Received October 3, 2018, accepted November 7, 2018, date of publication November 19, 2018, date of current version December 18, 2018. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881755 Software Requirements Prioritisation: A Systematic Literature Review on Significance, Stakeholders, Techniques and Challenges FADHL HUJAINAH 1, ROHANI BINTI ABU BAKAR 1, MANSOOR ABDULLATEEF ABDULGABBER 2, AND KAMAL Z. ZAMLI 1, (Member, IEEE) 1Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan 26300, Malaysia 2Faculty of Computer and Cyber Science, Software Engineering, University Prince Mugrin, Al-Madinah 41499, Saudi Arabia Corresponding author: Fadhl Hujainah ([email protected]) This work was partially supported by the Fundamental Research Grant: A New Model for Automated Stakeholder Quantification and Prioritization Based on User Needs for Software System Development from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under Grant RDU190164 and the PGRS170393 Grant from Universiti Malaysia Pahang. ABSTRACT As one of the gatekeepers of quality software systems, requirements' prioritization (RP) is often used to select the most important requirements as perceived by system stakeholders. To date, many RP techniques that adopt various approaches have been proposed in the literature. To identify the strengths, opportunities, and limitations of these existing approaches, this paper studied and analyzed the RP field in terms of its significance in the software development process based on the standard review guidelines by Kitchenham. By a rigorous study selection strategy, 122 relevant studies were selected to address the defined research questions. Findings indicated that RP plays a vital role in ensuring the development of a quality system with defined constraints. The stakeholders involved in RP were reported, and new categories of the participating stakeholders were proposed. Additionally, 108 RP techniques were identified and analyzed with respect to their benefits, prioritization criteria, size of requirements, types in terms of automation level, and their limitations; 84 prioritization criteria were disclosed with their frequency usages in prioritizing the requirements. The study revealed that the existing techniques suffer from serious limitations in terms of scalability, the lack of quantification, and the prioritization of the participating stakeholders, time consumption, requirement interdependences, and the need for highly professional human intervention. These findings are useful for researchers and practitioners in improving the current state of the art and state of practices. INDEX TERMS Requirements prioritization, stakeholders, techniques, challenges, systematic literature review, requirements prioritization criteria. I. INTRODUCTION the implementation of a successful system [5], [6]. RP is Requirement engineering (RE) is one of the most essential an iterative process [7] that involves critical and complex phases in software development. RE is mainly concerned with decision-making activities that facilitate the development of the process of eliciting, documenting and maintaining stake- a high-quality system within defined constraints [5], [8]. holders' requirements [1], [2]. Often, meeting and securing Specifically, RP ensures the correct ordering of require- stakeholders' core requirements is one of the main reasons ments' implementation as perceived by stakeholders [9]–[13] for producing a good-quality software system [3]–[5]. (i.e. by rearranging the requirements according to importance One important aspect of RE is requirements prioritiza- using various prioritization criteria, such as importance, cost, tion (RP). As the name suggests, RP relates to the pro- penalty and risk [6], [10], [14], [15]). Here, the stakeholders' cess of identifying the most essential requirements for involvements often lead to an accurate prioritization result. 2169-3536 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. VOLUME 6, 2018 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 71497 See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. F. Hujainah et al.: Systematic Literature Review on Significance, Stakeholders, Techniques, and Challenges Thus, the selection process of stakeholders who are involved Section 5 presents a detailed explanation of threats to the in the RP process is crucial in the RP domain. validity of this research. Finally, Section 6 concludes this In line with the ever-increasing demands for software study. functionalities, most recent system projects include many requirements. As such, implementing all of the require- II. RELATED WORK ments with limited resources (e.g. insufficient budget, time Five review studies related to the RP process were collected. and technical staff [12], [16], [17]) is extremely difficult. Khan's [23] was perhaps the earliest systematic literature Therefore, development teams tend to deliver system require- review (SLR) on software RP. This review aimed to objec- ments to stakeholders in stages (i.e. with a number of small tively compare RP techniques from eight selected studies. releases); each release contains an incremental number of The authors concluded that most of the proposed RP tech- requirements from all the extracted requirements. Selecting niques addressed only a small set of requirements. the important requirements to be developed and delivered Complementing the work of Kaur et al. [24] focused on first in the early releases is important in meeting stakehold- studying and comparing the performance of seven RP tech- ers' demands [16], [18]–[21]. The requirements that are less niques that are based on cumulative voting, analytic hier- essential are left for latter releases. Any insufficient software archy process (AHP), numerical assignment, value-oriented development resource is neglected or delayed [20], thereby prioritization, binary search tree, planning game and B-tree optimizing resource usage. prioritizations. The performance of the selected techniques Nonetheless, RP is a challenging task. Different features was evaluated on the basis of the criteria of measurement of software requirements must be considered in prioritiz- scale, time consumption, granularity, complexity and fault ing requirements, such as dependency [8], cost–value [22] tolerance. The authors concluded that the area of RP still and other features. Many useful techniques have been suc- required additional work to enhance the effectiveness of RP cessfully developed to execute the RP process, including techniques in terms of complexity, fault tolerance and time PHandler [5], StakeRare [4] and DRank [8]. consumption. To investigate the strengths and limitations of existing RP Pergher and Rossi [25] presented a systematic mapping techniques, many review studies have been conducted (e.g. study in software RP to highlight the RP area that had been Khan [23], Kaur and Bawa [24], Pergher and Rossi [25], explored by existing research studies and to clarify the state of Pitangueira et al. [7], and Achimugu et al. [26]). At a glance, the art in the conducted empirical research in RP. The review these review studies have usefully emphasized the perfor- revealed that most of the existing studies mainly concentrated mance of existing RP techniques. Nonetheless, a close look on techniques, whereas the existing empirical research was reveals two main limitations. Firstly, these existing review concerned with techniques and the issue of accuracy in RP. studies have not sufficiently focused on the analysis of RP in Pitangueira et al. [7] presented an SLR on RP with specific terms of the characteristics of decision makers, the prioritiza- focus on search-based software engineering (SBSE). The tion criteria they use, RP activity in the software development objective of the review was to investigate, categorize, analyze context and significance of RP in the software development and classify the SBSE techniques that had been introduced to process. solve the issues of software RP and selection. Thirty-nine (39) Secondly, given that new RP techniques have been intro- relevant studies were selected and analyzed after executing duced in the literature, an up-to-date analysis of existing the defined study selection process of the review. The review work is needed. Such analysis is helpful for researchers and presented the requirements selection aspects, prioritizations practitioners in improving the current state of the art and issues and the proposed search techniques to address the state of practices. To date, the most recent review is from specified issues. Achimugu et al. [26], in which 49 RP techniques were ana- Recently, Achimugu et al. [26] conducted an SLR of lyzed. Unlike Achimugu et al., we incorporated the stake- RP techniques; the review focused on measurement scales, holders' dimension as a new evaluation criteria apart from descriptions and limitations. The findings suggested that covering additional RP techniques (i.e. 108). Thus, the con- the existing techniques still faced a number of challenges tribution of this research can be summarized as follows: related to time consumption, requirement interdependencies • Analysis and review of the characteristics of participat- and scalability. ing stakeholders in RP Table 1 summarizes the findings (in terms of similarities • A new perspective on the RP activity within software and differences) of the related studies. The table indicates
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