OAILT GntOCljm ON Mr th« BIflirtfc of #na, 19SS 5,201 MMBber o< tbe Audit Barean of aronUtloiis. PfUCB filANCHESTES, CONN.. SATDBDAY^ JULY 1,1938. t e n RAGES VOL. U L , NO. 233. (CAaaaUled Advortlidac oa Pas* PICK JOE McCLUSKEY Off For The Arctic In Search Of M attem TO RUN IN EUROPE Manchester Steeplechase FINANCIAL MARTS Balbo at IkcDonaU hfoniit Star Named to A. A. U. REGISTER UPTURN Conference W i Be 0 3 d Team; Leaves Wednesday Flier Dies in Crash as Seen as a Stah n q t for Extensive Competi­ Stocks Gain from $1 to $11 1. —— Amstertam, July 1,— (A P ) — An^Tbe plane was reported to have cap- from U. S. h e stfn ^ tion in European Capitals. a Share in Many of the accident probabty in'volvi^ one sized in 'water of only about one foot fatality marked the end today of the in depth. ’The body had not been Recdred— Remarkalik first stage of the flight of the Italian found. Leading Issues. armada of 25 seaplanes bound foom The commander and pilot, the mes­ Joe McQuskey. distance and Italy to tbe Chicago Bxpoeitlon. One sage said, were badly wounded. It Lack of Speadatfre Ddflar steeplechase star of Fordham Uni­ of the flying boats capsized after was reported that the departure from' Amstordam, which had been versity and the New York Athletic New York, July 1.— (AP) — Fi­ landing and one of ^ e occupants planned for tomorrow morning, Qub, is one of eight of Uncle Sam’s With Nome, Alaska, as their objective, mdnbers of the "Jimmie Mattem Rescue Expedition’’ are pictured at was missing. \ Transaedens Noted ’ i i nancial markets swxmg upward would be postponed for the funeral track arid field athletes named to Floyd Bennett Field, New York, before taking off to look for the famed flyer who vanished on his ill-starred Tbe other three men in the ship buoyantly today following adminis­ of the mechanician. compete in Europe this month by flight around the world. Left to right: Harold Person, Bill Alexander, commander; Tom Abbe and Fred were rather seriously injured and Enrope. were removed to a hospital. - — the Amateur Acetic Union. Mc- trative reiteration that dollar Fetterm an. 1 ----------^ i BEST WISHES EXTENDED C3uskey was chosen last night after stabilization is still barred not­ FIRST REPORTS I Washington. July 1.—(AP)—Best his victory in the 3,000 meters withstanding repc ,ed plans to curb New York, July 1.— (A P) — A {wishes of America’s naval air forces London, July 1.— ( A P ) — D M sgatSs currency speculation abroad. message from Amsterdam to the i were extended today to General from gold standard countries w a ^ Stocks were turned over in large HITLER GIVES UP Mackay Radio Company today said Balbo by Rear Admiral Ernest J. ed in vain as the niorniag hou^ volume at piins of $1 to as much ‘LEGS’ DIAMOND’S WIDOW that one of the planes of the Italian | King, chief of naval aeronautica. as gll a share. Wheat, com and air armada capsized at Amsterdam “General Balbo has already led passed today for word from Prsai- oats leaped forward with advances CATHOUC FAITH and was wrecked. One member of one squadron of Italiar planes dent Roosevelt on a-joint d eclara­ of 1 to more than 3 cents a bushel, tbe crew was missing, nnd the pilot across Gie Atlantic,” King said. tion favoring control of currency cotton rallied more than $1 a bale. IS MURDERED IN HOME end commander were saved by two “All of naval aviation is confident fluctuations. Speculative bonds displayed renewed Dutch Marine cadets, tbe message that he will 'make this flight a suc­ stren ^ and foreign exchanges re­ said. cess and congratulates him smd the Prime Minister Ramsay gained portions of their recent Gemum ChanceDor to Job The mechanlcism, who was in the Itallian air force on their cou rse and aid of Great Britain, chairman Bf losses. Police Believe She W as Slain BOYS IN FORESTS t lower closed part of the plane, prob­ ability. General Balbo and his the world econondc confereBce, In­ Pound Advances New National Evangelical ably was suffocated in mud, accord­ crews and his planes will receive a formed Assistant Secretary of statb The British pound sterling ad­ Because She Knew Too ing to the information resmhing here. most cordial welcome. " Raymond Moley that be was rsac^ vanced 6% cental to a cable rate of DOING GOOD WORK to can a meeting as soon as a state­ S4.34^, French francs were up .09 ment from the president was re­ Church, Official Says. ceived. of a cent at 5.04% cents, and the Much; Recendy Had Been goid currencies of Holland, Bel­ Several a t the representattvea eg gium and Switzerland were equ&lly gold stsmdard countries, who have Berlin, July 1.