Resolves 1811, C. 1-69

Resolves 1811, C. 1-69

MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) RESOLVES OF THE General Court of Massachusetts, PASSED AT THE SESSION BEGUN AND HOLDEN AT BOSTON, ON THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF MAY, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND ELEVEN. [No title page; caption title provided by Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library] CIVIL LIST OF 'l'U1l: COMM.ONWEAL'rn OF MASSACHUSETTS, For the political year 1811-1812. HIS' EXO"~L,-t-.. ENCY, ELBnII)GE GERltY, Esq. Governol', HIS lJONOtTft, 'VILLIAM .GRAY, Esq. Lieut. Governo·r. COUNCIL.- l-1on. Levi Lincoln, Hon. Murtin Kinsley, S~llnucl Fowler, 'fhomns B. Adams; Aaron Hill, I Mo~es Curlton, juno Mtu'shnll Spring, Asa Clap. Daniel I{Uham, I SENArrE. I-Ion. SAMUEL DAN A, Esq. Presidcnt. Suffolk-lIon. Hurrisoll G. Otis, Juhn Phillips, Peter C. Brooks, John \V cUes, and 1)~lIliel Sargent. Esscx-Ilon. Jobn I-IeLll'd, Daniel A. \Vhitc, Israel Bartlett, Tho­ Inns Stepht.'lls, Nehemiah Cleaveland, Hnd B~njanlin Peirce • .illzddlcsc.r-I-lon, ~mlll1d D~\lla, Amos Bond, John L. Tuttle, and Mutthcw Bridge. l1ampslzirc-H.on. Ezra Starkweather, Abner Brown, Jonathan Leavett, mul Joshua Grccn~. Bristol-Han. rrhomus I-Iazard, jun. ancl.Toseph Tisdale. Plymouth-Hone Nathan Willis,. and Seth Sprague. Barnstahle-Hon. 'rhomas Phinney. .. Dukes County and J'vcmtuc/rct-Hon. "Tnlter Folger, jun. lYorcestcr-Hon. Jonus Kendall, Seth Hastiqgs, Francis Blake, and Silas Hoi man. Berkshire-Hon. \VilIiatn P. \Vtdker, and Willialn 1'owncr, Norfolk-Han. John llowe, und Smnue1 l)ay. Yor/c-l-Ion. John \Voochnan, and Alexandel' Rice. Cumberland-Han. Levi I-Iubbnrd, and James l\1;enns. Lincolll, llancock and 7 Han. \Villiml1, und. lYas/z ill {ftOll, 5 Francis Carr. Kf1llllcbccl--' I-Ion. James Pnrker. Marcus Morton, Clerk. Robert C. Vase, .Assistant Clerk. Rev. Dr. 'fhonlus Baldwin, C~apIQin. 23 16B ............. I-IOUSE OF REPRESEN1"ATI,7ES. Hon. J 0 S E P H S-ro R Y, S/Jeakcr. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK.' J onnthan ''''hitller, Boston, \\,iiJinnl Smith, Sum ud J. Prescott, Srtnlue1 CC'bb, LClnucl Shaw, . William Brown, Alcxnndcr rrownscnd, lonnthun Hunncwcll t James Savage, William Sullivun, Cilc/sca, Jolln rrewksbury, Willianl Phillips, Francis 'Vright, ESSEX. Benjamin Russell, SCI/em, Joshua "Yard, 'rholnus "V. SUlnncr, Joseph Story, Benjamin \VhitnluU, Joseph \Vhite, jun. Charles Davis, .1oseph ''''inn, lnmes Rohbinson, B. 'V. Crowninshic1d, William I-tlillmatt, 1\/loscs T'ownsend, John Purkcr, N~lthunicl Frothillghanl, Ebenezer rr. Andrc\\'~, John Hathorne, jun. lsuac P. Dnvis, .Joseph E. Spmguc, Willian} H. Sumner, l)avi(.J. Putnam, Ephrniin rrhayer, John Dodge, jun. Josiah Knapp, Joseph Ropes, Bcnjumin \V del, ltlarb/c}/wud, Nathan il. l\-1urtin, Olivc:r K<"uling, John Bailey, N athun \;Vebb, i\sa I-looper, Daniel lVlessengcr, .J o!lhu'l Prcnth;~, j un, Georgt! G. Lee, 'Villianl Story, John Chuudler, John Pedrick, 3d. William POI'tcr, John G. Hooper, John l\lay, IJ!J11Il f!f l A~\r()n Breed, Stlmllt'l NI. Thayer, LyIIllfi,'lcl, 5 Oliver It'\llle1', Gtorge Blnnchnrd, , Ezra lVludgc, N utlmnic--l Curtis, 1'homps'on Burrill, Artemas \Vard, Bcnjulll in Goldlhwalt, Willhun Prescott, }\aron Ncwhall,jun. Richard Fuxon,~ ]JclIlVCrS, Smnllcl Pugc, Sumucl Dunn, Nathan Fdton, John D. "Howard, l)cnnbon 'vV nllis, rrhacher Goddm'd, I)nniel Putnam, \ Lynde'Valter, Beverly, 'rhomns DaviH, lonnthan Loring, AbnCl' Chaplunn, John G. Coffin~ Isaac Ray, liOUSE OF REPRESEN1"'.