Stanford BUILDING FOR THE NEW CENTURY Annual Report 2007 CONTENTS STANFORD FACTS BUILDING FOR THE NEW CENTURY ENROLLMENT (October 2007): by President John L. Hennessy 1 Undergraduate Students: 6,759 Graduate Students: 8,186 EXPANDING STANFORD’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOLVING GLOBAL CHALLENGES 4 DegREES AWARded (2006–07): Bachelor’s: 1,709 REAFFIRMING STANFORD’S ORIGINAL Master’s: 2,131 MASTER PLAN 8 Professional: 249 Doctoral: 720 STANFORD UNIVERSITY RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS 11 THE STANFORD PROFessORIATE (December 2007): 1,829 ONE YEAR INTO THE STANFORD CHALLENGE by Board Chair Burton J. McMurtry 16 NObeL LAUReaTes: 16 PULITZER PRIZE WINNERS: 4 2007 FINANCIAL ReVIEW 17 MaCARTHUR FELLOWS: 23 RepORT FROM THE STANFORD NaTIONAL MEDAL OF MANageMENT COMpaNY 53 SCIENCE WINNERS: 20 NaTIONAL MEDAL OF TeCHNOLOGY WINNERS: 2 AMERICAN ACadeMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCes MeMbeRS: 239 NaTIONAL ACadeMY OF SCIENCes MeMbeRS: 132 NaTIONAL ACadeMY OF ENGINeeRING MeMbeRS: 85 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY MeMbeRS: 41 NaTIONAL ACadeMY OF EduCATION MeMbeRS: 28 WOLF FOUNdaTION PRIZE WINNERS: 7 KORET FOUNDATION PRIZE WINNERS: 6 PResIDENTIAL MedaL OF FReedOM ReCIPIENTS: 3 ON THE COVER: The new Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building reflects Stanford’s commitment to sustainable design and construction. It uses 56 percent less energy than a comparable but traditional structure and 30 percent less potable water. Photos by Linda A. Cicero of the Stanford News Service. Building for the New Century Throughout Stanford’s history, its presidents have reflected on the question of what a university should be. This year marks my 30th year at Stanford University — as professor, dean, provost and for the past seven years as president. That milestone has prompted me to reflect on the course of our history, on the advances of the past 50 years and on the possibilities ahead. When Jane and Leland Stanford Packard had just had its IPO and President John Hennessy founded this University, they were would post record revenues that investing in the future. They were year of $28 million, or about seeing “a hundred years ahead” $200 million in today’s dollars. and thinking differently about what Companies like Intel, Cisco and might be possible. They defined Yahoo! were not even dreams. conducted there led to three this university’s mission in the And, while World War II had Nobel Prizes. Research support Founding Grant: to be a “University certainly banished the ardor for grew by more than a factor of 25 of high degree” and to prepare its strict isolationism as a viable U.S. in real dollars, and the graduate graduates to become effective and strategy, the United States still student population doubled. productive citizens. remained largely decoupled from California, whose population more the rest of the world economically than doubled, became the center Fifty years ago the University and culturally. of the technological world. And was a small institution whose globalization linked us inexorably reputation hardly extended beyond Over the course of the last half- with peoples around the world, the West Coast. The teaching- century the world, California and economically, environmentally and focused medical school was in San Stanford have been transformed. culturally. Francisco. Research expenditures Stanford University has become and graduate programs were one of the world’s leading These rapid and ongoing changes tiny, with less than $6 million in research and teaching institutions. are leading us to think deeply government-sponsored research The medical school moved to about the role of the University and about 3,000 graduate students. the core campus, expanded in this new century. What is the The entire budget of the University its basic science departments responsibility of the 2st-century was less than $6 million, or just and became one of the great university in helping to meet the over 3 percent (in real dollars) of medical schools in the country. challenges generated by a more the 2007–08 budget. California The Stanford Linear Accelerator complex, rapidly changing and was a farming economy; Fairchild was built and became the tool highly interconnected world? How Semiconductor, the world’s first that explained the role of quarks can we prepare today’s generation semiconductor company, had as the constituents of atomic of students for the roles they must just started in 957 and Hewlett- particles; the seminal research assume in tomorrow’s world? The farsighted leadership of immediate application or solution Clearly, one-on-one experiences President Sterling and Provost to a problem. The role of basic through overseas studies as well Terman 50 years ago paved the way research motivated by a desire to as interactions with international for Stanford’s rise to international understand nature or the human students on campus will continue prominence at the end of the 20th condition is also critical. In 980, to be crucial. Increasingly, we see century. Similarly, our willingness when Stanford Professor