In this issue: More at summit.org » pg. 2 From the President’s Desk » The latest announcements and the » pg. 5 Doc’s recent reading news on philosophy » Find us on Facebook » pg. 6 Responding to God and the Gay Christian » Check our Twitter journalJuly 2014 Volume 14 Issue 6 feed: @summitmn Sexual Brokenness, Part 1: Why the Church Falters in Its Defense of Biblical Sexuality — and What to Do About It Note: This is part one of a two-part SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty series on living as Christians in a Commission, in his review of sexually broken world. In part one, God and the Gay Christian. “It we’ll seek to answer the question, has to be written in order to “How can Christians develop a introduce confusion within the consistent, defensible sexual ethic in evangelical firmament, one of the the church?” Next month, we’ll seek last remaining constituencies in to answer the question, “How can America that has not embraced I express the truth about sexuality homosexuality with gusto.” without being unloving?” But whether Vines is articulat- The sexual revolution has ing his own thoughts or attempt- borne its fruit, and its conse- ing to create space in the church quences are heartbreaking: for the gay rights movement, • Seventy percent of 18- to biblically-faithful Christians 24-year-old men visit porno- seem to be at a loss for how to graphic websites in a typical respond. When it comes right month1. Among other conse- down to it, what is a biblical basis quences, pornography is linked for a consistent ethic of sexual to a culture of rape2, child moles- Article by Aaron Zubia wholeness? tation3, and sexual trafficking4. In 1988, Multnomah Books published Developing an Ethic of Sexual • By 2023, the majority of American Randy Alcorn’s Christians in the Wake of Wholeness children will be born outside of wed- the Sexual Revolution to help Christians According to the traditional Christian lock5. Sadly, children born outside of recover integrity amidst sexual broken- conception, a human being is a dynamic wedlock have more mental, emotional, ness. In April, Multnomah’s sister imprint, unity of mind, body, and soul. Unfor- Convergent Books, published Matthew tunately, many Christians discount the health, and educational problems, and Vines’ book 6 God and the Gay Christian: importance of the body. This is a mistake. are six times as likely to live in poverty . The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex We cannot afford to ignore the body’s role • Compared with children who grew Relationships, in which the author claims in God’s design for human flourishing. up in biologically intact mother-father that the church is sinning by rejecting A biblical ethic of sexual wholeness is families, children who live with same-sex intimate relationships that fall outside of a story with five acts. Let’s take a look at parents reported significantly lower levels man/woman marriage9. each one. of education and employment and signifi- The release ofGod and the Gay Chris- Act 1: Recognize the Dangers of cantly higher levels of experience of sexual tian marks a significant turning point in Evangelical Gnosticism abuse and rape, depression, sexual promis- the same-sex marriage debate. For the 7 The Christian conception of the human cuity, and drug use . first time, an author who professes to be person is that we possess both natural, And it’s getting worse with each passing an evangelical Christian and who claims material bodies and supernatural, im- generation. Sixties-era Baby Boomers were to hold a high view of Scripture has been material souls. Our souls rule our bodies, thought to epitomize sexual promiscu- given a platform and a megaphone to con- disciplining them in accordance with ity, but studies show that young adults travene the church’s teaching on sexuality. God’s eternal law. The secular worldview, today are nine times more likely than Baby Some think Vines is playing into the based on scientific materialism, dismisses Boomers to engage in promiscuous sex hands of a movement designed to dis- 8 the soul. Humans are merely bodies — and twice as likely to view pornography . mantle traditional marriage altogether. animals fueled by desires that we may The fruit of the sexual revolution has “If I were mapping a playbook for the gay legitimately pursue as long as no one else now been harvested and is arriving by the rights movement, this book is an impor- is harmed in the process. truck load in our communities and homes. tant point in the strategy,” writes Andrew Secularism’s claims have led some And even in the church. Walker, director of Policy Studies for the See sexual brokenness page 3 from the president’s desk a word from