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KNOK'ERS WORK AND PARTY HARD CAMPUS I PAGE 2 WEATHER 79 62 Tomorrow: :,..>... ,., 83 ~;;... n~i~ 66 The Daily Student Voice of Howard University ,, . ...-...... -. ~ Established VOLUME: 91, N<). 25 wvvw:rHEHILLTOPONLINE.COM 1924 Tuesday, October 2, 2007 BREAKI G NEWS METRO NATION & WORLD SECURITY FIRM BLACKWATER USA IS BEING IN­ SEPTEMBER MARKED NATIONAL LIBRARY SOME STATES HAVE ENACTED VOTER IDENTIFI­ Tuesday VESTIGATED AFTER A CONGRESS REPORT SAID CARD SIGN-UP MONTH. FIND OUT HOW MEM­ CATION LAWS REQUIRING VOTERS TO PRESENT IT WAS INVOLVED IN 200 SHOOTINGS I.N I.RAQ. BERS OF THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS HELPED PICTURE IDS BEFORE CASTING BALLOTS. Notebook SINCE 2005, ACCORDING TO THE NY TIMES. OUT IN THE CAUSE. PAGE4 PAGE7 To Match Climbing Deficit, U.S. Debt Limitation is Increased BY ROB HOTAKAINEN T h a t s do essentially that. ' timelr way on raismg the debt McClatchy Newspapers (MC1) S9,815.000,000.000.00. Senate Hnance Com- limit, the creditworthiness of all According to the folks mittee Chairman Max Baucus, United States instruments would u~. \VASHI GJON who follow this stuff closely, the D-Mont., said Congress had be called into question," Conrad "* 'b1.ltil'lltfilmtgif.lm·hbi!!~ 'rtirrrltltit: As the national dcht ht'ads for national debt has been rising by to approve more borro"ing b) said. "That could have a \'Cf)' se­ the SIO trillion m<1rk. generous an average of S 1.36 billion per earl) October or the go,·ernmt•nt vere effect on already shale\ fman­ 'ti Americans arc scnclinir t"hecks to dav since . eptember of last year. wouldn't be able to pay it~ hills. cial markets." the federal governnu:nl. And each citizen now Sen. Kl'nt Co11r;1d, D­ Bush's supporters say Donations lo the Bu1t ~u has a share of nearly $30,000. N. D., who lu·,1ds the Scnatt· Bud­ the president has had little choice of the Public Debt have topped But Congress has an get Commillce, said the national but to rack up more debt to pa)' $2.5 million so far this )Car. That's easy solution to deal with tl1e debt "has exploded" a.~ a result of for two wars because he inherited the highest amount since :11 least mounting red ink. Instead of fret­ President Bush's tax cuts, forcing a wcakl'ned economy in 200 I. 1996. ting over it, members simply allow tl1e federal go' ernmcnt to bor­ Coburn said it's irre­ It's not making much of the government 10 borrow more row more money abroad. I le said sponsible to raise the debt wnit a dent, though. monc), much to the consternation the United States is "in hotk" to while Congress creates or expands For the fifth time since of some critics. Japan, owing more than S600 bil­ federal programs that will result in 200 I, Congress is raising the debt "American families lion. and China, owing more than additional borrowing. H e said his limit, increasing it b~ <)850 bil­ don't have the lwcuf) Congress S.J.00 billion. He said the ri'ing colleagues for ,·cars have "raided lion to S9.8 I 5 trillion. The Sen­ h;L~." said Sen. Tom Coburn. R­ debt comes at the worst possible the Social Security and ~ledicare tice since that time that we need­ children's future," he said. "Onl) ate approved the plan on a 5:3-42 Okla .. who opposed the increase. time. right before a Aood of babr trust funds to hide the true size ed to make the effort to rein in I 0 years ago it was S5.95 (trillion). vote Thursdar night. The House "Ther can't get a new loan or new boomers retires. but that Congress of the annual budget deficit" and wa.steful \\'ashington spending so \\'e have increased the debt in the of Repre;entatives ha.s alrcadr credit card, after the) have maxed has no choice but to raise the debt that it's time for Congress to re­ that we do not have to, in fact, last I 0 years by 50 percent." signed off on the plan. "ithout a out their capability to borro\\: Yet ceiling. duce spending. borrow more money against our direct '•Jt•·. instead. even da) in this body we "If \\C fail to act in a "\ \'e have been on no- v Begging for More Support