CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH Paper I of 1981-Supplement PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS K. l. NEGI of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations. Himachal Pradesh MIMACHAL, PRADESH N 0 f"J po. /r-·.,.·....... 1' ~ + ADMINISTRATIVE DIVI SIONS \) ) 0 I( ILAR '. " 4 M .-.' \...... S r\ 33° r ...... PANG I •• /\ ~ . ) ..) '\ / . 1981 .) / ../""'. ~ C H A U ~ A H ",: ." .. "._ _/. .: "'\ ( .,. ..........1"-'. : ~ \ " .... ,.. ,' 0 TlU \·-·V ....... ·"" '\ -9 ~ 0 /':: • O ' L A H U L ') 5'1 (SAL~ ... .. '...... \.... .""UDAIPUR \. J',f../· ) .\ l~,.. H A M ' 8 " ~ \.. :' (i KYELANG (.J~; /.r . -, I " i)CHAM81A .: "l,,-.;; .j~' ~ I .A CHuAII.! KHAS '1 " , , "BHATTIVU)'l \... \ ... :~ .. , ~ "'" ~:::'' ' '' 08RAHMAUR/ ;" .......... L A H U L & S PIT I '., "" "'c' .. _.. /'\ ' , - I \.' y / ')s'HUN1~ ,•• / < ( ....... , s p • _. / 0 l. .......0 .) OH"R '~SALA" i. ''li ' 0','- ... roO '. 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"Few people from outside realile that Census is an administrative operation of the great dimension and, in addition. it is scientific process. Indian Census in particular. covers the largest population of the world and it is also one of tile most economical administrative operation. Census as an institution goes back to (Fte remote past, but it is no longer a mere counting of heads, it involves extraction of information which plays a vital role in tl'Ie determination of many of our administrative policies. The facts elicited during the course of operation yield valuable scientific data of sociological importance. In many matters, it provides a useful guide for tlie effectiveness or otherwise of our economic polidies. The theory of population is itself an interE-sting part of economics. The Census helps us to test and adapt that theory to facts". -Sardar Vallabh Bhai patel 2. "The provisional population figures for the 1981 Census have just been relea1ed, and before commenting on the figures it is necessary to pay tributes to the extremely efficient and prompt mannu in which this massive task has been successfully completed. The Census in India il certainly tRe biggest such exercise any where in the world, and the quiet efficiency with wliich it has been undertaken could be a model for other countries. At a time when inefficient and shoddy performance seems to have become tlie ordi!r of the day, the census provides a refreshing contrast, and all conoerned deserve warm commendation". -Dr. Karan Singh, M.P. The Tribun6 March 31. 1981. ( v) CONTENTS Pagea 1. Introduction ix 2. Figures at a Glance xi 3. Cartoon xii 4. Charts and Maps__, Comparative Area-Districts 1981 3 Comparative Population-Bistricts 198 I 5 D(cadal Growth of Population 1901-1981 7 Literacy State and Districts 1981 9 Rural-Urban Composition of Population 1981 11 Towns by Size of Population 1981 13 Classification of Workers 1981 15 Proportion of workers and Non-workers to total Population by Sex 1981 17 5. Analysis of the Results 19-28 6. Provisional Population Tables Bnd Primary Census Abstract­ Table-I Urban Population in the States and Union Territories 1981 31 Table-2 Rural and Urban Composition of Population 32 Table-3 Population and Growth Rate of Cities, Urban Agglomera­ tions and Towns 33-34 Table-4 Urban Population by Size Class of Towns 35 Table-5 Distribution of Main Workers 37 Table-6 Distribution of main workers by Cultivators, Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry and Other Workers 38-39 Primary Census Abstract part-I 40-53 Primary Census Abstract Part-II 54-67 Table-7 Tahsil/ fown-wise Handicapped population 68-71 7. Photographs 73-80 8. Census Schedules ( vii) lNTRODUCTION On the 23rd Match we had released Paper 1 This apart, sex-wise absolute figures of marginal of 1981 Census which gives the provisional popu­ workers and non-workers have also been given III lation totals of the State and informa tion up to this part separately for rural and urban areas. the district level only. [t contains information regarding the sex-wise total population of the 3. For the first time after 1931, we have State, growth rate, deasity of popula tion by dist­ also provided the district and tahsil-wise break-up ricts, decadal variations from 1901 onwards, of the handicapped population in the State :lnd district-wise p:!rccntages of litl!ra::y etc. also urban and rural break-up. 2. In the supplem!ut to Paper I, which we 4. On this occasion, I would like to express are releasing right now. we intend to give detail~d information at the tahsil level also. Apart from my deep gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha , making information available upto tahsil level, Registrar General & Census Commissio ner, India the present pUblicdtion covers much wider field for his constant inspiration and guidance which of information like the population and growth of has sustained us all through these massive ope­ cities/urban agglomeration and towns of various rations. I am also extremely thankful to the classes in the State, distribution of population State Government and in particular to Shri K. C. according to the size of the town, distribution of Pandeya, Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Himachal main workers by district and alsJ the percentage Pradesh and other senior officers of tbe State of main workers to the total population. The Government and field formations who extended main workers have been further split into their their fullest co-operation to us as and when re­ various working categories like cultivators, agri­ quired to make this gigantic task a success. cultural labourers, household industry and other Finally, I shall be failing in my duty if I do not workers by percentages as well as in absolute extend my warmest thanks to the Enumerators/ figures. In the Paper 1, as already stated, we had Supervisors and also the staff of my own Directo­ given figures uptil district level, in the present rate whose unstinted co-operation made the volume same figures will be available down to the Census Operations of 1981 a booming success tahsiljsub-tahsillevel as given in Primary Census in the State. Abstract Part-I. In Primary Census Abstract part-II. the break-up of main workers into culti­ vators, agriculture labourers, household industries K.. L. NEGI and other workers has boea given at tahsil/sub­ Simla, Director of CenSus Operations, tahltil level and for each urban area separately. April 25, 1981. Himachal Pradesh. FIGURES AT A GLANOE t. Population Persons 4,231,569 Males 2,131,312 Females 2,106,1~1 2. Decennial Population Growth Rate 1971-81 22.46 per cent 3. Density of Population per Sq. Km 76 per Sq. Km. 4. Sex Ratio (No. of Females per 1,000 Males) 988 5. Literacy Rate Persons 41.94 Males 52.36 Females 31.39 6. No. of Towns 47 7. Percentage of Urban Population to Total Population 1.12 8. Percentage of Main Workers to Total Population 33,89 9. Percentage break-up of Workers jMain) (i) Cultivators 23.53 (ii) Agricultural Labourers 0.99 (iii) Household Industries 0.90 (iv) Other Workers 8.47 10. Marginal Workers 7.52 1l. Non-workers 58.59 ( xi ) Our poplilation h~s exploded to 684 million! Is it to ensure against further explosions Doctor? ( xit ) CHARTS AND MAPS COMPARATIVE AREA-DISTRICTS 1981 HIMACHAL PRADESH SIMLA 5132 2 SS S38 Km CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 PROlilSlONAL A£SULTS COMPARATIVE POPULATION - DISTRICTS 1981 r ~ l' l> c::.
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