Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1954 The Anchor: 1950-1959 3-25-1954 The Anchor, Volume 66.11: March 25, 1954 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1954 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 66.11: March 25, 1954" (1954). The Anchor: 1954. Paper 5. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1954/5 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 66, Issue 11, March 25, 1954. Copyright © 1954 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1950-1959 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1954 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. <ScS5S8V HOPE C011E6E ANCHOR LXVI—1 1 Holland, Michigan March 25, 1954 Lucille Van Heest New "YW" Prexy Last Tuesday evening the annual YWCA elections were held to choose the executive officers for the new year. Lucille Van Heest, a junior from Cleveland, Ohio was elected president; Barbara Jeffrey, sophomore from Marberth, Pennsylvania, vice-president; Ann Blood- good, freshman from Brooklyn, New York, Secretary; and Rosemary | Morrison, freshman from Gary, Indiana, treasurer. The proposed Ambassador merger of the two "Y's" was also voted upon, but these results are being with-held until the YMCA Jacobusse body votes upon the same issue. Miss Van Heest has been active in various campus activities in the Picks Spain past having been the Freshman representative to the "Y" cabinet, For the fourth straight year a treasurer of the YWCA during her Hope Student has been selected sophomore year, a member of to be sent abroad for a summer of Kappa Delta, the WAA Board, the travel and study as Holland's Com- Chancel Choir, the Pan-Hellenic munity Ambassador. The Holland Board, the German Club, and IRC. program is part of a nation wide YMCA Candidates plan called the Experiment in In- YMCA elections, according to ternational Living. Locally, the acting President Don Jansma, will project is financed by religious, be held the second Tuesday even- commercial, and service organiza- ing following the conclusion of tions throughout the community. Spring Vacation—April 13. Con- This year, K. Don Jacobusse, a tenders for the YM presidency are Hope junior, was chosen from a Harvey Doorenbos, Vern Hoffman, group of eleven applicants. Mr. and Ben LeFevre; for vice-presi- Jacobusse has selected Spain as dent, Don Maxam is the lone can- his field of study for the the sum- didate; for secretary. Bill Heydorn mer. He will travel for one month and Dick TenHaken; and for treas- throughout Spain and then spend urer, Don DeBraal, Gordon Laman, his second month living with a and John DeVries. Chapel Choir Under Cavanaugh Spanish family. He believes that in this way he will be able to get a comprehensive picture of life Tours Eastern Churches Again in Spain. Science Divisions Mr. Jacobusse has chosen Spain Repeating the very successful tour of last spring, the Hope College Chapel Choir under Dr. Robert because of the many sharp con- Plan Open House Cavanaugh will once again visit the East from March 29 to April 10. They will be accompanied on their trasts which exist between Spain The joint science departments trip this year by Mrs. Delia Steininger and Mr. Roger Rietberg, and will travel in two greyhound busses and the United States. In addi- have announced plans for an open manned by Frank and Louis, also veterans of last year's tour. tion to being a dictatorship, Spain house in the science building on The tour, covering a period of two weeks, will include performances in Ohio, New York, and New is nearly one hundred per cent the evening of April 9. Purpose of Jersey. In addition to appearances in churches, the choir will present two programs before high-school as- Roman Catholic. Furthermore, hav- the project will be to acquaint the semblies, at Clymer and Nyack, — — ing both remained neutral during rest of the college with the ac- New York. A concert will com- Philip James' "By the waters of World War II and having main- tivities and accomplishments of the memorate the 30()th anniversary Babylon," Zingarelli's "Go not far Orators, Debaters tained a restrictive attitude to- departments. of the Flatbush Reformed Church from me. Oh God," and Caesar ward foreign tourists, Spain is to- Students will set up apparatus in Brooklyn, New York. Franck's "Psalm 150." Journey to Maine day one of the most culturally for demonstrations of scientific ex- isolated and least known countries periments and show the use of This year's program will be di- The combined choir in the third •Two faculty members and four in Europe. Because of our new other specialized equipment. vided into five groups, done by the section will sing "Let all the Hope students will attend the treaty agreements with Spain, she Conducted tours through the