— ( A P ) — ^The R ev. HOW BANK DEPOSITS waged a relentless fight for curren­ strong. Practicing Marksmanship. First General Report of Jobs In rapid-fire stock trading, with Ludwig Mueller said todny that cy stabUizatlcm or fluctuatleo oan- tbe ticker ninning several minutes Done in State is Made by Chancellor Adolf' Hitler will join tbe trol, were planning, however, to behind floor transactions, Allied New York, July 1.— (AP) — Two new National'Evangelical church of ARE TO BE INSURED take noon trains or early afternoon Chem ical go t up t nbout 311 a airplanes for their respective capi­ tloe AlcCluskey question marks danced before de­ Germany and waive his Catholic share to 3126. In addition to tals. Officials. faith as soon as Mr. Mueller’s work steeplechase event of the Senior A. general market buoyancy, this issue tectives today after an all-night In­ of reorganizing German Protestant­ It was stated that the delay In A. U. championship meet at Sol­ was aided by settlement of the com­ quiry into the murder of Mrs. Jack ism has been completed. Another A rtide in Series hearing from the American exedu- dier's Field in Chicago. pany’s controversy with the New Diamond, 33-year-old widow of the CLEAR SKY GREETS He made this annoimcement to a tlve was due to faUure of commxioi- Eight On Team fork Stock Exchapge. Other issues N e w H aven, July 1.— (A P ) — notorious “Legs.” group of three pastors of the Bedel- catlon facilities at Campo S ^ o IM- Seven men and a coach, George up 31 to 33 included Union Pacific, Those boys who enlisted in Presi­ Explaining Briefly Import­ and, N. B., where Mr. RooMvelt is Lackawanna, Canada Dry Ginger 1. Why did the dark-haired sebwingh faction who appealed to Bresnahan of Iowa, were named by widow practice marksmanship so in­ dent Roosevelt’s forest army are hip to rescind his order that ROOSEVErSPARn spending a vacation. Ale, Celanese, U. S. Steel, American a nnunlttee of the amateur body to tently for several weeks before a having a good time, and getting thanksgiving services be held in the Delegates Surprised. Telephone, Santa Fe, Delaware and ant Laws Which W ere suJte the annual journey. An eighth killer fired a bullet into her tem­ plenty of fresh air> food and exer­ churches tomorrow, with the dis­ Information from Campo Bello athlete, Henri La Borde of Stanford Hudson, American Tobac<» “B,” Owens-Illinois, United Aircraft, Case ple after a struggle In her Brooklyn cise— but they are also doing a lot play of'Nazi and . state flags. that countries will have to w a it ^ University, offered to pay his own and General Motors. fla t? of hard work. ■ITie Rev. Frederick von Bedei- Recently Passed. stabilization excited some wondw in expenses and the offer was accepted. Stonn Dnperses Fog and 2. Who sent large sums of money Once a week, the foreman of schwingh recently was elected conference drcles, vdtase the ' T be Team — sometimes as h igh as 31,000 a each of Connecticut’s dozen Civilian bishop of the Reich by . church ration of the French and other The committee named, beside Mc- groups, winning,, out over Mr, Homeward Trqi WM Start standard nations was interpreted as week— to Mrs. Diamond, who never­ Conservation Corps camps sends a Editor’s Note: Quskey, Ralph Metcalfe, Marquette Mueller, the N w candidate, who not I mpixfngKSiaMnsBtiqp. bnt m v - theless lived in comparative penury report to Forester fL M. Ross of the This is another of a series of Uhivez^ty’s great Negro sprinter; NATION STARTING suksequently-was designated to re­ ly-w mbyt^to out peaks of in her 345-a-month home ? . CmmecUj^t Statt FCrest and Parka- articles prep^d by staff writ­ G f>wTi Cunniaigham of Kansas, organize the Protestant faith. Later itfDay. ^ 1 Strange disclosures ‘ followed in Assoctafio^a, testifying to the au fluctuations which are r^iazded as - Mr. Mueller a erted that Chan­ ers of the Associated Press to America’s premier middle distance quick succession after the widow’s compUsUmeots jf the army. largely speculative. cellor Hitler wm urge German explain in simple terms, the im­ rfizmer;. John Anderson of the New NEW YEAR TODAY body was foimd last night, sprawled New roads, scenic spots that were The suggestion submitted to tbe Catholics to join the new church. portant lawsfc enacted at tbe York A. C., former Cornell star, in before a little table on which stood previously inaccessible, clean swim­ CampoBello Island, N. B., July 1 President oy Moley, his adviser, rec­ Hlndenburg's Plea last session, ct congress. the discus and shot: George Spitz, three coffee cups, drained to tbe ming pools, clear picnic grounds — (AP) —A clear eky and bright ommended approT^ of a monetary This announcement was made aft­ formula under whlpb central New Xork A .
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