■• - ■, r-^ BATUBUAX, JEBRUABX 20. 1949 iKatirh^atrr Ett^tiing l|rraUi Averai^ Dally Not Praaa Haa Fhr the tSmSM at daaaaiy, 1848 wars told tha toU«iwlng Uttla atoiy. Baama as though' a youngster Drive* First Contribittor Giyen , OPEN ALL DAY was about to present his talanta . About Town H eard Along Main Street^ and the pastor of caremooles plied SUNDAY him with the usual run of ques­ b Suppliers A J6lnt meatlns o< dw Board ct And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets, Too tions. North End Pharmacy Eduoatlon and- tha • Town School "And what’s your name, son­ Building consmlttaa haa been 4 Depot Sq. Phont 6M5 ny?" lamilton Propellers Di> (SIXTEEN P.\GES) PRICE FOUR CENTS called for 8 p.m . Uonday in the (OlaadSad A dm tW ag aa Paga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1949 MuiSclpal building to conelder the Manchester has become the most AwiU conUnue until the ties finally “Johnny. Johnny Smith.” vision Pays Tribute to VOL. LXVlil., NO. 126 apeci&atlone and building detail talked about town in Oonhecticut disintegrate, “Oh, isn’t that nice. And w’hat Is your father's name?" Sub-Contraetors* on the Olcott. and Princaton.itreet bn the basketball front after the “My father’s name is Lucius." ) - ^ ____ echool*. Manchester - WalHngford Eastern With all the local interest in League game a week ago last dramatics, concerts, minstrels and ' "LucAis? Wen. what does your '■C ‘f’ h), Hamilton Standard Propellers M B j g Ckiuple Leaves Church Undei^rehed ^xes Hoee Co. Xo. 8 responded to a night when extra police and Na­ programs that require an adequate mother call him?" Division of United Aircraft Oor- wr 1 a* Reds I Fr e n c h A r ay M a jo r etill alarm early yesterday morn­ tional Guardsmen were caUed to hall for proper presentation, it is “She doesn’t call him anything. Reports Nation’s the earnest hope of a large group She likes him." poratkm, which Is observing ita Holding Posts ing at 187 Gardner street. A chim­ prevent a riot. The game U now of local people that one of the new thirtieth anniversary this year, to­ ney Are was extinguished before history but It has brought out fans schools will be equipped with a day paid tribute to the “loyalty any damage was done. by droves wherever the Guards Although a fence has been built satisfactory auditorium to cater to along the top of dead man’s gulch and quality of product" of ita Defense Agencies h\ 1.3 States il^iting^to^ •» brganlzatlons that may more tbgn 1,700 subcontractor! The Boston-bound Greyhound thirsty have use for it. In the past many Just south of the store block at St. and suppUers scattered across the A d m its Giving Data bvw that stops every day at tte the next have missed events of in- James and Main street, the kids nation. In a special statement, Center developed engine trouble are on hand when and if it terest to them because of the poor think nothing of It and continue to le Martin, general manager, Some Measures Now and stopped at Morlartys gasoline haye all the fun they can before ‘Perilously’ Weak occur. acoustics and seating arrange- ked the organizations whose Before Legislatures station on center street for re­ It was reported this week that n^gp^s of both Hollister and the the sand caves In on them. the company’s thirty-year Mo PaR J/FFYi/FF pairs. Another bus was Immediate­ it is tougher to get an officl^* High school auditoriums. Alter Storekeepers on Main street I “have made our produc- Would Require Tak­ To Foreign Attache ly dispatched from Hartford and work in "town than to get a local being present at shows given in have watched the antics for a long Tion, kM our reputation, possible." picked up the passengers. apartment. Officials want no part both the aforementioned halls we time, dally expecting that some Hamilton Standard receives its Windshield Washer Hoover Commission p|an tO Push ing of Loyally Oaths of this fair town. Actually the tur­ can well agree that unless you ar­ bad accident will occur. auboontraetsd material and finiah- Jack Fogel of 61 Durkin street Sees ‘Cpniinued Dis-1 ^ moil which took place a week ago rive an hour before show time It is Apparently the kids’ parents ed parts rampaniea In twen- New and different . wteh By The Aatiociated Press i Interior Miniatry Says is home after a brief visit to South was started by the visiting team. almost impossible to see or hear in ty-nlns atai Its auppllera range pocitiveaetiaa. For DeSotoand harmony and Lack of X a k i l l f i O v C F Officer I'reed Bend and LaPorte, Indiana. either of these places and the num­ don’t wotry. Why should the store­ Thirteen states are