Mustang Daily Arohlvjftj CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE WIDNESPAY, APRIL 1 ,1970 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA VOLUME XXXII NUMBER 44 Underdog takes bite by JOHN FTTZHANDOLPH Mery Ellen work up to eighteen Ha alludes frequently to books Staff Writer hours daily in their Garfield and eaaays and student opinions There la In California today a - Arms apartment "peppering which support hia feeling that rising rlvar of discord, newspapers with news rtlaai oa.” "education must get back into discourtesy, disappointment. People, not broasted chicken society the way it wag There is, on this campus, a political fund raisers or oily primitive societlee. A five year profasaor who wants to alow that computerised machinery, will old should have a feeling that he rlvar and maks Its water* support his efforts. la contributing som ething peaceful. "I'm going to have a platform valuable.” Clearly an underdog, unbound baaed on ideas suggested to me Hia decision to challenge Unruh r deals, uncomfortable with by little people. We’ve got to uae and Yorty came after con* 5atitudes, Raymond Haight runs all of our DeoDle ’’ suitstion with his closest political a quiet Don Quixote campaign for Haight i i i L relying heavily alliao—hia family. "I have four Ronald Reagan’s Job with "A few upon "the excellent news media sons—three in college. My sons friends and a few ideas.” coverage we have today” to know that I care. I feel much Ha would Ilka to see a political question him end report hia views freer than other politicians. campaign where "not much to the public. ”1 am tha moat frightening money la spent. I’m down on Greying hair, soft eyee, careful kind of guy to the politicians. I am billboards nailed on trees. If language. Haight looks and free. I am a teacher. If I get into students are for me, they should sounds like on understanding office, I'm not bound by deals or put a picture of Don Quixote in father. He speaks quietly but promlgaa to lobbyists or the window—or my name." quickly when spoken to. He bankers." Both sides, reactionaries and listens more to hie Afro- If he were in office today, ha revolutionaries, ‘‘attack, attack, American History students than would "stop everyi freeway being attack," he uya, In a patient, he lectures. He says he learns "a built until wee findI out what w t’re ofessor’s voice. "My big theme great deal” that way. doing." OU poUution, he beUevea Cpolarliation. Everybody, the Black students are particularly "very strongly," effects "aU life right and the left, has got to work enlightening to him, he eayi, forma along the coast. You together and atop polarising.’ though he makes no special simply have to stop drilling in Haight came to this college last appeal 4o groups—cultural, Santa Barbara.” year to teach political science ethnic, or racial—because Whan Haight's candidacy was and history after 20 yeara of high polarization comes from special made public last quarter, achool and elementary and adult deals and appeals, he asserts. students responded in a "Fan- education experience in (Continued on page 2) Redlands. He is 48. Ha la In the campaign because of hia aaaoclatloni with students—"I aae young peopie asking beautiful questions —and , CASUAL CAMPION . »YP^ *?, ,T !! JtL Site picketed tsymend Height, Instructer at thU because he feara further social polarisation if either of his hW» fight far gavam ar It tha phan* e* "vI T ? u Jatar. Democrat opponent*—Jasa# A Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Any additional rock, according In mm ta gat much af hit platfarm #U*J* . ^ Unruh, Sam Y orty-are elected. Haight It Vying far tha Demwretk proposal to put a rock quarry four to a PGicE official, will be "I have never seen so many miles up See Canyon was met by quarried from the Kaiaer quarry rmm, * **rnord Wrif M pressures on students. Vietnam a dozen picketing Cal Poly in 8anta Margarita. threatens students. This now students last Friday. thing (the draft lottery) Is maybe Academic change worse than the old thing. The students, members of the "Students notice that Standard campus Ecology Action Com­ OU continue* to drill for oil and A m« academic organization of organisation the academic mittee, quietly toted signs in pollute. Students begin to think - front of PGIcE's downtown office hr thia college hat bean revealed achoola will be: School of about their value system. Along *1 Prei. Robert E. Kennedy. Agriculture and Natural that ranged from appeals to comes tha lawyer for tha Save Our See” to proclamations Tbi new itructure, which will Resources, administered by ‘Chicago 7’ and the next thing- that "PGliE la Living In the hkt Meet by tha Fall Quarter, Dean J. Cordner Gibson: School studenU cauRiit up and down Stone Age.