Paul globalization as a theme that affects to proactively address the research Berg received the Nobel Prize our teaching and research activities and educational challenges of in chemistry for his pioneering across the campus. the 2st century will determine if research on nucleic acids, he said, Stanford will be a leader 50 years “I have the conviction, absolutely THIRD, our research and teaching in the future. In this introduction, I unshakeable, that what we learn is are becoming increasingly want to highlight five ways in which going to be useful. It may take a multidisciplinary. Simply put, the Stanford is evolving to ensure that it generation or so, but what we are complex problems we seek to remains a leader. finding out will fit into the great address in our research and the puzzles.” Less than a generation challenges of preparing students for FIRST, we are increasingly looking later, his discoveries and insights the 2st century demand a different outward as we develop new research have helped improve human health. approach. The research problems and teaching programs. This shift is The University in the 2st century we face require a collaborative driven by our view that universities must continue to value and support approach among scholars from are the primary institutions that can different disciplines. Educating produce the new discoveries and students to be leaders in a global, inventions that can help address complex and fast-moving world global challenges such as sustaining “We are building for demands that we help them our environment, improving human this new century an understand knowledge and master health and increasing peace, security skills from different disciplines. and economic prosperity around institution from which the world. Traditionally, society has the light of original Our work on K–2 education relied on universities to produce an provides a good example. In 983, educated workforce, and research research blazes.” the National Science Board set universities have always contributed a goal for pre-college students in to our knowledge base. With the the United States to be “the best dramatic changes in government contributions to basic research. in the world by 995” in science and industry leading to a smaller Stanford’s ongoing commitment to and math. Twenty years later, we investment by them in long-term advancing basic research is featured not only failed to achieve this goal, research, universities must play in “Research Highlights.” we actually fell further behind a larger role as the source for comparatively. The 2003 Trends innovation. SECOND, Stanford, like other in International Mathematics and great universities of this century, Science Study determined that Our research initiatives in human is becoming increasingly global in secondary students in the United health, the environment and outlook. This is affecting both our States scored in the bottom third of sustainability, and international research and teaching. How can the 26 OECD countries in math and in peace and security utilize more University contribute to prosperity the bottom half in science. collaborative approaches to conduct and sustainable development in research across disciplines and underprivileged parts of the world? Addressing these challenges of schools. “Expanding Stanford’s How do we balance the preservation educating our youth to be world Contributions to Solving Global of our ecosystem with increased leaders in science and math will Challenges” details many of these demands on natural resources in not be easy. Working together, innovations and advances made by developing countries? How should pedagogical experts from our scholars and researchers over we best prepare our students for education and subject matter the past year. a world where so many aspects experts can help us to understand of their lives will be global and how to develop good teachers This is not to say that all our will require frequent interaction in science and math and how to research must be driven to find an with people around the world? improve student learning. It is 2 vital that we determine how to generations to thrive at Stanford. with teaching and of students effectively implement change in “Reaffirming Stanford’s Original learning from scholars committed our K–2 system and measure the Master Plan” describes how we are to and actively involved in research. effectiveness of our changes. Theory developing our campus to include He explained to the Class of 908: and practice must be brought new and renovated facilities that together to address the challenges incorporate the best sustainability “The real university is a school of that are faced every day in the practices while maintaining what is research. A true university is not classroom. special and unique about this place. a collection of colleges. It is not a college with an outer fringe of FOURTH, we are improving the way This is a pivotal moment in our professional schools. It is not a we educate students to prepare University’s history, a time in which cluster of professional schools.
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