
-------;-:-~---,-..;-..............- ........- List of s ome of t he officers ~~10 fall within t he de finition of t he German St af f . in Appendix B· of t he I n cii c tment . 1 . Kei t e l - J odl- Aar l imont 2 . Br auchi t s ch - Halder - Zei t zl er 3. riaeder - Doeni t z - Fr i cke - Schni ewi nd - Mei s el 4. Goer i ng - fu i l ch 5. Kes s el r i ng ~ von Vi et i nghof f - Loehr - von ~e i c h s ­ rtun c1 s t ec t ,.. l.io d eL 6. Bal ck - St ude nt - Bl a skowi t z - Gud er i an - Bock ­ Kuchl er - Pa ul us - Li s t - von Manns t ei n - Leeb - von Kl e i ~ t ­ Schoer ner - Fr i es sner - Rendul i c - Haus s er 7. Pf l ug bei l - Sper r l e - St umpf - Ri cht hof en - Sei a emann Fi ebi £; - Eol l e - f)chmi dt , E .- Des s l och - .Christiansen 8 . Von Arni m - Le ck e ris en - :"emelsen - l.~ a n t e u f f e l - Se pp . J i et i i ch - 1 ber ba ch - von Schweppenburg - Di e t l - von Zang en ­ t'al kenhol's t rr hi s' list , c ompiled a way f r om books and a t. shor t notice, is c ertai nly not a complete one . It may also include one or t .wo neop .le who have ai ed or who do not q ual ify on other gr ounds . The f irst f our gr oups ar e r espectively , OKN, Ar my , l'~ a vy and Air St a ff Offi cer s a t t h e centre . Gr oup 5 consists of."Nehr ma cht ­ befehl s haber , i .e . theat r e commande rs a ppointed by OKd with jurisdicti on over a l l a rm ~ of t he f i ght i ng f orces . Gr oup ~ is Army Gr oup Comma no er-s , One or t wo froni t he Russi an f r ont have pr obaol y be en forgotten . Gr oup 7 consists of Air For ce Command er s ­ in-chief i mmedi atel y subordina t e t o t he St aff' in Ber l i n . Again there ma y be one or t v/a omi s sions . Gr oup 8 lists some Army c ommanders . Cl ea r ly "this Gr oup is very much bigger , but I cannot offhand gi vea f ul l list of the s e.veral d ozen officers who conuaanded armi es be t .ween .1 938 and 1 9~·5 . I n additi on there ar e ' a f ew l'JBva l officer s and [; number of Army officers who held s t atic mi l i t ar y cornmands in oc cum ed countri es . / ~ ... Ful l lists 8re being ~ r era r ed . cc j:/a j or Coogan J To General Donovan . Fr om: W i ng - C ~ mm a n d e r Calvocoressi. Dat e : 17 November 1945 . At tached i s a memora ndum whi ch ma y interest you gi ving a list of the of ficers i n rolved i n the defi ni t i on i n t he indictment of t he High Command and General St aff. Pet er Calvocores si Vli ng- Commander ',' I , . " The German General Staff and High ~p~~~~ " " !l Herewith are the names of all officers who h el~ any of the positions designated in Ap:ge7'.d :~x B cf t ho I~.'lj ctrnerrt , Officers who have since dd ed are LncLudc d with a x a gainst ".t ' their names . The tot al number of officer s ~nv ol'r e d is 12;14 f- of whom 10j are believe d to be living " By s ervt.c es t he figures are: Total Li ving Staff Officers OKW 3 OKH 6 OKM 5 OKL 6 "2- Commanders in Chief 7)t Navy 15 Air Force 11 10 Army Commanders in Chief inclu.de one or t wo officers drawn f r om the Air Force or SS• Hitler , C-in··C of the Army from December 1941 is excluded. Ranks given are the highest achieved during the war . High Command of the Armed Forces " ! Chief Fiel d Iifar sha l KEITEL, 5 .2.38 ­ Wi l hel n . May 45 Chief of the Operations C o l ~G eneral JODL , Aug.39 .. Staff Alfr ed . May 45 Deputy Chief of the Lt oGen . v . WARL I MONT, April 41 Operations Staff Wal t her . Sept .44 ' High Command of the Army C-in-C Field 1Aar sha l v .BRAUCHITSCH 41 Wal t her . Feb . 38- DeCl. " Chief of the General x Col . General BECK ? 34-Sept3t Staff Col . General HALDER Sept .38 .. Franz . Sept.42,· ,,-< Col. General ZEITZLER, Sept .42 ­ Kurt . JUly 44 1- -- - Col . General GUDERIAN , Jul ;y ~ 4·­ He inz . Feb. ':: :; G~n e r a l KREBS , Hans . Feb . 