THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES. -- - --- -- - - Published under the authority of Their Excellencies the Governor of East Africa and the Commissioner of Uganda. Val. IX.-NO. 191.; NAIROBI, OCTOBER 15, 1907. [PRICE 20 CENTS. , TABLE OF CONTENTS* EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. PAGE The Ostrich Ordiiiance 1907 . ... ... 373 The Volunteer Reserve Ailzeild~neiit Ordinailce 1907 . ... .. 376 List of Bills read far the 1st time at Legislative Council Meeting on the 7th inst. ... ... ... 378-381 The Land Acquisition Act 1894, Notice under . .. 381 The Railway Materials Protectio~iOrdinance 1903, Proclamation under . 381 The Diseases of Animals Ordinance 1906, Proclamation under ... 383 The Indian Tramways Act 1886, Rule under . ... 382 Appointments . ... .. .. 383 Errata .. ... ... ... ... ... 383 Sale of Buildillg Plots at Mombasa, Notice re . 388 Discovery of a Martini-Henry Rifle at Nyeri, Notice ~e . ... 384 Balance Sheet of East Africa Protectorate for Jiily 1907 .. .. 38.5 Comparative Statement of Itevenue of East Africa Protectorate fo~June 1907 383 ), ,, of expenditure of E. A. Protectorate for June 1907 ... 386 Statement of Assets and Liabilities of E. A. P. :LS at June 30th 1907 ... 387 Firearms registered at Moiilbasa during September quarter 1907 . ... 388 Licences issued at Mon~basaduring September quarter 1907 . .. 391 3) ,, at Nairobi :, J, 9) . .. 393 9) ,, at Kiambu ,, 7, 17 ... .. 395 1) ,, at Naivasha ,, 9, 9) . 396 Firearms registered at Naivasha during Septetiiaer quarter 1907 .. .. 396 7) J: at Nyeri 3, )J 3) ... .. :396 Licences issued at Kisurnu 11 ,) :J . .. 397 JJ ,, at Machakos i) 17 9) .. 397 UGANDA PROTECTORATE. The Marriage Ordinalice 1902, Notice under . ... ... 398 The Native Marriage Ordinance 1903, Notice undei~ . .. ... ... 398 Firearms registered in the Ugcznda Kingdom during Sept. quarter 1907 .. 399 Licences issued in the Busiro District durin,a Sept. quarter 1907 .. ... 401 3) ,, in the Uganda Kingdom during Sept. quarter 1907... ... 403 3Iunicipal Licences issued at Entebbe ,, ) 9 ), .. ... 404 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for May 1907 ,.. 405 Ledger Balance Sheet as at May 31st 1907 ... .. .. 406 GENERAL. Bankruptcy of Jnffer Sunder$, Notice re ... ... ... ... 384 ,, of Pir Mohamed, Notice ~e . .. 384 Dissolution of Partnership-J. P. Lucy and J. F. Rayne, Notice re... 384 9 9 ,I -Raveohand Dayalal & Co. .. 386 :) -J. Hodsou and F. C. Holmes . .. 398 ~ubsxri~tionRates of " Official Gazette " . ... ... 398 High Water at Monibasa . ... ... ... .. 404 r... r... - .-- EA ST A FR ICA PR O TEOT OR A TE . AN ORDINAN CE N o. 8 of 1907. Title. To authorise the issuing Of L icences to O strich farm ers for th e collecting of the eggs of w ild O strich es and for the capturin g of young w ild O striches. Date. ( 11th October, 1907. j AVH EREAS if is desirable tllat encouragement sllould be given to tlle industry of Ostrich farming iu tlle Protectorate and that persons engaged in Ostriclt farmilag yllould. be authorised to take the eggs of wild Ostriclaes and .to capture young wild Ostriches. Enaetm eni. Be lt enacted by the Governor of the East Africa Protectorate with the advice and consent of the Legislative flouucil thereof :- Short title. 1 This Ordinance may be cited as the Ostrich Ordinance, 1907. Tnterpretation. 2. In the Tnterpretation of this Ordinance unless repugnant to the context the following words and expressions shallhave the m eaning following : A <: domesticated Ostrich '' shall mean an Ostrich which has been bred in captivity or which has been çaptui'ed wheu young and kept in captivity for a period ol not less than three months. A. <ç young ostrich '' shall mean an ostrich which shall not have reaclletl the age of two months. A.n dc ostrich farm er '' shall mean a person who has been re- gistered as such under the provisions of this Ordinance. Prohibitiou 3. Save as hereinafter provided no person shall export from the Protect- agaiusf taking orate or slaall within thtj Protectorate take, receive, purchase, sell, ofer or or tlaading in the eggs of wiltl expose for sale the egg of any wild ostrich. ostriehes. Prohibltion 4. Save as hereinâfter provided no .person shall hunt, kill, capture, sell, sgaiylst hunting urclxase transfer, accept or receive any wild ostrich. ete, wild ostri- P , chess Prohibition 5. Save as hereinafter provided no person shall witlzin the Protectorate against trading in scll, transfer, purchase, accept or receive, or exporb from the Protectorate the oytrich feathers. feathers of any ostrich. Tlae Registration 6. Any person of European birth c)r descent may on application to the of ostrich far- Provincial Commissioner of the Province in wldch 11e