NAIS / MNAIS -- Hobli Level Average Yield Data for 2014-15 Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (In Kgs/Hect.)

NAIS / MNAIS -- Hobli Level Average Yield Data for 2014-15 Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (In Kgs/Hect.)

A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark Government of Karnataka Directorate of Economics and Statistics NAIS / MNAIS -- Hobli level Average Yield data for 2014-15 Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : JOWAR Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 1 Badami 10 10 1629 2 Guledagudda 10 10 1517 3 Kerur 10 10 1385 4 Kulageri 10 10 1509 2 Bagalkote 5 Bagalkote 10 10 966 6 Kaladagi 10 10 983 7 Seethimani 10 10 1053 3 Bilgi 8 Anagawadi 10 10 2068 9 Bilgi 10 10 1865 4 Hungund 10 Aminagad 10 10 1168 11 Hungund 10 10 1508 12 Ilakal 10 10 1480 5 Jamakhandi 13 Jamakhandi 10 10 928 14 Savalgi 10 10 991 15 Terdal 10 10 1218 6 Mudhol 16 Lokapur 10 10 854 17 Mudhol 10 10 1185 Crop : MAIZE Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 18 Badami 10 10 3179 19 Guledagudda 10 10 4273 20 Kerur 10 10 1849 21 Kulageri 10 10 3797 Page 1 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) 2 Bagalkote 22 Bagalkote 10 10 2910 23 Kaladagi 10 10 3003 24 Seethimani 10 10 3393 3 Bilgi 25 Anagawadi 10 10 4289 26 Bilgi 10 10 4230 4 Hungund 27 Aminagad 10 10 3059 28 Hungund 10 10 3532 Crop : WHEAT Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 29 Badami 10 10 2014 30 Guledagudda 10 10 1536 31 Kerur 10 10 1171 32 Kulageri 10 10 1392 2 Bagalkote 33 Bagalkote 10 10 2161 34 Kaladagi 10 10 2672 35 Seethimani 10 10 2073 3 Bilgi 36 Anagawadi 10 10 896 37 Bilgi 10 10 1003 4 Hungund 38 Aminagad 10 10 3020 39 Hungund 10 10 3657 40 Ilakal 10 10 2375 41 Karadi 10 10 1915 5 Jamakhandi 42 Jamakhandi 10 10 1514 43 Savalgi 10 10 3095 44 Terdal 10 10 1760 Page 2 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : GRAM Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 45 Badami 10 10 395 46 Guledagudda 10 10 472 47 Kerur 10 10 475 48 Kulageri 10 10 562 2 Bagalkote 49 Bagalkote 10 10 687 50 Kaladagi 10 10 698 51 Seethimani 10 10 729 3 Bilgi 52 Anagawadi 10 10 606 53 Bilgi 10 10 627 4 Hungund 54 Aminagad 10 10 1102 55 Hungund 10 10 1402 56 Karadi 10 10 1080 5 Jamakhandi 57 Jamakhandi 10 10 663 58 Savalgi 10 10 660 59 Terdal 10 10 676 6 Mudhol 60 Lokapur 10 10 573 61 Mudhol 10 10 480 Crop : SUNFLOWER Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 62 Badami 10 10 919 63 Guledagudda 10 10 933 64 Kerur 10 10 541 65 Kulageri 10 10 864 2 Bagalkote 66 Bagalkote 10 10 678 67 Kaladagi 10 10 837 68 Seethimani 10 10 767 Page 3 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) 3 Bilgi 69 Anagawadi 10 10 1396 70 Bilgi 10 10 1312 4 Hungund 71 Aminagad 10 10 888 72 Hungund 10 10 834 73 Ilakal 10 10 705 74 Karadi 10 10 837 5 Jamakhandi 75 Jamakhandi 10 10 825 76 Savalgi 10 10 1074 77 Terdal 10 10 728 6 Mudhol 78 Lokapur 10 10 1561 79 Mudhol 10 10 1305 Page 4 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Government of Karnataka Directorate of Economics and Statistics NAIS / MNAIS -- Hobli level Average Yield data for 2014-15 Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : JOWAR Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Jamakhandi 1 Jamakhandi 10 10 668 2 Savalgi 10 10 579 3 Terdal 10 10 724 2 Mudhol 4 Lokapur 10 10 608 5 Mudhol 10 10 1242 Crop : WHEAT Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 6 Badami 10 10 311 7 Guledagudda 10 10 721 8 Kerur 10 10 484 9 Kulageri 10 10 752 2 Bagalkote 10 Bagalkote 10 10 958 11 Kaladagi 10 0 * 12 Seethimani 10 10 1130 3 Bilgi 13 Bilgi 10 10 623 4 Hungund 14 Aminagad 10 10 1220 15 Hungund 10 10 1244 16 Ilakal 10 10 1760 17 Karadi 10 10 1467 5 Jamakhandi 18 Savalgi 10 10 1435 6 Mudhol 19 Lokapur 10 0 * Page 1 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : GRAM Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 20 Badami 10 10 224 21 Guledagudda 10 10 279 22 Kerur 10 10 218 23 Kulageri 10 10 249 2 Jamakhandi 24 Jamakhandi 10 10 427 25 Savalgi 10 10 425 26 Terdal 10 10 452 3 Mudhol 27 Lokapur 10 10 388 28 Mudhol 10 10 361 Crop : HORSEGRAM Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 29 Badami 10 10 220 30 Guledagudda 10 10 347 31 Kerur 10 10 116 32 Kulageri 10 10 615 2 Bagalkote 33 Bagalkote 10 10 205 34 Kaladagi 10 0 * 35 Seethimani 10 10 506 3 