Trees & Shrubs

Trees & Shrubs

Panorama Arboretum Trees & Shrubs Revised April 2018 1751 Circle Lane SE • Lacey WA 98503 • 800-999-9807 3958 3962 3954 3950 3968 3972 3968 3 3970 9 3976 3974 7 3980 3978 3949 3953 1 3972 3982 3966 3975 3976 3984 3967 3964 21412137 2133 3979 2201 3975 3971 3965 3986 3983 3980 2221 2125 3973 4011 2229 3962 2361 2209 3988 2365 2243 2213 3963 3960 3987 2369 3989 2237 3990 3958 3991 2389 2373 3961 3990 2393 3992 3993 Grounds Maintenance 2401 2397 2385 3982 2421 2377 3994 3995 3956 2425 2405 2381 3999 3984 3994 2433 2429 3997 3955 3995 1415 3996 1421 1411 1403 2513 2509 2409 3954 1419 1409 2413 3998 3999 1407 1401 2521 2517 2441 2238 3953 3952 4001 2541 2501 2242 2525 2360 2234 2601 2 4005 1423 2537 2529 2246 2230 22 Chinook 3950 2609 2364 2222 6 3927 3949 2633 2533 2408 1425 2627 2376 22 3929 3948 4009 4016 4012 1414 2613 2372 18 3931 3880 1408 2440 2412 2404 3916 3947 1412 1402 2617 2380 3946 1406 2639 2621 2500 1418 1400 2436 2392 4031 3918 3882 1427 2400 2388 2384 2214 4013 2528 2504 2420 2210 3920 4004 1420 2432 2428 2424 4020 1429 2645 3922 4017 2532 2512 2508 1729 Community 2520 2516 3924 3928 3932 4024 4008 1721 2608 2536 3936 3938 3942 3944 1727 3926 3930 3934 4025 Park 4021 1705 1703 1605 2604 2401 2313 2309 2301 2209 2205 2201 1719 1709 1609 Main Entrance 1450 2505 Clinic 4100 4102 2515 4104 2525 4103 4102 4104 1. Persian Ironwood 31.1. Sargent Cherry 2040 2032 1544 1524 1416 1406 2535 18.1. Red Leaf Cherry 2402 2310 2306 2210 2206 2202 2110 2106 2102 1953 1930 1900 1600 4106 Parrotia persica 6 Prunus sargentii columnaris 1951 Assisted Living 1414 1408 1402 250 Prunus serrulata 1540 1528 4105 2. Galaxy Magnolia 31.2. Variegated Giant Dogwood 4110 1536 1412 ‘Royal Burgundy’ 4108 4106 1532 1410 4108 2024 Magnolia 2545 sprengeri x liliiflora 2323 2311 Cornus controversa ‘Variegata’ 2414 2239 2231 2211 4121 19. Vine Maple 2347 2341 2028 1404 3. Wolf Eye Dogwood 2417 2411 2317 2305 2235 2227 2207 2020 4114 4112 2503 2429Acer2423 circinatum 32. Copper Beech 2149 4125 2000 1515 4107 2016 2004 4118 1535 Cornus kousa ‘Wolf Eyes’ Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea’2145 4129 4130 2012 1947 20. Noble Fir 2008 4122 1531 1519 4134 Convalescent & 1406 1408 4. China Fir Abies procera glauca 33. Saucer Magnolia 4138 4126 1539 1527 4109 1944 1523 Cunninghamia lanceolata 2346 2334 Magnolia2232 x soulangiana 4137 4142 Rehabilitation Center 1543 21. Kwanzan2436 2424 Flowering2340 Cherry2322 2308 2238 4146 1939 5. American Yellow Wood 2442 2430 2328 34. Pin Oak2216 2200 4150 2026 Quinault 1410 2500 Prunus serrulata ‘Sekiyama’ 4141 4111 2600 2540 1835 Panorama Cladrastis lutea 4 Quercus palustris 22. Vulcan Magnolia 2204 1935 1915 6. Korean Dogwood 2 2331 35. False Cypress2220 Hall Magnolia0 (campbelii2347 x liliiflora) 2036 1450 4113 2115 1452 1412 Cornus kousa 1 Chamaecyparis2224 lawsoniana var. 23. Atlas Cedar 2339 2208 71 1960 1520 2537 2351 2056 1524 8. Tulip Tree 4209 36. Hinoki Cypress 2111 1448 4125 2541 2519 2511 Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’ 2315 2301 2235 2041 Liriodendron tulipifera 2355 2343 2239Chamaecyparis