Balla, Anastasia Language change and grammar teaching books in EFL Journal of Contemporary Education, Theory & Research 3 (2019) 1, S. 15-20 Empfohlene Zitierung/ Suggested Citation: Balla, Anastasia: Language change and grammar teaching books in EFL - In: Journal of Contemporary Education, Theory & Research 3 (2019) 1, S. 15-20 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-189665 http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-189665 Nutzungsbedingungen Terms of use Dieses Dokument steht unter folgender Creative Commons-Lizenz: This document is published under following Creative http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.de - Sie Commons-License: dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt unter folgenden Bedingungen http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.en - You vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen: Sie may copy, distribute and transmit, adapt or exhibit the work in the müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm public as long as you attribute the work in the manner specified by festgelegten Weise nennen. 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Kontakt / Contact: peDOCS DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation Informationszentrum (IZ) Bildung E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.pedocs.de Journal of Contemporary Education, Theory & Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 15-20, 2019 15 Language Change and Grammar Teaching Books in EFL Anastasia Balla Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Abstract: The present study investigates the changes that English Grammar has undergone throughout the last four decades and how these alterations are depicted in Grammar Teaching Books. The conduct of the current study based not only on the analysis of printed material and electronic sources that examine language change and variation in contemporary English but also on the employment of actual Grammar Teaching Books, used for the acquisition of English as a second or foreign language. A vast number of valuable and reliable articles and books functioned as the theoretical background of the research Through the comparison and contrast between the presented theory and the grammatical exercises, it was found out that the English we speak now is not the same language with what speakers used some years ago. The fact that a language undergoes changes is an unavoidable process, which is marked by the emergence of some forms and the disappearance of the weaker and less common ones. Thus, the inevitable and continuous nature of such changes render their investigation as an effective and useful pedagogical tool that has to be taken into consideration in the learning and teaching process of English as a second or foreign language. Keywords: Language Change, Grammar Teaching Books, EFL JEL Classification: I20, I29 Biographical note: Anastasia Balla is a Foreign Language Teacher. Corresponding author: Anastasia Balla ([email protected]) 1 INTRODUCTION 273). The placement of an adverb in a specific position in the sentence is determined by various factors such as the class The English language experiences a continuous process of and the register (Biber, Conrad and Leech 2002: 395). changes which, though subtle, are reflected in the teaching Circumstance adverbials, which add to the meaning of action material included in Grammar Teaching Books. Thus the or the described state are most commonly found in final study of the diachrony of English Grammar functions as a positions, whereas stance adverbials which color speakers’ useful educational tool which enables learners and teachers comments are most of the times placed in a middle position to use the foreign language more effortlessly and naturally (Biber, Conrad and Leech 2002: 360). Contrary to them, the and to acquire at the same time a better understanding of most frequently position for linking adverbials which English. These changes, namely the emergence of some function as linking words is the initial position (Biber, forms, the prevalence of some structures over others or the Conrad and Leech 2002: 395). However according to these disappearance of specific cases are all reflected in the authors the most common position of the adverbial phrases is teaching material included in Grammar Teaching Books the final one. As a consequence, adverbs are good to be taught published in different cases. through meaningful sentences that are part of lengthier The position of the adverb can determine not only its contexts and not in isolation. syntactical and semantic behavior but also to alter the meaning of the sentence making it either grammatical or ungrammatical (Alexander 1988; Valachis et al., 2009). One 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEFORK basic rule of grammar refers to the prohibition of placing an adverb between a verb and its object (Christou & Sigala, The construction of full infinitive such as to go, to believe, to assert, to explain is not only widespread but commonly used 2002; Alexander 1988). Contrary to this, it is proposed that by speakers of English as well. Although this structure of “to an adverb can separate a verb from its object when need be, + verb” seems to be one inseparable unity, the so called such as in cases of lengthy phrasal verbs (Hernández 2006: phenomenon of split infinitive does really exist (Malone Copyright © 200 © 2019 Authors. Published by International Hellenic University Some rights reserved. ISSN: 2654-0274. UDC: 658.8+338.48+339.1+640(05) Except otherwise noted, this work is licensed under http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3598688 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 Published online: 19 April 2019 16 Balla, A.. 1941: 52). The “split-infinitive” is a grammatical (1974) highlights in his book “Essentials of English construction where the two parts of a full infinitive, “to” and Grammar” in a great many cases the distinction of the get- “verb” is separated by a word or phrase (Malone 1941: 52). passive form and the be-passive form is of great significance, According to the author, this position of one or more words since they attribute to the sentences a different sense in the between “to” and the infinitive cannot actually be considered meaning. The be-passive form is considered to be more as a splitting because “to” is not part of the infinitive but a formal and thus it is more frequently used in military and particle that accompanies it (Malone 1941: 52). As Malone bureaucratic correspondence and official policies (Warfel, (1941) points out, in his article “The Split Infinitive and a 1953: 129). The get-passive structure is strongly associated System of Clauses”, even though this structure goes back at either with situations which are bad news for the subject such fourteenth century, it has been gradually become frequent as “getting fired” and “getting robbed” or with situations that and only recently gained a more professional status. give some kind of benefit such as “they got paid” (Jespersen However, the controversy surrounding the ‘do not split the 1974: 254). infinitive’ rule still remains very much alike (Baker 1980: Last but not least, according to Jespersen (1974), shall and 90). ought to, are often treated as empty auxiliaries, namely a The gerund is used after certain phrases and verbs. From all “grammatical implement” without any real meaning of its these cases, the verbs that will be observed in this survey are own. As the author demonstrates, their original meaning is the emotive, such as love, like, enjoy, dislike and the motion gradually losing its force. Furthermore, as Jespersen (1974) verbs such as go, start, begin, continue. This specific group declares, when shall is used to advocate a negative command of verbs is very frequently used in everyday English and the or prohibition is no longer used with the meaning it had in the most interesting thing is that they can be accompanied either Bible. In the past the form “shalt not” was used such as in the with infinitive or gerund, without any difference in meaning. examples “Thou shalt not kill”. This structure is no longer Despite this general rule, Jespersen (1965) highlights that the active or used by the speakers. Another interesting case of a most frequently used form after the verb “like” is the gerund. verbal auxiliary whose usage is gradually decreasing and its Furthermore, the author point out that whereas the verb “go” meaning tends to be marked is “ought to”. From a historical is accompanied by gerund such as “I go swimming”, when point of you, “ought to” is a preterit of owe and for this the verb itself has been placed in a progressive form it is reason it had the meaning of “had to” or “would have to”, but accompanied by an infinitive such as “I were going to cry”. today this conditional meaning does not exist anymore However, history of English has shown that when two (Jespersen 1974: 258). structures used for the same purpose coexist then the one tend All things considered, the consistency of the previously to fade away. mentioned statements of highly respected linguists would According to Dean (1993) most of the misunderstandings prove the existence and the gravity of these grammatical regarding the correct choice of the English verb forms are not changes. However, the major question is whether these due to the variation of the tenses but a matter of time. The changes are actually incorporated in real teaching material concept “now” can be understood in two different ways; it specially designed for the acquisition of the English can either refer to something short in duration, just a mere language, fact which will be investigated through this study.
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