** K mcreaaea the number of of Architecture and En­ the street. teutonic achoola here from five vironmental Dealgn, Dean “It’a difficult to Justify the b wren and creataa five new George Hasslein; School of PGiiE has boon searching for a burning of banks," he says, but possible quarry site for the last tatantc departmenta. Engineering and Technology, adds, "young people have the Kennedy uld faculty membera Dean Archie Higdon; School of •evaral months. The quarry principles, they know where they would serve to provide material d tt» newly established achoola Human Developmant and want to go, - departmenta will be involved Education, Dean Carl Cummins; for construction of a breakwater "You don’t blame Governor at the company’s Diablo Canyon hconnltatlve procedurea for the School of Science and Reagan" for the disruptions on nuclear power plant. •bet!* of twe c r: ' jnfc Mathematics, Dean Clyde P. colleges, "you blame the society ■d five department heads. Fisher; and the two new achoola ' t i t W p<its his stand against On Friday, PGicE spokesman Ti* new structure provides for with deans to be appointed. changes! don’t think Reagan said that there were still several *** School of Bualneaa and Kennedy . said tha new understands the young," h*«***• •wal Sciences and a new School sites under consideration and organisational structure “ap­ referring to Reagan’a inability to that the See Canyon sit* was just ■ Communicative Arts and relate to students. ' mmanltiee. pears to be acceptable to a very a proposal. substantial majority of all faculty "My age group was brought up llew initructional departmenta members" and Includes ad­ under the philoeophy that you * " formed are: Economics, spank the child. You have to have On Monday, PGicE announced justments made to the original that the See Canyon alto would be ’J«n. Language and proposal aa a result of faculty aome compassion.” UnP‘i»tice, Philosophy, Trana- abandoned. AU rock for the input from all departments. Ideas, not individual*, aw th # portation Engineering, and of the breakwater The new orgaiilutlon will bo *"m*ne Physical Education, come from the Diablo PICKITf ...tofc* a thm 4 reflected In tha 1170-71 catalog Canyon power plant rite. the new academic plan which will be published In June. {••a. He and his attractive wife I* #iwH e f P0 4 I eW I*. Mustang Daily Marines recruit here Both aviation and line officer (Aviation) programs. The Multiple opportunities (or CALIFORNIA STATS POLYTECHNIC CC programs will be explained by candidate is commissioned at officer commissions in the United Major E. 0. LeRov and Captain graduation and proceeds to States Marine Corps will be Kathy Lovett Ron Buzard H. R. Bowen. Officer Training advanced training as either a outlined here (or interested Programs available to women ground or aviation officer. CO-EDITORS students on 31 March—3 April students will be explained by College seniors and graduates 1970 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Captain D. G. Aberlin, Woman may apply for a commission Snack Bar. Officer Selection Officer. under either the Officer Can­ Training for qualified fresh­ didate Course or the Aviation Tile talk tonight men, sophomores and Juniors is Officer Candidate Course. Worthy notation available under the Platoon The Marine Corps slso offers Uaders Clast. Program. commissions through the Officer Due to the tremendous volume of campus newt The newly chartered student Training, with pay, Is conducted Candidate (Scholarship) events that have taken place over the past fsw chapter of the Construction during summer vacations at two Programs to qualified Junior weeks, we feel compelled to list them briefly In this Specifications Institute will separate six-week instruction College graduates or to persons sponsor a “Talk on Tile" tonight periods. No military classes or who have completed at least two regular editorial space: at 7:30. drills during the school year are years of college. Completion of the new College Union has again Mr. George Lavenberg, from required by the PLC or PL£ been rescheduled. The new date is sometime in the the Ceramic and Tile Institute fall of 1972. will be the guest speaker. "He’ll Faculty members have been Instructed to bar be discussing the different types MUSTANG DAILY STAFF of tile, and tiles application in from their classroom any student who arrives with Publish** four time* a week during th* sehaai y*#r **c*pt holidays snSfsam architecture.” explained Willy period! by m* »h* Aseoclefed »iud*n»i, ln«., California SfSIS Po'tf^hntc bare feet. — -5----------- — ---------— Mautner, CSI president. Coli*o*.San Luis Oblipo, California. Printed by !fud*nft malorlng In Printing The Student Judiciary recently completed an Technology and Management. Opinion* expressed In this paper In signed editorials and articles are the views of th* writer* and do not necessarily investigation into reports of cribbing among this The talk begins at 7:30 p.m.
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