~'rIVES. "iii!} 1J~verly, Robert Hantoul, Salisbury, Amos lVlorrill. Nmhanicl Goodwin, Il'"enlzam, John I)odge, l\lIDDLESEX, .flamilton, l{obert Dodge, ClwrlestO"lU1Z, Peter 'fufts, jun. JJ1allcllcstm', Ebcnczer Tappan, John Kettell, Gloucester, rrhonlns ParsCln~, Joseph Miller, John Manning, 'Villianl Austin, John 'rucker, Daniel 'Tufts, J tunes rrappun, (,(zmbricl.q·c, John Mellen, John Johnson, ~i.l\llucl P. P. Fuy, Hobert Elwcll, 3d. 'Villiam Hilliard, .fJurwich, Nathaniel \Vudc, TF"ast Cambridge, Samuel Butter • Jonnthan Cogswell, JUIl. field, Joseph Farley, .Brighton, Snnluel \V. Pomroy, Joseph Hodgkins, ]Jlllldell, .J onathall Oakes, llow/t'Y, 'rhomas Gage, Jonns Green, Joshua J~wett, lJle(ljord, 'rilnothy BigeloW', .lVcwbu,..'/, Josiah Little, Nathaniel Hull, Silns Little, .i'vll1UtO"Cl)II, rritnothy Jackson, John Osgood, Smnuel Murdock, I)a\'icl Little, Tffltcrtowll, Jon1s \Vhite, Stephen Hooper, 1'hon1"S Clark, ])aniel Hule, 'rcdtlUtlll, 1)1\vid 1'ownsend, oJ V(}wour!l/JOrt, lVlal'k Fitz, Tl'('stuII, Ebenezer I-Iobbs, .A"dl'~w Frothillghuln, JJ i1U:O III , Joshua Brooks, Jonathan Gag<.', 1,e:rillgt01z, Nathan Chnndler, Stephen Howurd, Suc/oury, \Villiam I-Iunt, Ebenezer Gunnison, 1~Cl8t Sudol/ry, Jacob Reeves, Sanlllcl H. Foster, ;'/(/.Ii(."', J\be1 Perry, 'Villinm B. Bannister, S/WI'VUrIlC, Calvin Sanger, Isanc j\dt\1l1~, lIul/istU11, Jason Ch:unbcrlain, Isnuc Stone, lloj) kill tOll, iVloscs Chamberlain, lJradjo;'(/, Jonathan .AlIen, jl'r(f,millgltam, J nhn Fisk, rrhomns Sa VOI'y, John ''fl'o\\,'bridge, l1o;-cfol'd, PUl'l~er Spafford, lJ/arlboro/lgh, John Loring, .. 1m/over, 'rhOlllilS Kittredge, l)rulicl Brigham, John Cornbh, .' ,.')tow amI ~ " I. , .r",Ugllstus Tower, Joshuu Chandler, 11 u.ruoro Jlliddlcton, r\sa How, Co II co I'd, Joseph Chandler, ~l'o/)~ficld, Nnthaniel I-Inmmond, Stephen Barrett, Met/well, Benjamin Osgood, Bc(lfbrd, \Villiam Webber, flavcr/utl, Ebenezer Gage, Burlington, Amesbury, Christopher Sargent, 'raburn, Luke Reed, 110':\ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Stone/zam, Jnbez Lynde, 11fiddlcjield, David Mack, Readi71lf, . Timothy Wakefield, II/orillington, Jonathan Brewster, Dnnic1 Flint, TVzlliomsburgh, John Wens, i\dl\m fluwks, llatjield, SUllluel Partridge, lPi/mmgtOIl. Smlluel Eames, ,rhately, J.J"I(~,./(:a, Josiuh" Crosby, jun. Deeljield, Asa Stebbins, Tewksbury, Jl!sse 1'1'\111, Elihu I-Ioyt, Chelm,\'/brd, J onuthull Pcrhanl, Conway, John \Villinms. Carlis/e, P:Il,l Litchfield, Dav id C:hil(h;, lfl'estjord, rrhonlas Flctche.