DRIVE THE WESTFIELD LEADER SAFELY THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 12 Seuoiul l"luii> )'<.Btnsr at Vk'ea.iMd. N. j WICSTKIKLD, NEW JKRKKY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1965 Mix! ,• Thur»<lny 32 Paxes—10 Cents [son To Take Over lard Council Seat Hospitals Campaign ,| of Robert G. Fer- | fccilman-elcct from |to fill Hie vacancy j h by the resignation j I «f Democrat Peter Aides Hail Initial I scheduled for last Lesion in the Mu- [jlr. Ferguson's ap- f for tlic balance of Response To Plea [ Mr. cowles term 111. , "lU-spnnso to the Initial apjieal of ttrguson will iK'gin the Wcslfield's Hospitals fund-rais- Flo complete Hie un- Hospital TOIII-H iiiy campaign has been indicative of I yr Cowlcs which Councilman Moran the town's desire to insure our "fair |fov. 2 general elec- Westfield residents Interesleil In vis.ting rllhrr Muhlnilierg share' of Ihc expansion programs at miocrat Louis Ciar- Muhlenberg ond Overlook Hospi- ,f 1807 to 1404. I Named Speaker Hospital or Overtook Hospital to get u behind Hit' scenes lcnik will lals," Arthur C. Fried and Frank J. it was to be made vice-chairmen of Ihc drive, I H. Mulreuny and he welcome. It was Hiinomieed UKiny. Guided (ours art* heluR declared today. Ilion was expected. For Vets D av nrriinged to t'tinblc visitors to "Wilh Ihe campaign less than a I council committee The Veterans' Day ceremony a see t'liiergiMiey nmins, X-rny de- week in progress, we have received I be License, Sanita- the Plum monuirr-nt Thursday purliuentH, operating urens, rec- several generous contributions to- j Removal, Welfare morning al 10:45 will feature ti talk ord ruoms, putliolojflcnl Itditt und ward our goal of fwn.WU. Muhlen- ROBERT G. FERGUSON by Councilman James C. Moran. He tin1 bushifbs offices. A|M»>Uit- hei's nnd Overlook development pro. 1 resident of 624 Named to fill Third Ward 8 will take over for Mayor ltoherl II incuts fun Uc tiuide by tonluct- grams total $13,50(1,000, und West- s educated in New council vacancy Mulreany who was originally sched liiK Mrs. C. Kt'iini'th flanks or field's shine is necessary to help i received a BS in tiled lo speak but who will be out of Frank J. Dugaii. provide Ihe most modern medical Rutgers University town. facilities for Ihe thousands of our , Commissioned as Young GOP Open Past Commander Albert Moeller ot residents who nre. hospitalized at it in the U.S. Army Martin Wallbiug Post :t. American these institutions each year." |serving as a U.S. Teen Canteen Inc. Legion, will offer brief remarks "We would like lo remind resi- n. Prior to his Yule 'Bake-In' Moeller, Mrs. Mocllcr, who was pres- dents that they nre asked to consider visor of project ident of the Legion Auxiliary, and Organized; Elect their contributions on it three-year n, Inc., Somer- For Asia GFs Joseph Sisto, commander of ("lark basis. There will not bo nnolher ) held various en Ilyslip Post BIS, Veterans of Foreign drive for capital funds in (his 5 with the General The Westfield Area Young Repub- Wars, will place wreaths al the tnon- Student Board period." licans announced early this week, unienl while Hie church bells ir Names of addilionul solicitors ht's council agenda SHOWING SUPPORT—Mayor Robert II. Mulronny Is shown presenting his contribution to Hie M'ostfleld's town arc pealing. Al II a.m. a mo- The Weslfield Teen Caiileen hie ; of bids for rock the start of a project supporting Hospitals campaign fund to Arthur C. Fried, » vice chairman ol Uic drive us Miss Nancy F. Reynolds, a has been fully organized. The board wore also announced by Mr. Fried. U.S. fighting men in Vietnam. Chair- inenl of silence will be observed. They include: Irf renewal of the member of thr Wcstfirld Hospital Council, links oil. Titus Smith, chaplain of Ihe I.e. of sludent officers has been elected [ contract which ad- man of the Young GOP, Donald W. Igon Pnsl, will pronounce Ihe invoca- and committees appointed. The of- Mrs. Jidfc'iir W. Niubion, Mrs. Da- I Works Department MacDonald, has called for Ihe coop- tion and benediction. George Gunza ficers are Lewis Urimlllriger, pres- vid Norwlne, Mrs. F. It. Obcnchnin, approval of eration of any interested individual Yule Gift Fund Drive for U. S. Forces WHS Stiiihnls Circulate and Hruce McClay, buglers In the ident; Laura ShanUnrian, vice pres- David Ohur, John O'Urlen, Mr. and |a leaf loader to be or group to help with "Project: high .school band, will play "Taps." ident; l'riscilla Clark of Holy Trin- Mrs. ti. Pakenhain, Kverson Pear- i pilot program on Christmas Bake-in," a Christmas Petition lUuhinn V. S. Also, in keeping with a tradition of ity, secretary; nnd Andy Ford, sail, William D. Peek, Victor Pern- 1 