MEMORIAL MALL LIBRARY. m, i , ANDOVER. he ndover ownsman 1 A A n'lo.y CTCTT»hm and always. flrat, laat—IlM manly, stralahtforwar.1. aabar, patriotic N»wT England Town —Pill IM PS nitOOkS ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 17, 1934 VOLUME XLVII NUMBER 45 School Board Names Holy Name Group LOCAL NEWS NOTES Special Town Meeting Will in Annual Outing William Skca of Pearson street visited in Lynn Monday. High School Teacher I he seminarians of the Franciscan mon astery in West Andover took a 7 to 4 victory Carl Holt of Elm street spent the week-end Probably Be Held Next Month from the Holy Name team at the annual at Swampscott. Miss Marion MacDonald of Gloucester, Instructor for Holy Name outing held Sunday afternoon John Levis, letter carrier, is enjoying his on the monastery grounds. annual two weeks’ vacation. Two Years at Ludlow High School, Selected to Bred Barrett, pitching for the Holy Name to Consider Zoning, Playground Take Place of Recent Appointee was relieved in the sixth inning by Jack Frank Markey of the Burns Co., Inc., is Cusscn, who as a relief pitcher did a tine job enjoying his annual vacation. in holding the Seminary team. Batteries were: Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of 'Temple place Planning Board Eliminating Old Controversial Features from Former Plan— Miss Marion Macdonald of Gloucester Barrett, Cusscn and Neil Cussen for the are at Hampton Beach fora week. was elated teacher in the business depart­ Boxing Tourney at Holy Name society and Fayce and Sicorrie Hope to Have Hearing Early in September—Selectmen Reported to ment < f Punchard high school at a special for the Seminary. William Burbine of Buxton court spent the school committee meeting Wednesday night. Playground Tonight In the tug of war the married men de­ week-end in the White Mountains. Have Reached an Agreement on Village Soccer Field At a special meeting in July the committee feated the single men, the winning team lieing Harold Johnson of Lincoln street is enjoy electai Miss Rachel Johnson of Pigeon Cove, Kdward O’Hagan, Thomas Doyle, Michael ing his annual two weeks’ vacation. but Mis> Johnson declined the position, hav­ 1 he annual boxing tournament will be A special town meeting will probably be Gardner, John Daley, Philip Gaudet, Neil belli sometime next month for several dif­ ing secured one with higher salary in Win- held at the playground this evening under Cussen and Patrick Daly. Miss Margaret Howard of Brook street Hold Pigeon Show British Auxiliary throp the direction of James Tammany. There will has been visiting her nieces in Malden. ferent purposes, the most important Being the The horseshoe pitching contest was won by I a<l<lRli'in <|f » zoning plan for Andover? nc- Mis* Macdonald is a graduate of the l>e fifteen bouts with contestants ranging in Neil Cussen and Francis Kelly, with Rev. James Thompson of Highland road at­ Here on Sunday on Beach Party Gloucester high school, and received age from six to sixteen years. Raymond Lefe- I cording to information received this week. No Leo A. Hart, O. S. A., and John Green, tended the ball game in Boston on Sunday. formal action has been taken by the select­ bachelor of science degree from Salem State bvre, Hugh McLay and David Anderson will finishing second. The first combined Homer anti Fancy Teachers’ college in 1932. For the last two serve as judges. No prizes will lie awarded. Miss Ella Larkir, clerk in the office of the The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the British War men as yet, but it is understood that as soon Patrick Barrett and Augustine Sullivan tax collector is enjoying a week’s vacation. Pigeon Lawn show to be held in Essex county Veterans held a very enjoyable ride to Revere as the recently organized planning Ixuird can years she has been teaching typewriting, Previous to the boxing piogiam 32 play­ won the quoit pitching contest with Charles will Ik held Sunday at the Wildrose farm on commercial geography, business training Beach last Friday night. Those who made the formulate its plan, the meeting will be called. ground girls will stage a grand march and Hurley and Joseph Maroney, as runners up. Edward and Donald Hill of Lowell street D>wcll street owned by Sidney P. White. The planning committee met in the town and bookkeeping at the Ludlow high school flag drill under the supervision of Miss Davis. trip were: Mrs. Joseph Keith, Mrs. William A specialty race was won by Thomas are enjoying a few weeks in New York City. Fanciers from all paits of New England Cargill, Mrs. Robert Cargill, Mrs. David house on Monday evening. It has progressed She i: at present working for her master's Approximately thiee hundred children arc O’Riordan with Frank S. McDonald, second. have sent in reservations, and it is expected degree at