Our history Kars conference: Known and unknown Jamil HASANLI facts Doctor of History, Professor THE RUssIAN-TURKISH TREATY SIGNED IN MOSCOW ON 16 MARCH 1921 was AN IMPORTANT VICTORY FOR TURKISH DI- PLOMACY. UNDER THIS TREATY, NOT ONLY DID TURKEY NOT LOSE TERRITORY as A MEMBER OF THE BLOC DEFEATED IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR, IT ALSO MANagED TO RECOVER SOME OF THE TERRITORY IT HAD LOST. The Treaty of Moscow signified the that in the best case scenario, the So- should take a single position at the failure of the Treaty of Serves, which viet republics of the South Caucasus forthcoming conference. The deci- Western states had imposed on Tur- would endorse the Treaty of Moscow sion said that the Treaty of Moscow key. As far as Azerbaijan’s fate is con- as a legal document during the Kars should form the basis of the talks to cerned, the Treaty of Moscow was a conference.1 Moscow was using all be held with Turkey and the treaty to political-legal solution to the issue of means to ensure that the South Cau- be signed.2 This idea was later con- Nakhichevan. casus republics act as a single team firmed by the RFSFR Commissar of Having lost hope after the Treaty of at the conference. To this end, the Foreign Affairs Chicherin in an official Moscow and the discussions in Baku foreign ministers of all three republics note to the Turkish ambassador in and Tiflis in April 1921 that Azerbaijan were summoned to Tiflis on 7 May Moscow. In his opinion, the treaty had will be conducting an independent 1921. At these discussions, Azerbai- to be signed not just between Turkey, policy, Turkey was not very interested jan was represented by M. D. Husey- Azerbaijan and Georgia, but between in holding a new conference with nov and Behbud Shahtakhtinski. The Turkey and all three Caucasus repub- the Caucasus republics. They saw this meeting chaired by G. Orjonikidze lics, including Armenia, and “supple- conference as a direct extension of and B. Legran adopted a decision that ment the treaty signed in Moscow”.3 the Moscow conference and believed all three South Caucasus republics Although Turkey secured Azer- 1 See: USSR Foreign Policy Documents. T. IV, M.: Gospolitizdat, 1960, p. 227-228 2 The meeting of representatives of the South Caucasus republics on talks with Turkey. 07.05.1921 // The State Archive of the Azerbaijan Republic (SA AR), f.28, s.2, i.27, v.30 10 www.irs-az.com baijan and Georgia’s consent to hold received the telegram, he informed the South Caucasus republics. Re- the conference in Kars during nego- Chicherin about it on 5 July.5 On the garding the venue for the conference, tiations in Baku and Tiflis, Yusif Ka- same day, Yusif Kamal sent invitations Yusif Kamal returned to the prepara- mal, who led the Turkish delegation to the leaderships of Georgia and Ar- tory period of the Moscow confer- during the Moscow talks and was menia on the holding of the confer- ence and wrote: “Considering the im- appointed foreign minister after his ence in Ankara.6 He sent the same mediate response of my government return to Ankara, now suggested kind of note to Chicherin on 9 July. to your 19 December 1920 statement holding the conference in Ankara. To The note reached Moscow on 12 July. on changing the venue for the confer- this end, he sent a telegram to M. D. He wrote that in order to resolve all is- ence from Baku to Moscow, I would be Huseynov on 3 July. Yusif Kamal, who sues between Turkey and the South personally grateful to you if you could invited Azerbaijan to the Ankara con- Caucasus states and sign an agree- use your influence among the South ference, asked Commissar of Foreign ment with each of them under the Caucasus republics and persuade Affairs M. D. Huseynov to appoint rep- provisions of the Treaty of Moscow them to hold the conference in Anka- resentatives of Azerbaijan in order to concerning these republics, Ankara ra rather than in an Eastern Anatolian regulate relations between the Grand requested that the governments of city as was verbally agreed between National Assembly of Turkey and the those states appoint their represen- me and the government circles of fraternal Azerbaijan Republic and tatives to the conference. Yusif Kamal Azerbaijan and Georgia. The reasons sign an agreement between the two asked Chicherin that under the Treaty that make this request necessary are countries on legalizing the part of the of Moscow, Soviet Russia should also the same as the reasons shown in your Treaty of Moscow concerning Azer- send its representative to the confer- telegram of 19 December 1920.”7 Yusif baijan.4 As soon as M. D. Huseynov ence to be held between Turkey and Kamal explained that he could not 3 USSR Foreign Policy Documents. T. IV, M.: Gospolitizdat, 1960, p. 287 4 Yusif Kamal’s telegram to M.D. Huseynov. 