obtusa 2010 2545 2515 2507 2441 2311 2231 1528 1418 1414 24. Flowering Cherry 2211 2207 1446 9. Insence Cedar 2445 2437 37. Bowhall Maple 1930 1854 Prunus serrulata cv 2051 1955 Calocedrus decurrens Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’ 70 1532 4127 25. Deodar Cedar Chalet 1444 1420 11. Harp Strings2536 Maple 37.1. Lombardy Poplar 2132 1954 1442 1422 1424 Cedrus2420 deodara 2334 2312 2238 2124 1838 2540 2428 2342 2300 2234 2208 2128 2020 1818 1754 1536 Acer palmatum ‘Koto No2518 Ito’2514 2436 2338 2330 Populus2230 nigra2212 ‘Italica’ 2120 2030 1872 1740 1650 1428 2544 25.1.2444 Harlequin 2400Glorybower 1718 12. Tricolor Beech 2510 38. Crimson King Maple 4238 4242 1945 1700 1540 4205 Clerodendrum trichotomum 1440 1900 1432 Fagus sylvatica ‘Tricolor’ Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ 1651 26. Gold Star Dogwood 1950 1548 1430 13. Elizabeth Magnolia 38.1. Allegheny2111 Serviceberry2107 2105 2101 Barn 1544 1438 1436 4207 2317 231 1 Cornus2303 kousa ‘Gold2213 Star’2211 2209 2113 1434 2323 2215 4250 4246 1554 Chambers Magnolia acuminata x denudata Amelanchier laevis 1935 1 27. Kobushi Magnolia 2010 McGandy 6 1940 5 Lake 14. Dove Tree 39. Fig 2006 5 4209 Magnolia kobus Park Davidia involucrata 27.1. American Yellowwood Ficus carica 15. Golden Fullmoon Maple Cladrastus leutea 40. Bloodgood Maple 2016 2002 1659 4211 2009 1931 Acer shirasawanum‘Aureum’ Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ 1932 2316 2312 230628. English2302 2216 Holly2214 2212 2210 2206 2114 2110 2106 2100 2022 1839 16. Katsura 2322 40.1. Weeping White Spruce 2005 1869 1861 1857 Ilex aquifolium 69 1831 1727 1707 1703 4213 1873 1853 1711 Cercidiphyllum japonicum Picea glauca ‘Pendula’ 2021 1723 1715 29. Dawn Redwood 1877 1849 1731 1719 17. Flowering Pear 40.2. Pillar Crabapple 2001 1905 1901 Metasequoia glyptostroboides 2020 1815 4215 1928 1735 Pyrus calleryana4310 30. Stellar Pink Dogwood Malus tschonoskii 2027 1807 1739 18. Colorado Blue Spruce Cornus x rutgersensis ‘Rutgan’ 40.3. Fragrant Snowbell 2035 Picea pungens glauca Styrax obassia 2031 4315 31. Western Red Cedar 2024 1924 Auditorium 1920 Thuja plicata 41. Concolor Fir 1670 Abies concolor 1836 1804 1800 Aquatic and 4316 2044 2040 2026 1952 1940 1928 1916 1908 Fitness 4317 42. False Cypress 2036 2022 1944 1936 1924 1912 2032 2018 1932 1918 1730 1700 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana var. 2048 1904 1866 1852 1840 43. EuropeanMountain Ash 2052 1900 1844 1734 1860 1856 1848 1738 4319 Sorbus aucuparia 44. European Birch Betula pendula 45. Pacific Dogwood 4401 Cornus nutalli 4409 4405 46. Douglas Fir R V Pseudotsuga menziesii Parking 47. Sawara Cedar 4413 Chamaecyparis pisifera 48. Tupelo Resident Nyssa sylvatica Gardens 2605 4415 49. Tall Stewartia Stewartia monadelpha 50. Serbian Spruce With a natural range of only two acres, Franklin Tree (#71) is Ameri- Picea omorika ca’s rarest native tree. Discovered in Georgia in 1765, it has not been 51. Seven Son Tree seen in the wild since 1803. See it in bloom September-November. Heptacodium miconioides 2 3958 3962 3954 3950 3968 3972 3968 3 3970 