Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-10-2001 Arbiter, September 10 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Vol. 15 Issue 5 First Copy Free Monday September 10, 2001 Problems with parking .addressed By Lauro Wylde which holds about 650 spots, is The Arbiter also free on game days. For special events, such as Boise State University, in Art in the Park last Saturday, conjunction with the Boise City BSU will charge for parking Police Department and the until a couple of hours before Southeast Neighborhood the begins. Association, combined forces The University will contin- and worked diligently in creat- ue charging for parking at the ing policies to reduce parking Student Union Parking lot problems resulting from home because it is operated on an football games. everyday basis. The cost is $5 The neighborhoods south of for games and this is the only Boise State have been irifested place on campus charging for with thoughtless sports fans parking. who create havoc with their However, five lots around automobiles by obstructing stadium were rented for the driveways and fire hydrants, day for Bronco Athletics parking too close to comers, Association, Blake said. He and from time to time, mistak- explained the lots closest to the ing front lawns for a parking stadium are closed for boost- lot. ers. Rich Wright, Boise Police "It is all free, but the condi- Department spokesman said tion is for those lots, you need his department for quite some- to be a BAA member," said time has received numerous Blake. complaints from residents Parking director Bob Seibolt regarding illegal parking prob- said the lack of revenue gained from charging for parking will lems on game days. "Over the course of time we not be a significant impact. In have been able to keep some of the past, parking during home the parking problems at bay," games generated $10,000 in revenue by charging people he said, "but as more and more Automobiles accumulate anywhere there's space durlnQ BSUFootball games, which has proved a great people are attending sports for parking in the lots. Both Seibolt and Blake pre- source of frustration for many residents In the area. The expectation of parking functions, it was decided the tures," Blake said. time had come to come up with dicted no big increase in park- garages are being made, but free on residential streets, ing revenue gained from ing areas so you don't inhibit Blake included analysis of a parking plan." none will directly be linked close to the stadium is going to Boise's involvement with the residents. with the Pavilion area. problems pertaining to the Strategies include free park- However a solution to park- addition of a parking structure become less and less the case, ing in lots, closed streets, and WAC conference. "It's been suggested a num- because there are more restric- Revenue generated from ing is needed for the future. ber of times," Blake said, but near the Pavilion. increased patrol. "We have a very lucky tions being placed on residen- the sale of parking permits, "It's not a very good place for a The restraining nature of It was suggested a year ago schedule for home games this Broadway's intersections tial areas, and the police to create free parking on cam- tickets and the ability to rent parking structure." department is clamping down lots collectively benefit park- year, in that there is only one The master plan for the around the University would pus for football games, Larry afternoon game," Blake said. increase the load-out time, and on parking violations, Blake Blake, Director of Facilities ing operations. University's physical improve- said. "This money is used to keep The status of current student ments includes moving park- arterial entryways to the struc- Planning said. parking, considering the ture would be constantly "It is just part of the football Blake said the issue is now the operation afloat and used ing to the perimeter of the tradition. It is a beautiful fall to build more parking lots and heightened enrollment num- clogged. gaining support and all the lots bers this year, combined with campus. To appease current parking day, and it's time to take essentially west of the Liberal structures," Blake said. "the intent of the master advantage of the weather and Wright said the new free additional sporting fans auto- problems, the Pavilion lot was Arts Building are free to gener- plan was to move the parking walk a little ways to the parking is a message to fans to mobiles, makes the parking sit- re-striped this summer, adding al public, including the library to the perimeter of the campus game," he said. , utilize