rangein Costa CentralAmerican countries. Of specialinter- Toledo,a maleRing-necked Duck was seen 8 Rica,reached new elevationalheights when estthis period were expeditions to twopoor- Mar (BF).This species is rarein Belizeaway onewas observed at 2100m at SavegreLodge, ly knownareas. Kevin Easley led an expedi- fromCrooked Tree W.S. Since the open ocean SanGerardo de Dota,on the Pacificslope of tionto CocosIsland, finding four rare pelagic between mainland Costa Rica and Cocos I. is Cerro de la Muerte 14 Feb (MAM). Another speciesand severalunexpected migrants. rarelyvisited by birders,almost any pelagic was seen a few km n. of Puerto Armuelles in Knut Eisermanncarried out an inventoryat speciesseen in thesewaters is worthnoting. Panama11 May (KA), possiblyonly the 2nd an isolatedpatch of lowlandhumid rain for- Two Pink-looted Shearwaters were seen on recordedin Chiriqui.A CraneHawk seen in est in southwestern Honduras, in the Rio the trip out 30 Apr,and one was seen on the mangroveson theBayano R. in e. Panamd26 Amarillovalley near the Copanruins, pro- returntrip 5 May (KEa et al.). This species Apr (RM) wasthe first reported from that lo- ducing19 newrecords for thedepartment of surelypasses through Costa Rican waters reg- cality.A rarelyseen Solitary Eagle was ob- Copanand a numberof interestingrange ex- ularlyduring migration but probably in small servedin flight at CerroAzul e. of Panama tensions. numbers,as indicatedhere. SingleLeach's City28 Apr (OK,RoC, CA, DD, NQ). On the This springwas notablydifferent from Storm-Petrels seen on two occasions between Caribbean coast of Honduras, Cooper's, spring2004 in onerespect. There were no re- the islandand mainland5 May (KEaet al.) Swainson's,and Broad-wingedHawks were portsof CedarWaxwing. Thousands were re- arealso worth noting. An ad.Red-looted Boo- observedmigrating over CapiroCalentura porteda yearago. This was not really surpris- by at IslaUvita off Puerto Lim6n 15 Mar (LS, N.E outsideTrujillo, Col6n, in thefirst week ing, as no CedarWaxwings were reported GF) was on the Caribbean coast of Costa ofApr (MW,GCo). The latter two species mi- duringthe winterseason, in strongcontrast Rica,where the specieshad not previously grateprincipally w. of theContinental Divide. to the previouswinter. Two country "firsts" beenreported. In CostaRica, an ad.light-morph Crested surfacedthis spring: a well-documentedRud- AmericanBittern is rareanywhere in Cen- Eaglewas seen perched and in flightat Tor- VOLUME 60 (2006) ß NUMBER 3 4.51 [CENTRALAlVlERICA tugueroN.P 2 Apr (ph. BW,DL). In locality as E1 Salvador'sfirst spring the pastyear, there have been several recordin Apr 2005. reportsfrom this same area. In Pana- An ad. HerringGull wasseen be- ma,a CrestedEagle was reported at the ' tween the Costa Rican mainland and Canaairstrip 4 Apr (F¾). CrestedEa- Cocos I. 5 May (KEa et al.). This gleis considered tobe rarer than Harpy speciesis seldomseen in CostaPica, Eaglein mostareas where the ranges of and an ad. is an even rarer occurrence. thetwo overlap. In Honduras,individ- A possiblesecond-summer Herring ual Black Hawk-Eaglessoaring over Gull at the mouth of the R. Jiboa,La humidbroadleaf forest and coffee plan- Paz 23 May (ph., 'tTJ)would be the tations at two sites near R. Amarillo 27 first springrecord for E1Salvador, but Apr and6 May (ph. KE, CA) werethe somefeatures suggest a hybrid,possi- first recordedfor Copdn,as were 3 bly Kelp x Herring. Two Swallow- Barred Forest-Falcons in the same hu- tailed