0 41~- Nl:WSLl:TTl:R FOR Ml:MBl:RS • VOLLIMI: II NO. 2 ~ SUMMl:R 2002 TheLotus BLJVIRGINIA HAYl:S LONGREVERED AS A SYMBOLof purity and spiritual transcendence by Hindus and Buddhis ts, the Asian (or Indian) lotus (Nelumbonucifera ssp. nuciferais its botanical name) has been grown in Asia, India, and Egypt for centuries. It also grows naturally throughout Malaysia, New Guinea, and Australia. What many people may not realize is that the American lotus (N. nucifera ssp . lmea) thrives in similar aquatic habitats all over the eastern half of the North American continent from southern Canada to Florida . ( The paleohistory of the lotus is also remarkable. Leaves analogous to those of the modern lotus have been identified in the fossil record from the late Cretaceous period (146 to 65 million years ago) . This makes them among the oldest flowering plants still alive (water lilies and a few others of little interest to gardeners are older). The two widely separa ted areas of its current distribution have been physically divided since early in its history . Movement of the earth's ~ ~ crustal plates created the rift between i!; ~ our modern continents beginning in > the Jurassic period (206 to 144 million ThisAsian lotusfl.ower was grownfrom an 800-year-oldseed found in a dry lakebedin China. years ago). So the two subspecies seem to have spent millions of years apart and yet they are still very IN THIS ISSUE closely related. The current division lhe Lotus I New to the Collections 7 of lotus into two subspecies is based AquaticLecture Series -4 on this disjunct distribution, physical Members'fclmilLJ Dall 2002 ~ differences in flower color and the LotuslandWelcomes 5 VolunteerProfile: 10 length of stamens, and by molecular Two NewTrustees Jane Copelan,Dream of a Docent analysis of their DNA. ( LotuslandCelebrates 5 Lotuses grow in water up to 6 The Lotus SocietLJ II Gardensof Enchantment feet deep at the margins of still lakes we·re at Your Service 12 or ponds and slow -moving rivers. Lotusland'sBest Management 6 Continuedon page 2 Practicesfor Aphids 2002 MemberEvents 15 THE LOTIJSLANDNEWSLETTER FOR MEMBERS is published by Ganna Walska Lotusland Foundation () 695 Ashley Road Santa Barbara,California 93108 (805) 969-3767 www.lotusland.org Boardo(Trusrees Robert J. Emmons, Presid,mr Anne W. Jones, Vice-President Arthur R. Gaudi, Secreraty/Treasurer EllaBrittingham Merry! Brown ElizabethW. Dake W. Mason Farrell Thomas Hugunin HarryW. Kolb Sandra Nicholson Sranya Owen Barbara Siemon Michael Towbes Carol L. Valentine Steven Timbrook, Ph.D. Nelumbo nucifera ssp. nucifera in full bloomat Lotus/andin the old swimmingpool . ExecmiveDireao, Connie Buxton trial. In their watery environment, Lotus flowers also have some Directorof PublicPrograms this serves them well by shedding interesting adaptations. Most people Anne Dewey,CFRE water and yet retaining just the are familiar with the broad, cone­ Directorof Devdopment right amount of moisture in the shaped "pod" that forms in the center Marguerite Gamo Directorof Admi11is1ration tissues within. Researchers have of the blossom and holds the seeds. discovered that this wax forms a For a short time when the flower first VirginiaHayes ) Curatorof the UvingCo/leaion uniquely intricate oystalline pattern opens, this structure, along with the Mike Iven that is the most efficient design of its stamens and petals, are the source of GroundsSuperintendent kind yet to be found in nature. measurable radiant heat. Through In fact, it is so good at shedding chemical changes within the cells, Deanna Hatch, Ediror Lindse Davis, Design foreign material that engineers have enough heat is produced to raise the modeled a number of protective temperature within the flower as ,. Printedby Ventura Printing \~J Primed on recycled and recydabte paper coatings and fabrics on it for various much as 18°F above the surrounding industrial applications . air temperature . This phenomenon is Continuedfrom page 1 The rhizomes (horizontal stems) of the plant spread along the muddy surface of the bottom of the pond or lake. From them the large leaves (up to 30 inches across) are borne on stout petioles, or stalks, that emerge from the water to a height of three feet or more . Flowers rise up even higher, clearing the leaves, to open in full sun . These flowers are outsized as well and, when fully open, may be more than a foot in diameter . Besides being quite extraordinary in appearance, the lotus possesses some distinctive and fascinating properties . To start, the surfaces of ~ the leaves are coated with secretions ~ of waxy substances much like many i other plants, both aquatic and terres- This beadof \'(/a/erslides acr oss the \'(/axysurface o f a lotus leafas smoothly as liquidmercury. they are used to "strengthen the spleen and cultivate the heart ," among other things. Because of its long history as a cultivated plant, the assumption has been that the distribution of both the Asian and