lab- entire choir, the twenty-eight-voice nations praise the Lord," by Leis- Province of the Lakes Convention is fast becoming an important oratories will be provided for vis- men's choir, and the thirty-nine- ring, a Russian chant "Glory be of Pi Kappa Delta, national honor- itors. voice women's choir. Group one to God," by Rachmaninoff, Mous- factor in our international policy. ary speech fraternity, to be held will consist of four double choir sorgyky's "The Defeat of Senna- this year at the University of numbers, the "Adoramus Te," of cherib," "Jesus Our Lord We Adore Maine from April 13 to April 15, Palestrina, "Surely He Hath Born Thee" by Will James, and the Our Grief" by Lotti, "Lord in Thy Beethoven "Hallelujah Chorus" 1954. THE HAWKINSON Resurrection" by Gallus, and "I from "The Mount of Olives." Wrestle and Pray," by Johann During the two day convention, MEMORIAL LECTURES Christoph Bach. The men's choir will offer three five divisions of forensic competi- Dr. Hawkinson was vitally interested in promoting an numbers, "Land-sighting" by Grieg, tion will be included in the work The second group of numbers, understanding of other nations among Hope College students Frank La Forge's "First Psalm," of the Hope delegation. These con- by the women's choir, will include and Holland citizens. She vigorously challenged both groups and a chorus from Brahms German tests are held biennially, and in- to prepare themselves for the type of world leadership which Requiem, "How Lovely is Thy clude many opportunities in addi- the United States must provide if the free world is to sur- Dwelling Place." tion to those of speech competition. vive. Through the establishment of the Community Ambas- The five divisions in which con- Film Series In conclusion the complete choir tests will be held are: After- sadorship and her dynamic lectures she appreciably widened will sing Randall Thompson's the horizon of the college and the community. Dinner Speaking, Debate, Discus- Opens With "Allelulia," "Evening Hymn" by H. sion, Extempore Speaking, and Those who have known Dr. Hawkinson, the students Balfour Gardiner, with organ ac- Pygmalion Original Oratory. Representing the whom she taught and counselled, her colleagues, and all her companiment, "Here is Thy Foot- Oratory and Extempore Speaking friends, will be happy to learn that a fund is now being The new Alcor Film Series opens raised for the college through which we hope to carry on (Continued on pajre 3) order for our local Pi Kappa Delta today with performances of the chapter will be Darlyne DeTuncq her dearest dream and which will provide a lasting tribute full-length movie, Pygmalion being to her vision. and Bob Winter. Darlyne is en- shown at 3:30 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. tered in the Women's Extempore Through the Hawkinson Memorial Lectures on inter- in room 208 of the Science Build- Repesentative Judd Speaking contest. Women's Original national relations Hope College expects to bring to the ing. The movie stars Leslie To Speak Here Oratory, and the Discussion con- campus statesmen and scholars who have made distinguished Howard, and is the first of five test. Bob will participate in After- contributions in world affairs. At least one such lecture will major films to be presented by On the afternoon and evening of Dinner Speaking, Men's Extempore be given every year and it is expected that these lectures Alcor. April 26, 1954, Congressman Speaking, Discussion, and Original will be compiled and published under the title of "The The purpose of the series is to Walter Judd, representative of the Oratory. Hawkinson Memorial Lectures". bring before the student body at 5th District of Minnesota, will We are certain that this project would have pleased minimum cost (.40) the type and speak before the student body and Representing the Hope College Dr. Hawkinson, not because she would have wanted a quality of movie seldom seen in the area public. Mr. Judd is gen- Debate squad will be William memorial for herself, but because it promises to reflect local theatres. On April 9, Blue erally recognized as one of the best Latham and Vernon Hoffman. credit on the College, the Community, and the cause of en- Angel starring Marlene Dietrich orators in the congressional ranks, These two will also be entered in lightened American patriotism. Those who want to join us will be shown; on April 22, For- and his visit to Holland will un- the Discussion contest, and will in honoring memory of a magnificent teacher are urged to gotton Village, a story by John doubtedly stimulate much local in- debate both sides of the current contact members of the Hawkinson Committee or send their Steinbeck; on May 13, Symphony terest.
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