ANNUAL REPORTS TOWNOFTHE OFFICERS TOWN OFOFTHE ORLEANS FOR1996THE YEAR In Memoriam Carolyn "Carrieu Pratt Bicentennial Commission 1996 Edward F. "Ted" Hathaway Police Department Custodian Gabriell Andrews Ewing Land Management and Open Space 1988-1989 Ann Lyons Clerk-Collector Treasurer Office 1970-1976 Herbert Lynn Fuller Custodian Town Hall and Recreation Hall 1957-1963 3 4 TOWN Of ORLEANS Town Hsll, 19 SchoolRoad Orleans, MA 02653--36tJ9 CITIZEN INTEREST FORM Taday'1 Dale I Nan», Streethkte&s MailingAddress dfferent} Of HomePhone 9uBlneu Phone Thank you for your Interest In serving the Town. Pleaseprioritize your Interest In committees on the back of this form (I.e., preference 1, 2, 3, etc.) EXPERIENCE which might be helpful to the Town: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND which might be useful to the Town: Are you available to serve on a Town committee/commission on a year-round basis? □ yes D no If no, what Is your avallablllty: _________________ How did you become Interested In serving the Town? □ newspaper □ friend □ senInteres t □.____ We suggest that you be aware of the time commitmentyou wlll need to make to the committee/board of your choice. If you need details on time commitments, please contact the Selectmen's Office at 240-3700, ext. 415. PLEASE RETURN TO Board of Selectmen Town of Orleans 19 School Road Orlean� MA 02653 5 TOWN OF ORLEANS COMMITTEES, COUUISSIONS AND BOARDS I would Uke to serveOrteans and might be Interested In the following (pleaseIndicate your preference 1, 2, 3, etc.) □ Architectural ReviewCommittee a Old King's Highway Historic District Committee □ Bicentennial Commission □ Open Space Committee □ Bikeway Committee □ Overseers of the Jonathan Young Mill □ Boan:I of Assessors a Personnel Advisory Board □ BuildingCode Ap peals Board □ Planning Board D Cable1V AdvisoryCommittee □ Recreation Commission □ Cape Cod Regional Technical High School Committee □ Search Committee □ Charter Review Committee □ Shellfish Advisory Committee a Commission on Disabilities □ Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee □ Conservation Commission □ Traffic Study Committee □ Council on Aging □ Water Advisory Board □ Cultural Council □ Water Quality Task Force □ Finance Committee □ Zoning Board of Appeals HistoricalCommission □ Other □ Housing Task Force □ Willing to help as needed □ Insurance Advisory Committee □ LocalComprehensive Planning Committee 6 TOWN OFFICERS Trustees of Snow Library (7) John Fletcher, Chairman 1998 1996 Mary Chapman (elected 5/96) 1999 ELECTIVE TERM EXPIRES MAY Walter Schardt (elected 5/96) 1999 Skip Rozin 1998 Moderator James T. Burgess 1997 Duane Landreth (re-elected 5/96) 1997 Nora Hersey 1997 Bobi Eldridge 1997 Board of Selectmen (5) Henry F. Scammell 1996 Beverly G. Singleton, Chairman 1998 Roderick McColl 1996 Ronald A. Adams (re-elected 5/96) 1999 James E. DeWitt (elected 5/96) 1999 Orleans School Committee (5) Richard W. Philbrick 1998 John McCormick, Chairman {re-elected 5/96) 1999 Francis E. Suits 1997 Pam Jordan (elected 5/96) 1999 Maclean Kirkwood, Jr., Chairman 1996 Marilyn Whitelaw 1998 Jacqueline Reynolds 1998 Park Commissioners (5) Robert Jones 1997 Richard W. Philbrick, Chairman 1998 Charlotte R. McCully 1996 Ronald