December 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7011 memory of Javon Wilson and so many her life. That is who Kappy is—always experience of any Supreme Court nomi- others to roll up our sleeves and get to going above and beyond the call of nee ever. Republicans and Democrats work. duty. She has a great heart and pours alike have recognized Chief Judge Gar- f it into everything she does. land as a brilliant and impartial judge I want to thank Steve—Kappy’s hus- with unwavering fidelity to the rule of KATHARINE ‘‘KAPPY’’ SCATES band of more than 56 years—their chil- law. In this day and age, he was as Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, today I dren: Steve, Carole, Tim, Susie, and 18 much of a consensus Supreme Court want to say a few words about one of grandchildren—for sharing so much of nominee as one could find. The senior the most admired members of my staff, their wife, mother, and grandmother Republican Senator from Utah and Katharine ‘‘Kappy’’ Scates. Kappy is with the community. I also want to former chairman of the Judiciary Com- retiring at the end of the year. I don’t thank the entire Scates family, who mittee has previously noted that he know what we will do without her. Of- have lived in the Shawneetown area would be confirmed easily. It is not tentimes, public servants are in it for since the early 1800s. You can’t set foot hard to see why Chief Judge Garland the accolades—not Kappy. She, in her in southern Illinois without running has received significant bipartisan sup- own quiet way, just wanted to make a into a member of the Scates family. port in the past. When the American difference in people’s lives. They are the heartbeat of one of the Bar Association reviewed his nomina- Since 1996, when I first ran for the best parts of our State. The Scates tion, it unanimously awarded him its U.S. Senate, Kappy has been my eyes family farm is a well-known and re- highest rating of ‘‘Well-Qualified.’’ To and ears in southern Illinois. She is a spected family operation. In fact, it is reach that rating, lawyers from across retired elementary school teacher and not only one of the largest family the country assessed his integrity, pro- a friend of my predecessor and mentor farms in Illinois, it is known as one of fessional competence, and tempera- Senator Paul Simon. Kappy joined our the best. Throughout the years, the ment. One said, ‘‘Garland is the best campaign as a volunteer, and we all fell Scates family support and generosity that there is. He is the finest judge I in love with her. She not only knew ev- have meant more that I can express in have ever met.’’ Another said ‘‘He is a erybody, she was happy to drive the words. judge’s judge, with a very high stand- wheels off her car to be everywhere. In I will close with this. I believe in the ard and legal craftsmanship, a fine 1999, Kappy came to work for us in our role of public service to make a dif- sense of fairness to all parties, a meas- Marion, IL, offices. She quickly be- ference. Kappy’s years of service re- ured and dignified judicial tempera- came indispensable. flect that, too. Our Nation needs more ment, and the highest respect for law When it comes to southern Illinois, people like Kappy Scates. I couldn’t be and reasoned argument.’’ One even said Kappy is a human rolodex. From Carmi more proud of the work she has done— that Chief Judge Garland ‘‘may be the to Cairo, Kappy Scates is a household and the person she is. I am honored to perfect human being.’’ name. On my behalf, Kappy met with congratulate her on a job well done, And yet Republicans have refused to countless people. She listened to their and I am lucky to count her as a provide him with any process whatso- ideas and concerns—and did her best to friend. I wish Kappy, Steve, and her ever—no hearing, no vote. The result is help solve problems. And whatever the family all the best. that Chief Judge Garland is now the task, there isn’t a town in southern Il- f longest pending Supreme Court nomi- linois that Kappy can’t recruit a few nee in history. No Supreme Court folks to pitch in and help. People know NOMINATION OF MERRICK nominee has ever been treated this that when you are on Kappy’s side, you GARLAND way. Republicans set a new standard are on the right side. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I have this year. It is the American people Let me give just one example. In served in this Chamber for 42 years and who have been harmed and spurned by Ridgway, IL, Kappy helped a dental served as chairman or ranking member this unprecedented blockade. clinic. It wasn’t easy; there were hur- of the Judiciary Committee for nearly Until this year, Senate Judiciary dles every step of the way. But Kappy two decades. I have seen a lot of de- Committee members had always taken would not take no for an answer. She bates, even contentious ones, and good- their responsibility seriously. Ever got all the equipment and convinced faith disagreements between Senators. since the Judiciary Committee started hygienists and a part-time dentist to But what Senate Republicans did this holding public confirmation hearings help out in this severely underserved year to shut down Chief Judge Merrick of Supreme Court nominees more than community. I got the credit, but it was Garland’s nomination to the Supreme a century ago, the Senate has never de- Kappy’s vision, hard work, and deter- Court—well, it might be the most out- nied a Supreme Court nominee a hear- mination that made it happen. rageous act of obstruction and irre- ing and a vote. I could go on about all those Kappy sponsibility that I have seen in my en- Even when a majority of the com- has helped, but let me tell just one tire time in the Senate. It is a dan- mittee has not supported a Supreme story—about a housekeeper at a motel gerous step toward politicizing our Court nominee, the committee has still where I often stay. Years ago, at 62 highest Court, in a judicial system that sent the nomination to the floor so years old, she told me that she had long has been the envy of the world. that all 100 Senators can fulfill their never in her life had health insurance— Now that there is a Republican Presi- constitutional role of providing advice not for a single day. She had worked as dent about to be sworn in, I predict and consent on Supreme Court nomi- a cook, waitress, and housekeeper, but that all of a sudden we will hear Re- nees. When I became chairman of the had never known the security of having publicans talking about the impor- Judiciary Committee in 2001 during the health insurance. She hadn’t even seen tance of the Supreme Court having its Bush administration, I and Senator a doctor in over 20 years. Enter Kappy full nine Justices. But make no mis- Hatch—who was then the ranking Scates. Kappy spent hours meeting take, these will be the same Senators member—memorialized in a letter this with her and helping her figure out a who turned their backs on the Court longstanding tradition regarding Su- solution. Finally, because of the Af- and the American people for nearly a preme Court nominees. The current Re- fordable Care Act and Kappy’s help year by refusing to fill the vacancy publican leadership has broken with signing her up—she was able to afford since February. this century of practice to make its health insurance for the first time in Senate Republicans cared more about own shameful history. But Senate Re- her life. But that is not the end of the preserving that vacancy for a Repub- publicans have spent 8 years insisting story. lican president than they did about an on a different set of rules for President You see, after my friend saw a doctor independent Supreme Court. The result Obama. for the first time in more than two dec- was that they blocked one of the most Republicans rolled the dice this year, ades, she was told she was diabetic. qualified Supreme Court nominees in subjecting the Supreme Court and the Fortunately, Kappy had stayed in this Nation’s history. Chief Judge Gar- American people to their purely polit- touch. She drove her to doctor appoint- land is an exceptional jurist with a ical gamble. They will tell us they have ments and helped get the critical medi- stellar record and impeccable creden- won. But there is no victor—for their cations she needed. It probably saved tials. He has the most Federal judicial partisan game, this body, the Supreme VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:31 Dec 11, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09DE6.163 S09DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S7012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 9, 2016 Court, and the American people all suf- dent Obama fairly with respect to his proven again that pure partisanship fered. As we go forward under the new judicial nominations’’ in comparison to matters more to them than ensuring President-elect, I urge those Repub- President Bush.
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