Rec Sports lose fields Poly water polo Beer vending 101 Parking structure construction Pacific Coast League Leave the beer-selling to the ¡mshes clubs out of the way chaml)s take on N C A A professionals — fraternities Sports, back page Sports, back page Opinion, page 4 Wednesday High 71* October 28,1998 Low 50' Mustang Daily CALI FO RNIA POLYT'ECHN IC STATE U NIVERSITY SAN LUIS OBISPO New Poly f rat says no FATIGUES: to alcohol Heather Hjelm, cadet com­ mander of the Theta Chi fraternities at 150 nationwide Cal Poly ROTC program, colleges plan to he alcohohfree in five years instructs a By Jen Stevenson cadet. Hjelm Mustang Daily leads a group comprised There’s ,i new fraternity in San of about one I.uis Obispo, but don’t expect mem­ third men. bers to be throwing any wild house parties to publicize their presence. Matt Warren/ --a Mustang Daily Twenty five Theta Chi members tiHik their first step toward becoming an official chapter of the fraternity Sunday night when they were offi­ Best women for the job cially colonized in t^humash £ Auditorium. Members of the / Cal Poly RO TC s top two leaders want University of California at Santa “She ii/as selected Barbara, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles to serve in Army aviation or intelligence based on her entire chapters of Theta Chi attended to show their support. Alumni and sev­ By Mike Munson Poly program. performance to date eral representatives from Theta C'hi Mustang Daily Cadets attend quarterly field as a cadet f which has headquarters were also there. training exercises at Fort Hunter Not yet a member iif ('al Poly’s Ft>r the first time since it began Ligget, train on-campus in biweek­ been outstanding/* Interfraternity Council, Theta Chi in 1951, Cal Poly RO TC’s first and ly labs, participate in recruiting and can nish all year long, unrestricted by second in command are women. perform various other tasks such as — Lt. Col. Richard Kane the one-week rush period that limits Heather Hjelm, an economics the color guard at sptms events. Military science IFC members. Matt Warren/Mustang Daily senior, commands the battalion According to Lt. Col. Richard If this creates visions of a yearlong this quarter. Danica Pedrin, an ani­ Kane, head of the military science department head PINNED: Members of Theta Chi, the Theta Chi Kxszefest to attract new mal science senior, is the executive department, Hjelm is only the sec­ newest Cal Poly fraternity, receive members, that won’t be the case, .said officer. ond woman ever to ctimmand the an order of merit list. The list is their pins Sunday at Chumash Mike Anderstm, business junior and ROTC, which stands hu Reserve battalion. ba.sed on an asse.ssment of their per­ Auditorium. president of Pheta Chi. Theta Chi CTfficers Training Qirps, is a four- ‘‘She was selected based on her formance in the campus ROTC Fraternity Inc., voted Oct. 19 to staple Theta C'hi is still Kxiking for. year program .students participate entire performance to date as a program, overall Cal Poly acade­ make all its facilities on about 150 in while pursuing their bachelor’s cadet, which has been outstand­ mics and an advanced camp pro­ Anderson said the no-alcohol campuses across the country alcohol- degree. Although the program ing,” Kane said. gram at Fort Lewis, Wash. decision was a responsibility issue for free within five years. requires several cla.sses per year, it is Kane said Hjelm and Pedrin Pedrin said she and Hjelm just Theta Chi Inc. Since the San Luis Obispo branch not a minor, hut rather an addition were not intentionally paired happened to match up for the quar­ “International headquarters is try­ is still waiting to be approved by the to the regular degree. Upon com­ because they are both v'omen. ter. ing to change things because of the head office in Indianapolis as an offi­ pletion of the program, cadets They were awarded their positions ‘‘There’s not a male or female liability involved,” he said. “When cial chapter, it is automatically alco­ receive a commission in the Army because of their demonstrated abil­ superior in any way, shape or form. you have a keg (party) and you’re as a 2nd lieutenant. Approximately ities. hol-free from the .start. This means no serving minors and people are falling 70 cadets, participate in the C'al Camimanders are chosen using see W OMEN, page 3 alcohol will be allowed in the official fraternity house — another fraternity see FRATERNITY, page 2 Pulitzer-prize winning author speaks at Poly By Louise Attard WriterSpeak, which aims “to bring speak. speakets) to determine what they ing at a $16-per-ticket event. People Mustang Daily writers to the students and the com­ “I’m saying