Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 22, Number 5, January 27, 1995 Farrakhan calls for class action suit to force release of FBI, DOJ fles by Dennis Speed A surprising turn of events has occurred in the sensational ers.Fitzpatrick has been intimatelytied to the Jewish Defense case of the alleged "assassination attempt" by a daughter of League (JDL), the "sewer rat"iwetworks-squad deployed by Malcolm X against the present-day leader of the Nation of the ADL, which serves as the (lover for the moresophisticat­ Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan.The Muslim leader pro­ ed, and efficient, hit teams, of professional intelligence posed a class action suit in which those persecuted by the agencies. I government-including "the LaRouche people"-would Materials now being relea�ed indicate that Qubilah Sha­ seek to gain access to the files of the Department of Justice bazz attempted to discourage fitzpatrick from taking action (DOJ) and other government agencies, on the historical and to assassinate Farrakhan. i current operations to defame, and perhaps silence, those Farrakhan's approach to th� entire matterlifted the focus deemed "controversial" and "dangerous." from the cheap, "O.J.Simpso �"-style coverage of the news­ Lyndon LaRouche was convicted in a federal trial on papers, radio, and television-t--"did she or didn't she?"­ trumped-up "conspiracy" charges, and was jailed in 1989 to another, more important q�estion: Why would the FBI, with a 15-year sentence.Six associates were convicted with notorious for its support of raci�t harassment against African­ him and given sentences ranging from threeto fiveyears. He American elected officials (f<tt example, its "Friihmensch­ was freed on parole after serving fiveyears. Five other of his en"-which means "ape-men"'-entrapment campaign, in associates are now in prison in Virginia, having been given which black politicians were Ideclared to have a "genetic" draconian sentences ranging from 25 to 77 years for "securi­ propensity to steal), warnthe Nation ofIslam of the so-called ties violations." assassination plot, just priortoiits public announcement of it? International and national calls for the exoneration of Why would the FBI, notoriouS! for having directlythreatened LaRouche and his associates have emphasized the need to Malcolm X in an interviewat �s home (which Malcolm tape­ release files that would have proven LaRouche's innocence, recorded) with the phrase, "it �s a fact that we can eliminate and proven that the government at all times knew of the people," as well as for its cQllaboration with the ADL in fact of LaRouche's innocence.Minister Louis Farrakhan's the unethical, if not outright ijIlegal, surveillance of Martin proposal that "the files be opened" would extend to these Luther King, Jr., as well as s�ores of other individuals and documents, as well as to documents revealing the harassment organizations, over decades, �riously seek to protect Louis of African-American and other elected officials, and other Farrakhan from harm? travesties of justice that have become commonplace in con­ As an official press release from the Nation of Islam, temporary America. issued on Jan. 13, stated: "Thb question that must be raised Speaking to over 4,000 supporters and members of the by the Black community today is whether or not . we national press on Jan. 17, Farrakhan declared that Qubilah can reasonably believe that the U.S. Department of Justice Shabazz, Malcolm X's daughter, was "manipulated" by "un­ desires to protect Minister LoUis Farrakhan's life ....The scrupulous forces"-government informants in the employ actions of the government m�st be called into question; the of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The specific infor­ government must be forced to!release to the public all that it mant and alleged accomplice, Michael Fitzpatrick, had been knows regarding this recent ddvelopment." an asset of the FBI for virtually the entirety of his adult life Investigators, and the pu�lic, should also consider that (see box). the fact that this particularope ration may have been "blown" Minister Farrakhan's speech was reminiscent of the press in no way indicates that there is not a continuing plot of a conference he gave on Feb.3, 1994 in Washington, D.C., in far more serious nature--which may be as much directed which he blasted the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith against, for example, Preside.t Clinton, as against Minister as a leading "slander squad" against African-American lead- Farrakhan. 52 National EIR January 27, 1995 © 1995 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. My Documentation sympathy, the sympathy of my family and the Nation is with Mrs. Shabazz and her family, because in my judgment, the federal indictment handed down to 'Qubilah Shabazz, does not only add insult to injury, it adds one more injury to an Minister Farrakhan: already injured family and people. The government of the United States has not, and does 'Open up all the files!' not deny its hatred for Malcolm X a� his teacher the Honor­ able Elijah Muhammad.The governrpentof the United States What follows is an excerpted text of remarks made by M inis­ does not deny that the counterinteItigence programs of the ter Louis F arrakhan at Mosque Maryaam in Chicago on Jan. Justice Department of the United States, carried out by J. 17. Subheads have been added. Edgar Hoover's Federal Bureau of Investigation, worked night and day to destroy the unity between Malcolm X and In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the One God, to Whom his teacher the Honorable Elijah Muhammad .. .. praise is forever due. We thank Him for Moses and the Torah. The government of the United States does not deny the We thank Him for Jesus and the Gospel.We thank Him for thousands of tricks used by the CIA in their attempts to Mohammadand Quoran.Peace be upon these worthy Servants. destablize and destroy the credibli�y of governments and If! live to be a thousand, I could never thank Him enough, leaders, to destabilize and overthrow governments,to murder for His intervention in our affairs in raising up in our midst world leaders. Every one of these tactics were brought to the man who taught me what I know and gave me the example bear against Black leaders and Black organizations during of the human being I hope to become.And that is our Divine the 1960s. The government of the United States does not leader and teacher, theMost Honorable ElijahMuhammad. deny that it used reporters, employed by so-called respected I will begin with a few chapters of the Holy Quoran which journalsto place articles in those reswcted journals,designed are the closing chapters of the Quoran and they are called the to discredit, defame, malign, and limit the influence by false­ "Chapters of Refuge." In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, ly accusing certain Black leaders. the Merciful, "Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn, The government of the United States does not deny the from the evil of that which he has created. From the evil of fact that through her agent provocateurs planted in every intense darkness when it comes. And from the evil of those Black organization, the government caused the spilling of who cast evil suggestions in firm resolutions and from the blood in the Black community and even the murder of some evil of the envier when he envies.". leaders of Black organizations.The government of the Unit­ Allah God created this universe from out of darkness, yet ed States does not deny the fact that it went so far as to plant today we live in a universe of light.This teaches us that even men in some organizations to sleep with the wives of the in our darkest hours, light, hope, and life are always present. leaders of some of these organizatioI1s to create discord with­ If we do not despair in a time of darkness, if we have the in Black organizations. The governqIent of the United States right attitude, we can find the light of opportunity. does not deny planting stories that put a "snitch jacket" on Although this is a dark hour for Mrs. Betty Shabazz and sincere persons within certain organjzations to cause zealots her family, for me, for the Nation of Islam, and for our within those organizations to kill thdse persons. people, there is a marvelous opportunity present in this dark­ The government of United States does not deny that it ness to cleanse a wound, and to begin healing wounds in­ bugged the hotels, the home, and the office of Dr. Martin flicted 30 years ago on the Nation of Islam and the Black Luther King, Jr., and sought to pt:1fsuade the Nobel Prize community. Some of those wounds were self-inflicted, but Committee to deny him the Nobel Peace Prize.The govern­ the deepest wounds are from an outside force.. ment of the United States does not peny that it encouraged the Pope not to meet with Dr. King. and even sent letters to There is more here than meets the eye Dr.King urging him to kill himself, before they made known Things are not always as they appear. This is why God to the public certain so-called indisqetions of Dr.King. The today comes to judge, because the unjust judges of this world same government of the United States that did all of these do not judge according to Truth.
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