BMWYARD FHS m s w nrcH i Two fam ilies com e H | . filled with c o l o r hom e to new ’ a n d S O I • landscapes SeeCmintaifRiMdi,^01 surprisi GoodMoroniii« KKt):94 I TUESDAY Low:60 ; ■ J u m 2 7 , 2 0 0 6 S O c e i r t s SUzlInc hot wmmmmer temp*. DatiBKAIk A2 " i n l e sam .J .ti InagKwc K A v x n n ew CANYCON RIM C o ui i n t i e s i n i l l e g; a l l y 0 K FFourSod ¥ i p i i H i d a i rr y , f e e dH o t ^ w m t hl e t r a i l ByMkbefaDimlop beunbb r o k e n ? Tlme»Naw» wrltar •!_____ NewsTii T r a c k e r ByJotkuPihMt iw w : A district •nme>Newe writerr_____________________ JEROME — Foi ;e halted work rules. 'n e a r TWIN FAUS —- The rtm overlooking T hat’s a lesson1 officialsol In on a dairy IK the Snake River CCanyon is like ocean- boih Cassia andnd Iciomg Murtaugh afteratl finding front property in1 sisouth-central Idaho, countics arc findiniding om Uic tliat the Cas:^ s s la County At a City Counindl meeting Monday hard way — fromo m Judicial perTnltting1 processpr was night, council me;lembcrs. residents and reviews. flawed. developers discusussed how to manage In the past moinonth, two ThelatwfcAi; Another dls- developm ent o n ththis sought-after ridge- permits for confirnfined a ^ - irict courtjudge ju( deter- ' line. mal feeding havhave b e e n mined thatll thetl Jerome T h e discussion1 (evolved from a public voided after dlstristrict court County Boartlard also erred ■ ' hearing about aI :2S-acre development judges found thathat county Ingrantlnga2 a permit for o n th e canyon rimlm. Although th e devel- ofllcials erred In1 ississuing die a feedlot. o p m e n t is o n e of many vying for the permits. In cach:h 1instance. w h at’i next: Kt: In Cassia city's approval, It: a]also is a frt^ reminder the Judge said thth< e county county, Uie c e dairy owner . diat the rim is eraroding like the rock it's commissioners upheld will resubmit mit his applies- \ built on. permits even tho Ihough th e tlon. In Jerorrome County. f - "We have got o rnc shot at keeping th e applications lack ackcd 'l>“ the court isIs stillI deter- tfiO i canyon wall.’ saidJd Glenda Dwight, vice requisite OK of of various „|„|„ga„orrlomeys’ fees. |||n MjH may^roflVvinFallalls. "And this is it, so w c state and localI aagencies. * |H need to be mlndfiIfiU o f that in o u r deci- such as thele Idaho -------------------- sions." D epanm cnt o f AgAgriculture John Butler,r. Afteri several and the local highighway dis* attempts, hethe permit was 'Seelft«l« l c Valtey, C l trict. issued In 2003. ^ forthekefiillstoiy M On Monday, the Jerome ' On petitionan by local resi- 1 . U County Boan)ard of dents Stever MMatthews and T fl C om m issionersi vivacatcd a Lee Halpcr,jr. the court \ ^ g previously aapproved remanded thetht applicalion ^ W expansion permitm it for Bill back to colunty u r commis- f ] . M lUcnkame/TheIC •'"long tor- sioners to dd e te rm in e If Adullt Store 'y . — tured history” off tlitlie permit ' MUlenkomp) h ad tu m c d in dates back td 2(X2001 when all of the need»dcd comment Pm M Millertkamp appiliiplled for a from local ageigcncics. Includ- 40-acre cxpansiorlion for his ing the .DlsSlsulct Health - wiUfiSnd ()1 livestock feedlot,It. ias n oted ..•J by Sth District CotCourt Judge Please sees DMRY,D P age A2 ■ ■ new]home H DyNatoPoppiM I Hi^(Court takking y ■ M________________ ■ TWINFALLS—- Naughty But Nice, the adult video stotore locatcd on Main on gloobalwarnming m Avenue in downtTitown IVvln Falls, will find a new locadoiion. By H .iouf Hebert Archie Goodmanan. onc of the owners ' AMoclatftd P fwIwm i W .,' “This isis igoing to 1 ^ 1 B IW o f th e building thth e store Is in. said store owmers Scot andid Dce Robcra misled first major mudikDwvYeaciuHCttaprMMde le f M a nuOamrth bate a l ih b iboM p a c tlie Magan.Spria|i WASHINGTON, N _ T h c b e t h e f i i ^ h im a b o u t th e nailature of their store. Hc Katdmy. Yo«B| b a M Bbtr ef Fev Seckeye, a be NtftnleRsaCMtacM M**b asked die RobertsIS Suprem e C o u n pliplunged o n s t a t e mlentbythe, e i M onday into UteJie acrimo- iteldahe. to leave over the" "Basically, weekend after he nious deb ate overovc global Supremle e C ourt on warming and whtAihether th e ^ declined to com­ t h e y s a i d t h e