GARLAND Stoves and Ranges are the Best. Ror Sale only hy P'O'W'LBR fi*» BALL. TIIK NKH'S In » Dnitlra- If you want the Best Den­ ble AdvertiaiiiK M«>tliuiii tal Work for the Least b«rHUH« of Iti* l.arKe Clr- T^TTtr noney, ^o to rulKtloii. xHJjj JOHNS NEWS. A. H. KENYON. Volume VII.—No . 7. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 9. 1895. Whole No. 371 THK NKWM IN KRIKF. HAKVKST MKKVICKS. I) JI'ST AHOl^T KVEN. Osgocxl is still selling best stireened coal delivered at same price, f.5.25. John W’HKner m»«»t Sunday in Ionia. All Ancient CiiHltiin Will be tlliHervetl The Itef-elptN and Expense AccuiiiitH of 7wlp. Next SiiikIk)’. the County Fair, (■).<’. HoIlinWr waw in town laat'wwk. Rev. Fred’k. Hall and the members of The uttendaiic'e at the county fair last I-ook at Our Ciiderwear Stock tOWAUOLY TKKATMKNT OF A YOUNG HGYN AN1> GIKI.H MITNT KK AT HOME A. K. Dutehtr has a new adv. in to ­ St. Johns Episcopal church are arrang ­ week was large. The weather was favor­ When you iiwh I an^'thing in the under­ Hl’.SnAM) AT OVII>. HEFOICE NINE. wear line. We have been in business a day’s Nkwh . ing for “Harvest Home” sevices to be able, Thursda.v was the big daj’ and it long time, every .year bringing you bet­ Julia A. Rose of St. Johnu, haa been Iliil IIIh Wlft* Hii AtlVetloiiate Ailleii.— held in their church next Sunda.v morn- They Are Over Nixteeii Years €»f is estimated that about 8,000 people ter values in underwear. This .year we will surprise you at the extra value your afranted a iienaion. Told Her that He VVaH Going to Find and evening. This is an ancient cilktom Age <>r A<*coiii|ianiefl by l*areiita or were on the grounds that day. Friday and has bi*en obsi-rved by the church of Gim^tllaii—.\ii Oraiiiuiife Will be PaHMe«l was given ufi to the races and the large mone.v will bu 3’. I’omeand bring .your Mrs. W. 1j. Uoaekrana of ('leveland, in Work and l.ater Went to Oklahoma at (fiice. friends. Joh .n Hicks . England for years, .\fterall the harvests crowd seemed to enjoy themselves. The viaitin>r friends in St. .Io Iuih . Where He U Mning for Oivorce. have btH*n gathered a service is held which total r**ceipts for tile wet*k are in the For gold or porcelain crowns; for gold, .Misa Lillie Havena left Thursday for a IS conducted in the form of thanki-giving. Atame«*ting of the common council neighborhood of f2,(J00 and the ex ­ porcelain, and other Hllings; for teeth (From a S|)e<-lal (’orn'spoiKU'iit.) without plates; for plates of t«**th of auy visit with her sinter in Chicajfo. This is usually followed tlie day after by held .Mondn.v night the petition «)f over penses will foot it is thought not fur Ovin, .Mien., Oct. 7—It is ruimired on possible kind, ipialit.v, or pricce; go to Head wliat Wilson & Son the clothiers, a “Harvest Festival”. Theidea. whileold 200 St. Johns mothers was grnnb'd and from that mark, although the accounts 7w2. (’oiGu.v A So.v, St. Johns. have to say. It will interest you. the streets in this village that FrankCom- in other places, is rather an innovation hereafter all children under 10 .years of are not all in yet. stock, formerly a freight clerk in the 1). Our One Hollar Kid Gloven .1. II. CollinS'Of Ionia, s|)ent last we«*k in St. .lohns, in fact this will be the first age will not 1 eallowed on the steets after A- .M. depot here, has brought suit for .\re lus good as man.vstori*s **harge if 1..50 with his family and friends in St. Johns. service of the kind ever held in the city. 0 o’clock i». m., unless accomi)anied b.v for. M e hav** sold no betb*r glovt^s at divon'c in .Mtaitana. His ytiiing wife is parents or a gunnlian. Trusts* Travis that price, ('all and s<*i* them. Robert .\inlerson of -i, re­ Tin? handsome new church of the 660^31 almost crazed over the matter and the Episcopal society will be elaborately gave notice of an ordinance to cover this Joii.N Hicks . turned Monday after a wis-k’s stay in St. citizens and neighbors who are ac- dis'orated witli grains, fruits and vega- resolution and it will be jxissed at once. (lood house to rent; corner Oakland Johns. AKE IN .SKSSION TIII.S AFTEKOGN .