The War In Iraq Has Become More Unpopular In Congress BY RENEE SCHOOF there. cans, and more than 27,000 approved. McClatchy Newspapers (MCT) "This committee will have been wounded, while In a report this month. not _ N-0-T _ rubber-stamp man) thousands of Iraqi civil­ Steven ~1. Kosiak of the Cen­ \VASHlNO ION C\"ef)' request submitted by the ians .md gowrnmcnt et:uritv tt·r for Strate¢< and Budgetary ·The Bush admini~1r.uio11 asked pa·sidl•nt." Bnd s.:iid. forces have bc1·11 killed. Assessments, .1 reseo1rch group. Congress on \\'echwsd.1) for However, manv mem­ I"hc Pentagon esti­ said the Iraq war's cost would S.J.2 billion more next war for bers of Congress, both Demo­ mated in 2002 that the Iraq" ar "almost certain!} surpass the the wars in Iraq and Afghani­ crats and Republicans, fear . would cost S50 billion. though cost of the \'icmarn \\'ar bv the Jelemy anett ·Sta,~ stan, an increase th.11 would that cutting off money for the the president\ then-economic end of next vear." He estimated Residents of Southeast O.C. have recently dealt with many changes in the area. raise spending on the wars to '' ar would be the wrong wa\' to ad,iscr. Lawrcnc1· Lincbe\; es­ that \ 'ictnam c;ost the United S189 billion 111 2008 _ and to d1ange course because Ameri- timated that 1:osts could nm States 1)518 billion in inAation- Group Wants to more tl1an S600 billion for adjusted dtlllars. Iraq alone sinn· the l' S.- Bn-d asked De­ led inva~ion or lr.1q lcnse Sl·cretal') Robert \\'ar spending Gall's ' h .• t President Kick Out Stadi11111 would be higher in 20118 Bush me. mt "hen he said than .lll) Har sinu· the the l:nitcd States might BY MONICA JONES pan of Anac·'lstia National Pa1 k Iraq war began in h be involved in Iraq for Staff Writer that has been occupied for years b) 2003. fhe Iraq w.1r's total 50 years, jmt as it had re­ the National Park Service facilitic~. cost is apprn.1d1ing th.It .. •,..~.. mained in South Korea Jo Ann Coleman-Young­ '~though the Dcpul\ er, 58, has been .1 resident at the l\1ayor has said he wants a 'com­ of the 196 l 7 :l \ 'ict n;u n <:~• J 7 11 for fo·c decades after the \Var's estimatl·d total of end of hostilities there. same address in Southeast \V:ish­ munity led' process, he has so f u S5 I 8 billion, in 2007 dol­ m.• Gates said Bush ington on and ofT for the p<1st 35 ignored the advice of resident~ lars. was referring to a long­ years. She said that she has seen it about what should be done at Pop­ Sen. Robt•rt term agreement worked all when it comes to changes in the lar Point," according to a press Byrd, D-\V.\'a., the chair­ out with the Iraqis that neighborhood. release from ONE DC, a group of man of the Scnatr Apprn­ would involve onh a But 1eccntl} Ms. Cole­ \\'an! 8 residents who have t"onH' priations Conunittl'e, ;1id "sm.111 fraction" of the man-Younger has nou1ed distinct together to ensure that their needs the total for Iraq didn't number of American changes in the dynamks of hc1 are represented in new develop· include indirect costs su(h as can troops might be denied the as high as S200 billion. \ Vhitc forces there todar The length neighborhood as more de,·clop­ ment on government-owned land. veterans' care or the ultimate supplies and protection they House officials called Lindse} 's of the commitment would de­ ments come to the area. " \\'ithout more invohe­ costs of long-term involve­ need. estimate "premature." and he pend on how the Iraqi govern­ "I 'vc noticed that they've ment we can't be sure that the nc'' ment, which the Congressional There's strong sup­ left the administration later ment develops and on condi­ started sending me property assess­ development "ill benefit current Budget Office h;ls said could pon in Congre!<>, for example, that year. tions in the l\ 1id die East, Gates ments in the mail and the assess­ residents." exceed S2 trillion. for l\1ine Resistant Ambush Bush requested said. ments keep going up. How can a James Ballard. 5.J., a life­ "l hat\ quite .1 bur­ Protected \'ehicles.
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