free parking on campus, uation much stickier. Current as much as possible in struc- around 50 new spaces. lot. plans for additional parking The new parking structure, and to try not to park on outly- Kara Hartman (left) and Kathy Spenner (rIQht) walt to accept canned food donations for the Boise Rescue mission before the BSUFootball game last Saturday. may remember, Involve me and py Laura Wylde experience to lessons learned in The Arbiter Ilearn." class. Kara Hartmann, Service Examples of serVicelearning Learning coordinator, has been Service learning programs coursework include working for are a fairly recent phenomenon the Women and Children's working with the program since May 2000. Since, she has made seen in BoiseState's curriculum. Alliance for sociology classes,or The program intrinsically is a it so students looking through designing a marketing cam- the university catalog and direc- teaching method that provides paign for the food bank when a way to connect coursework tory of courses will see informa- taking marketing courses. tion about service learning. with hands-on experiences These programs are not vol- Also, she has expanded the ser- while addressing needs of the unteerism, or used to gain community. The program iriternship credits, but rather, to Vice learning program to uni- enables the student to work in versity administrators and quote Benjamin Franklin, ''Tell department chairpersons. She the community, aiding service me and I forget, Teach me and I organizations, and,attaching the Students' chance to buy I Ii better coverage nears .<~ For an additional cost of erage. News North Carolina Mutual Life $149 students can add dental ~t.~. Student health Insurance Company took over • What's on TVTV insurance company coverage to their plan and tonight? - pg. 2 $5.72 buys vision insurance. the contract with Boise State will cover more Students can also buy an addi- University held by Mega Life • Safety not important to and Health Insurance medical costs for tional $450,000 worth of sick- Company last month. - The . " J..'-,' students - pg. 3 ness and injury coverage for Mega Life basic student insur- .~ .... students who buy an extra $150 to $19U. The Opinion into extended plans ance plan covered 80. percent deadline to beef up benefits up to a maximum benefit of ends Sept. 14 at 5 p.m. $20,000 after a $150 per illness • What workstudy is PY Carissa Wolf The basic health insurance really like - pg. 4 or injury deductible was met. The Arbiter plan most students enroll in, Full-time students are auto- • Cell phone crazy The going rate for a plaster covers 80 percent of "custom- matically enrolled in the stu- cast: $140. Two hours of anes- ary and reasonable" medical -pg.4 . dent health insurance plan thesia: about $2000. A day in expenses up to $50,~00 ~ollars underwritten by North the hospital: more than $300. .after a $500.deducti~le Is.met. Carolina Mutual Life unless sports Medical expenses can add up , Purchase. of O~~on~l they opt out of the coverage quickly and debt can grow CatastrophiC C.overage. will by signing a waiver. • deep for the seriously sick or buy students a max.l1~\Um Students can pick up ..,..-;.-,. injured student ;- unless they $500,000 worth· of additional optional coverage ,enrollment "4; Diversions _".-.M. plan ahead. Students planning covera~e. forms at the Student Health ",,*bVRyan HancocIr.1!ittAltllW -Your inJlyfishing for a medical catastrophe or Optional PIa.ns o~fered by Center. or call the student heaven :"pg:6' .' root canal have until the end the student health Insurance insurance servicing agent, People attendlnQ the SUBAnnex"s.m. houMhod the~ure' . of the week to add optiOnal company,. North ~arolina Collegiate Risk Management ofbelnQentertGlOedbvslnger/softOWrlterRebeceClSCOlt11le coverage to their health: lnsur- MUtu.a.I Life, also. ID. dude Inc. at 1-:800-922-3420;, eventwasputontofamlUarlze~WlththeWomen'.·· . _1'heBoysfrOm .'.;.., ance plan. d~pen~ent and part-time cov- Multi-Ethnic and BrookIytl8re coIning.to .. Cente!r, CeRtel', the ArbIter.' .. Boise -pg. 6 .' . I ~,..----~_.-'''., ----:'t'f ___________ -- ..;::..--J,-.-.~_._--- ---'--- .....1'-- . \ " .-.- ~ __ • .....__.; ........-M-- ...~-·.......··..· September 10. 2001 Page 2- The Arbiter stations public accesS 8v Laura Wylde The Arbiter Nicole Prehoda, executive 6225 w. Overland director of TVTV, took over running the public access tele- Phone: 343-11 00 vision station as the first paid employee at the end of July. Hours: Before she accepted the posi- wednesday-Frldoy- tion of executive director, she 3p.m.
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