03.07.1921 // SA AR, f.28, s.1, i.49, v.8 5 M.D. Huseynov’s telegram to G. Chicherin. 05.07.1921 // SA AR, f.28, s.1, i.49, v.8 www.irs-az.com 11 Our history delegation to sign an agreement with Turkey and appointed Behbud Shahtakhtinski chairman of the del- egation.13 At the end of August, he set off for Tiflis with a delegation of 13 people in order to participate in the Kars conference.14 At the end of Au- gust, Soviet Russia was also engaged in correspondence concerning the Kars conference. As a result of this correspondence, the Russian Com- missariat of Foreign Affairs picked its plenipotentiary representative in Latvia, Yakov Ganetskiy, and he rep- resented the Moscow government at the Kars conference as a mediator. As leave Ankara in the then conditions. M. D. Huseynov said, “I cannot give a result of correspondence between However, Soviet Russia did not agree my consent to hold the conference the foreign offices of Soviet Russia to hold the conference in Ankara.8 On in Ankara”.10 At the same time, in its and Turkey, the opening of the Kars 8 August, Chicherin confirmed that note to Turkey on 21 July, the Geor- conference was scheduled for 26 Sep- 15 Soviet Russia would participate in the gian Commissariat of Foreign Affairs tember. M. D. Huseynov sent a tele- Caucasus conference and informed also protested at the holding of the gram to Yusif Kamal on 21 September Ali Fuad Pasha about it. He wrote that conference in Ankara and proposed and said that Azerbaijan agreed to 16 the Russian government did not think holding the Turkey-South Caucasus open the conference on that date. At it expedient to change the previous conference in Batumi.11 After all this a meeting of the Central Committee agreement on holding the confer- correspondence, the Ankara govern- of the Communist Party of Armenia ence in Kars. Chicherin asked the Turk- ment made a decision on 26 August on 26 August, Askanaz Mravyan was ish government to inform him about to hold the conference in Kars in mid- put in charge of preparations for the the possible date for the conference September.12 On 29 August, Yusif Ka- Kars conference. He was supposed to scheduled in Kars.9 mal sent a note to Soviet Russia and receive instructions about the confer- After such a response from Russia, the South Caucasus republics, inviting ence through B. Legran from Moscow the South Caucasus also defended them to the Kars conference. and establish contacts with the Azer- the same position. Thus, as dictated Serious preparations were under- baijani and Georgian delegations sent 17 by Russia, the Soviet republics did way for the Kars conference in the to Kars. not back down on the agreements summer of 1921. On 26 August, a On 3 September, the Caucasus Bu- reached in Baku and Tiflis in April 1921 meeting of the bureau of the Central reau of the Central Committee of the on the holding of the Turkey-South Committee of the Communist Party Communist Party of Russia (Bolshe- Caucasus conference in Kars. In his of Azerbaijan (Bolsheviks) discussed viks) discussed “the issue of the Kars telegram to Yusif Kamal on 21 July, the issue of sending an Azerbaijani conference” in a meeting. An eight- 6 The main moments of Turkey’s political life (From November 1920 to November 1921). Historical Outline.// RSSPHA, f.5, s.3, i.630, v.51 7 Yusif Kamal’s codified telegram to G. Chicherin. 09.07.1921. // RSSPHA, f.5, s.1, i.2203, v.109 8 See: USSR Foreign Policy Documents. T. IV, M.: Gospolitizdat, 1960, p. 227-228 9 G. Chicherin’s note to Ali Fuad Pasha. 08.08.1921. // Russian Federation Foreign Policy Archive (RF FPA), f.132, s.4, q.4, i.2, v.63 10 M.D. Huseynov’s telegram to Yusif Kamal. 21.07.1921.// The Archive of Political Documents at the Office of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic (APD OPAR), f.276, s.5, i.1, v. 26 11 See: USSR Foreign Policy Documents. T. IV, M.: Gospolitizdat, 1960, p. 228 12 S. Nararenus’ telegram to G. Chicherin. 27.08.1921. // RSSPHA, f.17, s.84, i.104, v.101 13 Protocol 15 of the session of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan (Bolsheviks). 26.07.1921.// APD OPAR, f.1, s.2, i.16, v.85 14 See: B. Shahtakhtinski’s letter to the CC of the CPR, August 1923.// RSSPHA, f.85, s.2c, i.3, v.49 15 See: M.
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