a minimum 100 people want to read,” he said. “It’s not like who come to the Cal Poly event on munity,” said Adam Hill, an English but it could be packed,” he .said. when bands come and they play all Friday can hear Ford .speak for free. ('ontemporary American fiction lecturer and director of WriterSpeak. “We’d like to get as many students as their greatest hits.” “I taught and lived in Louisiana author Richard Ford will speak Friday WriterSpeak is sponsored by the we can.” Ford charged Cal Poly a lot less before I came here and Richard lives at Cal Poly about his novels, includ­ College of Liberal Arts, Cal Poly Arts Ford will most likely read a passage than he normally charges to speak. part of the year in New Orleans, so I ing the Pulitzer Prize-winning and the English Department. from one of his btxiks and take ques­ Ford will already be in California on got to know him down there,” Hill “Independence Day.” Hill said it is hard to predict how tions from the audience. Hill said. another engagement: On Thursday, The event is presented by many people will attend to heat Ford “Usually we leave it up to (the Ford will he in San Franci.sco speak­ see P U L IT Z E R , page 3 Wednesday, October 28,1998 Mustang Daily ENTRY-LEVEL ¡iJANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES FRATERNITY ^^Wheri you have a keg (party) and you're serving continued from page 1 minors and people are falling off roofs and driving off roofs and drivinj» home drunk, the home drunkf the liability falls onto the house and liahihry falls onto the house and the the president/' president.” Incidents involving alcohol have definitely taken their toll on the — Mike Anderson greek system nationwide and at Cal president of Theta Chi Poly, as Delta Tau is currently serving a 25-year suspension for alcohol- weren’t yet members of the universi­ from headquarters to meet with related offenses. ty’s IFC. Anderson’s group. IFC President Steve Morris said They hope to petition for IFC Anderson said since then, a repre- there is increasing pressure on frater­ membership in 1999. This quarter, nities at the national level to make ■sentative has flown out about every IFC' voted not to expand on its 18 their houses alcohol-free because of three weeks to guide them toward members, according to Morris. YOU’VE BEEN RAZZED FOR BEING insurance issues. becoming an official chapter of Theta However, he said Theta Chi looks Anderson said while there is a ban C^hi. Animal science junior Philip SO ENERGETIC. like a possible consideration for mem­ on alcohol at the Theta Chi hou.se, bership next year, if IFC votes to Vinceri, director of new member the fraternity is hy no means dry. expand. recruitment, said the fraternity hopes AROUND HERE, YOU’LL GET However, he said the emphasis of The last fraternity to become a part to he chartered in 12 to 16 months. PROMOTED FOR IT. Theta Chi is to make better leaders of IFC^ was Alpha Gamma C^mega, Factors headquarters will consider out of its members, not better which joined this past year. in deciding whether to charter the Letls get right to the point. You’re looking for a career that puts your partiers. Anderson said Theta Chi will con­ brainpower to work. One that gives you the freedom to make important “All of the guys like to party, hut new colony include making sure the tinue to focus on community service, decisions and the authority to make them fly. And you want an opportunity that’s not why Pm doing Theta C'hi,” fraternity is strong in philanthropy, and the fraternity plans to do three that makes the most of every talent you possess. One that financially Anderson said. scholarship and leadership. They also rewards you for your contributions — not your tenure. Well guess what? community service or fund-raising “Pm trying to make men better pay close attention to the organiza­ events a quarter. You've just found it. Enterprise Rent-A-Car has entry-level management men and better leaders.” and summer internship opportunities that give you the freedom to make It won’t he all work and no play for tion and growth rate of the colony. The focus of the fraternity is critical decisions. Join us and have hands-on involvement in every aspect of Theta C'hi, however. “They want to make sure we are hands-on community .service, said business management — from sales and marketing to customer service and “We’re planning on doing social going to able to he around tor 10, 15, Anderson. administration. This growth opportunity offers a compietitive salary and events with sororities and other fra­ 20 years,” Anderson said, “Which we “We don’t believe that raising benefits package.
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