\T (juainted with the facts in the case, are tables. It is said where tiase serviires This petition was drawn and circulated and Higham streets. E. .M. Smith . .\ |)art.v of Klsie yoiinp; (teople came THE coricT iior.sE. highly indignant over the affair. Com­ have been held that the gropiiigs when b.v members of the W. C. T. I’., .Mrs. Ezra •over to the county fair on their bicych's stfixes Kepaired. stock who is said to have bwn very artistically arranged are most beautiful. Smith having b«*<*n quite instrumental in •Several Spiritt-d Spe»*ehe« by Teiiiperaiiee Shmiih I I land Stoves bought nn*l sold. last we4*k. svvtH*t on the women cawie here atioiit a pushing the mattei' to a conclusion. The I Sp»*cial song and other services have Keforiiiers Thin ForeiKiuii—They Keall/e I Gtf CooPKU A Kkk .nky . Mrs. Susan Mahony of Sa)j:inaw, re .veur ago, and soon commenced keeping ordinamM* now exists in man.y cities and been arranged. Rev. Hall has (‘hosen That it .MeaiiH llaril Work and Will turned honu* .Monday after a visit in comjiany with .Miss .Maude Rose, only villages in the state ami is spoken of in i III the Chiak Kooiii. for his text in the morning, “The feast l<«.<|iiire CoiiHlderable Capital. St. Johns. ilaughter of .Mr, and .Mrs. S. \V. Ro.'X* and the highest, terms b.v l•esidents of plac«*s j Hundri**ls of new wraps an*l e*)ats an? of ingathering, which is in the eml of the 1 waiting for hxikers, —|>**rlia|is hii.vers. Read the notice of the v"!itizens ’ Ltsdure a most accomplished and handsome year, when thou hast gathered in thy w here it has Ixs-n ailopted. The local ojition call for today, which I Most ol the lookers are lui.vers when they ■t'otirse, to be found on another pane of young lady. She was then but 17 yc*ars labors out of the Held."—Exodus 2.‘1:1 B. se(* how good a coat or cape tht*ir money All lietler. was issued by .1. Benson Hill of Ovid, was this i.ssue. of age and it was soon whis|K'red around In the evening, “TIkiu , O (Jod, hast pre ­ .Vndrew Diirkm*, wife and children are will buy. You try it. .1 ohn Hicks . that a wedding would undoubtedly be responded to by lOD or 125 temperance Toultry of all kinds wanted, rin^ hinh- pared of thy goodne.ss for the poor. ”— all betDt this noon and while .Mr. Dnr- Cider Applen the outcome of their courtship. This workers, about uiie-half of whom were ost market prices paitl at Sqranue and Psalms <58:1 D. ke«* is still very sick it is thought tin? M ante*!. The highest marki*t price proved to be the case and they were soon ladies, who met at the court house at Squairs Elevator. 4Htf .\ Fine Crop. dang»*r is past. Miss .Susie is much im­ paid |x.*r lOD lbs at married, althougli it is said that quite this morning. Rev. 1). D. .Martin Spiia *;! K A Sqi'Aiit’s Elevator. H. .M. L;>on of Essex, said to Tiik proved, as are the .younger children. (’. W. Hretz, foreman of the Saranac a severe pre.ssure had to be brought to of this i;ity was made chairman and J. Nkws Saturday that he has swuri'd about .Soldiers’ Keiinioii. .\dvertis«*r, was in St. .L>hns last we«‘k bear before the young man consented to Benson Hill H<*eretar.v. .Mr. .Martin l>o You Like It ? 112,5 bushels of peaches from his orchard The m*veiith annual reunion of compa- the f*f T. .\. Baker. make the unfortunace girl his wife. ,\ opened the m**eting with some remarks What ’.’ .Meat,—Eresb meat that has this year. He has about .'lODO tn*es and ni(*s \ and (J, 2.’l Regiment .Mich. Vcd. Hallie Tiifford f)f Esse.x, has sworn out child was born to them in about a month on the effect of local option and on the lx*en properly butchered and is (*nt the intends to set several hnmlred more next Infantrj ’, will be held at St. .lohns Wed- the way it should be. If yon *1*) you can a warrant against IMwin Putman of after their marriagi’. Comstjck left hard work which he said he knew was sfiring. He has a variety which he|)rof»o- nesda.v, October 2,’I, 18f).5. .Members ari* get it at the up|x*r market, linsMibush, charninn bastardy. Ovid in two we**ks after the wedding and nei;essary to vote it in and when it is tf \V. H. UolCNEI-L. gated himself ami which he named earnestly requested to be present.
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