dr. jeff myers One of the most pressing ques- God rescued them from same-sex prevent them from tions people ask about our two-week attraction and how students can be re- living fully for the programs at Summit is how we handle stored to sexual wholeness and purity. Lord. issues like same-sex marriage, sexual Masculinity/Femininity. Barton The impact of this is profound. Two brokenness, and masculinity/feminin- and Sarah Stone, Summit graduates days ago, I had a conversation with a ity. who teach at a prep school in Denver, former Summit student who was set It’s one of my favorite questions to spend an evening with the students free from an addiction to pornogra- answer because our team does an out- talking about how God designed us to phy through getting a strong sense standing job working with students on be male and female, and how to hon- of purpose, understanding a biblical these tough subjects, both intellectu- orably live out that design. Afterward, worldview, getting accountability, and ally and emotionally, and we’re seeing our staff hosts a “Manference” for the intentionally seeking out wise men- dramatic growth in students’ lives. young men and a “Feminar” for the tors to help guide him. He’s gone from Here are some of the topics we cover: depression to joy, from guilt to excite- Biblical Theology of Life — In- We are so thankful ment. The change in his countenance cluding Sexuality. At Summit, we “ tells the whole story. help students develop a biblical ethic to have the You might not expect a worldview of sexuality starting with Genesis opportunity to help and leadership camp to be the place 1. Our instructors help students where students find hope and healing, understand God’s story of creation- the rising genera- but we’re watching it happen before fall-redemption and how a biblical tion navigate this our very eyes. worldview responds to the challenges As students grow in maturity, of worldviews such as Secularism, difficult terrain they’re also reconciling with their fam- Marxism, New Spirituality, Islam, and with integrity ilies and developing a healthy basis for Postmodernism. Students quickly un- pursing a life of God-given purpose. derstand that only a biblical Christian and joy. As they move into their twenties, worldview has a consistent, livable ” we’re watching how this enables them doctrine of creation that accounts for to form godly guy/girl relationships marriage, life purpose, work, worship, Dr. Jeff Myers that move into marriage and parent- and stewardship. ing, showing the world what it looks Marriage and Same-Sex Attrac- young women so they can ask their like to have God’s perspective on tion. This summer, John Stonestreet tough questions and learn how to be one-flesh unity and preparing a rising is with us explaining the biblical case men and women of God. generation of culture-shapers. We are for man/woman marriage and re- Life Purpose. As each Summit so thankful to have the opportunity to sponding to the arguments being used session nears an end, I spend time help the rising generation navigate this to advance the same-sex marriage with students pursuing the question, difficult terrain with integrity and joy. agenda. But we help students with “What larger story does God want to Seats available in August. Sum- personal issues as well. Sean McDow- tell through your life?” Most young mit’s session 7 in Manitou Springs still ell speaks about how to be set free adults struggle with a sense of purpose has around 50 seats available, August from pornography, an addiction that in life, and we’re finding that through 17-29. This is our last session for 2014, affects 70 percent of men and more the teaching they receive as well as the and we’d love to have the young adults than 30 percent of women in America. one-on-one mentoring with our staff, you know and love take advantage of And Mike Haley, Ricky Chellete, and they are able to stop making excuses the opportunity to learn, grow, and be Christopher Yuan all share about how and break through the barriers that transformed. Go to www.summit.org. Page 2 July 2014 sexual brokenness continued from page 1 Christians to spurn the body, viewing from the dust of the earth, were formed God with your body” (1 Corinthians it as an obstacle to godly living and, as in God’s image, and when God saw all 6:18-19). a result, as something less worthy than that he had made, he declared that it According to the secular worldview, the soul. Based on a false understanding was “very good” (Genesis 1:31). personal gratification is the wellspring of the Apostle Paul’s differentiation be- Jesus’ ministry also affirms the good- of human fulfillment.
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