______~__._VOLUME81_2_.- ISSUE 5 “EDUCATIONFOR SERVICE” OCTOBER30,2002 Graduate Cross students in county team forensics get REFLECTOR wins Tom hands-on Hathaway experience. U~I\LK~ITYOF INDIANAPOLIS Open. See See Page 3. 1400 EI\I H~~NAAV~NUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46227 Page 7. BROWN COUNTY DAY Brown County Day activities cancelled after 50 years of tradition This year, CPB sponsored a Monte break. CarloNight on the Tuesday beforeBrown “I believe that this is a huge step County Day. The objective of this event toward a possible fall break,” Wantz was to keep students on campus, and to said. encourage them to go to Brown County Last year, ISG gave the student body the next day. A mock casino, complete a chance to vote on whether to keep with slot machines, poker and blackjack Brown County Day rather than a fall tables and a five-minute wedding chapel, break. The student body voted to have a was set up in the atrium of the Schwitzer fall break. The results of the vote were Student Center. presented to the faculty, who had the Despite the events the night before, final vote on a fall break. many students still feel that the festivities Wantz believes that having afall break at Brown County State Park are not worth is essential for students, especially the drive. freshmen that are still adjusting to college “Nobody wants to drive all the way to life. Brown County for a few games,” said “Research shows that colleges that sophomore Sam Lowe. have fall breaks have better grades from “Students are not going to take an students, especially freshmen,” Wantz hour drive to Brown County to eat a said. “We want what is best for the lunch and then drive another hour to get students.” back to campus,” Wantz said. On Nov. 5, Indianapolis Student With this year being the last for the Government will meet with the student CPB-sponsored Brown County Day affairs committee about Brown County activities, U of I may decide to have a Day next year and the possibility of regular fall break, as most Indiana schools implementing a fall break. do. Wantz believes that this may be what Hopefully we can get things resolved it takes for the faculty to agree to a fall soon,” Wantz said. Faculty and staff members challenge the seniors in the traditional Tug of War during Brown County Day, Oct. 16. The seniors were defeated. ~ event every yea. deLided not to host the Over the years, CPB committees had Anthony King event after thi\ year. sponsored events such as camping trips ~plll~Ldrtor I We felt that it wa\ time tor a change,” the night before Brown County Day in \aid Hope Anderson, traditional event\ order to drive up attendance. However chairperwn for CPB “It’s \ad that thls those efforts were not enough. has to be the last year .’ Vandalism and security problems over As \tudcrit\ and fnculty from the Dr David Wanti. \ice pre\ident oi the last few years were also determining Llniver\ity of Indimapoli\ took the trip \tudent attair\, agtce\. “It [Brown factors in the decision. Broken tables, to Brown County Shte Park on Oct. 16, County Day] I\ not meeting the student\‘ picnic table burnings and multiple there wCi\ moic th 111 lust fun and game\ need\,” W‘iritr \aid ‘It it’\ not good tor alcohol violations werejust some of the on their inind\ \11c150) ca\ thi\ year’s tlic \tridrnt\ theii II’\ not good ‘’ prohlcrns. According to Wantz, the park Bromn Count} Dny celebration would Wanti al\o added thdt lo\ing Brown rangers complained about the vandalism he tF- Cmmtxr n?v wnlllrl hc ~qrlfnr f?cllltxl 21~1drn7rlnded that t% university control Fot thc List tcn >r.ir\. the attendnncc riiciiihei\. ‘15 ~vell the students. at B:ou n (Toorit\ I)‘I~ ha\ dropped No one likes to \ee a tradition die.” “People just do not know how to act,” Wanti said. “[Blown County Day] \erved said Holly Willman, CPB secretary and Photo by Simmi Rani historian. Junior Delia Salazar particpates in the hula hoop contest while junior Lauren DeWell and sophomores Greg Schneider and ACADEMIC POLICY Wayne Moore watch. U of I fights plagiarism with Web site Jessica Roberts $2000 a year, simplifies the process that students have trouble understanding Muna~inaEditor professors must go through to check that proper documentation techniques. These students are doing their own work. students may quote without quotation Professors electronically send suspected marks or they may fail to paraphrase Plagiarizers beware: professors aren’t papers to Turnitin.com, and within 24 properly, not knowing that just changing stupid. They know plagiarism when they hours, receive areport highlighting areas a few words in the source is inadequate. see it, and now they have a tool to prove that were plagiarized from the Web. In this kind of plagiarism,” she said, it. Turnitin.com, an Internet service to Turnitin.com finds plagiarism by “students do not intend to cheat.” help professors and teachers more easily