residqs, and on payment of TnerFJ . a, fee of Rupees ftve be registered as an ostrich farmer. Only ostrittlz 7. No person other tharl an ostrich farm er shall' sell :trausfer, ptzrchase or farm ers to tratle Tin domesticatcd. rbceîve any domesticatecl ostrich or tzhe egg of any domestzcated ostrich. ostrielzes and. iheir eggs. ostrich farmers 8. An ostricla farmer m ay sell to a feather merehant lïcensed under tllïs may seu to ordiuauce or m ay export from the Protectorate ostrich feathers obtained from featlzer tlom esticated ostriches kept by llim m ezaehant and. m ay exporf ilae f' eathers of ostriches kept 'bv him . October 15, 1907. THE OFFIG AL GAZETTE 3:4 9. The following licences m ay be granted by tlle Governor or by such Ostrich Huntez's pe*son or perscms as shall be allthorised by the Qovernor licences s=(l , that is to say :- seather Afercll- ' (1) A.n Ostrich Hunter's Licence. ant's licences (2) A. Featllqr M erchant's Licence, may be grantett. The following feeé shall be payable for licences, that is ttl say : for an Fees to be paitl Ostrich H unter's Licence Rupees forty ftve : for a Feather M erchant's Licence fOr lieenees- ltupees ûfteen. Every licence shall except as hereinafter provided be irt force for one year orlly from the date of issue. 10. An Ostrich H untey's licence shall not be grauted to any person other osirich llunter's tkan an ostrich farmer aud wllo shall be tlle occupier of not less than fifty acres licence, to whozn of lan d. an d in possession of such pens and incubators as shall in the opinion of if nlaybe granted. tlle Governor or of the of cer authorised to issae such licences be necessary for the proper managem ent of an ostrich farm, aud not m ore than fotzr ostrich hunter's licences shall be issued to anyk one ostrich farmer. 1) . (1) A.n Ostrich Hunter's Lzcence shall autlzorise either the ostricll Right ancler aza farmer or any one person of European birth or descent enga- Olistrich Hunter's ged. with hzm or employed b)- llim in connection with his cence. ostricll farm and nam ed in stzch licence to take the eggs of wild ostriches and to capture and possess young wiltl ostriches for and on bellalf of sucll ostrich farmer. Provided tlaat a single Ostrich H unter's Licence shall not aatho- rise both tlle ostrich farmer ancl the person so engaged and em ployed and nam ed în the liceuce to capture young wild ostriclles and to take tlle eggs of wild ostriches. Should the person so engaged or employed and nam ed in such licence cease to be engaged or employed by sncli ostrich farmer tlle Governor or the ofllcer who slaall have issued such liceuce m ay, on application being naade by such ostrich farmer, cause the nam e of some other person of European birth or descent engaged with or employed by sucla ostrich farm er in connection with his ostrich f am'n to be' substituted for the nam e of tke person so ceasing to be engaged or em ployed. An Ostrich Hunter's Licence shall not authorise the sale ofyokug wild ostriches or the eggs of wild ostriches. Natives in the employment of tlae hoèder of an Ostrich H unter's Native Servants Licence m ay when in the company of or under the direct supervision of such may assist licence holder without liceuce assist such licence laolder in huntirlg young Htznters. ostriehes, or in collecting ostricll eggs ; save as aforesaitl tl4e llolder of a licence shall not accept or receive from any native any wild ostrich or the egg of a wild ostrich. 13. N o licence granted under this Ordinance shall entitle the Lolder to wAn Ostricll hunt or enter upon auy private property without the consent of the owner of Hunter's licence such propepty or to hunt wilcl ostriches or to take any egg of atly wild ostrich raiose s tnhoet l laouldtehro t-o witllin a Game Reserve. hunt, etc, on private lantl or ' m a gam e resezxe. A Feather M erchant's Licence m ay be granted to stlch res- Feather Merch- P onsible persons or 1-l rm s as may be approved by the Governor. a'Tlf's licence, Suclz licence sllall autllorise the llolcler to purchase from ostrich to whom it msy f j)e grantcd, arm ers and to sell witlàill the Protectorate and to export from the Protectorate the feathers of dolnesticated ostriclaes. The feathers of any dom asticated ostricl't which sllall be purchasecl or received from the lAolder of a Feather M erchant's Licence shall be deemcd to be lawfully pm-chased and may be lawfully possessed izl or exportetl from the Protectorate. It shall be tlle duty of the holder of a Featlaer i'Ylerchant's Licence Feafher Merclz- to keep or cause to be lcept a l-egister in which shall be recorded ant to keep the follou- in g particulars regarding all transactions under M s l'efieter.
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