y govemment shoul o u id rcgu- c l i m a t e1 c h an g e .... m ent for a story in late "greenhouse M e n presenving Saturday’s Times-3- would be ; especially carbon? o f d f o T d e T h i s i s tt h h e w h o l e News. cy leaving as from cars, Tlie rull "Basically, they b a l l oO f w a x . ” said they would be onc o f th e cou 12 soon as they; important ever on the envi- — DavW t be leaving as soon M Bookbinder, ih in art as they could find ■ ronm ent. indangeered fisl tto m « y f o r t h e could find ; Spurred by stastates In a someplace to pollution battlele 'with the S ie rra C lub ^ NatalaPo|>l*«> F m ovc to,” som eplace to Bush adminlstrattration. the Tlme»W«hWewa wrtter______________ Goodman said. court said il woulould decide flled a lawsuitaltinancffon to ... ‘We’U find some­e- move to.” ■' w hether the Envircvironmcntal forcc the EPAEP to curtaU f I• T' ^ D E L L — W hen DougugY oung ^ one else. People periodically arc ; Protection AgeVgency is such cmlssioslons just as it 1 %l \ I gets off work, h e walkss idow n a .. ^ ' or- Cooilmaii, cr-causing lead W ^V smiall road to his house,5C. pulls Jt S looking ■ for ' required under' ththe federal docs cancer-' landtord I dean air law to treitreat carbon and chcmlcaIcals that pro- V wW u p a table In the backysyaid a n d Q g : ; ; space." R dioxide from autilutomoblles ducc smog andan acid rain. , slathersers a dead flsh widi paint, . For now, thle e as a pollutant haharmful to The Suprerrcmc Coun on It’show ho hc makes an. Roberts have paininted over the large sign e business, located health. M onday agrc(Tccd to take the Youngimg, who works at the Niaganara Springs Wf® advertising the The decision couldcoi deter- case after a dlvMcd< lower StateH Ha atchery, and two o ther mc:icmbers of • betw een C obbleI CCreek Qothler and die mine how die nationni ad- court sidedd withi the ad- the Idahlaho flsh hatchcry staff crcatcitc prints o f ' ■ former locaUon o:of Tiffany Square. Scot dresses global warvarming. ministration,m. Arguments Idaho0 flsh.f including sockeyc. stccUieads ' ' Roberts, who spokokc with Goodman, was President Bushish has re- wUlbelateUilthis year, w ith a and :hinook.chii unavoUable for cicomment on Monday jected calls by envinvironmen- ruling by nextsxt June. Rick/^JcAlsoger. manager H R and the store wasas dosed as of Monday le from the Times- talists and somee lalawmakers "This Is goinggol to be the ofthec Nampa N hatchery; t s : i m afternoon. Phone to regulate flrst major staistatement by the Don Bal i Neu« were not retictum ed. in Congress to carbon dioxide,;, tthe lead* Supreme Couloun on climate the Eagllagic hatchcry; and Goodman saidd Ihe expected the store lng hcat-trapplnfling ‘■green- changc. ...Thlrhls Is the whole Younglg m n ak e u p Four ' ' Vi^tCItch fish to sell adult novelr•Ity item s, sim ilar to scv- house" gas goinglng into the baU of wax.’IX.” said David Sockeyceye. They dab paint becon eral o th er TVvin FaFalls stores. Instead, th e jming art g s B H H locks sexually cxplicK atmosphere. Bus3ush fa^'ors Bookbinder,r, ana attorney for . - on fishjh with \ a sponge, store largely stoi voluntary actio:tions and the Sierra Qub.Qi onc of a take pressingspre of their scales andJ finsI and •movies. development ofif nnew tech- mmibcr of' environmentale: draw• in in th e rest to creatc reallsdcc IliTutgca. cckcnd, Goodman said { nologies to curturtaU such groups thatlat Joined the Thepieipieccs incorporate acrylics, wvratercol- taken th e m atter to th& y Council if needed, 1 emissiotis. states in theireir app eal to th e ors und n d ink pen. I Butadozcnsiat)lates argued high coun. 'T hc c tJthree began die paintingsiin'1989 b im w M bktimpiM k m t i o« Yo««^ MillaMe h Beforc th e wee:d it wouldn’t go th at far. h e w ould have talu m e d o ut to b e for a lot that carbon dio)lioxide and While thete ease doesn’t' whcnth1 they stoned experimenting'igwidtchi- tbeW i,nJ3iefUsbeaMiedho(WeNil.Yea : and steelhi^ad at the Sawiooi» d i TVvin Falls Citylisance.” G oodm an said, • other heat'trappirping chcmi- specifically Involvein carbon nook on iben el F ev Secteyt « a be ibewh im obile taU- releases fromm power plants.
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