disposal, and the mailing of homemade baked goods In Vietnam Initiated by Legion Post Policy in Vietnam recent years, American flags will be treasurer. tor. Mrs. S. F. l'erry, Walter Perry 5 Capital Budget. to U.S. troops in South Vietnam. raised In Ihc business district for the The committee chairmen are June .Ir.. Mrs. Margaret W. Pfisler, Mrs, With each gift package will be a To indicate the American Legion's] ,-n-y chairman of the State Legion's Two Weslfield High School seniors, Markwell, ehaperones from West It. F. rhillips. support of U.S. fighting men in Viet Fund liaising Committee. Chairman occasion. letter stating that the majority of Sue Waltman and Hruce Culcmun, In the evening, the Legion po.st field High School: Unrbara Ulmivell, Also. James I'lckcns, Leo Pinard, ling Chosen Nam, as well as support of the gov-of Post 3 committee is Brendan are sponsoring a sludent "|ielition" ehaperones from Holy Trinity; .leil George Plenty, Mrs. F. J. Habuck, the American people are grateful ernment's overall policy in Southeast Mooney with the assistance of Grovcr will sponsor II Veterans Night ut the and are praying for the safety and to express support of American ac- post home on North Ave. for all vet- Kiddie, publicity; Luurle Harris, ad- !•". 1>. Hnppold, Philip U. Heed Jr., of 548 Trinity Asia including Viet Nam. Command- Tranor, George Rousseau, Police tions in Vietnum. missions; Douglas McOwen, re- I by the Clifton victory of the American soldiers who er Harry Powers, of Martin Wall- Chief James Moran, Kirc Chief Mar- erans, Legionnaires or not. George Iteilly, Dr. Sanford M. Ilciss, are fighting for freedom in their The two seniors arc circulating Mrs. Henry Ilnrrett, a pnsl com freshments; (!il Samuclson, svl-up Miss Nancy l'\ Reynolds, Philip ; to exhibit her berg Post 3, has announced that the tin Burke., County Commander F. A. nnd .hidi Schroeder. cleanup. Idling, "Great South behalf. New Jersey American Legion lias Barrett. Albert Moeller, ltulh Uar- the petitions throughout classrooms mandcr of Ihe Legion post, is In Illchnrdtion, M. Delmar Kltchio, MacDonald said today that con- for classmates' signatures. Acconi- charge of the observance. The advisory board «f adult offi- John C. Itobbins, Mrs. It. Kobson, < annual indoor art initiated a drive to offset the un- rett and Fred Malchow. cers nre Philip llartung, president; in Clifton from trary to the controversial demonstra- patriotic demonstrations and activi- ing to Coleman, the campaign was Chaiies Itokosny, Edifnr Roll, Mrs, tions against U.S. policy in Vietnam, MemlKjrs of Post 3 will be sUi- organized to counter in a small way Mrs. (ilenn M»K(,io, vice president; John n. Holl Jr., William Hose. ties being held throughout the coun- tioned In the Business Area on Mon-the numerous sludent anti-war dem- Mrs. L. II. I.auber, secretary: Ar- most Americans are anxious and try, by purchasing and distributing Delay in Returns Also, Herbert Hoss, E. J. notch- willing to support our Gfs if given day evenings and Saturdays for do- onstrations occupying the nation's thur Feibush, treasurer; and Mrs. ford Sr., Donald C. Houillard, Christmas gifts to American mili- nations, iProgress of the drive will ; George Mullieru, advisor. iior Class the opportunity to do so. tary personnel in Viet Nam. newspaper headlines. The tw o stu- Hounds, F. Leslie Howo, be reporled periodically. The cut dents intend to send the demonstra- The purposo of having the West- Louis Hub, Frank Itugg, Charles J. The committee under the chair- off date for contributions in order Seen Hampering field Teen Canteen Inc. is to estab- manship of Miss Judy Bcsscr has Feeling confident tlmt many citi tion of sludent support for the pres- Kalvalo, Mrs. Arnold D. Sauers, oncl Sale zens and organizations have a desire! to get lliein delivered In time will enl Vietnam policies of the Adminis- lish n teen canteen througli fund Fred Scliaible, Mrs. Hobert M. put out a countywide mailing asking raising dances pcriodicnlly through- for donations in the form of either to contribute l« the general welfare •>« tration to President Lyndon H. John- UF Campaign Schuut/., Mrs. Churles Sclimlt, Mrs. of U.S. fighting men in Vietnam son. "II was Ihe least ,ve could do out Hie school year at. the Westfield John T. Scott. baked goods or money to help with High School gymnasium. ram mailing costs. Contributions in sup-and want them to be assured of lo show our approval," Coleman "Unless we clear up the 1,191 soli- Also, John Seluert, Dr. S. Shapiro, their country's fullest support, Post said. citation cards that were still out- The future canteen would give William Shepherd, Dr.
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