4 ~ . '''= May I; ~ High Command of the Navy C-in-C Admiral of the Fleet May 35·· RAEDEi{ , Er i ch . 31.1 r 4 ~ Admi r a l of the Fleet 1 .2 . 43·· DONITZ, kar l . May 45 Chief of Staff of the Admiral SCHNIEWI ND, ? 38 ­ Naval War :'Staff Ot t o. 12. 6041 Admiral FRICKE, 12.6; 41­ Kur t. Jan. 43 Admi r al ME I SEL, :F'eb .43·­ Wi l hel m. May 45 High Command of the Air Force C,.in-C Reichsmarschall GORI NG, Mar ch 35­ Hermann . April 4 j x Field Mar shal Ritter Ap r i l 4: ­ v . GREIM, Robert . May 45 Chief of the Gener a l x General JESCHONNEK . - Nov . 4·3 Staff x General KORTEN . Nov .43 ­ 20 . '7. 4-4 General KREIPE, Werner . Aug.44­ Oct . 44 Gener al KO LLER, Karl. Oct . 4/+­ May 45 Commanders in Chief of Army Groups and Armies Appointments Dates Army Group Army Theatre Ge n . ALL~lliND INGER , Ka r l . 17 East (:en .ANGELI S, Maxi mil i an . 2 Pz . Balkans Oct . 44-Apr . 45 Col . Gen . v . ARNIM,JUr gen . 5 Pz . Africa Dec .42- May 43 Gen . BALCK, Hermann . 4 Pz . East JUl . 44-Aug . 44 G West Oct . 44-Dec . (L~ Co l .Gen .BLASKOWITZ , J ohannes . 2 Poland Oct . 39 9 West Ma y40-June4C 1 West Oct .40- May44 G West May44- Sept . 4 · ~ Dec. 44-Jan . 45 H West Jan .45-Apr . 45 ] en . BLUME NTRI TT, GUnther . 25 West Jan. 45-Mar. 45 F. M. v . BOCK , Fedor . B Poland Sept . 39-Dec . 41 France Sout h East Jan .42-Jul . 42 \ . ·- Ge n . Name Army G~oup Army Theatre Dates Gen. BOEGE,Ehrenfried. 18 East Sept .44-May45 ..' Gen, I BOEHME,. 2 pz. Balkans June44-Jul .44 20 Mt n . Nor way Jan.45-May 4~ : Gen~BRANDENBERGER,Erich . 7 West Aug. 4~ 19 West Mar . 45-May45: x F.M .BUSCH,Ernst. 16 East · Oct .39-0ct.43 ~ Gen. BUSSE,Theodor . 9 East Jan. 45-May45: Gen.v,der CHEVALLERIE,~rt ~ 1 Pz . East Apr .44-May 4~ x Col . Gen. DIETL , EdwarG. 20 Mt n . Finland Jan.42-Juhe44 DhC1"J.lf - '"3>.1'£7..Jl rc H, J6fC./. 6 ss /,z. w~r.. EP-:i/" de/: 4-~ - A?nZ ~.r -x Col .Gen. DOLLMANN , Frj.edrfch . 7 West Sept .39-June4l Ge n ~ FOERTSCH , He rma ~n . 1 West Mar .4 5-Uay 45 I Gen.FRETTER-PICO ,Maximilian. 6 East JUl .44-Dec . 44 .' Col .Gen.FRIESSNER ,J ohannes. S .tkrain~ East JUl .44-Dec .44 . (renamed South) Col,•.Gen. GUDERIAN ,1-:Ieinz . ;? pz East Oct . 41 -Jan. 44", , . Gen . GRASER , Fritz. 4 Pz . East Sept . 44-Nay45 xCol ,Gen. HAASE , t:ur t~ 15 West Jan.41-Jan.43 Gen ~ : HAUSEN , Ch.istian. 16 East Oct .43-Jul.44 .CoL , Gen. HfUU'E. Josef. 9 East Nov " 43 4· pz East May44-June44 Ii. Ukraine East June44-Jan.45 (renamed Nor t h ) 5 Pz . West Mar .45-Apr.4~ Gen. HASSE , Wilhelm. 17 East Apr ~ 45-May45 ; 'of;, !:jmJ. JI/JP5JE.I1, Yau! 7 ~r J"1 -~ · ~~ r,o l .Gen ~~IURICI ,Gotthard. 4 East Jan.42-Jul .44 1 J?z . East Aug. 44-Mar.45 Vistula East Mar.45-Apr.45 Gen . HILPERT , Karl . 16 East Sept .44-Jan.45 Jan.45-Apr.45 x RFSS HI W~LER , Heinrich. Upper Rhine Late 44 Vistula Early 45 Yo: Col .Gen .. HOEPNER ,Erich. ,4 P ~~ East Oct .. 41 -Jan.42 Gol .Gen'!HOLLIDT ,Karl . 6 East Mar.43-Apr,44 ; Ge n. HOSSBACH , Friedrich ,! 4 East Jul .44-Jan.45 Col .Ge n ~ HOTH , Hermann . 17 East Oct .41 -Jan.42 4 Pz " East Feb .42-Dec .43 -: Col . Ge n . RUBE , Hans ~ 1 Pz . East Oct .43-Feb .44 8ol•.Gen ~JAENECKE , . Erwin. 17 East .June43- May44 T .M. KESSELRING ,Albe:J:t , South Italy June43 ~Oct .4 4 (renamed C) Jan •.45-Mar . 45 . , '. '. , t ' Name Army Group Arr:J.~! Theatx·e Gen . KLEFFEL ,Philipp . 25 West F.M:. v , KLEIST , Ewald ... 1 pz·. Balkans Nov .40 - Nov . ~~ &' Ea st A East Nov . 42- Mar o 4+ x F. M. v . KLUGE , GUnther 4 Poland, Sept .39-DecJ 4\ ~ West &Ea st .Gen..v .
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