HOLT ATHERTON SPECIAL COLLECTIONS MS4: BRUBECK COLLECTION SERIES 1: PAPERS SUBSERIES E: CLIPPINGS BOX 1E: UNDATED AND 1948-1968 1.E: CLIPPINGS---GENERAL, NO DATE “A jazz legend: Brubeck,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Berlins duftes Jazzpublikum,” <n.s.> <n.d> “Dave Brubeck’s Hair Too Long for Singapore,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Gehort Jazz in die Dance Halls?” <n.s.> <n.d.> John Salmon, “Dave Brubeck’s Chorale,” Jazz Age, <n.d.> Helmut Räther, “Krankes Herz schlägt im Rhythmus von ‘Take Five,’” <n.s.> <n.d.> Roman Pospíšil, “Na pódiu skvělé, v zákulisí s otazníky,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Enno Wymer, “Jazz-Star aus Amerika in Berlin B.L. sprach mit Dave Brubeck: ‘Das Publikum schafft die gute Akustik,’” <n.s.> <n.d.> Rene Geng, “La Critique de Danse—Soiree de Ballets,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “’In Vier Dagen Zestien Uur Geslapen’ Zieke Dave Brubeck wilde neit op t.v.” <n.s.> <n.d.> Alexander Schmitz, “Dave Brubecks ‘Family of Jazz,’” <n.s.> <n.d.> Lubomír Dorůžka, “Brubeckovi chyběl za války k Praze jen krůček,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Karel Drda, “Klaus si dal jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Petr Zvoníček, “Velikonoční jazz až na půdu,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Petr Sedlák, “Brubeck v Praze,” <n.s> <n.d.> Tárik de Souza & José Domingos Raffaelli, “Finas jóias do jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> BOX 1.E Mdu Lembede, “Dave Brubeck we ‘Take Five’ ubese Thekwini,” <n.s> <n.d.> Joe Schevardo, “Mude Veteranen und zornige Avantagardisten,” Kölner Stadtanzeiger, <n.d.> José Domingos Raffaelli, “O Melhor de Dave Brubeck,” <n.s> <n.d.> Ralph Gleason, “Brubeck Believes in Written Jazz,” <n.s.>, <n.d> Raul Cosio, “Le Jazz en Beaux Arts,” <n.s> <n.d.> R.W.H. “Brubeck og Mulligan til Oslo I oktober?” <n.s> <n.d.> Patrick Delaville, “Le quartet Dave Brubeck ou dues heures inoubliables,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Vittorio Franchini, “Con Mulligan e Brubeck—Il jazz al Lirico,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Enrique Louset Jr., “Jazz, Entre Cocteles,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Nancy Manahan, “Brubeck concert: electrifying work,” <n.s> <n.s> Michael Putzel, “Brubeck Oratorio Opens Crusade,” <n.s> <n.d.> Clifford Gessler, “Jazz Holds Stage at Auditorium,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Ralph Gleason, “The Rhythm Section,” Honolulu Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser, <n.d.> William Wolf, “…Says Young Want Better Music,” <n.s.> [Providence, RI], <n.d.> C.H. Garrigues, “Brubeck, Bop and Blues Sit in Together,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck Combo to Give Jazz Concert Tomorrow Evening,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “First String Bass Event at UW to Have Many ‘Firsts,’” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck Jazz Combo On N.Y. Philharmonic Hour,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “What To Do? Pianist Chose Jazz Over Concert Career,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Please Forgive Us, Mr. Grace,” <n.s.> [Lehigh U, Bethlehem, PA] <n.d.> “TViewing,” <n.s> <n.d> BOX 1.E “Well Known Pianist and Family Here,” Paradise Post, <n.d.> “Stamp Ceremony Historic Event at Interlochen,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Vic Yehling, “Brubecks talk about their style,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Dave Brubeck, sons to perform,” <n.s> <n.d.> “Dave Brubeck Drops Tour of South Africa,” San Francisco Chronicle, <n.d.> “New Cantata By Brubeck To Premiere,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck’s ‘Fiesta’ scheduled Monday,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubecks Keep Current With Family Affair,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Following in Jazz Footsteps for Two Generations,” <n.s.> [Chicago?] <n.d.> “Brubeck’s Jazz Is Now Spiced With Li’l Contemporary Rock,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Mary Campbell, “Jazzman Has Kept His Old Fans and Added Young Ones,” The Kansas City Star <n.d.> Joyce Weaver, “Jazzman Talks of Three Brubeck Generations,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Dave Brubeck, 3 Sons to Play Concert at Paramount,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Bill Amlong, “Dave Brubeck: From Jazz To Christ’s Teachings,” The Daily Tar Heel, <n.d.> Claude A. Ward, Ward’s Awards, “Jazz Buffs Always Experience…” <n.s.> <n.d.> Lloyd N. Phillips, “Paramount hosts jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Mary Campbell, “Family jazz is way of life for two Brubeck generations,” Augusta Chronicle, <n.d.> Mary Campbell, “Brubeck Digs Family Jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Richard C. Curtindale, “Two generations of Brubeck please CMU,” The Saginaw News, <n.d.> Blake A. Samson, “Brubeck Returns to West Coast for Big Homecoming,” The Sacramento Bee, <n.d.> BOX 1.E Ted Royce, All That Jazz-z-z, “Dave Brubeck as interviewed by Ted Royce,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “The four Brubecks: two generations jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Howard Reich, “Dave Brubeck’s ‘Gates of Justice’ as relevant today as it was in 1969,” <n.s.> <n.d.> William Glackin, “Details and stories make jazz history sparkle,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Bob Blumenthal, “Family fugues,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck takes five, returns to Lawrence,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck Quartet to open Artist Series season,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Burl Burlingame, “A Lifetime in Quarter Time for Jazzman Dave Brubeck,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Dave Donnelly, Hawaii, “70-year buddies all jazzed up,” [Star-Bulletin], <n.d.