considering Taft Opposes WalUngford will play a return keepers? from such as K I. Dupont Plyniauth cart, and many Captain *- Questioued visit to these parts, three weeks erous stairs at the High school ce.r- de Nemours' and\ the ‘ Aluminum other vdiicles Unified Pining* in propossls to bar Communists from srt«» Louisa M. and David Boyd, from tomorrow, to face the Guards talnly add nothing In the way of Let the little chumps go their with V-type About ^Relationsbip' children of Mr. and Mrs. Byron way until something happens. Then Company of Ame down to one- Departmem; Could Of Industry public jobs. Plans to Give In the Eastern League playoffs. Inducement to most people. man shops Their iroducts run windthiclot. Witli Major and on Boyd, 47 Lancaster road, are Interest In this re-match -has With the Community growing as will the howl 80 up! Not a parent, from gdant machIneV to tiny Damage u/ S. Economy Some measures cow befora spending the week-end in Boston. reached an all Ume peak.. Every­ fast as it is it would seem that a of course, will be to blame. acrewa and from intricne operat' Legislatures would require people ‘Defenne Doeumcnt«’ W hnem Boston, David will regis­ one and his brother wants a Ucket modem, well equipped auditorium --- i on public payrolls, including teach­ Europe Arms ter at Northeastern UnlverMty and Ing propeller parts to cn^de rub­ Labor Party Decides to for the game. for civic use is one of Manches­ One of Main street’s best known ber. Washingtoii, Feb. 28.—<4^ ers, to take loyalty oaths. | He Is .Accused of Louise plans to attend the Ice It's amazing what a fight will ter's foremost needs. business Agures, who sells cubic RO Y MOTORS —^The Hoover commission to­ Expand Program; Na> Other bills are aimed at keep-: Follies accompanied by her aimt, 608 from Ooiuiectlcut ing Communist* out of a wide Turning Over to Com- do to bring out the fans and re­ footage two ways, has a hobby Approximately one-third of the Incorporated day called the new unified na­ tionalization List to Likely to Arouse More Miss Frances Boyd, of Hartford. vive the inUrest. Probably next Does it pay to advertise ? Let’s which takes him down to milli­ range of position*. suppliers, or 603 of the total ato 241 No. Main Street tional m iliury establish'hient Maryland and lllinni* are study- Debate Than ProposaL niiinist Magazine Mr and Mrs. Gordon Masten, 18 year a knock ’em down, drag em see. meters. We’re not using his name, from Connecticut. New York state'' Be in Platform out game will be’played earlier In Take the case of Stuart J. Wes­ because every time any one hears la next with 238, Massachusetts Tel. 5113 “periloualy close to the weak­ I ing suggestions for outlawing the Deerlieid drive, became «ie par­ Communist party. For Regional Alliance | 7 ents of a baby daughter, Tuesday, this season, thus assuring large ley, local insurance man. He ad­ of his hobby, he or she becomes a third with 184. Following with to­ est type /of department” in London, Fsb. 28— Leaders Paris, Feb. 28.—{/P> -The crowds for remaining games. It’s vertises on matchbook covers. potential customer. And he’s not tals ranging from forty-four to the government. The investi­ I Moves are under way in other Frencli government said to­ February 22. They will name the of Britain’s Labor party have de- I states to put if crimp in the party With Western Nations' baby Karen Lynn. This is toeir something to think about. Supposing — Just supposing of looking for customers, although Nekton Ckde preaeata Srat contribution to Mrs. Bnrry Benton, chnlr- seventy-five are Cdlifornia, Illln- gating- commission deplored day a rrimmunist Army ma­ course—someone, in using one of there was a time when he did en­ oia, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio cide4 to expand their program f6r ' line in one way or another. _ ' second child. They have a three- mnn of realdentlnl dlvlalon, to open the 1848 Ked Crate Fund Drive In Would Require l^i.valty Oaths I Wa.shington, Feb. 28 e The jor ha.s confe.s.sed turning year-old daughter, Sandra Gert- Those who use the parking area the Wasley-bedecked packages of gage in a little barter. and Pennsylvania. lack ^ civilian control by the government ownership of basic Manchester. (Photo by Elite StntUo). president/ and defense secretary i Oaths of loyalty or allegiance to ,-idminlstralion s plans to re-nrm Ai’my doeument.s over to ‘‘a nide. next to the Municipal building matches, happened to bum his It’s been a few years,' anyway, Some of the companies have industry, rellal^le informants say.
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