f . ... .. PintiitafJ suqerttoa. they had Mcsmesl oat t>e little land- noFto and snouting farewell! tif their de- left me after the fever got bad, tocke* barber to hav%«bfther look at tb«y were not afl quit* uad, parting king. tie to a devil. iWhen I begged for the the cabin and the jungle- In which At aunset they burled William "I should hate to U^k that I am water that I was too weak to get h* many of the officers NnSS: men had ta- fclayton beside the jungle graves of hU ooklng upon the Jungle for the" last uncle and hla aunt, the former Lord time, dear," he said, "were it not that drank before me, threw the rest out ken part ; in" exciting adventures two and Uogbed in my face." At the years before. On landing they bad and Lady Greystoke. And It was at I know that I am going to a new world PER MONTH found Lord Teunington's party, and Tarzan's .request that three volleys of happiness with yon forever," and, thought of tt the man was suddenly were fired over the last resting place »h your furniture, pianos, ItvV animated by a spark of vitality. He arrangements were: being made> to take bending down, Tarzan of the Apes stock, etc. ..We make loans In them all on board the following morn- of "a brave man, who met his death kissed his mate upon her lips. all parts of the city and sur-. raised himself upon one elbow. "Yes," bravely."' he almost shouted; "I will live! t will ing and carry them; back to civiliza- THB EffD. rounding towns. '"- - : Professor Porter, who in his younger WEEKLY OR MONTHLY live long enough to find and kill that tion. - days had been ordained a minister, PAYMENTS/ Hazel Strong and her mother, Ea- beast!" But the brief effort left him conducted the simple services for the Tho production of 427% bushels of tiVERY DOLLAR PAID weaker than before, and he sank back meralda, and. Samuel T. Philander potatoes on one acre at Hymors, westi- dead. About the grave, with bowed ern Ontario, by Arthur Stich, nas de'- REDUCES THE COST again upon the rotting grasses that, were almost overcome by happiness at heads, stood as strange a company of Jane Porter's safe return. Her escape •eloped great interest in that part of All dealings strictly confidential with bis old ulster, had been the bed mourners as the sun ever looked down Canada. Consular Agent George H. If you can't come to office of Jane Porter. seemed to them little short of miracu- upon. There were French officers and freeman, of Ft. William, says that a phone or write and our agent ; • "Don't worry about Thuran," said lous, and it was the consensus of opin- argely increased acreage wll be plant- will call and explain our new sailors,'. two English lords, Americans ed to potatoes this year. plan. Taraan of the Apes, laying a reassur- ion that it could hilf* been achieved and a score of savage African braves. ing hand on Clayton's forehead. "He ,by no other man;; jtbjbi Tarzan of the Following the funeral Tarzan asked belongs to me, and I shall get him in Apes. They loaded ;tfie uncomfortable Captain Dufranne to delay the sailing Diamonds on easy pay- NATIONAL LOAim the end, never fear," ape-man With eulilciea and attentions , FORT WAYNE,,IHpt of the cruiser a couple of days while ments at Wartell, the Jew- 407-8 Shoaff Bldg. Phon« 2899 For a long time Clayton lay .very until he Wished bjitself back la the he went inland a few miles to fetch eler's, 928 Calhoun street. still. Several times Tarzan had to put amphitheater of tt&apes. his "belongings," and the officer gladly Copyright. W13, by W. G. Chapman ,_ _. _^_ bis ear quite close to the sunken chest 'All were interested in the savage granted the favor. Tho United' States now has nearly rt to catch the faint beating of the worn- Apesl she cried; "Nor am I longer Wazlri, and many were the gifts the Late the next afternoon Tarzan and 1,600 miles of steam railroads that out heart Toward evening he aroused black men received from these friends have been electrified and plans are V ICevttBMA promised la marriage. The day before his Wazirl returned with the first load under way for changing the power on FORT WAYNE A NORTHER* ^^YouTpoke, Jane!" cried Tarzan. those awful creatures captured me I again for a brief moment of their king, but