A. Adams 1999 James E. DeWitt (elected 5/96) 1999 Nauset Regional School Committee Beverly G. Singleton 1998 Truman Henson, Jr. (elected 5/96) 1999 Francis E. Suits 1997 Margie Fulcher 1998 Maclean Kirkwood, Jr. 1996 Charlotte R. Mccully 1997 William W. Thomas 1996 Water Commissioners (5) James E. DeWitt, Chairman (elected 5/96} 1999 SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION TERM EXPIRES Ronald A. Adams 1999 DECEMBER Richard W. Philbrick 1998 Beverly G. Singleton 1998 Old Kings Highway Regional Francis E. Suits 1997 Historic District Committee (5) Maclean Kirkwood, Jr. 1996 Christopher R. Miner, Chairman 1997 Soren Spatczk-Olsen (re-elected 11/96) 2000 Barnstable Assembly of Delegates Pamela Quinn 1999 Mary C. Smith 12/1996 William Quinn, Jr. 1998 Robert Gibson (Board of Selectmen appointee) 1997 Board of Health (5) Elizabeth Schuman, Secretary Gail R. Rainey, Chairman 1997 Priscilla 0. Hamilton (re-elected 5/96) 1999 APPOINTED BOARDS, COMMISSIONS TERM Robert J. Wineman (re-elected 5/96) 1999 and COMMITTEES EXPIRES JUNE Augusta McKusick 1998 Charles Groezinger 1997 ADA Coordinator for Self Evaluation Elizabeth Smith 1997 Constables (2) George W. Cahoon, Jr. 1998 Architectural Review Committee Robley E. Fulcher, Jr. 1998 (5 regular, 2 associate) Richard Morongell, Chairman 1998 Housing Authority (5) Cassandra Carroll (appt. 4/96) 1999 Jacquelin Philbrick, Chairman 1998 Chauncey Williams (appt. 4/96) 1999 Robert J. Bartels (re-elected 5/96) 2001 Pia MacKenzie 1997 Todd Holland 1998 Julian Baird (appt. 9/96) 1997 Andrea Hibbert 1997 Ruth Hogan - Associate (appt. 8/96} 1998 William Rangnow (State Appointee) 1997 Suzanne Besciak - Associate (appt. 7/96) 1999 Alan Conklin (resigned 8/96) 1997 Kelly Lasko, Secretary 7 Barnstable County Coastal Resources Committee Building Code Board of Appeals (5) John Rosenquest Peter Coneen, Chairman 1997 Mark Zivan, Alternate Nathaniel Pulling (appointed 12/96) 1999 Robert A. Gibson 1998 Barnstable County HOME Consortium Andrew Miao 1998 Orleans Representative Dorofei Klimshuk 1997 Arthur Matott 6/97 John Kelsey (Alternate) 1996 Bicentennial Commission (22) Cable Television Advisory Committee (5) Mary Kelsey, Co-Chair 1998 Roger Strawbridge, Chairman 1998 Bonnie Snow, Co-Chair '1998 H. Walcott Brown 1998 Elizabeth Bott (appointed 6/96) '1998 Lawrence White 1997 Bonnie Burk-Friedman (appointed 1/96) 1998 Frank Eaton 1997 Joseph Carroll 1998 Virginia Clarendon 1998 Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee Regina Collyer 1998 William I. Livingston (Alternate) Hunter Craig (appointed 7/96) 1998 Isabel Elmer 1998 Cape Cod Commission Phillip Goodwin (appointed 7/96) 1998 Herbert Olson 4/99 Frances Hefner (appointed 9/96) 1998 William Herrlich 1998 Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority Russell Jalbert '1998 John F Kelly (appointed 11/96) Anne Lennon 1998 Nancymarie Schwinn (resigned 6/96) Augusta McKusick 1998 Stephen Patch (Alternate) (resigned 8/96) Katherine Nenneman 1998 Melara North 1998 Cape Cod Regional Technical Bobbie Thomsen (appointed 7/96) 1998 High School District (2 Orleans representatives) Ruth Moore Vought 1998 Janet Sullivan (appointed 7/96) 1998 Joan Christopher - Honorary 1998 Roger Rioux 1999 Martha