9 3976 3974 7 3980 3978 3949 3953 1 3972 3982 3966 3975 3976 3984 3967 3964 21412137 2133 3979 2201 3975 3971 3965 3986 3983 3980 2221 2125 3973 4011 2229 3962 2361 2209 3988 2365 2243 2213 3963 3960 3987 2369 3989 2237 3990 3958 3991 2389 2373 3961 3990 2393 3992 3993 Grounds Maintenance 2401 2397 2385 3982 2421 2377 3994 3995 3956 2425 2405 2381 3999 3984 3994 2433 2429 3997 3955 3995 1415 3996 1421 1411 1403 2513 2509 2409 3954 1419 1409 2413 3998 3999 1407 1401 2521 2517 2441 2238 3953 3952 4001 2541 2501 2242 2525 2360 2234 2601 2 4005 1423 2537 2529 2246 2230 22 Chinook 3950 2609 2364 2222 6 3927 3949 2633 2533 2408 1425 2627 2376 22 3929 3948 4009 4016 4012 1414 2613 2372 18 3931 3880 1408 2440 2412 2404 3916 3947 1412 1402 2617 2380 3946 1406 2639 2621 2500 1418 1400 2436 2392 4031 3918 3882 1427 2400 2388 2384 2214 4013 2528 2504 2420 2210 3920 4004 1420 2432 2428 2424 4020 1429 2645 3922 4017 2532 2512 2508 1729 Community 2520 2516 3924 3928 3932 4024 4008 1721 2608 2536 3936 3938 3942 3944 1727 3926 3930 3934 4025 Park 4021 1705 1703 1605 2604 2401 2313 2309 2301 2209 2205 2201 1719 1709 1609 Main Entrance 1450 2505 Clinic 4100 4102 2515 4104 2525 79 4103 4102 4104 80 2040 2032 1544 1524 1416 1406 2535 2402 2310 2306 2210 2206 2202 2110 2106 2102 1953 1930 1900 1600 4106 6 1951 Assisted Living 1414 1408 1402 250 78 1540 1528 4105 4110 1536 1412 4108 4106 1532 1410 4108 2024 77 2545 2323 2311 2414 2341 2239 2231 2211 4121 2028 1404 2417 2411 2347 2317 2305 2235 2227 2207 2020 2429 2423 2149 4125 2000 75 4114 1515 4107 4112 2503 2016 64 4118 1535 2145 4129 4130 2012 2004 1947 2008 74 76 4122 1531 1519 4134 Convalescent & 1406 1408 4138 4126 1539 1527 4109 1944 63 1523 2346 2334 2232 4137 4142 Rehabilitation Center 1543 2436 2424 2340 2322 2308 2238 4146 1939 2442 2430 2328 2216 2200 4150 2026 65 Quinault 1410 2500 4141 4111 2600 2540 66 1835 Panorama 4 2204 1935 1915 2 2331 2220 Hall 0 2347 2036 5 1450 4113 2115 61 1452 1412 1 2224 60 2339 2208 1960 6 1520 2537 2351 2056 1524 4209 2111 1448 4125 2541 2519 2511 2315 2301 2235 2041 1 2355 2343 2239 2010 17 2545 2515 2507 2441 2311 2231 1528 1418 1414 2211 2207 16 1446 2445 2437 1930 1854 2051 1955 25 58 2 4 25.1 1532 4127 8 18 Chalet 1444 1420 2536 2132 195456 18 1442 1422 1424 2420 2334 2312 2238 2124 1838 20 2540 2428 2342 2300 2234 2208 2128 2020 1818 1754 19 1536 2518 2514 2436 2338 2330 2230 2212 2120 2030 1872 1740 18.1 23 1650 1428 2544 2444 2400 3 1718 2510 4238 4242 1945 1700 22 1540 4205 55 9 11 24 1440 1900 5 1432 62 14 12 1651 1950 21 1548 1430 2111 2107 2105 2101 57 54 Barn 1544 1438 1436 4207 2317 2311 2303 2213 2211 2209 2113 1434 2323 2215 4250 4246 54.1 1554 Chambers 1935 15 13 1 2010 McGandy 6 1940 5 Lake 2006 27 5 26 4209 Park 27.1 29 2016 2002 1659 28 4211 2009 1932 1931 49 41 2316 2312 2306 2302 2216 2214 2212 2210 2206 2114 2110 2106 2100 2022 1839 2322 2005 52 1869 1861 1857 53 1831 1727 1707 170333 4213 1873 1853 1711 32 2021 1723 1715 1877 1849 1731 1719 35 2001 1905 1901 31 2020 1815 36 34 4215 1928 43 1735 4310 50 47 31.1 2027 1807 1739 52.

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