comparing the submitted paper to Most professors prepare their students detect plagiarism, is now available to all thousands of sites on the Web. at the beginning of the semester by professors at the University of making sure they are clear on the Indianapolis. plagiarism policy. Because ignorance is Turnitin.com, which has been a cause of plagiarism, professors must assisting with electronic plagiarism “For me, it’s a ensure that students are clear on all detection since 1996, was created after a policies related to plagiarism and they group of researchers at the University of fairness issue. It’s not realize the unethical nature of their California, Berkley, designed programs actions. that helped detect when undergraduates fair to the students who “Students should be reminded reused each other’s papers. The amount are working hard to do regularly that academic dishonesty is of praise these programs received serious business,” said Dr. Bruce Gentry, encouraged the researchers to create the their own work to allow professor and chair of the English world’s first Internet-based plagiarism someone else to get department, “and the faculty is eager to detection service, called Plagiarism.org. root it out. Whenever a student thinks he This service has grown, is used in credit who has not or she is about to do something that countries around the world and is now might be perceived as academically known as Turnitin.com. done their own work. ” illegal, he or she should check with the Turnitin.com made its debut at U of I professor before doing it.” this fall after Dr. David Anderson, history Plagiarism, which includes professor and dean of the college of arts -Dr. David Anderson purchasing term papers, is not only and sciences, used a trial version of the unethical, it is not educational, Anderson program to check a student’s paper. He said. He said that writing papers and was so impressed by the ease and quality doing research is required of students of the service that he contacted the Professors at U of I are not required to because it teaches them and encourages company and inquired about purchasing use this service, but so far several have them to question and think for themselves. the service for U of I. With Anderson’s elected to do so. Charlotte Templin, If they are not learning these things, recommendation, the academic deans of English professor, has used Turnitin.com their education is being shortchanged, the university decided to purchase the and found it useful in conjunction with Anderson said. service. designing assignments that require Plagiarism also devalues the work of The university received a license for students to turn in rough drafts. Other students who are thinking and working Turnitin.com during finals week of last ways of detecting plagiarism including for themselves. semester, and professors began using it having students give presentations with “For me, it’s a fairness issue,” this fall. Beth Kiggins, director of the their papers in order to see whether they Anderson said. “It’s not fair to the Center for Instructional Technology, is are comfortable with the material. students who are working hard to do the administrator for creating When plagiarism is discovered, it their own work to allow someone else to Turiiitin.com accounts on campus. obviously does not go unpunished. get credit who has not done their own Since the development of the Internet Professors have several options to use at work.” and its massive amount of electronic their discretion: failure or penalty on the Because plagiarism cases are handled information, plagiarism has increased assignment, failure of the course or even on an individual basis, no statistics show because teachers and professors do not expulsion from the university in severe how many cases are discovered each have the time to search the Internet cases. year. Gentry and Anderson both said whenever they suspect a student has taken Punishment is dependent on the they deal with approximately 12 cases a information without properly citing the severity of the plagiarism, and each year. After this program is in place for a source. situation is different. Some students few semesters, the decline in the number “We had found ourselves taking a lot blatantly steal information because they of cases may be more noticeable, of time checking to see if student work donotwanttodotheworkforthemselves, Anderson said. was student work,” Anderson said. while others are unaware that what they Other colleges and universities in “Plagiarism isn’t a new problem, but are doing is wrong. Indiana using Turnitin.com include with the Web, copying is easier than “I find that the most common kind of Indiana University-Purdue University ever.” plagiarism is plagiarism through Indianapolis and the University of Notre Turnitin.com, which costs U of I ignorance,” Templin said.
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