> Geoffrey F.X. O’Connell, “Jazz great Brubeck still strong at 70,” The Stamford Advocate, <n.d.> Geoffrey F.X. O’Connell, “Ironies of war come out in music,” The Stamford Advocate, <n.d.> Gordon Spencer, “Making His Own Sweet Way,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Jazz Mass celebrates hope,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Dave Brubeck, “On staying power,” The New York Times, <n.d.> Rick Kennedy, “Dave Brubeck still pursues that freedom of jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Noel Osment, “Jazz musicians take note of healthful food on the road,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Dave Brubeck Comes ‘Home’ To Play Benefit Concert For Senior Programs,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck busy throughout year,” <n.s> <n.d.> “Martino followed by Brubeck—wow!” <n.s.> <n.d.> BOX 1.E Ruthe Stein, “Dave Brubeck: Family Man Who Likes to Relax,” San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle, <n.d.> Owen McNally, “Jazz Fans Invited to Brubeck Reunion,” The Hartford Courant, <n.d.> Frank Merkling, “Brubeck and Baird, just plain folk,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Gil Bliss, “Voices,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Gail A. Campbell, “Brubeck: American ambassador of jazz,” The Washington Times, <n.d.> Pat McElfresh, “Time out with a master pianist,” Scottsdale (Arizona) Daily Progress, <n.d.> “Jazz North Dancers Perform,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “All that jazz is back,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Michele Boyd, “Brubeck Finds Appeal In ‘Playing’ Small Cities,” [Herald-Star], <n.d.> Paul Urbahns, “Dave Brubeck synonymous with jazz,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Dee Maggiori, “Chorale program to feature sacred music by Brubeck,” [Fairfield County Catholic], <n.d.> David Blood, “Brubeck is still on the boil,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Francis Church, “St. Edward’s choir to help premiere by Dave Brubeck,” Richmond News Leader, <n.d.> Rev. Robert Jones, “The clergy came to hear Brubeck play,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Tim Simmers, “Dave Brubeck: a jazz original,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Brubeck Meets Old Buddy,” The Cincinnati Post & Times-Star, <n.d.> “Two Generations of Brubeck will present a Twilight Concert…” [photo + caption], <n.s.> <n.d.> “Dave Brubeck: He is most widely acknowledged…” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Mulligan played the part written for the baritone vocal…” <n.s.> <n.d.> BOX 1.E [incomplete] “…diverse percussion proved to be the biggest jolt…” <n.s.> <n.d.> [incomplete] Jeff Bradley, “Brubeck magnificent in ‘St. Louis Blues’ solo,” Denver Post, <n.d.> Ron Legro, “Riding High On Driving Jazz Beat,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Owen McNally, “New Company Inspires Brubeck,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Sandford Curtiss, “Dave Brubeck Trio Starts ‘Jazz Fest’ With Gusto,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Marshall Fine, “Electrifying start for symphony,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Richard Mitchell, “A feast of jazz from masters,” <n.s> <n.d.> William Porter, “Christmas, Brubeck, and all that jazz,” The Daily Times News [Burlington, NC] <n.d.> Bob Micklin, “LI Symphony with Brubeck,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Max Norris, “Brubeck Boosted,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Lawrence Yanover, “Respect, if not fame,” The Varsity, <n.d.> Owen McNally, “Brubeck Piano Playful, Fleet,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Karyl Severson, “Brubeck group something special,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Leonard Feather, “Brubeck and Sons Get It Together,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Larry Lusk, “Brubeck Combines Jazz, Classics,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Patricia O’Haire, “Two Brubecks Twice as Good,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Scott Humphries, “Brubeck and sons get those Hall of Music saints marching,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Earl Dyer, “’Brubeck Festival’ Provides Lincolnites With Stunning Afternoon Of Music,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Marilyn Hagerty, “Youth jazz group popular at Chester Fritz concert,” <n.s.> <n.d.> BOX 1.E Dan R. Goddard, “Brubeck created joyous celebration,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Steven R. Sigler, “Brubecks add dazzle to concert,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Steve Hopson, “Brubeck ‘takes five’ at Armadillo,” Daily Texan, <n.d.> Steve Coulson, “Show moves after slow start,” <n.s.> <n.d.> Donald Delaney, “Brubecks, Symphony Cheered,” <n.s.> <n.d.> B.H., “Dave Brubeck,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “Asked how he was received by critics in the beginning…” <n.s.> <n.d.> [incomplete] “…composer Brubeck. It incorporates influences of…” <n.s.> <n.d.> [incomplete] Chuck Thurston, “Getting Inside the Brubeck Sound,” <n.s.> <n.d.> “…-ing out and to being squeezed into a Kaiser Vagabond. Dari doesn’t think…” <n.s.> <n.d.> [incomplete] “So Brubeck seems relaxed, for the moment…” <n.s.> <n.d.> [incomplete] Dorothy L. Yates, “When boyish-looking maestro…” <n.s.> <n.d.> [headline cut off] Jeff Atterton, “Life magazine will photograph…” <n.s.> <n.d.> Barbralu Fried, Images, “Tickets are still available…” [Boulder, CO], <n.s.> <n.d.> “Warsaw Visitor Checks U.S.
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