the United Nations Operation in l:ypnu1 (S/ !93 (19fA) of 9 August, 194 (1964) of 25 Sep­ 10005)., .H ieruber ar,d 198 (1964) of 18 December 1964, 201 (1965) of 19 March, 206 (1965) of 15 June, 207 (1965) of 10 August and 219 (1965) of 17 De­ cember 1965, 220 (1966) of 16 March, 222 (1966) of 16 June and 231 (1966) of 15 December 1966, 7.38 (1967) of 19 June and 2« (1967) of 22 De­ Resolution 291 (1970) cember 1967, 247 (1968) of 18 March, 254 (1968) of 10 December 1970 of 18 lune and 261 (1968) of 10 December 1968, 266 (1969) of 10 June and 274 (1969) of 11 De­ cember 1969 and 281 (1970) of 9 June 1970, and The Security Council, the consensus expressed by the President at the 1143rd Noting from the report of the Secretarr-OeneraJ of meeting on l 1 August 1964 and at the 13 83 rd meeting 2 December 197QH that in the present et.rcumstances on 25 November 1967; the United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus is 2. Urges the parties concerned to act with the utmost still needed if peace is to be maintained in the i.aland, resiraint and to continue determined co-operative Noting that the Government of Cyprus ha3 agreed efforts to achieve the objectives of the Security Coun­ that in view of the prevailing conditions ln the island dl, by availing them:-elvrs in a <2'.onstructive manner of it is necessary to ('ontinue the Force h.f:,;cnd l 5 De­ :h~ 9re!\t~nt ,mipkious climate and opportunities; .:embcr 1970, Ex.1,!nd., onte more the 1;tationing in Cyprus of Noting also from the n::po~ c rnnditk,m: prevail- >c United Nations Peace-keeping Force, established Ing in the island, under Security Council ;esc.lutton 186 ( 1964), for a l. Rec1ffirms Its resolutions 186 { 19M) of 4 March, fonher period ending 15 June 197 l, in the expectation 187 (1964) of 13 March, 192 (i 964; si! 20 June, , hat by ~beo sufficient progress towards a final solution will make possib!,., a withdrawal or ~mbstantial rcduc­ d,rn cf the Force. 811 Ibid., Tw,nty-fiflh Year, Supplement f(.)r October, Novtm­ ber and D,c,mb,r 1970. Adupred u11unlmmuly al ;Ji;, H Ibid., document S/10041'. 1564th muting. PERIODIC MEETINGS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WTI'H ARTICLE 28, PARAGRAPH 2, OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS Deculons be represented by a member of the Government or by some other specially designated representative, At ita 1544th meetin&, OD 12 June 1970, the Council could enhance the authority of the Security Council included in ita agenda the item entitled: "The question and make it a more effective instrument for the of initiating periodic meetings of the Security Council maintenance of international peace and security. As in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 2,. of the to the date and other practical aspects of the first Chaner: letter dated 5 June 1970 from the Permanent such meeting, these will be considered later in oon- Representative of Finland to the United Nations 3ultationa. addressed to the President of r.he Security C-Ouncil "It i1 understood that periodic meetings, the pur­ (S/9824)."191 pose of which would be to enable the Security Coun­ At the same meeting, the Council approved the cil to discharge more effectively its responsibilities following statement, expressing the consensus of the under the G1arter, would provide members with an views of the members of the Council; as :read out '!:w 9pportu!3ity fo~ a ieneral exchange of view~ on t_he the Pre1ldent: , ;11temat1onal 1utuat10n, rather than for dealing with any particular question, and that such meetings "The members of the Security Counci1 have con­ would normally be held in private, unless it were sidered the question of initiating periodic meetings otherwise decided. in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 2, l)f the "The provisional agenda of periodic meetings Charter. They consider that the holding of periodic shall be drawn up by the Secretary-General in ,;on­ meetings, at whk:h each m~mber of the Council wo1.dd sultation with the members of the Council and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the pro­ 81 Ibid., Supp/1m1fl/ for April, Ma;y ,md lun, .19:10. visioMl rulea of procedure " 10 .
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