·, Goshen, Oliver 1'nylor, .Acton, Jonus Brooks, .Ashfield, Henry llu~sctt, Littletoll, Edmund Foster, 'I'homag 'Vhitc, Groton, Joseph Moors, Cmilil1gtoll, Peter Bryant, 1'homas Gardner, }Jlain/ield, James Hichnrds, Dracut, Daniel Varnum, l{rl7v/ey, Zenas Bangs, DlInstablc:, Micah Elch'edge, lluc.k/alld, Enog Pomeroy, 7:lJ7Igsborollgh, 8Iw/bu1'I1C, John F(·llows, Shirley, John Egerton, Greenfield, Elicl Gilbert, Pe/Jperell, Ndlcmiah Jcwctt,jun. Otll, Gilbcri Stacey, TO'llJ71Selu/, Satnuel BrookH, l1ernardstoll, John Hmllilton, Ashby, Amos 'Villington. Le!Jden, Hez('k iah Newcomb, Colraille, David Smitl), HAMPSHIRE, Jonathun iVl 'Gee, Nortlzamptoll, Jonathan Strong, Clwt/(:m07lt, Sylvl'stcr iVIax·welJ, Elij"h 1-1. ~.1ills, IJr:uth, Ephraim Ha~ting~, . Bcnjt\1uin 'fnppan, jloi,l1e, John \ Veils, East [lampton, 1'haddells Clap, Springfield, l\·Ioses Chapin, South liam/Ji(m, Luther Edwards, .Jucob Bliss, If/est flam/Jton, 1'imo. Edwards, Oliver D. IVIorris, lYcstfield, Jl!didinh 'raylor, Ed mUl\d. l)\\'i~ht, llcnjntuin Hastings, IJollgmeariow, Ethan Ely, Trest Springfield, Jonuthan Smith, If/j/ul'aIUlm, 'V niter Stebbins, Churles Ball, Abel Bliss, jun. rrimothy I-Iorton, J110n8011, Edc 'Vhittakcr, Elias Leonard, Stephen 'Vtll'rincl', Soutlnvick, Reuben Clark, ]Jl'imfield, ~tepht'n Pyncholl, Shubucl Stiles, Philemon \Vancn, Granville, ISl'nel Parsons, llo/lrmd alld ) R "1 \V'1 J Qhn Phelps, South Brimfield, J o} ,\ ,1 es" Tolland, Abruhnm Grnogcr, 1 .. udl07v, ~':hcrwood Bebee, Blan(!ford,Snmucl Knox, }Jalmc:r, JCS!iC King, Russell, . IYare, ~'il1iam Bowdoin, }.-[olltgomcry , Aaron Parks, Greenwich, Thomas, Powers, .NorwICh, Aaron Han, Belclwrtoll, Elitlkim Phelps, Chester, Sylvester Emmons, I~ldad· Parsons, . I-IOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 171 lle/elzerton, 'Vright Brigman, Scituate, Jesse Dunbar, Pel/lam, James Abercrombie, Edward F. Jacobs, Granby, Eli Dickinson, Hing/lam, Hawkes Fearing• •1.m/lcrst, Medad Dickinson, Jonathan Cushing, Elisha Smith, 'fhomns Fearing, Iladley, Snmuel Porter, IIlIll, Samuel Loring. South /Iadley, Ruggles 'Vood .. bridge, BRISTOL. Sundarland, Nathaniel Smith, Taunton, Salnuel Crocker, Leverett, Haswell Field, Josiah King, Montague, Mednd Montague, Nnthuniel Leonard, ,rendell, Clark Stone, James Sproat, Shutesoury, Dig/dOll, John I-Inthawuy, New Salem, Varney Pearce, George \V nlker, Nort/rfield, John Nevcrs, Re/zohoth, Elkunah French, Tfl'al'wic/C, Justus Hussell, l i itnothy \Valker, Orange, Josiah Cobb. John IVlcdbury, Scbray Lawton, PLYl',IOUTH. Calcb Abdl, Plymoutll, Abncr Bartlett, Swallsey, Dnnicl I-I~de, B':ll'nnbas I-ledge, jun. Bcnanllcl Murveit Nathaniel Spooner, Somerset, l)uvid l\nthollY, .J oscph Bartlett, 3d. Att/chorolIgll, Joel Head, · l(ingstoll, John 'fhomas, John Richurdson, jun. l)Il~'Collr!l' Judah Alden, Benjamin Bolkcom, ltfars/lfield, Nathaniel Clift, 1Jfan.ifield, Daniel Gilbert, J)cmbroke, Bailey Hall, "rorton, John Hall; .nri(~lf'lUatcr, DaniellVlitchelJ, Easton, John Tisdale, l1liddlcoorough, 1'h0111a8 \Vestoll, ·Calvin Brctt, Peter Hoar, llaYl1/zam, Josinh Deane, Martin Keith, Berkley, Apollos "robey, lIercules Cushman, ]lrcetolVIl, \Villinm HotJilse\'cllc,' Cal vin Prntt, Stephen B. Pickens, .Ro~/zester, Gideon Bastow, jun. Nt.'1u Ba(/ford, Seth Spooner, 'fhomns Bussc~t, S~lmllel Pcrry, Elijah 'Villis,. '''illia'll Willis, Lenluel \" inslow, Gcunalicl Bl'yunt, lfarc/lam, Jireh

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