American subspecies is much larger than it might otherwise have been. Of course, the exotic beauty and size of the lotus flowers have led to extensive cultivation as ornamentals. The history of hybridization and selection of unique forms of the k~n~tus~res~~unturi~in China . Records of double-flowering forms are noted in the Wei Jin dynasty (220 to 581 AD) and others < grown for their variation in color % from the wild type are noted in the ~ Tang dynasty (618 to 907 AD). The Lotusleaves fioat on the surfaceof the waterearly in thegrowing season. lotus flower was revered in Hinduism and subsequently Buddhism as well. not unique to the lotus as it occurs seeds found (from 95 to 1288 years As these religions spread throughout old), two-thirds sprouted and grew. in several other groups of plants, Asia, the lotus was carried along most notably some of the aroids or They now grow in the United States with them and introduced to many philodendron relatives. Speculation Botanic Garden in Washington, DC. other countries. Its cultivation about the possible function of this Others from different locations are continues today, and the number of adaptation ranges from the obvious thriving in botanic gardens and nurs­ cultivars now numbers more than C role it plays in helping to volatilize eries in China and th:e United States . 300 in China and Japan. In more the perfume that attracts pollinating As you might expect with a plant recent times, the American lotus has insects to actually aiding the insects that has been around so long, contributed its color to the palette, themselves by warming them up humans have found any number of and hybridizers in the western world, for flight after they spend the night uses for it. Both the seeds and as well as in the east, have introduced within the closed blossom . rhizomes are edible. The rhizomes many new creations by crossing it Lotus seeds are getting some contain high-quality starch, and the with other forms. attention from researchers these days, seeds are a source of carbohydrates ½'rginiaHayes has a Master of Arts too. It has been repeatedly proven and protein. Asians and Native degreein EvolutionaryBiology from the through radio carbon dating that Americans eat them cooked fresh or Universityof Californiaat SantaBarbara. viable lotus seeds can persist in old dry them for later use. The large Her thesison lotuspower development is lakebeds for more than a thousand leaves make convenient packaging titledFloral Development of Nelumbo: years . These discoveries have been material for steaming food and, worn Micrographic and Statistical Analysis made in China in recent years, and upside down on the head, provide of Variation among Wild-type Flowers several attempts to actually sprout an effective temporary rain hat. and Double Cultivars. She is also the and grow the plants have been Some medicinal properties are also Registrarfor cultivars of lotus(Nelumbo) successful. In one instance, of the six ascribed to the seeds. For example, for the InternationalWater Lily Society. AquaticLecture Series SPONSORl:DBY SANDRA AND WILLIAM NICHOLSON THISSUMMER, LOTUSLAND inaugurates to some new ones. Following the Davies in running the largest water an informative, entertaining lecture illustrated talk, Lotusland staff will gardening center in Europe. She is also series focusing on all aspects of water answer your specific questions about past president of the International gardening and the amazing world of the care of Lotusland's water gardens Waterlily and Water Gardening aquatic plants. Not only will our cast as you admire the water lilies and Society. Now a resident of Cyprus, of talented speakers give you excel­ lotuses in bloom. A wide variety of Barbara continues to write and lent information in their illustrated aquatic plants will be on display and lecture on water gardens and other lectures, but also a variety of demon­ available for purchase to take home horticultural topics worldwide. strations, handouts, and sales of to your own pond. Virginia Hayes is currently the related items will pique your interest. Curator of the Living Collection at The lectures coincide with the peak of FRIDAY,JULY 26 • 2:00 PM Lotusland. She got her start in aquatic bloom in Lotusland's water gardens, Pond Biology: Lotus Blossoms to gardening working with Barbara and there will be plenty of time to Green Water Dobbins Davies and eventually stroll around the ponds enjoying Bob Cummings will lead us bought the business (which then these stunning plants. beneath the surface of the pond on a became Santa Barbara Water Garden You may purchase tickets indi­ tour of the intricate ecology of an Care). In 1992, Virginia joined the vidually for $30, but you won't want aquatic environment. Discover who staff at Lotusland, and the water to miss any of these informative eats what and whom, why aquatic gardening business again changed sessions.
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