Hungund 36 Aminagad 10 10 694 37 Hungund 10 10 485 38 Ilakal 10 10 217 Crop : LINSEED Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 39 Badami 10 10 174 40 Guledagudda 10 10 294 41 Kerur 10 10 118 42 Kulageri 10 10 137 2 Bagalkote 43 Bagalkote 10 10 400 44 Kaladagi 10 10 129 45 Seethimani 10 10 651 Page 2 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) 3 Hungund 46 Aminagad 10 10 331 47 Hungund 10 10 366 48 Ilakal 10 10 373 49 Karadi 10 10 340 4 Mudhol 50 Lokapur 10 10 89 51 Mudhol 10 10 115 Crop : SUNFLOWER Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Bagalkote 52 Bagalkote 10 10 286 53 Kaladagi 10 10 603 54 Seethimani 10 10 443 2 Bilgi 55 Anagawadi 10 10 562 56 Bilgi 10 10 633 3 Hungund 57 Aminagad 10 10 527 58 Hungund 10 10 283 59 Ilakal 10 10 320 60 Karadi 10 10 463 4 Jamakhandi 61 Jamakhandi 10 10 615 62 Savalgi 10 10 291 63 Terdal 10 0 * 5 Mudhol 64 Lokapur 10 10 894 65 Mudhol 10 10 696 Crop : SAFFLOWER Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bagalkote 1 Badami 66 Kerur 10 10 237 67 Kulageri 10 10 259 2 Bagalkote 68 Bagalkote 10 10 471 69 Kaladagi 10 10 549 70 Seethimani 10 10 771 Page 3 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) 3 Hungund 71 Aminagad 10 10 410 72 Hungund 10 10 379 73 Ilakal 10 10 375 74 Karadi 10 10 360 4 Mudhol 75 Lokapur 10 10 504 76 Mudhol 10 10 213 * indicates experiments lost due to non-availability of crop. Page 4 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from www.A-PDF.comGovernment of Kar ntoat removeaka the watermark Directorate of Economics and Statistics NAIS / MNAIS -- Hobli level Average Yield data for 2014-15 Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : HORSEGRAM Unirrigated Season :RABI 1 Bangalore Urban 1 Anekal 1 Anekal 10 10 958 2 Attibele 10 10 627 3 Jigani 10 10 721 4 Sarjapura 10 10 552 Page 1 of 1 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark Government of Karnataka Directorate of Economics and Statistics NAIS / MNAIS -- Hobli level Average Yield data for 2014-15 Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : JOWAR Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Belgaum 1 Athani 1 Ananthapur 10 10 826 2 Athani 10 10 807 3 Kagwad 10 10 1095 4 Telsang 10 10 1058 2 Bailhongal 5 Bailhongal 10 10 1252 3 Chikkodi 6 Chikkodi 10 10 876 7 Nagaramunoli 10 10 1177 8 Nippani 10 10 1282 9 Sadalaga 10 10 902 4 Gokak 10 Gokak 10 10 1140 11 Koujalagi 10 10 1193 5 Raibagh 12 Kudachi 10 10 3174 13 Raibagh 10 10 3073 6 Ramadurg 14 K Chandargi 10 10 1578 15 Katakol 10 10 1195 16 Mudakavi 10 10 2059 17 Sureban (Ramadurg) 10 10 1571 7 Soundatti 18 Munavalli 10 10 1311 19 Murgod 10 10 1810 20 Soundatti 10 10 1560 21 Yeragatti 10 10 1472 Page 1 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) Crop : MAIZE Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Belgaum 1 Bailhongal 22 Bailhongal 10 10 3829 23 Kittur 10 10 4024 24 Nesargi 10 10 3209 2 Chikkodi 25 Chikkodi 10 10 5325 26 Nagaramunoli 10 10 5682 27 Nippani 10 10 7378 28 Sadalaga 10 10 5501 3 Hukkeri 29 Hukkeri 10 10 5617 30 Sankeshwar 10 10 4061 31 Yamakanmardi 10 10 6040 4 Raibagh 32 Kudachi 10 10 5995 33 Raibagh 10 10 3770 5 Ramadurg 34 K Chandargi 10 10 3571 35 Katakol 10 10 4295 36 Mudakavi 10 10 3197 37 Sureban (Ramadurg) 10 10 4163 6 Soundatti 38 Munavalli 10 10 2902 39 Murgod 10 10 2630 40 Soundatti 10 10 3262 41 Yeragatti 10 10 4265 Crop : WHEAT Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Belgaum 1 Bailhongal 42 Bailhongal 10 10 2452 43 Kittur 10 10 1918 44 Nesargi 10 10 1574 Page 2 of 4 Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF Printer Experiments Average Yield District Taluk Hobli Planned Analysed (in Kgs/Hect.) 2 Hukkeri 45 Hukkeri 10 10 1452 46 Sankeshwar 10 10 1566 47 Yamakanmardi 10 10 1497 3 Soundatti 48 Munavalli 10 10 1551 49 Murgod 10 10 1866 50 Soundatti 10 10 1543 51 Yeragatti 10 10 925 Crop : GRAM Irrigated Season :RABI 1 Belgaum 1 Athani 52 Ananthapur 10 10 720 53 Athani 10 10 671 54 Kagwad 10 10 731 55 Telsang 10 10 716 2 Bailhongal 56 Bailhongal 10 10 738 57 Kittur 10 10 708 58 Nesargi 10 10 773 3 Chikkodi 59 Chikkodi 10 10 652 60 Nagaramunoli 10 10 581 61 Nippani 10 10 662 62 Sadalaga 10 10 652 4 Gokak 63 Arabhavi 10 10 569 64 Gokak 10 10 654 65 Koujalagi 10 10 556 5 Hukkeri 66 Hukkeri 10 10 617 6 Raibagh 67 Kudachi

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