Gullswere seen the night of 30 midbroadleaf forest 28 Apr andanoth- Apr following a ship about three- er at a forestpatch nearby 6 May (CA, HerringGulls in Central America are usually first-winter birds and are rarely fourthsof theway out to CocosI. (ph. KE). A Crested Caracara seen near recordedoutside of winter.Although this second-summer gullat the mouth of KEa et al.). Later, 3 were seenwith the Changuinola,Bocas del Toro16 Apr theRio Jiboa, found on the late date of 23 May 2006, was initially identified asa ship near the islandpre-dawn 1 May. (RM,DM) providedthe first provincial HerringGull, it hasgenerated much debate on the Internet. It may be a hybrid Finally,one bird was seen around 8:00 record. (notedark eye and large bill), and Herring Gull may not even have been one of a.m.on 5 May,about one-third of the theparents. Photograph byTom Jenner. wayback to themainland from the is- RAILS from the Caribbeanlowlands last fall (pub- land(roughly 6 ø 45' N). Thisis onlythe 2nd A RuddyCrake seen in a marshjust ne. of lishedin thejournal Zeledonia), were consid- timethis species has been reported from Cos- Changuinola,Bocas del Toro20 Mar ORM) erablyfarther s. on thePacific coastal plain of ta Pica waters. The first record was of birds was the first ever reportedin Panama.The CostaPica than previously reported appar- seenat nightoff the tip of theBurica Pen. at onlyother reports s. of n. Nicaraguaare ap- entlythe first ever recorded s. of Jaco. Suitable the Costa Pica-Panama border in Mar 2003. parentlytwo sight reports, possibly represent- habitat[or thisspecies exists all alongthe Pa- A nearbysighting in Apr 2000,however, was inga singlebird, from Guanacaste, Costa Pica, cific coastdown into Panatari,leaving open believed to be in Panama waters. in earlyMay 1955(Paul Slud, 1964, The Birds thepossibility of an incipientsoutherly range Four SootyTerns seen on a rockyislet in of CostaPica: Distribution and Ecology). The expansion.A NorthernJacana seen on the WaferBay, Cocos 1. 2 May (KEaet al.) were Panamarecord most likely representsa va- ChagresR. about3 km upstreamfrom Gain- possiblynesting. This species was reported as grantrather than a rareresidenl population. boa,Canal Area 16 May (GA) representedthe nestingat the island22 May 1962,when 30 Alsoin thevicinity of Changuinola,Bocas del nests were counted on Isla Manuelita at the n. Torowere a! least 3 Gray-breastedCrakes end of Cocos,but it has not beenreported heard14-16 Apr (RM, DM), onlythe 2ndre- nestingthere since. In E1Salvador, a concen- portedfor the provinceand the first for the trationof 960 BlackTerns resting on sand bars Panamanian lowlands. at BarraSalada, 5onsonate 7 May was notewor- Rufous-necked Wood-Rails were seen and thy (OK, TJ,JF); only30 of thesebirds were heardthis springfrom all threeof J&MW's in breedingplumage. A still impressive75 monitoringsites, Tamarindo, Naranjo, and wereat the mouthof R.Jiboa, La Paz23 May Esterolguanito, in mangroveson the ocean (TJ). A RoseateTern at BancaSalada 7 May sideof theNicoya Pen., where seldom report- (tOK, TJ) was only the 3rd recordedfor E1 ed.Up to 4 UniformCrakes were heard, and Salvador and the first for Sonsonate. Parasitic 2 seen,13 & 18 Apr near ChiriquiGrande, Jaegeris the only speciesof stercorariidreli- Bocasdel Toro(RM, DM, KK); 2 were heard ablyreported from Honduras, where it is con- ne.of Changuinola,Bocas del Toro 14 Apr, and sidereda vagrant.A dark-morphad.
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