when they learned INDIANA TRACTION COMPANY •'You are regaining conscionsnesa!" "Jane." he whispered. The girl bent of "belongings," and when the party 1,443 miles more in the near future. spok» to Mr. Clayton of my love for that hie might sail away from them saw the ancient Ingots of virgin gold "Wabaah Valley t-ldft" _ ! "Yes, Tarzan of the Ajpes," she re- you, and he understood*then that I her head closer to catch the faint mes- upon the great canoe that lay at an- Smile on Wash day. That's when you tolled. And for the first time In montha sage. "I have wronged yon—and him," they swarmed upon the ape-man with use Red Cross Ball Blue. Clothes Effective NOT. % 19W <~ ;;,; could not keep the wicked promise that chor a mile off shore they became very a thousand questions, but he Was smil- PL smile of peace and happiness lighted he nodded weakly toward the ape-man. whiter than snow. All grocers; ; I bad made,- It was after we bad been sad. x . • We>t-Bound Train* LMV* '" "I loved you so. It is a poor excuse to ingly obdurate to their appeals—he de- lifer face. miraculously saved from an attacking As yet the newcomers had seen clined to give them the slightest clew English bananas were imported.Into §:BO A. M. S:M P. it "r "Thank God!" cried the ape-map, lion." She paused suddenly and. looked offer for injuring yon, but I could not nothing of Lord Tennington and M. the United States last year to furnish 7:10 A. 4:00 P. ML looming to the ground in a little grassy bear to think of giving you up. I do as to the source of hia immense treas- ieelingfe sufficient to give the "people 8:00 A. M. I:SO P. M.« up at him, a questioning light In her Thuran. They bad gone out for fresh ure. "There are a thousand that I left one hundred slides per capita. 8:10 A. M.« «:00 P- M. Clearing beside! the stream. "I was In eyes. "Taraan of the Apes," she cried, not ask your forgiveness. I only wish meat early in the day and had not yet 1*:«0 A. M. t:50 P. M. time after all." to do now the thing I should have done behind," he explained, "for every one U:*0 X M. •:00 P. M. "it was you who did that thing! It returned. that I brought away, and when these 1:10 P. M.« tl:20 P. M. "In time? What do yott mean?" gh» over a year ago." He fumbled in the "How surprised this man, Whose FOR SALE-Multigraph could have been no other." ' are spent I may wish to return for Couth-Bound Trains Leavt questioned. .' He dropped his eyes, for he wai pocket of the ulster beneath him. for name you say Is Sokoff, will be to see and folding machine; also a something that he had discovered there more."-, v=-.f,. .• _ Bt I "In time to aave yon from death ashamed. you," said Jane Porter to Tarzan. while he lay between the paroxysms The next day he returned to camp few used typewriters; will 8:fO A. M.*. tapon the attar, dear," he replied. "Do "How could yon have gone away and "His surprise will be short lived," S:00 P. 1C. you not remember?' of fever. Presently he found it—a with the balance of his ingots and sacrifice. Inquire 1512 Fair- 1:00 A. 84. «;00 P. M.* left me?' she cried reproachfully. replied the ape-man grimly, and there i?:S2 f K* 7:M p- M- . "Save me from deathr she asked in crumbled bit of yellow paper. He was that in.his.tone that made her when they were stored o& taard the field avenue. 11:00 A. M. 1:00 P. M.» * puzzled tone. "Are we not .both "Boat, Jane!" he pleaded. "Plea?* handed It to the girl, and aa she took cruiser Captain Dufranne said be.felt 1:M P. It 19:00 P. ML* don't! Ton cannot know how t have look up Into his face in alarm. What 1:00 p. it* U:00 P. at Head, my Tarsan?" it his arm fell limply across his chest, like the commander of an. old time suffered since for.the cruelty of that she read there evidently confirmed her r Boy Scouts at High Wycomba, He had placed her upon the grass by bis bead dropped back, and with a lit- Spanish galleon returning from the Buckinghamshire, England, have just Trains leftjlng bete tt 7:10 a. m, >:ll act or how I Buffered then, first in fears, for she put her hand upon Ms treasure cities of the Aztecs. *I don't finished building a hand flra- engine, ax m.,,l:iO p. m. and 5:80 p.
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