Boston university. Mrs. John R. Sullivan of Red Spring mad Wallace, Mrs. Peter Campbell. Mrs. Alex Quite rapidly on its plan, and an especial en­ taking part in the vaiious tournaments now In the 100 yard dash for boys, Arthur that there will Ik* many more entries liefore Duke, Mrs. Peter Doherty, Mrs. George deavor has l>een made to eliminate the William A. Doherty asked the sub-com­ being conducted at the playgiound under the is spending her annual vacation in New Yoik Harkin finished first, with Thomas Delaney City. the closing hour for entering: 11.30 a.m. on Campbell, Mrs. Davidson, Margaret Reid, sources of complaint in the plan presented mittee if they had considered Miss Katherine supervision of playground leadcis. Of thus second, and James Winters, third. Sunday. 'There will Ik* six classes for hens and over five years ago. The plan will be quite Milne, local girl, graduate of the college of Mrs. Raymond Lefebvre, Mrs. James number 103 children under ten years of age The quarter mile run was won by Paul Miss Etta Cashan of Main street has re­ six for cocks for the Homing pigeon fanciers. Mitchell, Mrs. John Elder, Mrs. Alex Smith, flexible; there will be nothing ironclad about practical arts and letters at Boston Univer arc in the sand building contests, 59 children Collins, with William Donovan, second and turned from a two weeks’ stay at Hampton The classes of Fancy pigeons will be: it. sity, for the position, but Mrs. Ralph N. C Mrs. Harry Bland, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. between the ages of 10 and 14 years in the Joseph Winters, third. Beach. Dragoons, Nuns, Tumblers, Turlits, Owls, Hugh McLay, Mrs. Hector Patullo, Mrs. 'I he committee expects to Ik * ready early in Barn the chairman of the sub-committee checkei contest, 58 children in the jackstone Refreshments were in charge of James Frills, Fantails, Tipplers, Swallows, Pouters, September for a hearing on the plan. stated that Miss Milne, while very accept­ Miss Annie S. Lindsay’s hairdressing par­ William Tammany, Mrs. Lester Hilton, Mrs. contest and 71 in the tciritory games. Flannery. The committee in charge was as Jacopins, Kings, Mondames and Rollers. Gillen, Agnes Stewart, Mrs. Edward Downs, It is also understiKKl that the selectmen able, did not have the two yeais' experience To date the total number of games played lors will l>e closed from August 25 to Septem­ follows: Honorary chairman, Rev. Leo A. ber 4. Adv. Other fancy pigeons may be entered with the Louise Keith, Mrs. James Stewart, Rachael may present to the voters a proposed agree­ required by the rules of the hoard. in all four contests numbers well over one Hart, O. S. A., Edward J. Lefebvre, Joseph secretary at the show. Stewart, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Charles Skea, ment with the American Woolen company in­ Mi-v Mary E. ( \ Geagan, senior member, thousand with seven days yet remaining be­ A. McCarthy, Fred Barrett, M. A. Burke, Mis. Jean Carr of Plymouth visited with Rosettes and riblnms will Ik* awarder! Mrs. Firth, Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. K. volving the transfer of the soccer field at presided in the absence of Chairman Fred­ fore the close of the tournaments which will John Cussen, William A. Doherty, John Mis. Robina Sullivan of Ral Spring road w inners in each class, and cups to the champ­ Robertson, Mrs. John Duke, and Mary Jane Shawsheen village for public playground erick (’. Smith. The meeting lasted only be on Friday, August 24 at five p.m. Sweeney, William Collins, Frank S. Mc­ over the week-end. ion Homer and the champion Fancy. Keith. purposes. It is reported that the plan is very fifteen minutes. The winrnis of each class will be an­ Donald, James F. Welch, James E. Greeley, Miss Anita Blanchette of New York City Irving Moss of Ballard vale will have favorable to the town, and it might involve nounced at the annual carnival which will be George Markcy, Jeremiah J. O’Connor, charge of the Homer section and George the transfer of a large stretch of land along held on the evening of the 24th. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Augustine P. Sullivan, Martin Doherty, Gill on Cuba street. Guthrie the Fancy section. Burnham road, which will ultimately allow Party in Honor of Children who have completed their hand John J. Barrett, James E. Flannery and Refreshments will be served. Pythians to Hold the construction of a better laid-out road work projects arc urged to icturn them at Francis A. Nelligan. Mr. and Mis. Frederick C. Smith and near the railroad tracks. iOth Anniversary once to play giound authorities to be labeled family of Canterbury stteet are enjoying a Outing on Sunday At the last special town meeting it was for the annual exhibition.
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