W. Corbett - Honorary 1998 Edward Mooney 1996 William Quinn, Sr. - Honorary 1998 Marion Young - Honorary 1998 Charter Review Committee (7) Carolyn V. Pratt (deceased 1996) 1998 George R. Christie, Jr., Chairman 1996 Dominic Protano (resigned 1996) 1998 Margie Fulcher 1996 Trumbull Huntington (resigned 1996) 1998 Burton Hallowell 1996 Truman Henson, Jr. 1996 Bikeway Committee (7) Christopher Kanaga 1996 Richard Morongell, Chairman 1997 Mary C. Smith 1996 Kevin Higgins (appointed 6/96) 1999 Anne Winslow 1996 Lawrence Smith (appointed 12/96) 1999 Jennifer Rioux 1998 Com/Electric Building Study Committee Robert Korn 1998 (constituted by Board of Selectmen 12/96) Vivian Penniman (appointed 3/96) 1998 Robert Bersin 3/1997 Duane Boucher 1996 Todd Bunzick 3/1997 Cassandra Kloumann 1996 Peter Coneen 3/1997 Bernard Spieker (resigned 8/96) 1997 Dwayne DeWitt 3/1997 Peter Ho (resigned 2/96) 1996 Jan Higgins 3/1997 William Stokes 3/1997 Board of Assessors (3) James Trainor 3/1997 Anne Ekstrom, Chairman 1998 Vincent Caruso 1999 Commission on Disabilities (9) Barbara Vaughn McCoy 1997 William T. Vautrinot, Chairman 1999 Elizabeth Smith 1999 Jeanne Walker 1999 8 Ronald Conte 1999 District Finance Committee Robert Rotti 1998 Tri•Town Septage Treatment Plant Alexander Bruce 1998 Stewart Broatch (Board of Selectmen appointee) Pamela Quinn 1998 David Withrow (Town Executive appointee) Brooks S. Thayer 1997 Brooks Woods (Finance Commitee appointee) Roseanne Ferullo 1997 Economic Development Task Force - Business Team Conservation Commission Don Macaulay, Chairman 3/1996 (7 members and 3 associates) Ken Alman 3/1996 Charles H. Groezinger, Chairman 1998 Hank Colleran 3/1996 Frank H. Hogan 1999 Bill Hirst 3/1996 Frederick Little 1999 D. Jeffrey Karlson 3/1996 George R. Christie, Jr. 1998 Duane Landreth 3/1996 Lawrence Mish 1997 Angela Muscat 3/1996 Willard Stowell 1997 Mefford Runyon 3/1996 James Snedecor 1997 Sid Snow 3/1996 Arnold Henson - Associate 1998 Todd Thayer 3/1996 William Parish - Associate 1999 Robert Wilkinson 3/1996 William Secor - Associate (appointed 6/96; resigned 10/96) 1997 Economic Development Task Force - Town Team Andree Yager 1996 Nancymarie Schwinn, Town Executive, Nancy A. Hurley, Secretary Chairman 3/1996 Steven Edwards, Deputy Fire Chief 3/1996 Council on Aging (7) Paul Halkiotis, Town Planner 3/1996 John Kelly, Chair 1999 Jon Eitelbach, Building Commissioner 3/1996 Regina Collyer, Co-chair 1998 Paul O. Fulcher, Park Superintendent 3/1996 Karen Etsell (appointed 7/96) 1999 Kenneth Hull, Principal Assessor/Appraiser 3/1996 Jacqueline S. Peno 1998 David Withrow, Director of Municipal Finance 3/1996 Clotilde A. Davis 1998 Robert Puckett 1997 Economic Development Council Harriet Cole Royal 1997 (constituted by the Board of Selectmen 11/96) Charles Wolff 1996 John Kelly, Town Executive, ex officio Kenneth Alman 1998 Cultural Council (up to 22) W. Curtis Collyer 1999 Arthur K. Gardiner, Chairman 11/1997 D. Jeffrey Karlson 1999 Kim Possee (appointed 6/96) 6/1999 Duane Landreth 1997 Sara Chapman (appointed 9/96) 7/1999 Mefford Runyon 1997 Lorraine Ackerman 7/1998 Patricia Silverman 1998 Diane Johnson 7/1998 Todd Thayer 1999 Barbara Uhl 7/1998 Christopher
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